Papers by Jon Sanz-Landaluze

Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) industrially used as flame retardants are nowadays conside... more Polybrominated diphenyl ethers (PBDEs) industrially used as flame retardants are nowadays considered emerging pollutants as they are endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), persistent in the environment, bioaccumulative and in addition, its hydroxylated (OH-BDEs) and methoxylated (MeO-BDEs) metabolites have similar ecotoxic properties. The aim of this work was to develop an analytical method to be applied in the study of the bioconcentration and biotransformation of BDE-47 due to its bioavailability, toxicity and high persistence and abundance in environmental samples, including humans. So, a dependable ultrasonic extraction process followed to dispersive SPE clean-up step and GC-MS-μECD detection has worked out for the determination of BDE-47 and its main biotransformation products (MeO-BDEs and OH-BDEs), considering the polarity difference. In addition, an alternative method to bioconcentration official guideline OECD 305, developed previously with zebrafish (Danio rerio) eleuthero...

Talanta, 2020
Quantification of volatile organoselenium species released by Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Stap... more Quantification of volatile organoselenium species released by Escherichia coli (E. coli) and Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus), after their growth in the presence of 1 and 2 mg Se⋅L-1 as both selenite and chitosan-modified selenium nanoparticles (Ch-SeNPs), was achieved by the application of a method based on headspace solid-phase microextraction (HS-SPME) and in-fiber internal standardization, combined with gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS). This method consisted of an initial extraction of the released volatile organoselenium compounds on the SPME fiber, followed by the extraction of internal standard (IS), deuterated dimethyl sulfide (d 6-DMS), on the same fiber before its desorption at the injection port of GC-MS. The results showed that the biotransformation of selenite and Ch-SeNPs into volatile organoselenium compounds was dependent on both the type of bacterial species and the chemical form of selenium (Se) administered. In this sense, E. coli was able to biotransform both selenite and Ch-SeNPs into dimethylselenium (DMSe) and dimethyldiselenium (DMDSe) while S. aureus, biotransformed selenite into DMSe and DMDSe and, Ch-SeNPs only into DMDSe. Additionally, the formation of a volatile mixed sulfur/selenium compound, dimethyl selenenyl sulfide (DMSeS), from Se in nanoparticulated form has been detected for the first time.
Journal of Chemical Education, 2020
An important consequence of the COVID-19 health crisis has been the suspension of face-to-face te... more An important consequence of the COVID-19 health crisis has been the suspension of face-to-face teaching activity in all teaching levels from mid-March of the academic year 2019−2020. In this sense, changes in Complutense University of Madrid toward an e-learning methodology have been made. In this work, we describe the adaptation to an online teaching model of two degree analytical chemistry courses: Pharmacy and Food Science and Technology. A mixed model has been performed for classes, using both online synchronous and asynchronous learning. The opinion of the students about this adaptation was evaluated. Although students preferred to carry out a face-to-face teaching and learning process, they found certain advantages in the online teaching modality, such as "Save time" and "Schedule flexibility".
Science of The Total Environment, 2020
• R. sativus and B. juncea are able to accumulate and biotransform SeNPs. • SeNPs were transforme... more • R. sativus and B. juncea are able to accumulate and biotransform SeNPs. • SeNPs were transformed to organic Sespecies more bioavailable for plants. • The uptake of Fe, Cu and Zn was greatly affected after SeNPs supplementation. • PCA and speciation techniques are useful tools in assessing the impact of SeNPs.
Viento Sur Por Una Izquierda Alternativa, 2010
Revista Española de …, 2008
Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Base de datos de artículos de revistas, ...

Analytical and Bioanalytical Chemistry, 2021
Antidepressant drugs are widely used for the treatment of common mental or other psychiatric diso... more Antidepressant drugs are widely used for the treatment of common mental or other psychiatric disorders such as depression, which affect about 121 million people worldwide. This widespread use has contributed to the input of these pharmaceuticals and their metabolites into the environment. The aim of this work was to develop an analytical method to quantify the most widely used antidepressant drugs, selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRI), and their main metabolites in the environment. For this, a new and reliable miniaturized extraction method based on dispersive SPE cleanup procedure for extraction of SSRI followed by derivatization with n-heptafluorobutyrylimidazole, and detection by GC-MS was developed. The methodology, including a first-order one-compartment model, was then applied to a bioconcentration study in zebrafish (Danio rerio) eleutheroembryos. The results showed low bioaccumulation of these compounds; however, a biotransformation evidence of the parent compounds...
![Research paper thumbnail of Agroecología y alianzas urbano-rurales frente a la desposesión [I/II]. I. Retos, ausencias y excesos de la planificación espacial = Agroecology and urban-rural alliances against dispossession [I/II]. I. Spatial planning challenges, absences and excesses](
Cuadernos de Investigación Urbanística, 2019
Este CIUR incluye cuatro aportaciones: En la primera Marian Simón y Jon Sanz plantean cómo para l... more Este CIUR incluye cuatro aportaciones: En la primera Marian Simón y Jon Sanz plantean cómo para los movimientos por la soberanía alimentaria, sería estratégico incidir en los mecanismos de ordenación y planificación espacial, desde los que forzar la reorganización del sistema de producción y consumo. En esa línea, Luis Alberto Bermejo y Fátima Cubas explican los conflictos derivados de los planes de espacios protegidos, que restringen usos tradicionales, las dificultades del pastoreo en zonas fragmentadas por la expansión urbana en La Orotava (Tenerife) y la experiencia de la mediación institucional para nuevos planes de ordenación. Desde otra perspectiva y mirando a las luchas alimentarias en las periferias urbanas en Lisboa (Portugal) Inés Morales reflexiona sobre las contradicciones de los planes de urbanización y las estrategias de los movimientos alimentarios y la contribución de ambos a los actuales procesos de…
Chemosphere, 2019
Impact of selenium co-administration on methylmercury exposed eleutheroembryos and adult zebrafis... more Impact of selenium co-administration on methylmercury exposed eleutheroembryos and adult zebrafish (Danio rerio): changes in bioaccumulation and gene expression
Nature and Culture, 2018
In the aftermath of the economic crisis in the city of Madrid, food geography transformed. The ur... more In the aftermath of the economic crisis in the city of Madrid, food geography transformed. The urban unemployed began to engage in agriculture in periurban areas, creating new alliances between producers and consumers. Over a period of 15 years the alternative food movement organized on the fringe gave way to agroecological civic platforms that are highly assertive, and a dialogue with political institutions has opened. A key moment in the advance of this proactive attitude came about in the municipal elections of May 2015. Activists ascended to positions of political power and the backdrop of the Milan Urban Food Policy Pact, created an opportunity for the food movement to move from protest to program, and public policies permeated by agroecological principles.

Chemosphere, Jan 26, 2017
Exposure to heavy metals has represented one of the most serious health risks of environmental po... more Exposure to heavy metals has represented one of the most serious health risks of environmental pollution over the last 50 years. Most of the bioconcentration studies that have been carried out to date explored only individual contaminants, unlike the real situations that occur in the environment. In this work, zebrafish eleutheroembryos were exposed to a mixture of CH3Hg(II), iAs(III), Ag(I) and Cd(II), and new BCFs were calculated and compared with those calculated from single metal exposures. In both cases, experimental conditions meet the OECD Test 305 conditions established for aquatic systems. In addition, spatial imaging obtained by laser ablation coupled to inductively plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP/MS), has been directly performed in these samples providing complementary information. The new BCF's have revealed some differences compared to single metal exposures when eleutheroembryos were exposed to the metal mixture, especially for iAs(III) and Cd(II). LA-ICP/MS image...
Current Green Chemistry, 2016

Journal of applied toxicology : JAT, Jan 10, 2016
In this study we evaluated the exposure effects of mixtures of five polycyclic aromatic hydrocarb... more In this study we evaluated the exposure effects of mixtures of five polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs); namely, benzo[a]anthracene, benzo[a]pyrene, benzo[b]fluoranthene, benzo[k]fluoranthene and chrysene on zebrafish embryos. Supplementation of the exposure media with 0.45% dimethyl sulfoxide and 50 ppm of Tween 20 could guarantee the solubilization and stabilization of the PAHs up to 24 h without affecting the embryos development. The exposure effects were tested by detecting the differential expression of a number of genes related to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor gene battery. Effects were detectable already after 6 h of exposure. After 24 h of exposure, all PAHs, except for benzo[a]anthracene, acted as potent inducers of the gene cyp1a1. Benzo[k]fluoranthene was the major inducer; the effect caused by the mixture at the lower concentration tested (1 ng ml(-1) ) was dominated by its presence. However, in the mixture at the highest concentration tested (10 ng ml(-1) ) it cause...
Chemosphere, 2016
The concern related to the use of nanomaterials is growing nowadays, especially the risk associat... more The concern related to the use of nanomaterials is growing nowadays, especially the risk associated with their emission or exposure. One type of nanomaterials that has attracted much attention is quantum dots (QDs). QDs incorporation in consumer goods increases the probability of their entering in the environment and then into living organisms and human. In order to evaluate their potential to be bioconcentrated, zebrafish larvae have been exposed to SeCd/ZnS QDs, after performing an exhaustive characterization of these nanoparticles under the assay conditions. These data were compared with those obtained when zebrafish larvae were exposed to ionic cadmium. Finally, distribution of ionic Cd and QDs in exposed zebrafish larvae have been evaluated by Laser Ablation ICP-MS.

Water Research, 2011
The European REACH legislation establishes the need to study the toxicity, persistence and bioacc... more The European REACH legislation establishes the need to study the toxicity, persistence and bioaccumulation of those chemicals with an exceeding production of 100tons and/or chemicals considered PBTs substances (Persistence, Bioaccumulation and Toxicity). Currently, the OECD technical guideline 305 is the most used protocol to determine bioconcentration factors of contaminants in aquatic environments. However, this procedure implies high cost and amount of adult fishes. Zebrafish (Danio Rerio) has been selected since this animal model has several advantageous features over other vertebrates, mainly fast embryonic development and easy growth. The analytical methodology here developed has been applied to calculate the bioconcentration factors (BCFs) of two contaminants: inorganic arsenic and tributyltin (measured as arsenic and tin). The method is based on the use of an ultrasonic probe assisted extraction for accelerating the sample treatment followed by detection using graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with Zeeman correction (ZGFAAS). Results obtained for the BCFs values are in good agreement with previously reported data on freshwater aquatic organisms. In the case of arsenic, after exposing larvae to concentrations of 5 and 50μgL(-1), very low BCFs were observed (between 2.2 and 9.5); while for tributyltin, the BCFs observed were within the range 840-1280 after exposure to concentrations of 0.2 and 2.0μgL(-1), respectively. This study shows the use of zebrafish larvae together with the proposed analytical approach as a promising alternative to the OECD 305 test to evaluate the BCFs of classical and emergent contaminants.
J. Anal. At. Spectrom., 2011
This study examined the effects of arsenic exposure and the biotransformation capacity of develop... more This study examined the effects of arsenic exposure and the biotransformation capacity of developing Iberian green frogs (Rana perezi) with the main aim of finding valid biomarkers to monitor pollution and toxicological problems. Total arsenic concentration and arsenic ...
Papers by Jon Sanz-Landaluze