Papers by Johnson OPATEYE

Journal of infrastructure, policy and development, Apr 23, 2024
In regard to national development (ND), this review article (which is basically a perspective app... more In regard to national development (ND), this review article (which is basically a perspective approach) presents retroactive and forward-looking perspectives on university education in Nigeria. In the past, particularly during the 1970s, the Nigerian university (NU) sector was among the most outstanding in Africa as well as globally. The best institutions drew students from around Africa, who flocked to Nigeria to study. The NU structure evidently contained four essential components for an international and effective university system, viz., world-class instructors, world-class students, a conducive learning environment, and global competitiveness. The NU structure, nevertheless, has undergone some neglect over the past thirty years and lost its distinctive identity, which raises questions about its function and applicability at the current stage of ND. Hence, some retrospective and forward-looking observations on university education in Nigeria in connection to ND are conveyed in this perspective article uses basically published articles and other relevant literature, as well as other sources and data from available literature. Hitherto, there is an urgent need for reinforcement of the university system in order to give it the desired and comparable international quality and functionality needed to meet the demands of current issues and the near future. However, this article conveys an intense belief and conviction that the NU system is still important for both the political and socioeconomic development (growth) of the nation. The article concludes by recommending the way forward in this regard.

The study examined the influence of teachers' classroom attendance on senior secondary school stu... more The study examined the influence of teachers' classroom attendance on senior secondary school students' achievement and interest in Biology. It aimed at discovering ways of stimulating students' interest and achievements in Biology in Senior Secondary School. The research design used for the study was descriptive survey. The target population for the study was senior secondary school three students SSS3 in Karu LGA of Nasarawa state. Data were collected from 180 SSS3 students which served as sample from six selected schools in Karu LGA of Nasarawa state through simple random sampling. Two research questions and two hypotheses were generated to guide the study. The instrument used for the collection of data for the study was Teachers' classroom attendance questionnaire (TCAQ) developed by the researchers. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was 0.71 using Cronbach Alpha. The analysis used to analyse the data collected for study was descriptive statistics to answer the research questions while Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) was used to test the hypotheses. Scheffe was used as Post Hoc to ascertain the direction of the significance among the levels. Findings revealed that the extent to which teachers' classroom attendance for teaching and learning processes of senior secondary school biology students was therefore high. Also, the students whose teachers had high classroom attendance had highest achievement and interest to Biology. There was significant difference in senior secondary schools students' achievement in Biology, considering teachers' classroom attendance levels. There was significant difference in senior secondary school student's interest in Biology based on teachers' classroom attendance levels (F(2, 177) = 30.514, P<0.05). It is therefore recommended that Biology teachers should sustain constant classroom attendance in order to improve students' academic achievement and interest in the subject. Principals should acknowledge and commend the heightened level of teacher presence in biology classrooms at the senior secondary school level.

International Journal of Research and Innovation in Social Science, 2024
The paper focused on how learners' characteristics influenced cognitive test anxiety among studen... more The paper focused on how learners' characteristics influenced cognitive test anxiety among students of National Open University of Nigeria. The research design used for the study was cross-sectional survey, drawing on the population of 200,000 students at 200 to 400 levels, a sample of 460 were selected using simple sampling technique. Four hypotheses were tested at 0.05 level of significance. The instrument used for this study was Open and Distance Learners' Cognitive Test Anxiety Questionnaire (ODLCTAQ) constructed by the researcher. The reliability coefficient of the instrument was 0.83 using Cronbach Alpha statistics. Chi-square statistics was used to analyse the data in order to test the hypotheses. The findings showed that the influence of employment status on students' cognitive test anxiety was not significant (ꭓ 2 (6)= 3.028; P=.805) but that students' academic discipline had significant influence on students' cognitive test anxiety (ꭓ 2 (12) = 25.942; P=.011). Also, geopolitical zone of NOUN students had significant influence on cognitive test anxiety (ꭓ 2 (6)= 20.331; P=.002). It is therefore recommended that management of National Open University of Nigeria should schedule well-spaced out examination timetable in order to take care of the students who are civil servants and those that work in the private companies to have more time to prepare for examinations so as to reduce their cognitive test anxiety. Faculties should put in place various means of reducing the cognitive test anxieties of the students through effective facilitations, discussions and practical sessions.

Online facilitation remains a critical component of instructional delivery in single-mode and dua... more Online facilitation remains a critical component of instructional delivery in single-mode and dual-mode Open and Distance Learning (ODL) institutions across the world. This study focuses on assessing learners' participation and challenges in online facilitation in Open and Distance Learning (ODL) institutions in Nigeria. A Cross-sectional case study survey research design was adopted for the study. The population consists of undergraduate learners from the only single-mode ODL institution in the country (NOUN) and the two oldest dual-mode institutions from Eastern and Southern regions (UNN and DLI, UNILAG) during the 2021/2022 Academic Session. Participants were purposefully selected based on availability and willingness to participate in the study. The total sample size of the study was 829 learners participated in the study. Two research questions guided the study and two hypotheses tested at 0.05 level of significance. The instrument used for data collection was; the Students' Participation in Online Facilitation Inventory Scale (SPOFIS) and a reliability coefficient value of 0.80 was obtained using Cronbach Alpha. Data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics such as frequency counts, percentages, mean, standard deviation and Analysis of Variance (ANOVA). The finding reveals that the mean difference in the level of participation in online facilitation across learners' courses of study was found not to be statistically significant (p > 0.05). Based on the identified challenges, it is, therefore, recommended that ODL institutions should endeavor to make affordable internet available to learners across courses of study, in order to improve their participation in online facilitation.
IFE Psychologia: An International Journal, Mar 1, 2014

The Journal of Engineering and Exact Sciences
Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the education sector has been seriously impacted, le... more Since the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the education sector has been seriously impacted, leading to the migration of academic offerings to online learning mode. This investigation focuses on the experiences of engineering students offering Thermodynamics as a subject at a University of Technology in South Africa, as they transition to online academic platforms. Resource availability, such as a quantitative learning platform and access to computer laboratories on campus, as well as other institutional supports, were evaluated. A total of 100 students offering the Engineering Thermodynamics module participated in the surveys and responded to the questionnaire. The study identified various constraints that affected the students' learning experience due to the online learning format, including connectivity issues, time management, inadequate university support, limited understanding of online learning platforms, and high cost of data. Various strategies were recommended to add...

The Intuition: An International Journal, 2023
The mode of assessment administration is fast changing for students of higher institutions all ov... more The mode of assessment administration is fast changing for students of higher institutions all over the world. The current occurrences of COVID-19 pandemic which forbids clustering of people in one place and also put up the protocol of social distancing negates the traditional administration of examination in hall where all students are seated to take the examination. There is therefore the need to build formidable strategies through which assessments are conducted to students in technology-driven era using online proctoring system. However, learners need to be ready to take the advantage of proctoring systems to maximize the flexibilities it affords resilient assessment administration. A cross-sectional survey was carried out on five hundred and twenty six (526) National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN) students from six geopolitical zones in Nigeria and across four faculties and one academic Centre of Excellence. Five research questions were answered. An online survey questionnaire which was validated by experts and with a reliability coefficient of 0.86 using Cronbach Alpha was used to collect data for the study. Descriptive, t-test and analysis of variance were used to analyse data. Scheffe post hoc was used to ascertain the direction of significance between paired variable categories. It was discovered that NOUN students agreed that proctoring online examination system was a means of building resilient assessment administration in institutions of higher learning. Male NOUN students considered using proctoring online examination system as a means of building resilient assessment administration better than the female students. Also, students that are highly ready for proctoring online examination system had the highest opinion that the system could help to build resilience in assessment administration. National Open University of Nigeria should boost the implementation of proctoring online examination system in order to enable effective resilient assessment administration.

Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences
The study focuses on the accessibility of instructional material for effective teaching in second... more The study focuses on the accessibility of instructional material for effective teaching in secondary (high) schools in Eleme, Rivers State, Nigeria. The population of the study consisted of 450 teachers from eight secondary (high) schools using a structured research questionnaire. The questionnaires were administered to 78 teachers from eight secondary (high) schools. Percentages (%) and frequency counts were used to assess the data that had been obtained. The numerical values of the estimated % of the response options’ values served as the basis for the decision. Any item with a % score of 50 or higher was considered to be accessible (available), whereas % values lower than 50 were considered to be unavailable. The analysis's findings indicated that these secondary (high) schools had a poor supply of instructional materials for efficient instruction. The little teaching resources that were provided were insufficient, and the teachers either could hardly use them or did not know...
Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning, Sep 1, 2022

African Research Review, 2012
The study investigated the awareness and preparation of secondary school science teachers for the... more The study investigated the awareness and preparation of secondary school science teachers for the challenges of Vision 20: 2020 in South West, Nigeria. Using a survey research design, four research questions were used. A 50-item structured questionnaire with reliability index of 0.82 was used for data collection. Nine hundred science teachers were randomly selected from three South Western states in Nigeria. Descriptive statistics (mean and Chi-square), t-test and multiple regression analysis were used to analyse the data. The results showed that science teachers have low awareness of Vision 20: 2020 educational goals with Ogun state teachers having the least. A significant difference in awareness was noticed between public and private and also between rural and urban science teachers. No significant difference was observed in the level of preparation between rural and urban but there exist significant difference between public and private science teachers. Science teachers' computer illiteracy, inadequate infrastructures,

Tenth Pan-Commonwealth Forum on Open Learning
The Covid-19 pandemic brought to light huge gaps in education systems globally. Many African coun... more The Covid-19 pandemic brought to light huge gaps in education systems globally. Many African countries were unable to respond quickly to the impact of the pandemic. Additionally, in Nigeria, insurgency and insecurity are daily realities that have equally disrupted schools, forcing them to shut down. As a result, many institutions adopted emergency, remote teaching and learning approaches, recognising the potential of open, distance and eLearning (ODeL) to mitigate the disruptions and therefore contribute to building resilience. However, many of these interventions lack appropriate ODeL design and pedagogical features. A Tertiary Education Trust Fund (TETFund), National Research Fund (NRF)-sponsored project titled "Setting an Agenda for Research into Open, Distance, and eLearning in the Global South: Nigeria as a Case Study" set out to identify gaps, priority areas, and research trends to inform ODeL policy, and guide practice in the context of the various challenges. The p...

Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2012
The paper examines the centrality of Science and Technology Process Skills (STPSs) in Universal B... more The paper examines the centrality of Science and Technology Process Skills (STPSs) in Universal BasicEducation (UBE) learning environment in Nigeria. UBE programme was implemented in Nigeria toascertain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in order to make education free and compulsory toall school age children up to junior secondary school level. It also looked at the position of the STPS,structure for measuring STPS at the UBE school levels. Since Science and Technology (ST) teachers couldonly transfer the skills in them to students, basic STPS that are necessary for complete teacher educationwere also outlined. Therefore, the teaching and learning of science, technology and mathematics at boththe primary and junior secondary schools should not end at seeing the cognitive final outcome but alsodeveloping and assessing the process skills that have been acquired by the students. Science andtechnology curricula need to be modified to engender opportunities for students to demonstr...

The study investigated relationship between emotional intelligence, test anxiety, stress, academi... more The study investigated relationship between emotional intelligence, test anxiety, stress, academic success and attitudes towards electrochemistry of chemistry students in high schools. This study employed correlational research design. Stratified sampling technique was used to select six hundred Senior secondary school three chemistry students from 24 secondary school in Lagos state. Two instruments were used to collect data from the participants. One was Students' Emotional Intelligence, Stress and Test Anxiety Questionnaire (SEISTAQ) with reliability coefficients of 0.76, 0.83 and 0.71 respectively using Cronbach Alpha. Electrochemistry Achievement test contained multiple choice items with options A to D and the reliability coefficient was 0.79 using Kuder-Richardson-20 formula. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics to answer the research questions while Pearson product moment correlation was utilised to test hypotheses at o.05 level of significance. Th...

Progressio: South African Journal for Open and Distance Learning Practice, 2016
This paper examines the level of difficulty lecturers experience in constructing test items for ... more This paper examines the level of difficulty lecturers experience in constructing test items for various types of tests based on gender and institutional mode of delivery in an Open and Distance Learning higher education context. Descriptive cross-sectional survey research was adopted as the research paradigm, using lecturers from one single mode and one dual mode ODL institution in South West Nigeria as the study population. Stratified simple random sampling techniques were used to select 240 lecturers as the sample. Three research questions and two hypotheses guided the study’s investigation. A questionnaire with a reliability coefficient of 0.78 using Cronbach’s alpha value was used as the research instrument. Frequency, percentages, t-test statistics and charts were utilised to analyse the data. The results showed that ODL lecturers exhibited moderate levels of difficulty in test item construction. Female ODL lecturers found case study, multiple choice, matching, essay, and comp...

Science Education International, 2022
This research focused on the impact of research- and assessment-based instruction on senior high ... more This research focused on the impact of research- and assessment-based instruction on senior high school students’ achievement in selected chemistry topics. A 3 × 2 × 2 pre-test and post-test control group in a quasi-experimental research design was used on a population of Grade 11 chemistry students in Ojo Local Government Area of Lagos state. Two schools (one public and one private) were randomly assigned to each of the treatments. A sample of 240 chemistry students was used. Three research questions were answered and five hypotheses were tested. The reliability coefficient of the “Chemistry achievement test” was found to be 0.770 using the Kuder–Richardson Formula 20. Research-based, assessment-based, and conventional instruction manuals were also developed. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive statistics and analysis of covariance. It was found that the impact of assessment- and research-based instruction on senior high school students’ achievement in the selected t...
The paper examines the centrality of Science and Technology Process Skills (STPSs) in Universal B... more The paper examines the centrality of Science and Technology Process Skills (STPSs) in Universal Basic Education (UBE) learning environment in Nigeria. UBE programme was implemented in Nigeria to ascertain the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) in order to make education free and compulsory to all school age children up to junior secondary school level. It also looked at the position of the STPS,

International Journal on Research in STEM Education, 2021
Assessment is essential in the learning and teaching process. In chemistry teaching, deployment o... more Assessment is essential in the learning and teaching process. In chemistry teaching, deployment of assessment to ascertain the levels of assimilation and understanding of concepts being taught in the class is considered central in the learning process. Through the assessment for learning, teachers check students’ understanding and get valuable feedback data on students’ learning. This data is used to modify and improve instruction. Educational world order has drastically changed due to the emergency of COVID-19 that influenced the modes of educational delivery at such a time like this. The only option to deliver learning and assessment processes is the deployment of technology to be able to meet the demands of pandemic and its associational protocols. Information and Communication Technology (ICT) affects every facet of life including education. This paper, therefore, examined the nature of assessment of chemistry learning and the ICT tools that are required to drive the assessment ...

The study investigated science teachers’ perception and readiness for elearning instructional del... more The study investigated science teachers’ perception and readiness for elearning instructional delivery in secondary schools in South Western Nigeria. The study employed a survey research design. The sample for the study comprised 250 science teachers and 2,500 SSSIII science students. Two instruments were used namely e-Learning Science Teachers’ Perception and Readiness Questionnaire (r=.82) and Science–based Achievement Test (r=.73) to collect data. Five hypotheses were generated and tested. t-test, analysis of variance and Pearson moment correlation statistics were used to analyse the data. The results showed that there was a significant difference in male and female science teachers’ perception of e-learning and also of their readiness for e-learning instructions. There existed no significant difference between private and public science teachers’ perception and also their readiness for e-learning instruction. There was a significant difference in teachers’ perception of e-learni...

African Journal of Studies in Education, 2021
Entrepreneurship is the practice of consistently converting goods and ideas into productive and p... more Entrepreneurship is the practice of consistently converting goods and ideas into productive and profitable commercial ventures and an ability to think creatively and become an effective problem solver. This study is therefore an assessment of entrepreneurship skills among Open and distance learning undergraduate students in National Open University of Nigeria (NOUN). Using crosssectional survey design, NOUN undergraduate students in Lagos state formed the population for the study. Six hundred NOUN students formed the sample and were selected through simple random technique. The study answered two research questions and tested four hypotheses. One questionnaire was used as instrument which had a reliability coefficient of 0.71 using test-retest. Data were analysed using descriptive, t-test and analysis of variance. Results showed that students in NOUN exhibited entrepreneurship skills in determination, commitment, self-efficacy confidence and information communication and technology and developed entrepreneurship skill through the undertaking of GST courses, training/seminars, information literacy, starting a small business, reading entrepreneurship books, listening to talks and reading magazines. Female students had higher entrepreneurship skills than their male counterparts. It is therefore recommended that NOUN management should maintain the incubation centre system of entrepreneurship so as to make students create ideas, grow them and boost entrepreneurship skills.
Papers by Johnson OPATEYE