Papers by Jorge Da Gloria
On etudie l'effet de la presentation d'images d'armes a feu sur la vitesse avec laque... more On etudie l'effet de la presentation d'images d'armes a feu sur la vitesse avec laquelle des sujets serrent et desserrent le poing, en tant que composantes de la disposition au combat de sujets humains
Aggressive Behavior, 1989
Revista Lusofona De Humanidades E Tecnologias, 2001
Resumo Investiga a hipótese segundo a qual o tempo de evocação de um episódio emocional reflecte ... more Resumo Investiga a hipótese segundo a qual o tempo de evocação de um episódio emocional reflecte processos motores, distintos dos processos semânticos mobilizados na evocação do conteúdo desse episódio. Participaram no estudo 125 indivíduos do sexo ...
Revista Lusófona de …, 2010
La adq&isición por el niño de las normas de regulación moral de s w propias conductas ha sido ana... more La adq&isición por el niño de las normas de regulación moral de s w propias conductas ha sido analizada desde dos enfoques teóricos contrapuestos.
Social Psychology of Aggression, 1984
Aggressive Behavior, 1994

European Journal of Social Psychology, 1977
It is shown that the notions of aggressive behavior as 'intentional emission of noxiow stimulatio... more It is shown that the notions of aggressive behavior as 'intentional emission of noxiow stimulation' (Buss, , 1963(Buss, , 1966(Buss, , 1971 and that of 'injuriating goal response ' (Dolknd, Doob, Miller, Mower and Sears, 1939) are identical. The usefulness of these theories to predict S's reaction to the reception of a given noxious stimulation is questioned. I t is suggested that S's reactions to noxious stimulation may or may not be aggressive, depending on whether the noxious stimulation S receives is interpreted as being a behavior justified by the n o m in the situation, or as reflecting an aggressive intent of 0. I t is hypothesized that the norms established in the situation depend on (i) victim's perception of the noxious stimulation received as being instrumental for 0 s goal attainment, (ii) victim's perception of the value of 0 s goal, and (iii) the value of victim's own goal. The establishment of norms regulating the exchange of noxious stimulation between Ss is operationalized in two experiments. Aggression, defined as an infringement of these norms, is measured. In Experiment I, participate 56 female students, and in Experiment 2, 80 male students. Subject is alternately victim (he performs a sensori-motor task and receives an electric shock) and aggressor (he shocks the other S ) . In Experiment I it is found that Ss counteraggress faster and more frequently if they interpret the shock received from the partner as an infringement of the norm. In Experiment 2, Ss do not counteraggress more * In preparing this paper we were greatly assistance in execution of the experiments, helped by the fruitful discussions with we are indebted to Miss FranfoisaMarie members of the staff from the Labratoire F&al and Miss May Veldhuis.

European Journal of Social Psychology, 1979
Studied experimentally the influence of norms and sex of subjects on aggressive behaviour in same... more Studied experimentally the influence of norms and sex of subjects on aggressive behaviour in same sex dyads. Two hypotheses were tested: (1)subjects will react aggressively to an unpleasant state of aflairs, i f they interpret it as being the result of violation of a norm on the part of another; (2) female subjects will display more aggression than male subjects under conditions of repeated provocation while male subjects will be more aggressive under conditions of infrequent or no provocation. In a 2 X 2 X 2 complete factorial design (norm violation versus norm enforcement; male versus female; low versus high reward for performance) 20 same sex pairs of students performed alternatively a sensory-motor task (victim) and a shock delivery task (aggressor). A s predicted, subjects who consider otherS behaviour to be a norm violation aggress more often (p < .0001). A significant interaction between sex of subject and norm violation is found in support f o r the second hypothesis ( p < .OS). It is concluded that positions grounded on the S-R paradigm are misleading for the understanding of sex diferences in aggression.
Aggressive Behavior, 1994
Aggressive Behavior, 1989
Papers by Jorge Da Gloria