Papers by Juan F . González
Some solved problems in String Theory, from my Master Course 2010 in Theoretical Physics.
Apuntes de Formulación Orgánica. Versión 2024. Noviembre.
Despite their success, General Relativity (GR) and the Standard Model (SM) are currently understo... more Despite their success, General Relativity (GR) and the Standard Model (SM) are currently understood as effective field theories only valid up to some energy (length) scale, where new physics is expected to appear. We review the framework of extended relativity (ER) in Clifford spaces (C-spaces), summarizing some of its concepts, methods and results. We also discuss likely links of this approach with other relativities (OR), beyond GR and SM theories, recent ideas from emergent spacetime (ES) and quantum entanglement (QE), in search for quantum gravity (QG) and unification (U). Finally, we explore and expose the need to go even beyond ER, and the challenges it poses, from both experimental and theoretical sides.
The theorems stated and proven by Emmy Noether are reviewed from a historical and mathematical pe... more The theorems stated and proven by Emmy Noether are reviewed from a historical and mathematical perspective. It emphasizes the Lagrangian and variational or functional formalism, using basic tools of differential and integral analysis. Finally, some examples and applications in Theoretical Physics are indicated, and the intuitive meaning of both theorems is explained. Finally, possible generalizations and extensions of the theorem are suggested, as well as a mention of the formalism of jets and differential forms that makes it possible to generalize these theorems with a coordinate-free language.
Notas personales de Mecánica Clásica, con algunos añadidos.
A talk of physics with memes...Spanglish (sorry).
Some constants of physmatics.
Temperatura de Planck: θ P = 1,416784(16)•10 32 K. Escala de temperatura más alta posible, para l... more Temperatura de Planck: θ P = 1,416784(16)•10 32 K. Escala de temperatura más alta posible, para la que se hipotetiza se disuelve el propio espaciotiempo en los constituyentes que posea.
We present a teaching unit on the International Year of Astronomy 2009, Atomic Physics and the as... more We present a teaching unit on the International Year of Astronomy 2009, Atomic Physics and the astronomical rôle of the chemical elements in the Periodic Table.
Mis principios de pensamiento lógico y emocional.
We review the Schwinger's mechanism and explain its theoretical and experimental importance. We e... more We review the Schwinger's mechanism and explain its theoretical and experimental importance. We expose shortly the current status of the experimental searches and revisit the main formulae, concepts and the right interpretation of this non-perturbative effect in 4d QED. The generalizations to lower and higher dimensional QED formulae are also provided and discussed in terms of polylogarithms.
Cosmovisiones en el siglo XXI.
Ejercicios y notas de un curso de Física de Altas Energías (de partículas) y Cosmología.
Notes on the History of Mathematics, in Spanish!
Summary of the ultimate unification, behind Physics: Physmatics and Physchematics.
Personal talk given at a local Science Club
Invited contribution to the Spanish newsletter La Gaceta de la RSEM, section El diablo de los núm... more Invited contribution to the Spanish newsletter La Gaceta de la RSEM, section El diablo de los números. Covered topics: links and connections between Number Theory and Physics.

Of the few people who deserve thanks, some are particularly prominent. First of all, I thank to t... more Of the few people who deserve thanks, some are particularly prominent. First of all, I thank to the Master POP coordinators Juan Terrón Cuadrado and Carlos Pena Ruano. Life is complex for everyone. Everywhere, everytime and specially in a global crisis time. Likely, they do not know how much important they have been for the support they have provided me in the last two years. The warmest and deepest gratitude they will always deserve from my part. I am not forgetting their comprenhension, since there are no words for their kindness and disposition to attend me when I went to their offices. I am also in debt with my Master Thesis Advisor, Michele Maltoni. He introduced me to the neutrino and gave me a highly non-trivial and important topic for this thesis. He also offered me with this work the opportunity of learning lot of things and physics I did not know before. I remark that neutrinos are a very competitive area (like other branches of High Energy Physics) and so, it is hard and needs full time dedication that my present life offers me only occasionally. I would remark his passion and expertise, his spirit in spite of the weakly interacting particle that the author of the present work is. If we agree that knowledge measures how much stuff we ignore, I can safely say I ignore less about neutrinos right now. And it is due to him too. Finally, I would like to add a special thanks to my closest friends, those who know who they are. They are that kind of friends who understand how much I love physics, mathematics and science, those who know why I am doing right now this type of work and study, instead of going out like a common daily life person. I dedicate this thesis to all these people, those people who really appreciate and love me and those who have supported me even when I was hidden, invisible and missing, out of this world, though just as I have ever been.
Some aspects of neutrino phenomenology. My M.Sc. talk.

We propose an explanation of OPERA result in terms of a known general relativistic GPS physics, a... more We propose an explanation of OPERA result in terms of a known general relativistic GPS physics, a term called the eccentricity correction. We review the origin and interpretation of such a term in General Relativity. Further comments and suggestions in order to test our proposal are given. We claim that we have not exhausted yet every possible explanation of OPERA data, and then, before considering new physics models that are in tension with other observations, we should try to understand what current theories say. New physics is unlikely the right response, but we do not exclude it if new experiments and data analyses are done and the anomaly persists. However, we should firstly agree if every possible explanation with well established theories are in tension with data and if it has been precisely done. The ultimate fate of this proposal will be elucidated via a forthcoming MINOS experiment and a remake of the CERN to Gran Sasso experiment using an alternative syncronization method...
Papers by Juan F . González
1) Campo eléctrico y potencial de 2 cargas puntuales de igual o de diferente signo.
2) Campo gravitacional y potencial de 2 masas puntuales.
3) Campo magnético de dos corrientes muy largas paralelas de igual o de diferente signo.