Background: The objective of this study was to determine the proximate compositions and sensory c... more Background: The objective of this study was to determine the proximate compositions and sensory characteristics as well as functional properties of flour blends and cookies made from wheat, soybean and rice bran in the ratios of (M1) 100:0:0, (M2) 90:6:4, (M3) 80:12:8, (M4) 70:17:13 and (M5) 40:35:25%. Methods: The cookies were prepared using the Okpala et al. (2013) method with slight changes. Moisture, protein, fat, fiber and carbohydrate contents were analysed using AOAC a standard analytical procedures. Fifty (50) semi-trained panelists evaluated the colour, taste, flavour, texture and overall acceptance of the cookie samples using a five point scale. Data were analysed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the significance level was chosen at p less than 0.05. Result: The proximate composition of the flours differed significantly (p less than 0.05) from the control. Cookie sample (M5) had the highest moisture content of 12.20%. The crude protein level ranged from 10.22% to 18....
The proximate compositions and functional properties of water lily tubers (Nymphaea lotus), cocon... more The proximate compositions and functional properties of water lily tubers (Nymphaea lotus), coconut (Cocos nicifera) and wheat (Titricum aestivum) were determined using Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) standard methods. Values were obtained in duplicate and results tabulated using mean ± standard deviation. Data were subjected to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey -Test was used to determine the significant difference among the various samples. Data were analyzed using the software, Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22.00 at the 0.05 level of significance. The results of proximate composition of the various flours indicated increasing level of protein, fat and crude fibre; 4.41 ± 0.22 to 16.73 ± 0.76, 6.47 ± 0.16 to 19.16 ± 0.16 and 12.54 ±0.07 to 13.52 ± 0.04, while there was decrease in levels of moisture, ash and carbohydrate as the proportion of the composite flour increased; 7.91 ± 0.03 to 10.30 ± 0.21, 0.90 ± 0.10 to 4.28 ± 0.24 an...
Pests and insects are disease causing agents when it bites an individual. It is not a rumor that ... more Pests and insects are disease causing agents when it bites an individual. It is not a rumor that most of the Senior High Schools in Ghana are infested with lots of pest. Apart from their bites they are able to affect food and other items in the schools. The study sought to investigate the impact of pests and co-infection on the Senior High School students in some selected schools in the Kumasi Metropolis. The descriptive study design was employed to study the respondents. An estimated sample size (n) of 227 respondents was arrived at and both the probability sampling and non-probability sampling techniques were employed in attaining the desired sample. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. The data were collated and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The study revealed that students were worried by most insects and rodent such as mouse, rats, mosquitoes, files bedbug and cockroaches....
The overall purpose of the study was to investigate the career challenges which prevent female ma... more The overall purpose of the study was to investigate the career challenges which prevent female managers in the hospitality industry from reaching the top management positions. The specific objectives were to identify challenges of female managers in selected hotels in the Upper East Region, find out the positive and negative impact of females working in selected hotels in the Upper East Region and identify significant differences in the perceptions of male and female managers in the industry. A sample of 200 randomly selected respondents took part in the study. A structured interview was used to collect the data. Descriptive statistics was used in addressing the objectives. The findings suggested that hospitality education programmes could make a contribution by revealing the existence of barriers and gender issues in the industry. This could be accomplished by developing courses based on necessary skills, and providing International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, Un...
The study sought to examine testing in Christian Religious Studies(CRS) in Ghanaian Senior High S... more The study sought to examine testing in Christian Religious Studies(CRS) in Ghanaian Senior High Schools.The cross-sectional descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Using the census method, 96 CRS teachers in the Senior High schools in the Bono, Bono East and Ahafo regions of Ghana were involved in the study.Data gathered from the use of the questionnaire was analysed using frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. It was found out that, to a high extent, teachers adhered to the principles of test construction, administration and scoring.The study recommended that, teachers should write test items at least two weeks before time for test administration so that they can have enough time to read over and correct wrongly constructed items before test is administered. Also, teachers should prepare classroom a day before test is taken and in the case of lack of infrastructure, then classroom should be made ready and prepared hours before test is taken. Teachers should also use the "DO NOT DISTURB SIGN" at the entrance of classroom during test administration. Again, teachers should shuffle scripts before scoring, and should score a particular item on all papers at a sitting. Again, the teachers should periodically rescore previously scored items.
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The continues growth of hotels and restaurants industry in Ghana of late... more BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The continues growth of hotels and restaurants industry in Ghana of late have demanded for recruiting competent employees who have the in-depth knowledge and good human relationships with customers. This requirement affords the employees the opportunity to interact with potential customers during the provision of customer services. For the past 10 years, customer service has become a major area of interest to Management of hospitality outlets and researchers in full service hotels and restaurants. Customer service has a resilient influence on promoting hospitality services which in the end leads to higher profitability margin (Baum, 2006). According to Mcquity, Finn and Willy (2000) A customer is someone who receives or consumes goods or services and has the capacity to select different product when the needs arise. Again, Turban et al, (2002) also assert that a service entails all activities and responses that customers recognise in their buying. This can be considered as the provision of service to customers before, during and after purchase of any products or services. Customers' in this modern world are not only concerned in the product or service they purchase but all the additional elements of service purchased from the owner or supplier. Much attention should be drawn when they enter a retail outlet and lodging complaints at the front desk or customer care unit. Satisfied customers are looking for unforgettable and dynamic experiences like good reception, excellent interpersonal communication and high quality of service where it counts. There is therefore the need for customer service in the organisation's like restaurant operations to develop loyal customer base and improve relationships with customers, since, loyal customer when satisfied repeat his/her visit and also promote the business through word of mouth recommendations. Customer service plays a vital role in the hospitality industry. Prominent amongst them is attracting new customers while maintaining existing ones. Many managers of the hospitality industry have however lost focus of this, as a vital component of the service delivery system. However, discovering this essential area is worth being researched upon. This is because customer service to most Ghanaians is an element linked to only big hotels and restaurants in Ghana. Poor customer service delivery is now a major problem especially in restaurant and other place of relaxation (Ghana Tourist Board, 2008). This appears to be as a consequence of inadequate technical knowhow and unskilled human resources recruited for such jobs.
1 Senior Laboratory TechnicianDepartment of Hospitality Management Box 981 Koforidua Technical Un... more 1 Senior Laboratory TechnicianDepartment of Hospitality Management Box 981 Koforidua Technical University Koforidua 2 Tutor, Berekum College of Education, Box 70, Berekum, B/A Lecturer-Department of 3 Hospitality Management, Bolgatanga Polytechnic P. O. Box 767, Bolgatanga, Upper East Region, Ghana 4 LecturerHospitality and Tourism department Tamale Technical University, P. O. Box 3, Tamale, Ghana
Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and ... more Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and 30%. The garden eggs flour/powder was fortified with the Prekese powder which increased the level of protein (11.40%) of the composite powder produced from 70% garden eggs powder and 30% Prekese powder. It was much higher than that of 6.40% for product A, which comprised of 80% garden eggs powder and 20% Prekese powder. Fat content of the product labeled (A) was 18.30%, and 4.80% for product B. It was observed that garden eggs composite flour produced from 80% garden eggs and 20% Prekese had the highest fat content than that of the Product B. The ash and carbohydrate content of the products were 5.70% to 6.30% of the total ash and 63.03% to 69.90% of the total carbohydrate. Data were analyzed into frequencies, percentages and cross-tabulation tables using Statistical Package for Social Solutions (SPSS 21.) The p-value was 000, implying that the difference in means is statistically signif...
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology
Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and ... more Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and 30%. The garden eggs flour/powder was fortified with the Prekese powder which increased the level of protein (11.40%) of the composite powder produced from 70% garden eggs powder and 30% Prekese powder. It was much higher than that of 6.40% for product A, which comprised of 80% garden eggs powder and 20% Prekese powder. Fat content of the product labeled (A) was 18.30%, and 4.80% for product B. It was observed that garden eggs composite flour produced from 80% garden eggs and 20% Prekese had the highest fat content than that of the Product B. The ash and carbohydrate content of the products were 5.70% to 6.30% of the total ash and 63.03% to 69.90% of the total carbohydrate. Data were analyzed into frequencies, percentages and cross-tabulation tables using Statistical Package for Social Solutions (SPSS 21.) The p-value was 000, implying that the difference in means is statistically significant at the 1, 0.5 and 0.1 levels. Sample B (70% Garden eggs and 30% Prekese) was least preferred in terms of colour aroma and texture with a score of approximately 3.22. While sample A (80% garden eggs and 20% Prekese) had the mean value of approximately 4.10 for overall acceptability. This indicates that Prekese powder could be used in the production of a quality thickener by substituting garden eggs powder up to 20% level in instant soup based powder without any effects on the sensory attributes of the product.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology
Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and ... more Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and 30%. The garden eggs flour/powder was fortified with the Prekese powder which increased the level of protein (11.40%) of the composite powder produced from 70% garden eggs powder and 30% Prekese powder. It was much higher than that of 6.40% for product A, which comprised of 80% garden eggs powder and 20% Prekese powder. Fat content of the product labeled (A) was 18.30%, and 4.80% for product B. It was observed that garden eggs composite flour produced from 80% garden eggs and 20% Prekese had the highest fat content than that of the Product B. The ash and carbohydrate content of the products were 5.70% to 6.30% of the total ash and 63.03% to 69.90% of the total carbohydrate. Data were analyzed into frequencies, percentages and cross-tabulation tables using Statistical Package for Social Solutions (SPSS 21.) The p-value was 000, implying that the difference in means is statistically significant at the 1, 0.5 and 0.1 levels. Sample B (70% Garden eggs and 30% Prekese) was least preferred in terms of colour aroma and texture with a score of approximately 3.22. While sample A (80% garden eggs and 20% Prekese) had the mean value of approximately 4.10 for overall acceptability. This indicates that Prekese powder could be used in the production of a quality thickener by substituting garden eggs powder up to 20% level in instant soup based powder without any effects on the sensory attributes of the product.
This research work assesses kitchen health and safety measures of second cycle institutions in th... more This research work assesses kitchen health and safety measures of second cycle institutions in the Bolgatanga Municipality of Ghana. The study employed the exploratory research design. The researcher adopted the purposive sampling method to choose sixty-five (65) respondents from all the four senior high schools in
International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
This research work assesses the factors that influence organisational commitment among workers in... more This research work assesses the factors that influence organisational commitment among workers in the hotel industry, a case study of selected hotels in Bolgatanga municipal. The main objective was to assess the factors influencing organisational commitment among workers in the hotel industry. The researcher adopted the purposive sampling method to choose fifty (50) respondents from five selected hotels (Ex-Tee Hotel, Tap Hotel, Premier Lodge Hotel, Blue Sky Hotel and Black Star Hotel) in Bolgatanga Municipality. The study revealed that work and demographic characteristics have an effect on different dimensions of organisational commitment. It was recommended that management in the hotel industry should encourage employees to build optimistic attitude in their personality which would automatically increase their commitment. Also, the working environment and having the right tools should be the concern of hotel managers. It was recommended that the gender and educational level of the workers in the hotel industry be of great concern to the hotels since this has an impact on workers turnover and overall commitment.
Employees are the main assets with which the hotel industry can achieve competitive advantage. Th... more Employees are the main assets with which the hotel industry can achieve competitive advantage. They provide products and services, which represent the basis for the success of the hospitality industry. In order to be successful, a company needs employees who act toward the goals of the organization and have a strong desire to remain in the company, such loyalty may be generated by motivation. The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of motivation on quality service delivery in some selected hotels in Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. The simple random sampling and purposive sampling procedure were used to select 180 respondents for the study. Data were collected using questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used in addressing the objectives using frequency distributions and table illustrations. Majority of respondents (77.8%) were of the view that they are under paid, a situation that could lead to low morale, lack of interest on the job and low productivity. It was recommended that management needs to adopt strategies such as giving monthly or end of year benefit awards, staff bonuses, extra duty allowance, payment of social security, attractive salary scheme to their employees so that this will help to motivate and make staff feel secured and reduce employee turnover in the industry.
International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Research Studies, 2018
This research work assesses the effect of quality customer services delivery on selected traditio... more This research work assesses the effect of quality customer services delivery on selected traditional Catering establishments (Chop Bars) in Bolgatanga Township of Ghana. The researcher adopted a simple random sampling technique to choose 30 respondents from the contacted customers in the various chop bars at the time of the study. The study revealed that the exterior characteristics of chop bars in Bolgatanga Township on the following basis; the parking convenience and the cleanliness of chop bars were fair, while the attractiveness were averagely rated. The interior characteristics of the chop bar revealed the internal decoration of the chop bars was rated average, the lighting of the chop bars was rated very good, the cleanliness of eating area as good, while the comfort of furniture in chop bars was also rated very good. The quality of food served in chop bars also revealed that the freshness of food served by chop bars were very good and the menu variety of the chop bars was as fair, while the packaging of the food were considered good. It was recommended that chop bars in Bolgatanga Township should take appropriate steps to improve and sustain employee satisfaction in order to achieve customer satisfaction and also chop bar operators should take steps to address customers' challenges in order to improve their service demands.
The study sought to evaluate the perception of consumers in Anloga, Abor and Keta all in the Keta... more The study sought to evaluate the perception of consumers in Anloga, Abor and Keta all in the Keta Municipality on food safety and food quality and its effect on their food choices. The study moreover determined the attributes used by consumers to indicate safe food and quality food and also investigated the importance of both quality and safety in consumers' food purchase decisions. It is imperative that food safety remains a concern in all situations in order to derive maximum benefit from even the little available food. A qualitative survey design approach was employed to study 500 respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents and analysed using SPSS. Chi-square test for statistical significance of association and ANOVA were used where applicable. In relation to food quality, the study revealed that the majority of the respondents stated that best before date (4.55), freshness (4.44) good condition (4.40) and ingredients (4.38) were the most important attributes needed to ascertain the quality of food but taste (3.92), country of origin (3.54), price (3.52) and brand (3.42) were identified as the least to be considered in selecting quality food. The overall mean ranking for safety indicators of respondents showed that factors such as texture (4.76), best before date (4.64) and good condition (4.48) were identified by respondents as strong food safety indicators whereas price (3.27), brand (3.37) country of origin (3.40) and packaging material (3.88) were not considered as safety indicators by respondents.
Background: The objective of this study was to determine the proximate compositions and sensory c... more Background: The objective of this study was to determine the proximate compositions and sensory characteristics as well as functional properties of flour blends and cookies made from wheat, soybean and rice bran in the ratios of (M1) 100:0:0, (M2) 90:6:4, (M3) 80:12:8, (M4) 70:17:13 and (M5) 40:35:25%. Methods: The cookies were prepared using the Okpala et al. (2013) method with slight changes. Moisture, protein, fat, fiber and carbohydrate contents were analysed using AOAC a standard analytical procedures. Fifty (50) semi-trained panelists evaluated the colour, taste, flavour, texture and overall acceptance of the cookie samples using a five point scale. Data were analysed using Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) and the significance level was chosen at p less than 0.05. Result: The proximate composition of the flours differed significantly (p less than 0.05) from the control. Cookie sample (M5) had the highest moisture content of 12.20%. The crude protein level ranged from 10.22% to 18....
The proximate compositions and functional properties of water lily tubers (Nymphaea lotus), cocon... more The proximate compositions and functional properties of water lily tubers (Nymphaea lotus), coconut (Cocos nicifera) and wheat (Titricum aestivum) were determined using Association of Official Analytical Chemists (AOAC) standard methods. Values were obtained in duplicate and results tabulated using mean ± standard deviation. Data were subjected to the analysis of variance (ANOVA) and Tukey -Test was used to determine the significant difference among the various samples. Data were analyzed using the software, Statistical Package for Social Science (SPSS) version 22.00 at the 0.05 level of significance. The results of proximate composition of the various flours indicated increasing level of protein, fat and crude fibre; 4.41 ± 0.22 to 16.73 ± 0.76, 6.47 ± 0.16 to 19.16 ± 0.16 and 12.54 ±0.07 to 13.52 ± 0.04, while there was decrease in levels of moisture, ash and carbohydrate as the proportion of the composite flour increased; 7.91 ± 0.03 to 10.30 ± 0.21, 0.90 ± 0.10 to 4.28 ± 0.24 an...
Pests and insects are disease causing agents when it bites an individual. It is not a rumor that ... more Pests and insects are disease causing agents when it bites an individual. It is not a rumor that most of the Senior High Schools in Ghana are infested with lots of pest. Apart from their bites they are able to affect food and other items in the schools. The study sought to investigate the impact of pests and co-infection on the Senior High School students in some selected schools in the Kumasi Metropolis. The descriptive study design was employed to study the respondents. An estimated sample size (n) of 227 respondents was arrived at and both the probability sampling and non-probability sampling techniques were employed in attaining the desired sample. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents. The data were collated and analyzed using Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS). Data was analysed using descriptive statistics. The study revealed that students were worried by most insects and rodent such as mouse, rats, mosquitoes, files bedbug and cockroaches....
The overall purpose of the study was to investigate the career challenges which prevent female ma... more The overall purpose of the study was to investigate the career challenges which prevent female managers in the hospitality industry from reaching the top management positions. The specific objectives were to identify challenges of female managers in selected hotels in the Upper East Region, find out the positive and negative impact of females working in selected hotels in the Upper East Region and identify significant differences in the perceptions of male and female managers in the industry. A sample of 200 randomly selected respondents took part in the study. A structured interview was used to collect the data. Descriptive statistics was used in addressing the objectives. The findings suggested that hospitality education programmes could make a contribution by revealing the existence of barriers and gender issues in the industry. This could be accomplished by developing courses based on necessary skills, and providing International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management, Un...
The study sought to examine testing in Christian Religious Studies(CRS) in Ghanaian Senior High S... more The study sought to examine testing in Christian Religious Studies(CRS) in Ghanaian Senior High Schools.The cross-sectional descriptive survey research design was adopted for the study. Using the census method, 96 CRS teachers in the Senior High schools in the Bono, Bono East and Ahafo regions of Ghana were involved in the study.Data gathered from the use of the questionnaire was analysed using frequencies, percentages, means and standard deviations. It was found out that, to a high extent, teachers adhered to the principles of test construction, administration and scoring.The study recommended that, teachers should write test items at least two weeks before time for test administration so that they can have enough time to read over and correct wrongly constructed items before test is administered. Also, teachers should prepare classroom a day before test is taken and in the case of lack of infrastructure, then classroom should be made ready and prepared hours before test is taken. Teachers should also use the "DO NOT DISTURB SIGN" at the entrance of classroom during test administration. Again, teachers should shuffle scripts before scoring, and should score a particular item on all papers at a sitting. Again, the teachers should periodically rescore previously scored items.
BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The continues growth of hotels and restaurants industry in Ghana of late... more BACKGROUND OF THE STUDY: The continues growth of hotels and restaurants industry in Ghana of late have demanded for recruiting competent employees who have the in-depth knowledge and good human relationships with customers. This requirement affords the employees the opportunity to interact with potential customers during the provision of customer services. For the past 10 years, customer service has become a major area of interest to Management of hospitality outlets and researchers in full service hotels and restaurants. Customer service has a resilient influence on promoting hospitality services which in the end leads to higher profitability margin (Baum, 2006). According to Mcquity, Finn and Willy (2000) A customer is someone who receives or consumes goods or services and has the capacity to select different product when the needs arise. Again, Turban et al, (2002) also assert that a service entails all activities and responses that customers recognise in their buying. This can be considered as the provision of service to customers before, during and after purchase of any products or services. Customers' in this modern world are not only concerned in the product or service they purchase but all the additional elements of service purchased from the owner or supplier. Much attention should be drawn when they enter a retail outlet and lodging complaints at the front desk or customer care unit. Satisfied customers are looking for unforgettable and dynamic experiences like good reception, excellent interpersonal communication and high quality of service where it counts. There is therefore the need for customer service in the organisation's like restaurant operations to develop loyal customer base and improve relationships with customers, since, loyal customer when satisfied repeat his/her visit and also promote the business through word of mouth recommendations. Customer service plays a vital role in the hospitality industry. Prominent amongst them is attracting new customers while maintaining existing ones. Many managers of the hospitality industry have however lost focus of this, as a vital component of the service delivery system. However, discovering this essential area is worth being researched upon. This is because customer service to most Ghanaians is an element linked to only big hotels and restaurants in Ghana. Poor customer service delivery is now a major problem especially in restaurant and other place of relaxation (Ghana Tourist Board, 2008). This appears to be as a consequence of inadequate technical knowhow and unskilled human resources recruited for such jobs.
1 Senior Laboratory TechnicianDepartment of Hospitality Management Box 981 Koforidua Technical Un... more 1 Senior Laboratory TechnicianDepartment of Hospitality Management Box 981 Koforidua Technical University Koforidua 2 Tutor, Berekum College of Education, Box 70, Berekum, B/A Lecturer-Department of 3 Hospitality Management, Bolgatanga Polytechnic P. O. Box 767, Bolgatanga, Upper East Region, Ghana 4 LecturerHospitality and Tourism department Tamale Technical University, P. O. Box 3, Tamale, Ghana
Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and ... more Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and 30%. The garden eggs flour/powder was fortified with the Prekese powder which increased the level of protein (11.40%) of the composite powder produced from 70% garden eggs powder and 30% Prekese powder. It was much higher than that of 6.40% for product A, which comprised of 80% garden eggs powder and 20% Prekese powder. Fat content of the product labeled (A) was 18.30%, and 4.80% for product B. It was observed that garden eggs composite flour produced from 80% garden eggs and 20% Prekese had the highest fat content than that of the Product B. The ash and carbohydrate content of the products were 5.70% to 6.30% of the total ash and 63.03% to 69.90% of the total carbohydrate. Data were analyzed into frequencies, percentages and cross-tabulation tables using Statistical Package for Social Solutions (SPSS 21.) The p-value was 000, implying that the difference in means is statistically signif...
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology
Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and ... more Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and 30%. The garden eggs flour/powder was fortified with the Prekese powder which increased the level of protein (11.40%) of the composite powder produced from 70% garden eggs powder and 30% Prekese powder. It was much higher than that of 6.40% for product A, which comprised of 80% garden eggs powder and 20% Prekese powder. Fat content of the product labeled (A) was 18.30%, and 4.80% for product B. It was observed that garden eggs composite flour produced from 80% garden eggs and 20% Prekese had the highest fat content than that of the Product B. The ash and carbohydrate content of the products were 5.70% to 6.30% of the total ash and 63.03% to 69.90% of the total carbohydrate. Data were analyzed into frequencies, percentages and cross-tabulation tables using Statistical Package for Social Solutions (SPSS 21.) The p-value was 000, implying that the difference in means is statistically significant at the 1, 0.5 and 0.1 levels. Sample B (70% Garden eggs and 30% Prekese) was least preferred in terms of colour aroma and texture with a score of approximately 3.22. While sample A (80% garden eggs and 20% Prekese) had the mean value of approximately 4.10 for overall acceptability. This indicates that Prekese powder could be used in the production of a quality thickener by substituting garden eggs powder up to 20% level in instant soup based powder without any effects on the sensory attributes of the product.
International Journal of Engineering Applied Sciences and Technology
Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and ... more Garden eggs-Prekese instant powder was developed by the combination of Prekese powder at 20% and 30%. The garden eggs flour/powder was fortified with the Prekese powder which increased the level of protein (11.40%) of the composite powder produced from 70% garden eggs powder and 30% Prekese powder. It was much higher than that of 6.40% for product A, which comprised of 80% garden eggs powder and 20% Prekese powder. Fat content of the product labeled (A) was 18.30%, and 4.80% for product B. It was observed that garden eggs composite flour produced from 80% garden eggs and 20% Prekese had the highest fat content than that of the Product B. The ash and carbohydrate content of the products were 5.70% to 6.30% of the total ash and 63.03% to 69.90% of the total carbohydrate. Data were analyzed into frequencies, percentages and cross-tabulation tables using Statistical Package for Social Solutions (SPSS 21.) The p-value was 000, implying that the difference in means is statistically significant at the 1, 0.5 and 0.1 levels. Sample B (70% Garden eggs and 30% Prekese) was least preferred in terms of colour aroma and texture with a score of approximately 3.22. While sample A (80% garden eggs and 20% Prekese) had the mean value of approximately 4.10 for overall acceptability. This indicates that Prekese powder could be used in the production of a quality thickener by substituting garden eggs powder up to 20% level in instant soup based powder without any effects on the sensory attributes of the product.
This research work assesses kitchen health and safety measures of second cycle institutions in th... more This research work assesses kitchen health and safety measures of second cycle institutions in the Bolgatanga Municipality of Ghana. The study employed the exploratory research design. The researcher adopted the purposive sampling method to choose sixty-five (65) respondents from all the four senior high schools in
International Journal of Research in Tourism and Hospitality
This research work assesses the factors that influence organisational commitment among workers in... more This research work assesses the factors that influence organisational commitment among workers in the hotel industry, a case study of selected hotels in Bolgatanga municipal. The main objective was to assess the factors influencing organisational commitment among workers in the hotel industry. The researcher adopted the purposive sampling method to choose fifty (50) respondents from five selected hotels (Ex-Tee Hotel, Tap Hotel, Premier Lodge Hotel, Blue Sky Hotel and Black Star Hotel) in Bolgatanga Municipality. The study revealed that work and demographic characteristics have an effect on different dimensions of organisational commitment. It was recommended that management in the hotel industry should encourage employees to build optimistic attitude in their personality which would automatically increase their commitment. Also, the working environment and having the right tools should be the concern of hotel managers. It was recommended that the gender and educational level of the workers in the hotel industry be of great concern to the hotels since this has an impact on workers turnover and overall commitment.
Employees are the main assets with which the hotel industry can achieve competitive advantage. Th... more Employees are the main assets with which the hotel industry can achieve competitive advantage. They provide products and services, which represent the basis for the success of the hospitality industry. In order to be successful, a company needs employees who act toward the goals of the organization and have a strong desire to remain in the company, such loyalty may be generated by motivation. The purpose of the study was to assess the effects of motivation on quality service delivery in some selected hotels in Kumasi Metropolis of Ghana. The simple random sampling and purposive sampling procedure were used to select 180 respondents for the study. Data were collected using questionnaire. Descriptive statistics was used in addressing the objectives using frequency distributions and table illustrations. Majority of respondents (77.8%) were of the view that they are under paid, a situation that could lead to low morale, lack of interest on the job and low productivity. It was recommended that management needs to adopt strategies such as giving monthly or end of year benefit awards, staff bonuses, extra duty allowance, payment of social security, attractive salary scheme to their employees so that this will help to motivate and make staff feel secured and reduce employee turnover in the industry.
International Journal of Economics, Commerce and Management Research Studies, 2018
This research work assesses the effect of quality customer services delivery on selected traditio... more This research work assesses the effect of quality customer services delivery on selected traditional Catering establishments (Chop Bars) in Bolgatanga Township of Ghana. The researcher adopted a simple random sampling technique to choose 30 respondents from the contacted customers in the various chop bars at the time of the study. The study revealed that the exterior characteristics of chop bars in Bolgatanga Township on the following basis; the parking convenience and the cleanliness of chop bars were fair, while the attractiveness were averagely rated. The interior characteristics of the chop bar revealed the internal decoration of the chop bars was rated average, the lighting of the chop bars was rated very good, the cleanliness of eating area as good, while the comfort of furniture in chop bars was also rated very good. The quality of food served in chop bars also revealed that the freshness of food served by chop bars were very good and the menu variety of the chop bars was as fair, while the packaging of the food were considered good. It was recommended that chop bars in Bolgatanga Township should take appropriate steps to improve and sustain employee satisfaction in order to achieve customer satisfaction and also chop bar operators should take steps to address customers' challenges in order to improve their service demands.
The study sought to evaluate the perception of consumers in Anloga, Abor and Keta all in the Keta... more The study sought to evaluate the perception of consumers in Anloga, Abor and Keta all in the Keta Municipality on food safety and food quality and its effect on their food choices. The study moreover determined the attributes used by consumers to indicate safe food and quality food and also investigated the importance of both quality and safety in consumers' food purchase decisions. It is imperative that food safety remains a concern in all situations in order to derive maximum benefit from even the little available food. A qualitative survey design approach was employed to study 500 respondents. Questionnaires were used to collect data from the respondents and analysed using SPSS. Chi-square test for statistical significance of association and ANOVA were used where applicable. In relation to food quality, the study revealed that the majority of the respondents stated that best before date (4.55), freshness (4.44) good condition (4.40) and ingredients (4.38) were the most important attributes needed to ascertain the quality of food but taste (3.92), country of origin (3.54), price (3.52) and brand (3.42) were identified as the least to be considered in selecting quality food. The overall mean ranking for safety indicators of respondents showed that factors such as texture (4.76), best before date (4.64) and good condition (4.48) were identified by respondents as strong food safety indicators whereas price (3.27), brand (3.37) country of origin (3.40) and packaging material (3.88) were not considered as safety indicators by respondents.
Papers by John Adanse