Arkeologisk förundersökning av RAÄ 332 med flera lämningar 2008 ... Keywords: Archaeology, trial ... more Arkeologisk förundersökning av RAÄ 332 med flera lämningar 2008 ... Keywords: Archaeology, trial excavation, Brånahult, Middle Ages, bloomery sites, slag, iron production ... This report presents the results from an ar-chaeological trial excavation carried out in ...
... ostkusten 2: Blankaholmsseminariet år 2010. Editor: Kenneth Alexandersson, Michael Dahlin, Ve... more ... ostkusten 2: Blankaholmsseminariet år 2010. Editor: Kenneth Alexandersson, Michael Dahlin, Veronica Palm, Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay & Roger Wikell. Place of publ.: Västervik Publisher: Västerviks museum. Pages: 86-105. Year of ...
The woodlands of northern Skåne, south Halland and southwest Småland were an important ironproduc... more The woodlands of northern Skåne, south Halland and southwest Småland were an important ironproduction region from the medieval period until the end of the seventeenth century. Slagheaps found close to brooks and waterfalls indicates that waterpower was used in the local bloomery iron production. This essay deals with questions about the dating of these sites and the kind of technique that was used. Questions about the role of social groups involved in the ironproduction are also discussed. Comparisons are made between three ironproduction sites that have been excavated, Bredabäck, Stäket and Ugglehult/Dövared. The use of waterpower is introduced in Scandinavia in the twelth century. The ironproduction at Ugglehult/Dövared in Halland starts at the same time as the general introduction of waterpower but ceases onehundred years later. In northern Skåne and southwest Småland waterpower combined ironproduction is introduced in the fourteenth century and the use becomes common in the following centuries. The introduction in this area is about twohundred years after the first use of waterpower. The innovationprocess is therefore slower but the use is more longlasting. Excavations at Bredabäck and Stäket shows that traditional bloomery technique was combined with waterpower for bellows which made the ironproduction more effective. The ironproduction at Ugglehult/Dövared has been interpreted as a Rennwerk-process, a technique used in Germany during the Middle Ages but this hypothesis is somewhat uncertain. The ironmill is mentioned in a letter from 1187 that concerns a donation to the cistercian monastery of Sorö. Later research about the ironmill has shown that the monks were the not the introducers of this new technique. In northern Skåne and southwest Småland local farmers had a strong and independant position in society. The gradual adoption of the waterpower and the combination with old bloomery technique suggests that the introduction was made by the local farmers.
This report presents the results from an archaeological trial excavation carried out in December ... more This report presents the results from an archaeological trial excavation carried out in December 2008 at Brånahult, parish of Madesjö, Småland, southeast Sweden. The investigation was caused by plans of expanding a stone quarry into an area with ...
Öland är känt bland annat för sina över 1000 husgrunder från järnåldern. Bort- sett från Gotland ... more Öland är känt bland annat för sina över 1000 husgrunder från järnåldern. Bort- sett från Gotland har inget annat svenskt landskap så omfattande och synliga lämningar efter en förhistorisk bebyggelse som Öland. Kunskapen om den äldre järnålderns gårdar och odlingsmark på ön är därför ovanligt god. Detta står i kontrast till de senare perioderna vikingatid och tidig medeltid, från vilka bara ett fåtal hus är kända (Fallgren 2006:157f). I denna artikel presenteras resultaten från en arkeologisk undersökning utanför Köpingsvik på Öland sommaren 2009, där en gård med flera byggnader från tidig medeltid upptäcktes och undersök- tes. Undersökningen, som genomfördes som ett samarbete mellan Kalmar läns museum och Smålands museum, leddes av Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay (KLM) och Johan Åstrand (SM).
Arkeologisk förundersökning av RAÄ 332 med flera lämningar 2008 ... Keywords: Archaeology, trial ... more Arkeologisk förundersökning av RAÄ 332 med flera lämningar 2008 ... Keywords: Archaeology, trial excavation, Brånahult, Middle Ages, bloomery sites, slag, iron production ... This report presents the results from an ar-chaeological trial excavation carried out in ...
... ostkusten 2: Blankaholmsseminariet år 2010. Editor: Kenneth Alexandersson, Michael Dahlin, Ve... more ... ostkusten 2: Blankaholmsseminariet år 2010. Editor: Kenneth Alexandersson, Michael Dahlin, Veronica Palm, Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay & Roger Wikell. Place of publ.: Västervik Publisher: Västerviks museum. Pages: 86-105. Year of ...
The woodlands of northern Skåne, south Halland and southwest Småland were an important ironproduc... more The woodlands of northern Skåne, south Halland and southwest Småland were an important ironproduction region from the medieval period until the end of the seventeenth century. Slagheaps found close to brooks and waterfalls indicates that waterpower was used in the local bloomery iron production. This essay deals with questions about the dating of these sites and the kind of technique that was used. Questions about the role of social groups involved in the ironproduction are also discussed. Comparisons are made between three ironproduction sites that have been excavated, Bredabäck, Stäket and Ugglehult/Dövared. The use of waterpower is introduced in Scandinavia in the twelth century. The ironproduction at Ugglehult/Dövared in Halland starts at the same time as the general introduction of waterpower but ceases onehundred years later. In northern Skåne and southwest Småland waterpower combined ironproduction is introduced in the fourteenth century and the use becomes common in the following centuries. The introduction in this area is about twohundred years after the first use of waterpower. The innovationprocess is therefore slower but the use is more longlasting. Excavations at Bredabäck and Stäket shows that traditional bloomery technique was combined with waterpower for bellows which made the ironproduction more effective. The ironproduction at Ugglehult/Dövared has been interpreted as a Rennwerk-process, a technique used in Germany during the Middle Ages but this hypothesis is somewhat uncertain. The ironmill is mentioned in a letter from 1187 that concerns a donation to the cistercian monastery of Sorö. Later research about the ironmill has shown that the monks were the not the introducers of this new technique. In northern Skåne and southwest Småland local farmers had a strong and independant position in society. The gradual adoption of the waterpower and the combination with old bloomery technique suggests that the introduction was made by the local farmers.
This report presents the results from an archaeological trial excavation carried out in December ... more This report presents the results from an archaeological trial excavation carried out in December 2008 at Brånahult, parish of Madesjö, Småland, southeast Sweden. The investigation was caused by plans of expanding a stone quarry into an area with ...
Öland är känt bland annat för sina över 1000 husgrunder från järnåldern. Bort- sett från Gotland ... more Öland är känt bland annat för sina över 1000 husgrunder från järnåldern. Bort- sett från Gotland har inget annat svenskt landskap så omfattande och synliga lämningar efter en förhistorisk bebyggelse som Öland. Kunskapen om den äldre järnålderns gårdar och odlingsmark på ön är därför ovanligt god. Detta står i kontrast till de senare perioderna vikingatid och tidig medeltid, från vilka bara ett fåtal hus är kända (Fallgren 2006:157f). I denna artikel presenteras resultaten från en arkeologisk undersökning utanför Köpingsvik på Öland sommaren 2009, där en gård med flera byggnader från tidig medeltid upptäcktes och undersök- tes. Undersökningen, som genomfördes som ett samarbete mellan Kalmar läns museum och Smålands museum, leddes av Ludvig Papmehl-Dufay (KLM) och Johan Åstrand (SM).
Papers by Johan Åstrand