ANTHOLOGIES by John (poet) C Peterson
2 of my poems were included in this beautiful 20th Anniversary Anthology of the Poetic Matrix Pre... more 2 of my poems were included in this beautiful 20th Anniversary Anthology of the Poetic Matrix Press. The poems are: "Wallowed" and "Picasso's Fragments". John Peterson, the principal editor of the press, kindly included two of my poems as part of this lovely collection. ***[It should be noted. I am NOT a co-editor of this book, just a contributor.]
Drafts by John (poet) C Peterson

How Can Progressives Protect the “Atmosphere” of a Democratic Presidency, 2020
J ennifer Stone, long time commentator for KPFA-progressive radio-out of Berkeley, indicated in a... more J ennifer Stone, long time commentator for KPFA-progressive radio-out of Berkeley, indicated in a show years ago that progressives were already critiquing John Kerry as not being far enough to the left. She called for a more even approach to Kerry' s candidacy from those on the progressive left. This kind of critique of the Democrats is a staple of progressives whenever a Democrat finds their way to the White House. It is clear over the years that progressives have been critical in unseating and disarming both Republicans and Democrats that strayed to far from key elements of what is perceived as a humane, albeit, liberal agenda. Progressives were instrumental in forcing LBJ to refuse the run for a second term. They were highly critical of Hubert Humphrey' s failed run for president. With relentless pressure from progressives and others Agnew and then Nixon were driven out of office. Progressives were instrumental in creating the climate for Jimmy Carter to capture the White House. Though Reagan and then Bush senior keep the White House for 12 years, progressives kept the heat on and exposed amongst other improprieties their illegal contra war. Progressives launched Clinton into the presidency, like it or not, and surely progressives created a climate to call Bush' s arrogance into question and make a real space for Kerry to unseat Bush though this ultimately failed. Progressive is a not so secret "code" word for all of those who seek enlightened change, from Democrats that are left of the center of that party, to liberals with socialist inclinations, to environmentalist, to peace activists, to out and out radicals that see the need for a major revolutionary overhaul of the American system. Central to the Progressive agenda is the critique of corporate capitalism (this may need to be redefined in light of Democatic Socialism) and US Military dominance in the world; the continuing hegemony of white male rule (the lack of multicultural inclusions and women' s right) both in US
Papers by John (poet) C Peterson
Breaking down the dichotomy between city and wilderness and recognizing that cities are in wilder... more Breaking down the dichotomy between city and wilderness and recognizing that cities are in wilderness. Wilderness permeates cities. We see the need for parks, beaches, open spaces but more we see wilderness throughout the city environment. Cites are in fact within the wild, weather we recognize it or not.
ANTHOLOGIES by John (poet) C Peterson
Drafts by John (poet) C Peterson
Papers by John (poet) C Peterson