Papers by Johnson Egwakhe

European Journal of Business and Management, 2019
Effort towards retaining committed of regular non-academic staff has remained a recurrent concern... more Effort towards retaining committed of regular non-academic staff has remained a recurrent concern, indicating that, employees' commitment among university workers, could have been compromised. However, even when investigated into, more extrinsic and less intrinsic factors are applied to determine the commitment. Hence, the study approached this gap from job-characteristics dimensions to employee continuance commitment. The crosssectional survey research design was adopted and, data collected from 377 regular non-academic staff using validated and reliable copies of a questionnaire. Multiple regression analysis was applied as the inferential statistics. Results from multiple regression analysis conducted found that job-characteristics dimensions had a significant effect on employee continuance commitment [R = 0.726, F(5, 371) = 78.081, p < 0.05]. Also, task identity, task significance, and feedback had a significant positive effect on continuance commitment. On the strength of the statistical findings, it was recommended for management emphasize on task identify, significance and, feedback to enable continuance commitment of non-academic staff.

International journal of multidisciplinary and current research, Apr 15, 2020
Birth-effect (month of birth, gender and birth order) sounds strange, new, and multi-dimensional ... more Birth-effect (month of birth, gender and birth order) sounds strange, new, and multi-dimensional in assessing SMEs performance in Ogun State, Nigeria. Person-birth characteristics are too fragmented and paucity in literature have not associated or denote its influence on SMEs performance. The study examines birth-effect on performance of selected Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Ogun State. Respondents were 183 SME owners in Ogun state. Stratified Sampling technique was first used which helped to group SMEs owners and then simple random sampling was ultilised to arrive at the sampling size. A validated and reliable questionnaire instrument was employed to gather data. Three hypotheses were tested through simple linear regression analysis. The study found that owner's month of birth has significance influence on SMEs' monthly net-profit (P-value of 0.000<0.005); owner's birth order has significance influence on SMEs startup capital (P-value of 0.002<0.005); and no significant influence was found between gender and number of SMEs employees (p-value of 0.070>0.005). Therefore, the study concludes that being born in early months of the year would increase netprofit of SMEs proportionally and being a first born or twins attracts parental favour which culminated into raising more start-up capital for SMEs when compared with siblings. Hence, the study recommends that birth factors should carefully be considered as quintessential factors of SMEs performance.
International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development, Apr 13, 2021

Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Jul 20, 2021
The strength of an organisation lies predominantly in her personnel as the creative person. Howev... more The strength of an organisation lies predominantly in her personnel as the creative person. However, limited studies on well-being input exist in developing countries. Also, the scope and methodological gap in a previous study conducted on flexible well-being and smart-head necessitated this study. Thus, the paper determined the effect and sensitivity relationship of redefined well-being dimensions on creative person. A cross-sectional survey research design was used while a validated questionnaire was distributed and 532 retrieved from academic staff ranked as Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor and Professor. The multi-stage random sampling technique was applied to eight selected private universities in SouthWest Nigeria. Findings from multiple regression analysis conducted revealed that redefined well-being had a combined positive significant effect on creative person [(Adj. R 2 = 0.331 (F (6, 525) = 44.877, p<0.05)] and the artificial neural network analysis showed technological work environment as the best individual predictor. The paper strengthens the Person-Environment (P-E) Fit Theory assumptions and the position to consistently redefine well-being input as a maxim to stimulate academics' creativity for a novel knowledge-based economy, patent, and ranking.
Strategic Journal of Business & Change Management, Apr 13, 2021

Journal of Business and Entrepreneurship, Oct 5, 2021
The study investigated operational efficiency through operational resilience of private universit... more The study investigated operational efficiency through operational resilience of private universities in Southwest Nigeria during COVID-19. Private universities were established to impact knowledge, enabled unhindered learning and timely turnout of graduates since their inception in 1999. However, private universities' operational efficiency was challenged and truncated by the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, which motivated the thrust to determine their operational resilience along with their efficiency. Primary data were obtained from academic lecturers in eight selected private universities in Southwest Nigeria. The questionnaire used was adapted, and the validity and reliability were established. Findings showed that operational resilience significantly affected the operational efficiency of the universities. Therefore, institutions should leverage technology to enhance response and fast-track learning to drive their operational efficiency in the face of disruptions and pandemic.
Nigeria services sector is faced with stiff and intense competition due to homogeneity in service... more Nigeria services sector is faced with stiff and intense competition due to homogeneity in service design and leadership has hindered their competitive advantage. This study queries the effect of strategic leadership dimensions on the competitive advantage of service firms in Lagos and Ogun States, Nigeria. Cross sectional research design was adopted and primary data were collected through an adapted questionnaire. The respondents were two hundred and seventy-seven top management of the selected service firms. The multiple regression results revealed that strategic leadership dimensions significantly affected competitive advantage with reference to risk-taking, decision making and strategic intent at 5% level of significance. The paper proposes that risk taking, decision making and adherence to strategic intent should be imbibed towards gaining competitive advantage

Abstract: Mismanagement and recurring strikes in the Nigerian educational sector have institution... more Abstract: Mismanagement and recurring strikes in the Nigerian educational sector have institutionalized a legacy of intellectual poverty and criminality among youth. Unchecked persistent strikes have led to progressive deterioration in infrastructure and academic quality, leading to criminal activities among the youth. This study utilizes the concept of alternative educational backgrounds to interpret the density of crimes among youth in Nigeria. The research draws empirical evidence from Nigeria Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and supports it with a field survey. The collated data were subjected to both descriptive and regression analyses. The statistical results show that neglect of education is significantly correlated with criminal and mendicant (area-boyism) behavior among youth. This paper recommends that for the nation’s education to have an impact in reducing crime there is a need to inject vibrancy into the educational system in order to encourage and enhance educational quality...

This paper empirically explored development in Africa in relation to the global trading system (t... more This paper empirically explored development in Africa in relation to the global trading system (trade and tariff) using panel data technique. It examined the economic development of African economies in relation to the countries’ regional grouping and also assessed Random Effects (RE) and Generalised Method of Moments (GMM) estimates. The results established, among other things, that sub-regions with higher level of domestic investment had higher values in economic development indicators. It was also found that domestic investment and labour played a more crucial role in Africa’s economic development process. The challenge noted was the fact that increased trade integration do not translate to increased economic development in Africa. Thus the option is to improve domestic investment and enhance labour productivity, which are more crucial for economic development than trade and tariff.
African …, 2008
... defence‑mechanism without a proportionate evaluation of the lost confidence in areas of corru... more ... defence‑mechanism without a proportionate evaluation of the lost confidence in areas of corruption, financial fraud, power outage ... and Thailand) in 1999 and suggested that a country should look beyond reserve and debt management to structure its international liquidity ...
Pakistan Economic and …, 2009
... Ebhodaghe, JU (1994), Boardroom/Management practices and distress in the banking system. NDIC... more ... Ebhodaghe, JU (1994), Boardroom/Management practices and distress in the banking system. NDIC Quarterly, Volume 4, No. 2, pp. ... EGWAKHE and OSABUOHIEN: Nigerian Service Sector Towards Vision 2020 155 ... Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 16, pp.1173-1178. ...
Pakistan Economic and …, 2009
... Ebhodaghe, JU (1994), Boardroom/Management practices and distress in the banking system. NDIC... more ... Ebhodaghe, JU (1994), Boardroom/Management practices and distress in the banking system. NDIC Quarterly, Volume 4, No. 2, pp. ... EGWAKHE and OSABUOHIEN: Nigerian Service Sector Towards Vision 2020 155 ... Journal of Banking and Finance, Volume 16, pp.1173-1178. ...
Journal of Economics and Behavioral Studies, 2020
The authors argued from business strategies perspective to understand competitive advantage among... more The authors argued from business strategies perspective to understand competitive advantage among homogenous producers. The population consisted of top and functional managers of flour mill companies in Lagos State, Nigeria. Cross sectional survey research design was adopted and primary data were collated and used. The research instrument was an adapted questionnaire. Its validity and reliability were statistically determined. Six hundred and twenty copies of the questionnaire were administered and 605 retrieved. Econometric equation was formulated and multiple regression analysis was employed for data analysis. Business strategies were found to have significantly affected competitive advantage. The study recommended product differentiation and portfolio diversification in order to achieve competitive advantage.

The work argued that foreign market opportunities, firm resources and entrepreneurial ideologies ... more The work argued that foreign market opportunities, firm resources and entrepreneurial ideologies influenced business performance of export firms but queried the exporter experience. Three hundred and ninety-five owner-managers of selected non-oil export firms were surveyed after selecting them purposively. A validated questionnaire was utilized to collect primary data, after reliability testing was conducted. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted to determine the moderating effect of export experience on the export-preneurial behaviours and business performance. From the results, the study concludes that export experience does not significantly moderate the relationship between export-preneurial behaviours and business performance. The paper recommends that managers should focus efforts on adaptation and adopting of export-preneurial behaviours in engendering improved business performance.

European Journal of Business and Management, 2019
Achieving and sustaining competitive advantages is becoming extraordinarily difficult as strategi... more Achieving and sustaining competitive advantages is becoming extraordinarily difficult as strategic intangible resources are hidden from public consumption and information asymmetry rules a turbulence business environment. The how of competitive advantage debate revolves around different constructs but technology transfer (technology infrastructure, innovation, and adoption) constitutes the focus of this work. The paper argued from technology transfer proxies to explain firms’ competitive advantage through the knowledge lenses of managers. Crosssectional survey research design was adopted, the unit of analysis was randomly selected and data were collected from 90 managers of telecommunication companies in Lagos State, Nigeria through a validated questionnaire whose reliability was established. The study provided empirical evidences that a relationship exist between technology transfer dimensions (technology adoption, technology infrastructure, and technology innovation) and competiti...

Mismanagement and recurring strikes in the Nigerian educational sector have institutionalized a l... more Mismanagement and recurring strikes in the Nigerian educational sector have institutionalized a legacy of intellectual poverty and criminality among youth. Unchecked pers istent strikes have led to progressive deterioration in in frastructure and academic quality, leading to criminal activitie s among the youth. This study utilizes the concept of alternati ve educational backgrounds to interpret the density of crimes amon g youth in Nigeria. The research draws empirical evidence from Nigeria Bureau of Statistics (NBS) and supports it with a f ield survey. The collated data were subjected to both descriptiv e and regression analyses. The statistical results show t hat neglect of education is significantly correlated with criminal and mendicant (area-boyism) behavior among youth. This paper recommends that for the nation's education to have an impact in reducing crime there is a need to inject vibrancy i nto the educational system in order to encourage and enhanc e educational qua...

European Journal of Business and Management, 2018
Entrepreneurial success is largely dependent on the strategies employed in exploiting a unique pr... more Entrepreneurial success is largely dependent on the strategies employed in exploiting a unique profitable opportunity. The utilization of tacit knowledge and innovations had enabled firms to gain competitive advantage and achieve success. This paper examined the effect of strategies on entrepreneurial success with focus on female-owned micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs). Diverse theoretical and empirical discourses were reviewed to establish relationships and effects with reference to strategies and success of MSMEs. The paper utilized primary data collected after administering validated copies of questionnaire to fifty-six female-owned enterprises in Ikenne Local Government Area of Ogun State, Nigeria. MSMEs were selected using purposive-convenient sampling technique. Hierarchical regression analysis was conducted with specified multiple regression-models to depict entrepreneurial success as a function of strategies. From the results, it was discovered that knowledge trans...

International Journal of Advanced Research, 2019
Export-preneurial Behaviours constitute strategy options deployed to expand cross-border demand a... more Export-preneurial Behaviours constitute strategy options deployed to expand cross-border demand and improve profitability of enterprises due to perceived saturated domestic markets. This paper examined the effect of export-preneurial behaviours on profitability of selected nonoil enterprises in SouthWestern Nigeria. Data were collected through validated questionnaire administered to two hundred and forty-five respondents after establishing the reliability test. Linear multiple regression analysis was conducted to depict profitability as a function of export-preneurial behaviours. The results indicated that exportpreneurial behaviours significantly affected profitability along entrepreneurial orientation, distribution logistics and trust, entrepreneurial mindset, and packaging. Social network was otherwise not significant among the surveyed firms profitability. Recommendation was pillared on social capital as this enables interconnectivity, interdependency, required orientation, mindset and trust to improve relationships which invariably influence profitability.

International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences, 2018
The study investigated trade openness effect on tax revenue performance in Nigeria from 1987-2016... more The study investigated trade openness effect on tax revenue performance in Nigeria from 1987-2016. A simple econometric model of trade openness was formulated and estimated using Ordinary Least Square (OLS) regression analysis. The unit root tests showed that Tax Revenue Performance is stationary, while trade openness is non-stationary but became stationary after the first differencing. The results revealed that trade openness had negative and significant effect on tax revenue performance in Nigeria. Recommendation focused on export-oriented activities and diversification of export portfolios driven by context-based policies, thus enhance tax revenue yield. In addition, modernization of the tax system in Nigeria through technology adoption will reduce human interface in the processes of taxpayers' registration, filling or declaration of tax returns, tax payment, tax dispute resolution and accountability for ease of doing business.
Papers by Johnson Egwakhe