Papers by Jolanta Abramauskiene
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2019
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on SOCIAL SCIENCES and ARTS Proceedings
Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij
Darbas atliktas 1998-2002 metais Vilniaus pedagoginiame universiteteBibliogr.: p. 22Vytauto Didži... more Darbas atliktas 1998-2002 metais Vilniaus pedagoginiame universiteteBibliogr.: p. 22Vytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij
The research allows making conclusions that the musical situation at an elementary school is unsa... more The research allows making conclusions that the musical situation at an elementary school is unsatisfactory. One of the reasons is musical competence of elementary school teachers. The programme of music for an initial class of a comprehensive school presents high requirements to musical competence. The teachers should own knowledge in the field of the theory and history of music, methods of musical education, singing and instrumental playing skills, to known modern children’s repertoire, and to own alive speech. With this purpose, 204 teachers of elementary schools from all over Lithuania were interrogated. They have expressed their point of view about music, handicaps for conducting musical lessons, problems of teachers training and lack of musical contents

The musical expression of 6-8 year old children (singing, playing, creation, musical performances... more The musical expression of 6-8 year old children (singing, playing, creation, musical performances) is prevailing, integrating and supporting all the other musical practices. The scope of the article is limited only to one kind of musical activities, i.e., to singing, because it is one of the most accessible musical activities to pre-primary and junior school age children, which provides them with conditions for their self-expression. The research aim is to compare 6-8 year old children’s singing voice development and to define the assessment criteria of the development of singing voice in musical education classes. 225 6– 8 year old children from Lithuania, Latvia and Taiwan took part in the research. The abilities to control the singing voice were evaluated applying the methodology “The Children Singing Voice Measure” (CSVM). The data analysis and conclusions were based on the results of testing indicators. The determined criteria for assessment of empiric features (indicators) may enable music teachers to identify the level of singing voice of this age children and peculiarities of its expressionVytauto Didžiojo universitetasŠvietimo akademij

Some pupils’ weakening motivation for learning is related to the crisis of the teenage years. The... more Some pupils’ weakening motivation for learning is related to the crisis of the teenage years. The article raises the problem of motivation for learning music by teenagers. The investigation seeks to reveal factors of motivation for learning related to a pupil himself/herself and to organisation of the educational process. The investigation results showed that almost all factors of motivation for learning music are not extremely important or are absolutely unimportant to the majority of pupils. However, more than one fourth of the pupils under investigation indicated that it was very important to have a competent music teacher. The majority of the pupils think that music is useful subject at school. The analysis of the investigation results shows that inner drives strengthening motivation for learning music are not strong and deeply realised. The results obtained when studying the pupils’ self-respect substantiate this conclusion especially clearly. The investigation results revealed that low motivation for learning music depended on the sex and general interest in music. Almost one third of girls think that pleasure experienced when singing, playing, listening to music is of great importance and only less than one tenth of boys admit this. The investigation results showed statistically significant difference between pupils’ interest in music and pleasure experienced when playing music and satisfaction with music lessons. In conclusion it can be stated that teenagers give greater importance to motivation factors related to organising the process of musical education that to their inner drives

Global Journal of Arts Education, 2020
This article analysed the role of intuition in music education. Since success needs insight and q... more This article analysed the role of intuition in music education. Since success needs insight and quick perception, otherwise called intuition, this article aimed to reveal how it is possible to achieve music teacher’s activity. Also, the content of the role of a contemporary music teacher was identified and five aspects were distinguished: significance as an educator and as an authority, the importance of teacher’s personality, creativity and value-based aspects. The research content of the role of a contemporary music teacher justifies the possibilities for intuition in music education and extends its boundaries. The content of the role of a contemporary music teacher revealed during the research substantiates possibilities of intuition in music education and expands its boundaries. The analysis of the research results is meaningful for the improvement of music education. Keywords: Music education, the role of a contemporary music teacher, intuition.

Musical education belongs to significant spheres of personality development and human expression.... more Musical education belongs to significant spheres of personality development and human expression. Music develops human imagination, enhances the emotional experience, evokes the human ability to perceive the organised world of sounds and stimulates the esthetical experience of this world. Many studies have shown that the importance of musical education is more important for primary school pupils than in later years. If before this age, in the families or schools the music education is not given enough attention, the child loses a lot (musical receptiveness, specific visual thinking), and later this kind of abilities for various reasons (disharmony of physical, emotional development, etc.) are more suppressed. Therefore, much of significance must be devoted to the musical education of future primary school teachers. The research data from qualitative and quantitative study analysis have highlighted the peculiarities of musical and pedagogical psychological competencies of primary school teachers.

Contemporary Educational Researches Journal, 2017
The national values from students’ point of view are analysed in the article, aiming to answer ... more The national values from students’ point of view are analysed in the article, aiming to answer the questions: which national values are the priority, what does it mean today to be a true representative of the nation, what factors influence students’ expression of national values. Today’s young people are characterized by high flexibility, mobility, adaptability to changing living conditions, constantly changing rules and norms. Every day new technologies are invented, a variety of new information flows promoting more different ideas. Therefore, youth’s understanding of things and their use, attitude toward traditional relationships in society, family change, national values are viewed differently. In the article it is discussed whether globalized trends influenced the value position of respondents, and based on authors of pedagogy the attempt is made to uncover why in such society it is important to preserve the fundamental national values. The answers to these questions are...
International Conference on Education, 2019
The importance of the teacher's role in society is predetermined by developing and everincreasing... more The importance of the teacher's role in society is predetermined by developing and everincreasing advances in science, technology and social relations, which also create new demands for young people and adults. This article analyses expectations of students (pre-service music teachers) about the competences of a contemporary music teacher. The concept of the professional music teacher is revealed and validated; successful professional activities of music teachers are also highlighted. The data of the qualitative research (content analysis) related to the music teacher's personal traits, general pedagogical and subject-specific competences are introduced. It has been revealed that scholarly music teachers have certain traits, which reveal themselves through the teacher's professionalism, competence, personal qualities and values.
The European Proceedings of Social and Behavioural Sciences, 2019
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-No... more This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial 4.0 Unported License, permitting all non-commercial use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.

Global Journal of Information Technology, 2016
On the basis of research material analysis the paper aims to determine the changes happening in m... more On the basis of research material analysis the paper aims to determine the changes happening in music education, which were brought about by the application of computer technologies. The possible trends of applying computer technologies in musical education are analyzed. The changes in the society and the development of computer technologies promote a new approach to the process of musical education. The use of computer technologies in the process of musical education presents new opportunities: music can be recorded, created, it is possible to ply different instruments, learn the theory of music, develop one‘s hearing, search for new information by means of the internet resources. Computer technologies is significant for the professional competences of the trainee teachers of music and can complement tne training of teachers of music. The article presents the analysis of the future teachers’ attitudes to the application of computer technologies in musical education and highlights t...
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences, 2017
The research is concerned with the aim of comparing children's singing and vocal teaching develop... more The research is concerned with the aim of comparing children's singing and vocal teaching development in Lithuania and Taiwan. Singing is the most noticeable feature of musical culture of the nation. Seeking the continuity of traditions of teaching singing, the nurturance of children's singing in various countries is considered to be one of the key objectives of music education. Therefore, the research teams from Lithuania and Taiwan have decided that the importance of the development of a child's voice requires more attention. In total 150 6-8 yearold children took part in the research (testing): 75 children in each age group were tested in Lithuania and Taiwan. The methodology for "Children's Singing Voice Measure" (CSVM) was used in the research. The conducted research highlighted the tendencies of expression of 6-8

Pedagogika, 2015
In the context of world globalization nowadays, issues of nationality arise again. They become re... more In the context of world globalization nowadays, issues of nationality arise again. They become relevant in the condition of country integration and mixing of nations. The current problem is important enough to be researched, as Lithuania is becoming a more cosmopolitan state, the need for usage of foreign languages increases and nations internationalize. The aim of the research is to explore future primary school teacher’s attitudes towards national values. There were 93 students questioned in the 2012 at Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences. The analysis of the research results show that students have all the national values: they are proud of their nationality, religion, traditions, proud of their beautiful language, their honourable Lithuanian state, beautiful nature and architectural buildings. Majority of the students said that it’s very important residential place, because of its beautiful nature, their relationship with the people living here, because it’s theirs bir...

Pedagogika, 2014
Nowadays modern competetive labor market situation results the diffuculties to adapt to the young... more Nowadays modern competetive labor market situation results the diffuculties to adapt to the younger generation rather than the people with other age groups. People who are trying to employ are being asked much more requirements, that‘s why it’s very important to highlight those motives, which are related to the choice of profession. Beause of the motives, it depends every activity and it’s success. Scientists note, that it is very important to know your motives, that you can adjust and control them; because the intensity, direction of the activity and comunicationcan be changed by changing the motives. In the research there were 115 Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences music pedagogy study program students.Research aim – to examine Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences music pedagogy program selection of the motives and their alteration during the study year.Research objective: to identify the students with music pedagogy bachelor study program selection for their p...
Papers by Jolanta Abramauskiene