1996. Contaminant accumulation and biomarker responses in flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) exposed by caging to polluted sediments in Sarrfjorden, Norway
Flounder (Platichthys flesus) is among the most commonfish-species in Norwegian and European estu... more Flounder (Platichthys flesus) is among the most commonfish-species in Norwegian and European estuaries. It lives in or on sediments from which it also finds most of its food. The aim of the present work was to evaluate biomarkers in flounder for possible future use in monitoring programmes. There were clear biomarker responses in flounder following injection of model contaminants benzo [a]pyrene (B[a]P), PCB #1_56 and Cd, singly or in sequence. Cytochrome P4501 A responded following injection of the organic contaminants and metallothionein (MT) following Cd injection. All groups receiving B[a]P, either singly or in combination with other contaminants, accumulated high levels of B[a]P-metabolites in bile. There was little change in glutathione-S-transferase activity (measured using CDNB as substrate) following the treatments. Starvation appeared to affect the response of hepatic MT to Cd, but none of the other biomarkers. PAH in sediments elicited strong biomarker responses in caged flounder, whereas sediment-associated metals appeared to be largely unavailable to flounder in this study. Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) were exposed to benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) for 14 d using a glas... more Juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) were exposed to benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) for 14 d using a glass bead generator flow-through system. Exposure was followed by a recovery period of 16d. The highest BaP concentration in the edible portion of the fish, 16.5 f 4.3 kg BaPlkg, was observed on the jirst day. Then concentrations dropped following jirst-order kinetics. BaP was below detection level at the end of the experiment. A statistically significant increase in bileJluorescence was observed from day 9 until the end of the experiment, suggesting the elimination of BaP metabolites by this route. No signiJicant d@erences between control and exposed jish in EROD activity and CYPIA concentration, measured by immunodetection method, were observed. Intraperitoneal injection of 2.5 mg BaPlkg in juvenile turbot induced EROD activity. Under waterborne experimental conditions, bile$uorescence was observed to be a more sensitive biomarker of BaP exposure than EROD activity and CYPIA measurement. 0 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Two screening methods, synchronous fluorescence spectrometry (SFS) and high performance liquid ch... more Two screening methods, synchronous fluorescence spectrometry (SFS) and high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-F), have been evaluated for their suitability in determining chrysene metabolites in fish bile. The optimal wavelength pair, excitation/emission 272/374 nm, for SFS measurements of chrysene metabolites was identified by analysis of bile taken from fish exposed to the pure compound. This analysis revealed in addition some information about the metabolite pattern. However, when bile from fish exposed to complex and environmentally relevant mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was analysed using these methods, identification of the chrysene metabolites was poor. Analysis of bile taken from fish exposed to single PAHs identified other three-and fourring aromatics as the main interfering compounds. Both methods were equally able to discriminate between impacted and reference sites by determination of relative concentrations of fluorescent three-and four-ring aromatics.
Feral Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops) were investigated for po... more Feral Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops) were investigated for polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in the Karmsund strait, western Norway. This strait is highly contaminated with PAHs, and a main source is the chronic release of gas-scrubbing euents from a local aluminium works. In both species, the level of biliary PAH metabolites and hepatic DNA adducts were higher in ®sh collected near the aluminium works. Interestingly, a signi®cantly higher level of both biliary PAH metabolites and hepatic DNA adducts was found in corkwing wrasse as compared to cod, indicating a higher potential for genotoxic eects in this species. Hepatic cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) in cod estimated by ethoxyresoru®n-O-deethylase and an immunoassay technique (ELISA), seemed to be weakly induced at the contaminated sites. At the most contaminated site, skin ulcers and ®n erosion were detected in about 70 and 45% of the cods, respectively. The data demonstrated that both cod and corkwing wrasse may be suitable target species for PAH pollution monitoring. #
In this review, a wide array of bioaccumulation markers and biomarkers, used to demonstrate expos... more In this review, a wide array of bioaccumulation markers and biomarkers, used to demonstrate exposure to and effects of environmental contaminants, has been discussed in relation to their feasibility in environmental risk assessment (ERA). Fish bioaccumulation markers may be applied in order to elucidate the aquatic behavior of environmental contaminants, as bioconcentrators to identify certain substances with low water levels and to assess exposure of aquatic organisms. Since it is virtually impossible to predict the fate of xenobiotic substances with simple partitioning models, the complexity of bioaccumulation should be considered, including toxicokinetics, metabolism, biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs), organ-specific bioaccumulation and bound residues. Since it remains hard to accurately predict bioaccumulation in fish, even with highly sophisticated models, analyses of tissue levels are required. The most promising fish bioaccumulation markers are body burdens of persistent organic pollutants, like PCBs and DDTs. Since PCDD and PCDF levels in fish tissues are very low as compared with the sediment levels, their value as bioaccumulation markers remains questionable. Easily biodegradable compounds, such as PAHs and chlorinated phenols, do not tend to accumulate in fish tissues in quantities that reflect the exposure. Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) have been successfully used to mimic bioaccumulation of hydrophobic organic substances in aquatic organisms. In order to assess exposure to or effects of environmental pollutants on aquatic ecosystems, the following suite of fish biomarkers may be examined: biotransformation enzymes (phase I and II), oxidative stress parameters, biotransformation products, stress proteins, metallothioneins (MTs), MXR proteins, hematological parameters, immunological parameters, reproductive and endocrine parameters, genotoxic parameters, neuromuscular parameters, physiological, histological and morphological parameters. All fish biomarkers are evaluated for their potential use in ERA programs, based upon six criteria that have been proposed in the present paper. This evaluation demonstrates that phase I enzymes (e.g. hepatic EROD and CYP1A), biotransformation products (e.g. biliary PAH metabolites), reproductive parameters (e.g. plasma VTG) and genotoxic parameters (e.g. hepatic DNA adducts) are currently the most valuable fish biomarkers for ERA. The use of biomonitoring methods in the control strategies for chemical pollution has several advantages over chemical monitoring. Many of the biological measurements form the only way of integrating effects on a large number of individual and interactive processes in aquatic organisms. Moreover, biological and biochemical effects may link the bioavailability of the compounds of interest with their concentration at target organs and intrinsic toxicity. The limitations of biomonitoring, such as confounding factors that are not related to pollution, should be carefully considered when interpreting biomarker data. Based upon this overview there is little doubt that measurements of bioaccumulation and biomarker responses in fish from contaminated sites offer great promises for providing information that can contribute to environmental monitoring programs designed for various aspects of ERA. #
Solid-phase analytical derivatization (SPAD) with bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) h... more Solid-phase analytical derivatization (SPAD) with bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) has successfully been used as a sample preparation method for determination of (APs) in fish bile treated with -glucuronidase and sulfatase. Derivatized APs were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the electron ionization mode (GC-EI-MS). Overall limits of detection (LODs) ranged from 5 to 18 ng/g bile for 19 out of 21 investigated compounds. LODs were not determined for 4-methylphenol and 4-tert-octylphenol due to high background levels in control bile. Recoveries ranged from 83 to 109%. The analysed APs vary in degree of alkylation from methyl (C 1 ) to nonyl (C 9 ), and represent various pollution sources, including produced water (PW) discharge from the offshore oil industry. The applicability and sensitivity of the method has been demonstrated by analysis of bile taken from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) exposed to two dilutions of PW (1:500 and 1:1500) in a continuous flow system.
The sensitivity of different tissues for assessment of chronic low-dose environmental exposure of... more The sensitivity of different tissues for assessment of chronic low-dose environmental exposure of fish to alkylphenols (APs) was investigated. We exposed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the laboratory to tritium labelled 4-tert-butylphenol, 4n-pentylphenol, 4n-hexylphenol, and 4n-heptylphenol via seawater (8 ng/l) and via contaminated feed (5 lg/kg fish per day). Measurements of different fish tissues during eight days of exposure and eight subsequent days of recovery revealed that APs administered via spiked seawater were readily taken up whereas the uptake was far less efficient when APs were administered in spiked feed. AP residues were mainly located in the bile fluid whereas the concentrations in liver were very low, indicating a rapid excretion and the liver-bile axis to be the major route of elimination. The biological half-life of APs in the exposed cod was short, between 10 and 20 h. Our study shows that in connection with biomonitoring of AP exposure in fish, assessment of AP metabolites in bile fluid is a more sensitive tool than detection of parent AP levels in liver or other internal tissues.
a b s t r a c t A biotest system for environmentally realistic exposure of fish to produced water... more a b s t r a c t A biotest system for environmentally realistic exposure of fish to produced water (PW) was developed and tested. Authentic PW was collected at an oil production platform in the North Sea and preserved by freezing in multiple aliquots a 25 L. After transport to the test laboratory onshore, daily PW aliquots were thawed, homogenised and administered to the test fish, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), in two diluted exposure concentrations, 0.1% and 0.5%, during a 15 d period, using a continuous flow-through exposure setup. Positive control groups were exposed to two crude oil treatments for comparison. Chemical analyses showed that alkylphenol (AP) and PAH concentrations in PW exposure waters were very low. Observations of significantly increased AP and PAH metabolite levels in PW exposed fish demonstrated the suitability of the biotest system for its use in biological exposure/effect studies of PW, and it also demonstrated the sensitivity of bile metabolites as PW exposure markers in fish. The relevance of the biotest system for PW effect studies and for validating modelled environmental risk estimates of PW dischargers from offshore oil production is discussed.
This document provides advice on the analysis of alkylphenol (AP) metabolites in fish bile. APs a... more This document provides advice on the analysis of alkylphenol (AP) metabolites in fish bile. APs are released to aquatic environments from many different sources related to human activities, such as offshore oil production. The method for determination of APs includes enzymatic deconjugation of fish bile followed by solid-phase analytical derivatization (SPAD) with bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA). The derivatized APs are separated, then quantified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the electron ionization mode (GC-EI-MS). Quality control measures should be implemented to ensure good performance of the method. This GC-EI-MS method allows for a selective and sensitive analytical detection of APs in fish bile.
The determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites in bile can serve as a too... more The determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites in bile can serve as a tool for assessing environmental PAH exposure in fish. Biliary PAH metabolite levels can be measured using several analytical methods, including simple fluorescence assays (fixed fluorescence detection or synchronous fluorescence spectrometry); high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-F); gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) after deconjugation, extraction and derivatization of the bile sample, and finally by advanced liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) methods. The method alternatives are highly different both with regard to their analytical performance towards different PAH metabolite structures as well as in general technical demands and their suitability for different monitoring strategies. In the present review, the state-of-the-art for these different analytical methods is presented and the advantages and limitations of each approach as well as aspects related to analytical quality control and inter-laboratory comparability of data and availability of certified reference materials are discussed.
Background: Despite the growing awareness of the necessity of a sustainable development, the glob... more Background: Despite the growing awareness of the necessity of a sustainable development, the global economy continues to depend largely on the consumption of non-renewable energy resources. One such energy
Endocrine modulation in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) exposed to 2 alkylphenols, PAHs, produced ... more Endocrine modulation in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) exposed to 2 alkylphenols, PAHs, produced water and dispersed oil. 3 4 Authors: 5
Concern has been raised over whether environmental release of alkylphenols (AP) in produced water... more Concern has been raised over whether environmental release of alkylphenols (AP) in produced water (PW) discharges from the offshore oil industry could impose a risk to the reproduction of fish stocks in the North Sea. An environmental risk assessment (ERA) was performed to determine if environmental exposure to PW APs in North Sea fish populations is likely to be high enough to give effects on reproduction endpoints. The DREAM (Dose related Risk and Effect Assessment Model) software was used in the study and the inputs to the ERA model included PW discharge data, fate information of PW plumes, fish distribution information, as well as uptake and elimination information of PW APs. Toxicodynamic data from effect studies with Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) exposed to APs were used to establish a conservative environmental risk threshold value for AP concentration in seawater. By using the DREAM software to 1) identify the areas of highest potential risk and 2) integrate fish movement and uptake/ elimination rates of APs for the chosen areas we found that the environmental exposure of fish to APs from PW is most likely too low to affect reproduction in wild populations of fish in the North Sea. The implications related to risk management of offshore PW and uncertainties in the risk assessment performed are discussed.
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill constituted an ecosystem-level injury in the northern Gulf of Mex... more The Deepwater Horizon oil spill constituted an ecosystem-level injury in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Much oil spread at 1100-1300 m depth, contaminating and affecting deepwater habitats. Factors such as oilbiodegradation, ocean currents and response measures (dispersants, burning) reduced coastal oiling. Still, N 2100 km of shoreline and many coastal habitats were affected. Research demonstrates that oiling caused a wide range of biological effects, although worst-case impact scenarios did not materialize. Biomarkers in individual organisms were more informative about oiling stress than population and community indices. Salt marshes and seabird populations were hard hit, but were also quite resilient to oiling effects. Monitoring demonstrated little contamination of seafood. Certain impacts are still understudied, such as effects on seagrass communities. Concerns of long-term impacts remain for large fish species, deep-sea corals, sea turtles and cetaceans. These species and their habitats should continue to receive attention (monitoring and research) for years to come.
1996. Contaminant accumulation and biomarker responses in flounder (Platichthys flesus L.) and Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) exposed by caging to polluted sediments in Sarrfjorden, Norway
Flounder (Platichthys flesus) is among the most commonfish-species in Norwegian and European estu... more Flounder (Platichthys flesus) is among the most commonfish-species in Norwegian and European estuaries. It lives in or on sediments from which it also finds most of its food. The aim of the present work was to evaluate biomarkers in flounder for possible future use in monitoring programmes. There were clear biomarker responses in flounder following injection of model contaminants benzo [a]pyrene (B[a]P), PCB #1_56 and Cd, singly or in sequence. Cytochrome P4501 A responded following injection of the organic contaminants and metallothionein (MT) following Cd injection. All groups receiving B[a]P, either singly or in combination with other contaminants, accumulated high levels of B[a]P-metabolites in bile. There was little change in glutathione-S-transferase activity (measured using CDNB as substrate) following the treatments. Starvation appeared to affect the response of hepatic MT to Cd, but none of the other biomarkers. PAH in sediments elicited strong biomarker responses in caged flounder, whereas sediment-associated metals appeared to be largely unavailable to flounder in this study. Copyright 0 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd
Juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) were exposed to benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) for 14 d using a glas... more Juvenile turbot (Scophthalmus maximus) were exposed to benzo(a)pyrene (BaP) for 14 d using a glass bead generator flow-through system. Exposure was followed by a recovery period of 16d. The highest BaP concentration in the edible portion of the fish, 16.5 f 4.3 kg BaPlkg, was observed on the jirst day. Then concentrations dropped following jirst-order kinetics. BaP was below detection level at the end of the experiment. A statistically significant increase in bileJluorescence was observed from day 9 until the end of the experiment, suggesting the elimination of BaP metabolites by this route. No signiJicant d@erences between control and exposed jish in EROD activity and CYPIA concentration, measured by immunodetection method, were observed. Intraperitoneal injection of 2.5 mg BaPlkg in juvenile turbot induced EROD activity. Under waterborne experimental conditions, bile$uorescence was observed to be a more sensitive biomarker of BaP exposure than EROD activity and CYPIA measurement. 0 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved
Two screening methods, synchronous fluorescence spectrometry (SFS) and high performance liquid ch... more Two screening methods, synchronous fluorescence spectrometry (SFS) and high performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-F), have been evaluated for their suitability in determining chrysene metabolites in fish bile. The optimal wavelength pair, excitation/emission 272/374 nm, for SFS measurements of chrysene metabolites was identified by analysis of bile taken from fish exposed to the pure compound. This analysis revealed in addition some information about the metabolite pattern. However, when bile from fish exposed to complex and environmentally relevant mixtures of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) was analysed using these methods, identification of the chrysene metabolites was poor. Analysis of bile taken from fish exposed to single PAHs identified other three-and fourring aromatics as the main interfering compounds. Both methods were equally able to discriminate between impacted and reference sites by determination of relative concentrations of fluorescent three-and four-ring aromatics.
Feral Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops) were investigated for po... more Feral Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) and corkwing wrasse (Symphodus melops) were investigated for polyaromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) contamination in the Karmsund strait, western Norway. This strait is highly contaminated with PAHs, and a main source is the chronic release of gas-scrubbing euents from a local aluminium works. In both species, the level of biliary PAH metabolites and hepatic DNA adducts were higher in ®sh collected near the aluminium works. Interestingly, a signi®cantly higher level of both biliary PAH metabolites and hepatic DNA adducts was found in corkwing wrasse as compared to cod, indicating a higher potential for genotoxic eects in this species. Hepatic cytochrome P4501A (CYP1A) in cod estimated by ethoxyresoru®n-O-deethylase and an immunoassay technique (ELISA), seemed to be weakly induced at the contaminated sites. At the most contaminated site, skin ulcers and ®n erosion were detected in about 70 and 45% of the cods, respectively. The data demonstrated that both cod and corkwing wrasse may be suitable target species for PAH pollution monitoring. #
In this review, a wide array of bioaccumulation markers and biomarkers, used to demonstrate expos... more In this review, a wide array of bioaccumulation markers and biomarkers, used to demonstrate exposure to and effects of environmental contaminants, has been discussed in relation to their feasibility in environmental risk assessment (ERA). Fish bioaccumulation markers may be applied in order to elucidate the aquatic behavior of environmental contaminants, as bioconcentrators to identify certain substances with low water levels and to assess exposure of aquatic organisms. Since it is virtually impossible to predict the fate of xenobiotic substances with simple partitioning models, the complexity of bioaccumulation should be considered, including toxicokinetics, metabolism, biota-sediment accumulation factors (BSAFs), organ-specific bioaccumulation and bound residues. Since it remains hard to accurately predict bioaccumulation in fish, even with highly sophisticated models, analyses of tissue levels are required. The most promising fish bioaccumulation markers are body burdens of persistent organic pollutants, like PCBs and DDTs. Since PCDD and PCDF levels in fish tissues are very low as compared with the sediment levels, their value as bioaccumulation markers remains questionable. Easily biodegradable compounds, such as PAHs and chlorinated phenols, do not tend to accumulate in fish tissues in quantities that reflect the exposure. Semipermeable membrane devices (SPMDs) have been successfully used to mimic bioaccumulation of hydrophobic organic substances in aquatic organisms. In order to assess exposure to or effects of environmental pollutants on aquatic ecosystems, the following suite of fish biomarkers may be examined: biotransformation enzymes (phase I and II), oxidative stress parameters, biotransformation products, stress proteins, metallothioneins (MTs), MXR proteins, hematological parameters, immunological parameters, reproductive and endocrine parameters, genotoxic parameters, neuromuscular parameters, physiological, histological and morphological parameters. All fish biomarkers are evaluated for their potential use in ERA programs, based upon six criteria that have been proposed in the present paper. This evaluation demonstrates that phase I enzymes (e.g. hepatic EROD and CYP1A), biotransformation products (e.g. biliary PAH metabolites), reproductive parameters (e.g. plasma VTG) and genotoxic parameters (e.g. hepatic DNA adducts) are currently the most valuable fish biomarkers for ERA. The use of biomonitoring methods in the control strategies for chemical pollution has several advantages over chemical monitoring. Many of the biological measurements form the only way of integrating effects on a large number of individual and interactive processes in aquatic organisms. Moreover, biological and biochemical effects may link the bioavailability of the compounds of interest with their concentration at target organs and intrinsic toxicity. The limitations of biomonitoring, such as confounding factors that are not related to pollution, should be carefully considered when interpreting biomarker data. Based upon this overview there is little doubt that measurements of bioaccumulation and biomarker responses in fish from contaminated sites offer great promises for providing information that can contribute to environmental monitoring programs designed for various aspects of ERA. #
Solid-phase analytical derivatization (SPAD) with bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) h... more Solid-phase analytical derivatization (SPAD) with bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA) has successfully been used as a sample preparation method for determination of (APs) in fish bile treated with -glucuronidase and sulfatase. Derivatized APs were analysed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the electron ionization mode (GC-EI-MS). Overall limits of detection (LODs) ranged from 5 to 18 ng/g bile for 19 out of 21 investigated compounds. LODs were not determined for 4-methylphenol and 4-tert-octylphenol due to high background levels in control bile. Recoveries ranged from 83 to 109%. The analysed APs vary in degree of alkylation from methyl (C 1 ) to nonyl (C 9 ), and represent various pollution sources, including produced water (PW) discharge from the offshore oil industry. The applicability and sensitivity of the method has been demonstrated by analysis of bile taken from Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) exposed to two dilutions of PW (1:500 and 1:1500) in a continuous flow system.
The sensitivity of different tissues for assessment of chronic low-dose environmental exposure of... more The sensitivity of different tissues for assessment of chronic low-dose environmental exposure of fish to alkylphenols (APs) was investigated. We exposed Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) in the laboratory to tritium labelled 4-tert-butylphenol, 4n-pentylphenol, 4n-hexylphenol, and 4n-heptylphenol via seawater (8 ng/l) and via contaminated feed (5 lg/kg fish per day). Measurements of different fish tissues during eight days of exposure and eight subsequent days of recovery revealed that APs administered via spiked seawater were readily taken up whereas the uptake was far less efficient when APs were administered in spiked feed. AP residues were mainly located in the bile fluid whereas the concentrations in liver were very low, indicating a rapid excretion and the liver-bile axis to be the major route of elimination. The biological half-life of APs in the exposed cod was short, between 10 and 20 h. Our study shows that in connection with biomonitoring of AP exposure in fish, assessment of AP metabolites in bile fluid is a more sensitive tool than detection of parent AP levels in liver or other internal tissues.
a b s t r a c t A biotest system for environmentally realistic exposure of fish to produced water... more a b s t r a c t A biotest system for environmentally realistic exposure of fish to produced water (PW) was developed and tested. Authentic PW was collected at an oil production platform in the North Sea and preserved by freezing in multiple aliquots a 25 L. After transport to the test laboratory onshore, daily PW aliquots were thawed, homogenised and administered to the test fish, Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), in two diluted exposure concentrations, 0.1% and 0.5%, during a 15 d period, using a continuous flow-through exposure setup. Positive control groups were exposed to two crude oil treatments for comparison. Chemical analyses showed that alkylphenol (AP) and PAH concentrations in PW exposure waters were very low. Observations of significantly increased AP and PAH metabolite levels in PW exposed fish demonstrated the suitability of the biotest system for its use in biological exposure/effect studies of PW, and it also demonstrated the sensitivity of bile metabolites as PW exposure markers in fish. The relevance of the biotest system for PW effect studies and for validating modelled environmental risk estimates of PW dischargers from offshore oil production is discussed.
This document provides advice on the analysis of alkylphenol (AP) metabolites in fish bile. APs a... more This document provides advice on the analysis of alkylphenol (AP) metabolites in fish bile. APs are released to aquatic environments from many different sources related to human activities, such as offshore oil production. The method for determination of APs includes enzymatic deconjugation of fish bile followed by solid-phase analytical derivatization (SPAD) with bis(trimethylsilyl)trifluoroacetamide (BSTFA). The derivatized APs are separated, then quantified using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry in the electron ionization mode (GC-EI-MS). Quality control measures should be implemented to ensure good performance of the method. This GC-EI-MS method allows for a selective and sensitive analytical detection of APs in fish bile.
The determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites in bile can serve as a too... more The determination of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) metabolites in bile can serve as a tool for assessing environmental PAH exposure in fish. Biliary PAH metabolite levels can be measured using several analytical methods, including simple fluorescence assays (fixed fluorescence detection or synchronous fluorescence spectrometry); high-performance liquid chromatography with fluorescence detection (HPLC-F); gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) after deconjugation, extraction and derivatization of the bile sample, and finally by advanced liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) and gas chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (GC-MS/MS) methods. The method alternatives are highly different both with regard to their analytical performance towards different PAH metabolite structures as well as in general technical demands and their suitability for different monitoring strategies. In the present review, the state-of-the-art for these different analytical methods is presented and the advantages and limitations of each approach as well as aspects related to analytical quality control and inter-laboratory comparability of data and availability of certified reference materials are discussed.
Background: Despite the growing awareness of the necessity of a sustainable development, the glob... more Background: Despite the growing awareness of the necessity of a sustainable development, the global economy continues to depend largely on the consumption of non-renewable energy resources. One such energy
Endocrine modulation in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) exposed to 2 alkylphenols, PAHs, produced ... more Endocrine modulation in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) exposed to 2 alkylphenols, PAHs, produced water and dispersed oil. 3 4 Authors: 5
Concern has been raised over whether environmental release of alkylphenols (AP) in produced water... more Concern has been raised over whether environmental release of alkylphenols (AP) in produced water (PW) discharges from the offshore oil industry could impose a risk to the reproduction of fish stocks in the North Sea. An environmental risk assessment (ERA) was performed to determine if environmental exposure to PW APs in North Sea fish populations is likely to be high enough to give effects on reproduction endpoints. The DREAM (Dose related Risk and Effect Assessment Model) software was used in the study and the inputs to the ERA model included PW discharge data, fate information of PW plumes, fish distribution information, as well as uptake and elimination information of PW APs. Toxicodynamic data from effect studies with Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) exposed to APs were used to establish a conservative environmental risk threshold value for AP concentration in seawater. By using the DREAM software to 1) identify the areas of highest potential risk and 2) integrate fish movement and uptake/ elimination rates of APs for the chosen areas we found that the environmental exposure of fish to APs from PW is most likely too low to affect reproduction in wild populations of fish in the North Sea. The implications related to risk management of offshore PW and uncertainties in the risk assessment performed are discussed.
The Deepwater Horizon oil spill constituted an ecosystem-level injury in the northern Gulf of Mex... more The Deepwater Horizon oil spill constituted an ecosystem-level injury in the northern Gulf of Mexico. Much oil spread at 1100-1300 m depth, contaminating and affecting deepwater habitats. Factors such as oilbiodegradation, ocean currents and response measures (dispersants, burning) reduced coastal oiling. Still, N 2100 km of shoreline and many coastal habitats were affected. Research demonstrates that oiling caused a wide range of biological effects, although worst-case impact scenarios did not materialize. Biomarkers in individual organisms were more informative about oiling stress than population and community indices. Salt marshes and seabird populations were hard hit, but were also quite resilient to oiling effects. Monitoring demonstrated little contamination of seafood. Certain impacts are still understudied, such as effects on seagrass communities. Concerns of long-term impacts remain for large fish species, deep-sea corals, sea turtles and cetaceans. These species and their habitats should continue to receive attention (monitoring and research) for years to come.
Papers by Jonny Beyer