Papers by John Grahampole

Bone Marrow Transplantation, 2001
Management of monoclonal lymphoproliferative disease following stem cell transplantation is diffi... more Management of monoclonal lymphoproliferative disease following stem cell transplantation is difficult and previous attempts to eradicate tumor using chemotherapy or radiation therapy alone have not been successful. We report successful early eradication of an EBV negative, B cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma in a child who received a T cell-depleted, maternal haploidentical bone marrow transplant for severe combined immunodeficiency disease. Our treatment strategy involved combining conventional induction chemotherapy with re-transplantation using the paternal donor as a source of peripheral blood stem cells, followed by treatment with anti-CD 20 monoclonal antibody (Rituximab). This strategy exploits the potential graft-versus-tumor activity of the mature T cells in the graft, while providing a source of stem cells to confer long-term immune function. The administration of Rituximab in the early post-transplant course may provide additional anti-tumor activity without affecting the new stem cell compartment. Bone Marrow Transplantation (2001) 27, 329-332.

International Journal of Therapeutic Massage & Bodywork: Research, Education, & Practice, 2009
Background: Previous research has shown positive effects from massage therapy (MT) for premature ... more Background: Previous research has shown positive effects from massage therapy (MT) for premature infants and for children with asthma, arthritis, and other illnesses. Although these effects have been demonstrated, MT research on children with cancer and blood disease is needed. Purpose and Setting: The present study, conducted at the Cancer Center, Shands Hospital, at the University of Florida, Gainesville, measured the physical and psychological effects of MT on pediatric oncology and hematology patients. The participants were 30 children with cancer or blood disease, ages 6 months to 17 years. Research Design: This randomized, nonblinded prospective study used measures of physical health and mental wellbeing that were completed before, during, and after four MT sessions were implemented. Descriptive statistics, one-way between-subjects analysis of variance, and an independent-samples t-test were used to analyze the data. Intervention: The treatment group received 20minute sessions of Swedish MT once daily for approximately 4 days (inpatients), or once weekly for approximately 4 weeks (outpatients); the control group received no MT. Results: Between-groups analyses indicated significant psychological improvements for the MT group on state anxiety (F 1,58 = 16.79, p < 0.000), trait anxiety (F 1,58 = 3.95, p < 0.000), and emotional state (F 1,238 = 42.39, p < 0.001)]. Betweengroups analyses indicated significant physical improvements for the MT group on muscle soreness (F 1,238 = 38.96, p < 0.001), discomfort (F 1,238 = 50.16, p < 0.001), respiratory rate (F 1,237 = 22.47, p < 0.000)], and overall progress (t 28 = 25.55, p < 0.000). No significant differences were found between groups on parent-completed ratings of their child's physical or psychological health, pulse rate, or blood pressure. Conclusions: In children with cancer and blood diseases, MT can reduce psychological and physical distress and can have a positive effect on quality of life.
Reflective Practice, 2010
The focus of this Exhibition Review Essay is Rose Adams’ solo multi‐media exhibit IMAG/in/ING: Br... more The focus of this Exhibition Review Essay is Rose Adams’ solo multi‐media exhibit IMAG/in/ING: Brain Imaging, featured at Ross Creek Centre for the Arts in Canning, Nova Scotia in May 2010. We frame our review as a critically reflexive dialogue, which draws attention to what ‘struck’ us. Our shared ‘struck bys’ offer a way of making new connections between tacit
Psychological Assessment, 1994
This study describes the development of a 21-item, parent report measure for assessing the qualit... more This study describes the development of a 21-item, parent report measure for assessing the quality of life (QOL) of children with cancer. The Pediatric Oncology Quality of Life Scale (POQOLS) provides a total score and three factor scores that assess physical function and role restriction, emotional distress, and reaction to current medical treatment. Internal consistency reliabilities of the total scale and the three factors were high, as was interparent agreement. In addition, POQOLS scores demonstrated good concurrent and discriminant relationships with scores on measures of adjustment hypothesized to covary with the dimensions of QOL assessed.

Pediatric Research, 1984
We have given marrow (BM)a b l a t i v e doses of PAM followed by BM a u t o g r a f t i n g t o ... more We have given marrow (BM)a b l a t i v e doses of PAM followed by BM a u t o g r a f t i n g t o c h i l d r e n with neuroblastoma (NBL), Ewing's sarcoma (ES) and osteosarcoma ( 0 s ) . To examine i n v i t r o e f f e c t s o f t h i s drug, we exposed f r e s h and c u l t u r e d NBL ( 6 ES (41, OS (5) and normal BM (9) c e l l c o l o n i e s (CFU) t o PAM i n c o n c e n t r a t i o n s (conc) from 10-I t o lo-' molar i n a 14 day c l o n i g e n i c a s s a y . The T/2 of PAM measured by high p r e s s u r e l i q u i d chromatography w a s about 45 minutes. A l l CFU showed l i n e a r responses t o PAM, c o r r e l a t i n g with both i n c r e a s i n g drug conc and exposure d u r a t i o n (up t o 8 h o u r s ) . Fresh c e l l s were s i g n i f i c a n t l y more s e n s i t i v e than c u l t u r e d c e l l s . NBL-CFU were most s e n s i t i v e , followed by OS, BM and ES i n d e c r e a s i n g o r d e r . Repeat dosing up t o 4 doses of PAM f u r t h e r i n h i b i t e d CFU formation. We conclude: ( 1 ) NBL and OS CFU a r e more s e n s i t i v e t o PAM t h a n normal BM o r ES CFU; ( 2 ) PAM breakdown products a p p a r e n t l y remain c y t o t o x i c t o tumor c e l l s ; ( 3 ) prolonged o r r e p e a t e d exposure may i n c r e a s e i n v i v o e f f i c a c y of PAM.
Archives of Disease in Childhood, 1975
Familial dysequilibriumdiplegia with T-lymphocyte deficiency. A second family is described with a... more Familial dysequilibriumdiplegia with T-lymphocyte deficiency. A second family is described with a combination of defective thymus-dependent immunity and cerebral palsy. The cerebral palsy comprised nonprogressive dysequilibrium and mild spastic diplegia without limb ataxia. This genetic entity of presumed autosomal recessive inheritance is clearly distinguished from ataxia-telangiectasia. Immunological abnormalities should be sought in other familial or unexplained cerebral palsy syndromes.

American Journal of Clinical Oncology, 1991
Twenty-two patients received a short-term intensive regimen for Ewing&#39;s sarcoma between N... more Twenty-two patients received a short-term intensive regimen for Ewing&#39;s sarcoma between November 1977 and December 1981. The regimen consisted of vincristine (1.5 mg/m2) on day 1, and doxorubicin HCl (75 mg/m2) plus cyclophosphamide (1,000 mg/m2) on day 2. Six cycles were given at 28-day intervals. Local irradiation was started shortly after cycle 2. Eight patients with lesions of expendable bones also underwent surgery as part of the treatment to the primary site, 4 at the end of chemotherapy and 4 at diagnosis. The 5-year event-free survival rate was 45% for all patients and 48% for those with localized disease at diagnosis. Two patients died of treatment-related toxicity. The most common form of failure was distant metastases, indicating that finding a better systemic treatment remains the problem in eradicating Ewing&#39;s sarcoma.
Arts & Health, 2009
... DOI: 10.1080/17533010802527977 John Graham-Pole a * &amp;amp; Dorothy Lander b pages 74-8... more ... DOI: 10.1080/17533010802527977 John Graham-Pole a * &amp;amp; Dorothy Lander b pages 74-88. Available online ... pp. 141142). Ritual, from Sanskrit r&amp;#x27;tu, is any act of magic toward a purpose. Rita means a proper course.
The ...
Annals of Internal Medicine, Apr 15, 1994
Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, Jun 7, 2010
We review the description of mindfulness-based parent training (MBPT) and the argument that mindf... more We review the description of mindfulness-based parent training (MBPT) and the argument that mindfulness practice offers a way to bring behavioral parent training (BPT) in line with current empirical knowledge. The strength of the proposed MBPT model is the attention it draws to process issues in BPT. We suggest, however, that it may not be necessary to posit automatized transactional procedures in the parent-child interaction to justify the need for better delineation of therapist-parent communication in treatment. Empirically established behavioral processes may be used within BPT to accomplish parent-training goals similar to those proposed for mindfulness training. Yet, Dumas (2005) offers refreshing ideas for enhancing the therapeutic alliance and success with the parents of disruptive children.
The Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Dec 1, 1991

Pediatric Nursing, 2009
The literature supporting a relationship between religion/spirituality and physical/mental health... more The literature supporting a relationship between religion/spirituality and physical/mental health has led to recommendations that health professionals attend to these issues in patient assessment and intervention. Many studies indicate that spiritual issues are important to adolescents, especially those with physical and/or psychological health concerns. Although several instruments have been developed to measure religion/spirituality in adults, no validated instrument currently exists for assessing this concept in children or adolescents. The applicability of two adult scales, the SIBS and the SWBS, were assessed to explore the spiritual well-being of adolescents by comparing spirituality scores of 38 chronically ill and 38 healthy adolescents and their parents. No significant difference was found between ill and well adolescents on either scale. Parents scored significantly higher than adolescents on both scales. Although this could indicate that parents have greater spiritual well-being than their children, these two findings taken together suggest these measures may be insufficiently sensitive measures of spirituality in childhood. This is supported by the finding that most adolescents and their parents felt both scales to be ineffective measures of adolescent spirituality. The authors concluded that a more specific scale should be developed for measuring spirituality in the young, especially those with chronic illness. Such an instrument might best be developed through a combination of qualitative and quantitative research methods.
Pediatr Emerg Care, 1989
Hyperphosphatemia is an infrequent complication of the tumor lysis following induction therapy fo... more Hyperphosphatemia is an infrequent complication of the tumor lysis following induction therapy for lymphoproliferative disorders that can result in acute renal failure. We report a case of severe hyperphosphatemia resulting in transient acute renal failure corrected rapidly by hemodialysis.
The Journal of Medical Humanities, 2000

Cancer Research, May 15, 1992
A methodology for rapid isolation of neuroblastoma cells from marrow with metastatic neuroblastom... more A methodology for rapid isolation of neuroblastoma cells from marrow with metastatic neuroblastoma cells was developed using a cocktail of five antibodies and magnetic microspheres coated with secondary anti bodies. Cells bound to microspheres were released by brief exposure to chymopapain, followed by repeated culture of released cells in serumsupplemented Dulbecco's modified Eagle's medium and selection for adherent cells. Using this methodology, over 35 primary cell lines were obtained free of contaminating normal cells. Detailed analyses of over 14 cell lines revealed gross differences in cell phenotype, size, morphology development of neurite processes, and doubling time (40 to 80 h). All cell lines expressed the M, 145,000 neurofilament, and a few expressed the M, 200,000 neurofilament, with very little or no expression of the M, 68,000 neurofilament. Eighty % of all cells lines had near-diploid DNA content. High expression of the MDR-1 protein was detected in six of the 22 cell lines tested. Great heterogeneity was observed in the expression of N-myc oncoprotein, with ten of 13 patients overexpressing the protein, c-myc oncoprotein was also expressed in all cell lines; however, the level of expres sion was 4-to 10-fold lower than the N-myc oncoprotein. Localization studies of c-myc and N-myc oncoproteins on the level of light microscopy and electron microscopy revealed exclusive nuclear localization of c-myc, whereas Vmjr was localized to the nucleus and to the cytoplasm.
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1080 00032718708082239, Feb 23, 2007
Http Dx Doi Org 10 1300 J077v02n02_03, Oct 18, 2008
Papers by John Grahampole