Book Chapters by Jonas Frykman
Papers by Jonas Frykman
A collection of articles that addresses the challenges that European ethnology is facing. Represe... more A collection of articles that addresses the challenges that European ethnology is facing. Representing a variety of localities, they give new insights and perspectives to the importance of doing empirical fieldwork and of seeing the emergence of new patterns as well as the remaking of old ones.
Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute, Jun 1, 1998
Springer eBooks, 2021
During and after the war in Croatia in the 1990’s, almost half of the 6000 partisan monuments ere... more During and after the war in Croatia in the 1990’s, almost half of the 6000 partisan monuments erected between 1945 and 1990 were demolished. National sentiments ran high and these monuments were perceived as tokens of the regime that attacked Croatia in order to deny it independence. Most of these monuments were in places were fighting in the Second World War had taken place. In other regions, they became objects which were and are being culturally bracketed. Based on ethnographic examples, mostly from the peninsula of Istria, this chapter puts nationalism into the context of local experience and production of meaning as well as in a national and international frame. It analyzes/presents monuments as dynamic objects that can be emotionally charged, physically challenged, or pass into oblivion. (Less)
Spar Av En Befolkning, 2005
Man, Jun 1, 1989
... archaic survivals not worthy of seri-ous treatment. The best historical anthropology to date ... more ... archaic survivals not worthy of seri-ous treatment. The best historical anthropology to date has been con-centrated on the medieval and early modern eras. When historians of the modern period have concerned themselves ...
Ethnologie française (Paris), 2008
Ethnologia europaea, Jun 1, 1998
I den har boken satter olika kulturforskare in minnesmarken i ett europeiskt sammanhang och visar... more I den har boken satter olika kulturforskare in minnesmarken i ett europeiskt sammanhang och visar hur de vordas eller ringaktas; hur de blir uttryck for starka kanslor och politiska manifestationer.

By 'intellectualism' as an indictment is meant the theory that all experience is a mode o... more By 'intellectualism' as an indictment is meant the theory that all experience is a mode of knowing, and that all subject-matter, all nature, is, in principle, to be reduced and transformed till it is defined in terms identical with the characteristics presented by refined objects of science as such. The assumption of 'intellectualism' goes contrary to the facts of what is primarily experienced. For things are objects to be treated, used, acted upon and with, enjoyed and endured, even more than things to be known. They are things had before they are things cognized (Dewey 1929). Den amerikanske pragmatikern John Dewey pekade i detta berömda citat på erfarenhetens betydelse vid all form av bildning. Han under-strök gång på gång faran av onödig "intellek-tualisering". Inte av förakt för förnuftet eller det rationella undersökandet, utan av rädsla för att världen blir abstrakt och därmed begrän-sad. Att veta något är nästan detsamma som att känna. Det betyder h...
Pa vag, bilder av kultur och klass / av Jonas Frykman och Orvar Lofgren -- Ingenjor Fredriksson i... more Pa vag, bilder av kultur och klass / av Jonas Frykman och Orvar Lofgren -- Ingenjor Fredriksson i framtidslandet / av Mats Lindqvist -- Husmodern moter folkhemmet / av Lissie Astrom -- Den langa vagens man / av Margareta Stigsdotter -- Ljus over bygden / av Gunnar Alsmark -- Veta sitt varde / av Lynn Akesson -- Traslott och timmerkoja / av Ella Johansson.
This is a study of how socialist monuments in Croatian Istria are ending up in cultural brackets.... more This is a study of how socialist monuments in Croatian Istria are ending up in cultural brackets. When the region today is constructing its cultural identity, these monuments belong to the parts of material culture that are inert, and averse. Delineating a territory that no longer exists, an ideology that is severely contested and a rump Yugoslavia that in the 90s was becoming a threat to the new nation - they are ending up in a cultural limbo. Other parts of the past â even the fictional like the one described in the novel Mathias Sandorf by Jules Verne â have proven to be more useful in creating a legacy for the present. The partisan monuments thus help to exclude the part of history, of which most adults have direct memories. It is argued that cultural identity is a future oriented process that is carefully selecting its memories.
Book Chapters by Jonas Frykman
Papers by Jonas Frykman
Provides an authoritative guide for researchers, instructors and students of anthropology and European studies
Discusses important emerging trends in this broadening field of research
Includes established names and rising stars who will shape the discipline in years to come.
The volume is a contribution to the upcoming field of affect research that has so far has been mainly explored in psychology and cultural stu- dies. In their texts ethnologists and anthropologists involved show how established ways of analysing culture benefit from achievements in this field. They use fieldwork to examine how people project affects onto material objects and explore how objects trigger affects.
The editors hope that this book will be read across disciplines, not only to promote the value of ethnographic work, but also to encourage theo- retically informed creative empirical approaches to affect and material culture.