Books by John Bayron Ochoa
El Joyero de Sofía como aporte pedagógico, metodológico y didáctico que apoya a la comunidad educ... more El Joyero de Sofía como aporte pedagógico, metodológico y didáctico que apoya a la comunidad educativa y académica, servidores y servidoras, instituciones gubernamentales y no gubernamentales interesadas en la temática, así como a ciudadanos y ciudadanas
de Medellín, en el despliegue de actividades que dinamicen el logro de aprendizajes en el marco de una nueva cultura que reconozca la construcción sociocultural de los géneros, adopte sus aportes en los desarrollos sociales como una opción para conectar las realidades locales y globales en pro de su calidad de vida, y promueva la inclusión del enfoque de género y diferencial en las políticas públicas sectoriales y en las políticas públicas integrales.
Papers by John Bayron Ochoa

Cuadernos Inter.c.a.mbio sobre Centroamérica y el Caribe, 2012
Las estrategias de prevencion del VIH-SIDA en Centro America y el Caribe parecen no ser tan efect... more Las estrategias de prevencion del VIH-SIDA en Centro America y el Caribe parecen no ser tan efectivas. El incremento de infecciones de VIH en la region es mucho mas alto que en el resto del continente. En este ensayo se propone que la falta de eficacia de las estrategias actuales tiene que ver con la falta de consideracion de las relaciones de genero. En efecto, los mensajes “ABC” (sobre todo abstinencia, monogamia, condon) que son transmitidos en muchas campanas actualmente , traen el supuesto implicito de que las personas tienen control sobre sus relaciones sexuales, y que el comportamiento sexual es una decision libre y racional. Sin embargo, la realidad que viven muchas mujeres evidencia otra cosa. Estas estrategias de prevencion para ser llevadas a la practica, muchas veces depende de la voluntad de que los hombres sean monogamos o que usen condones. Masculinidades con tendencias hegemonicas se caracterizan por el machismo y por el dominio sobre muchos actos de sus parejas. Ta...
Gender & Development, 2007
The hegemonic model of masculinity under which men in El Salvador grow up and live emphasises con... more The hegemonic model of masculinity under which men in El Salvador grow up and live emphasises control, physical force, and rational intelligence. Aspects of these elements vary in each society and time period, but the elements themselves have remained a constant ...
Revista Medicina, Apr 23, 2014
Revista Ces Medicina, Nov 5, 2014
ackground: Alzheimer's disease is the most leading cause of dementia in the world; the mutation P... more ackground: Alzheimer's disease is the most leading cause of dementia in the world; the mutation PS-1 E280A alters the gene of the Presenilin-1 and causes an early onset familial Alzheimer's disease. This mutation has been found in large kindred of Antioquia, Colombia. The objective of this study was to find differences revealed by electroencephalogram between healthy subjects and asymptomatic carriers that can be used as clinical markers of the disease in this population.
El siguiente artículo busca dar una visión global de los Sistemas Multi-Agentes Robóticos (MARS) ... more El siguiente artículo busca dar una visión global de los Sistemas Multi-Agentes Robóticos (MARS) mediante una explicación de las áreas relacionadas con el tema para luego presentar el Sistema Multi-Agente Robótico (SMART). SMART es un enjambre inteligente conformado por un robot nodriza y tres robot tipo baliza (guías) que navegan de manera colaborativa un escenario estructurado.
En este artículo se describe la metodología para el desarrollo de Sistemas Multi-Agente Robóticos... more En este artículo se describe la metodología para el desarrollo de Sistemas Multi-Agente Robóticos MAD-Smart y se desarrollan algunos ejemplos para visualizar algunas de sus características. La metodología buscar dar cobertura en la fase de conceptuación, análisis y diseño mediante la definición de un conjunto de actividades que ayudan al desarrollador a entender mejor el problema a resolver, las características finales que deberá tener el sistema y el papel que cada agente juega en la solución del problema.
Dyna (Medellin, Colombia)
RESUMEN: El siguiente artículo busca dar una visión global de los Sistemas Multi-Agentes Robótico... more RESUMEN: El siguiente artículo busca dar una visión global de los Sistemas Multi-Agentes Robóticos (MARS) mediante una explicación de las áreas relacionadas con el tema para luego presentar el Sistema Multi-Agente Robótico (SMART). SMART es un enjambre inteligente conformado por un robot nodriza y tres robot tipo baliza (guías) que navegan de manera colaborativa un escenario estructurado.
Resumen -Du r a n t e la s ú lt ima s déca d a s in vest iga d or es e industrias han propuesto y... more Resumen -Du r a n t e la s ú lt ima s déca d a s in vest iga d or es e industrias han propuesto y desarrollado kits para la construcción de r obots, diseñados para estimular el aprendizaje de conceptos de ár eas como la matemá tica, física, infor mática y mecánica. Pr oductos como LEGO Dacta, LEGO Cyber M aster y LEGO MindStorm se usan en instituciones educativas dentro de proyectos de trabajo con niños y jóvenes. En este artículo se presentara la propuesta ESmart que pretende ser una plataforma integral para la apropiación de conocimientos de tecnología a través del estudio y desarrollo de sistemas robóticos.

2013 Pan American Health Care Exchanges (PAHCE), 2013
ABSTRACT Brain connectivity refers to the time dependence of neural activity between anatomically... more ABSTRACT Brain connectivity refers to the time dependence of neural activity between anatomically separated regions. Using the techniques of functional MRI (fMRI) and elements of the graph theory is possible to identify functional connectivity networks. Because functional connectivity between brain regions can characterize the integrity of large-scale systems, there is great interest in understanding the variability of these networks in normal development and clinical settings, for the presence of neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis (MS) that affects the neuronal communication speed leading to a reduction or loss of function. This paper shows the implementation of a methodology for the analysis of the BOLD signal at rest using graph theory in high resolution (20092 voxels). There is obtained functional connectivity networks for healthy subjects and patients with MS, and calculated measurements of average degree, efficiency, transitivity, degree distribution and entropy for each network. It was found that in MS patients exists variations in all measures, suggesting greater connectivity associated a possible mechanism of brain plasticity in response to damage caused by the disease.
2011 6th Colombian Computing Congress (CCC), 2011
Abstract This work tried to identify gene fusion events in the genome of Leishmania major and ... more Abstract This work tried to identify gene fusion events in the genome of Leishmania major and Leishmania braziliensis based on computational processes using bioinformatics tools, designing and implementing a protocol that allowed the automation in the identification process. ...

Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2014
Autophagy is deregulated in AD and we have recently shown deregulation of autophagy in schizophre... more Autophagy is deregulated in AD and we have recently shown deregulation of autophagy in schizophrenia. Furthermore, ADNP transcripts were increased in lymphocyted from schizophrenia patients compared to matched controls (Molecular Psychiatry, 2013, [Epub ahead of print]). The aim of the present project was to evaluate ADNP and the related ADNP2 lymphocyte expression in AD. Methods: Peripheral lymphocytes were isolated from AD patients and age-matched controls by ficoll grandiet separation. RNA was extracted using the Trizol reagent followed by reverse transcription and quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for ADNP and ADNP2 RNA. Results were normalize to the TATA box transcript. Results: ADNP RNA was increased by w8-folds in AD lymphocyte samples compared to controls (p<0.05). This was in contrast to the transcript of ADNP2, which did not change. In comparison to schizophrenia patients (Molecular Psychiatry, 2013, [Epub ahead of print]), the increase in ADNP expression was apparently w3-fold greater in AD patients, and ADNP2 expression was also significantly increased in schizophrenia patients. Conclusions: Our results posit ADNP and ADNP2 lymphocyte expression as markers for AD and schizophrenia with differential disregulated expression in the two indications. Interestingly, previous proteomic studies identified ADNP as the only protein decreasing in AD serum, suggesting potential rapid turn-over, structural changes and/or defective translation mechanism that have been associated with cognitive deficiencies. These studies pave the path to better disease understanding, novel biomarkers and personalized medicine.

Alzheimer's & Dementia, 2014
Autophagy is deregulated in AD and we have recently shown deregulation of autophagy in schizophre... more Autophagy is deregulated in AD and we have recently shown deregulation of autophagy in schizophrenia. Furthermore, ADNP transcripts were increased in lymphocyted from schizophrenia patients compared to matched controls (Molecular Psychiatry, 2013, [Epub ahead of print]). The aim of the present project was to evaluate ADNP and the related ADNP2 lymphocyte expression in AD. Methods: Peripheral lymphocytes were isolated from AD patients and age-matched controls by ficoll grandiet separation. RNA was extracted using the Trizol reagent followed by reverse transcription and quantitative real time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) for ADNP and ADNP2 RNA. Results were normalize to the TATA box transcript. Results: ADNP RNA was increased by w8-folds in AD lymphocyte samples compared to controls (p<0.05). This was in contrast to the transcript of ADNP2, which did not change. In comparison to schizophrenia patients (Molecular Psychiatry, 2013, [Epub ahead of print]), the increase in ADNP expression was apparently w3-fold greater in AD patients, and ADNP2 expression was also significantly increased in schizophrenia patients. Conclusions: Our results posit ADNP and ADNP2 lymphocyte expression as markers for AD and schizophrenia with differential disregulated expression in the two indications. Interestingly, previous proteomic studies identified ADNP as the only protein decreasing in AD serum, suggesting potential rapid turn-over, structural changes and/or defective translation mechanism that have been associated with cognitive deficiencies. These studies pave the path to better disease understanding, novel biomarkers and personalized medicine.
The Canadian Journal of Neurological Sciences, 2014
Gender-Based Violence, 2007

Social Neuroscience, 2014
In this work, the neural correlates of emotional processing in Colombian ex-combatants with diffe... more In this work, the neural correlates of emotional processing in Colombian ex-combatants with different empathy profiles were compared to normal controls matched for age, gender and educational level. Forty ex-combatants and 20 non ex-combatants were recruited for this study. Empathy levels as well as executive functions were measured. Empathy level was used to create three groups. Group 1 (G1) included ex-combatants with normal empathy scores, and Group 2 included ex-combatants with low scores on at least one empathy sub-scales. In control group (Ctrl), participants with no antecedents of being combatants and with normal scores in empathy were included. Age, gender, educational and intelligence quotients level were controlled among groups. eventrelated potentials (ERPs) were recorded while individuals performed an affective picture processing task that included positive, neutral and negative emotional stimuli, which elicit an early modulation of emotion categorization (Early Posterior Negativity (EPN)) and late evaluative process (LPP). EPN differences were found among affective categories, but no group effects were observed at this component. LPP showed a main effect of category and group (higher amplitudes in ex-combatants).
Books by John Bayron Ochoa
de Medellín, en el despliegue de actividades que dinamicen el logro de aprendizajes en el marco de una nueva cultura que reconozca la construcción sociocultural de los géneros, adopte sus aportes en los desarrollos sociales como una opción para conectar las realidades locales y globales en pro de su calidad de vida, y promueva la inclusión del enfoque de género y diferencial en las políticas públicas sectoriales y en las políticas públicas integrales.
Papers by John Bayron Ochoa
de Medellín, en el despliegue de actividades que dinamicen el logro de aprendizajes en el marco de una nueva cultura que reconozca la construcción sociocultural de los géneros, adopte sus aportes en los desarrollos sociales como una opción para conectar las realidades locales y globales en pro de su calidad de vida, y promueva la inclusión del enfoque de género y diferencial en las políticas públicas sectoriales y en las políticas públicas integrales.