Papers by Joana Beatriz Oliveira Sousa

Applied Sciences
Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer-related mortality, and since the majority ... more Lung cancer is one of the most common causes of cancer-related mortality, and since the majority of cases are diagnosed when the tumor is in an advanced stage, the 5-year survival rate is dismally low. Nevertheless, the chances of survival can increase if the tumor is identified early on, which can be achieved through screening with computed tomography (CT). The clinical evaluation of CT images is a very time-consuming task and computed-aided diagnosis systems can help reduce this burden. The segmentation of the lungs is usually the first step taken in image analysis automatic models of the thorax. However, this task is very challenging since the lungs present high variability in shape and size. Moreover, the co-occurrence of other respiratory comorbidities alongside lung cancer is frequent, and each pathology can present its own scope of CT imaging appearances. This work investigated the development of a deep learning model, whose architecture consists of the combination of two str...

School meals present several cost benefits overtime at the short, medium, and long term for indiv... more School meals present several cost benefits overtime at the short, medium, and long term for individuals and society. This cross-sectional study aims to analyse the nutritional composition and evaluate the adequacy of school lunches. One hundred and fifty-eight samples were collected and analysed from 10 primary schools in Sintra’s municipality, served during one week. On average, energy (27.7% daily energetic requirements) and carbohydrate (48.1%) contents did not reach the reference values, and the content of protein (19.5%) exceeded the reference value (p < 0.05). The mean total fat (28.8%) and saturated fatty acids (5.4%) content complied with the recommendations. The mean salt (1.7 g) and dietary fibre (8.3 g) content exceeded the reference value but did not differ significantly from the recommendations. Addressing school canteens is crucial, not only in a nutritional approach, but also as an opportunity to achieve healthier, sustainable, and accessible food systems, aligned ...
UIDB/04209/2020 UIDP/04209/2020publishersversionpublishe

A Pedagogia no ensino superior é debatida a partir de um olhar oriundo dos Estudos Curriculares, ... more A Pedagogia no ensino superior é debatida a partir de um olhar oriundo dos Estudos Curriculares, partindo de uma noção abrangente de Pedagogia, que é uma teoria e prática da educação, de um conceito de currículo como projeto, vinculado inquestionavelmente ao conhecimento, e de análises de políticas educativas e curriculares, sobretudo do Processo de Bolonha, na União Europeia. Considera-se, de igual modo, que o currículo, no seu processo de desenvolvimento, concretiza-se numa ação pedagógica, que requer, de acordo com perspectivas teóricas da reconceptualização e pós-reconceptualização curriculares, uma conversação complexa e deliberativa.Higher education pedagogy is debated from the point of view of Curriculum Studies, based on a wide concept of pedagogy, which is an education theory and practice, on the conception of curriculum as a project that is linked to knowledge, and on the analysis of educational and curricular policies, especially the Bologna Process in the European Union....

Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2022
Advancements in the development of computer-aided decision (CAD) systems for clinical routines pr... more Advancements in the development of computer-aided decision (CAD) systems for clinical routines provide unquestionable benefits in connecting human medical expertise with machine intelligence, to achieve better quality healthcare. Considering the large number of incidences and mortality numbers associated with lung cancer, there is a need for the most accurate clinical procedures; thus, the possibility of using artificial intelligence (AI) tools for decision support is becoming a closer reality. At any stage of the lung cancer clinical pathway, specific obstacles are identified and “motivate” the application of innovative AI solutions. This work provides a comprehensive review of the most recent research dedicated toward the development of CAD tools using computed tomography images for lung cancer-related tasks. We discuss the major challenges and provide critical perspectives on future directions. Although we focus on lung cancer in this review, we also provide a more clear definiti...

Este artigo resulta do estudo realizado no âmbito do projeto de investigaçãoo "Avaliação Ext... more Este artigo resulta do estudo realizado no âmbito do projeto de investigaçãoo "Avaliação Externa de Escolas no Ensino não Superior", financiado pela Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia. O objetivo desta comunicação consiste em contextualizar o ensino especializado da música face ao mundo atual e às políticas educacionais de accountability, escolas eficazes e a avaliação externa de escolas (Taubman: 2009). Segundo dados publicados pelo Ministério da Educação sobre o ensino especializado da música, é possível verificar que em Portugal há uma ausência de estudos científicos nesta área (Domingues: 2007). Em 2006 a implementação da Avaliação Externa de Escolas (AEE) veio promover junto dos Conservatórios a prestação de contas, a reorganização e a uniformização dos seus procedimentos, bem como a autoavaliação, conforme as políticas educativas nacionais. As tendências emergentes revelam que no ensino especializado da música, a AEE tem um efeito direto na reorganização interna da...
CIEd - Centro de Investigacao em Educacao, projetos UID/CED/1661/2013 e UID/CED/1661/2016, Instit... more CIEd - Centro de Investigacao em Educacao, projetos UID/CED/1661/2013 e UID/CED/1661/2016, Instituto de Educacao, Universidade do Minho, atraves de fundos nacionais da FCT/MCTES-PT.
This work is funded by CIEd – Research Centre on Education, projects UID/CED/1661/2013 and UID/CE... more This work is funded by CIEd – Research Centre on Education, projects UID/CED/1661/2013 and UID/CED/1661/2016, Institute of Education, University of Minho, through national funds of FCT/MCTES-PT. Joana Sousa - Ph.D. student in Educational Sciences at the Institute of Education at the University of Minho (Portugal) with a research studentship by the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT - SFRH/BD/93389/2013).
Energy simulation software tools are an important support used for building designers to reduce t... more Energy simulation software tools are an important support used for building designers to reduce the cost of energy in buildings. The energy simulation software allow to determinate with accuracy some variables that can support designers to take decisions about the best measures to apply for any building to built or already existent. There are several energy simulation software tools in the market. The present study aims to identify some of the most important due to their capacity of calculating a significant number of variables and to compare them in order to establish their differences.

Pelo seu impacto e efeitos, a Avaliação Externa de Escolas (AEE) provoca alterações relacionais e... more Pelo seu impacto e efeitos, a Avaliação Externa de Escolas (AEE) provoca alterações relacionais e organizacionais (Barreira, 2016), com mais visibilidade na institucionalização da Autoavaliação de Escolas (AE) (European Comission/EACEA/Eurydice, 2015). O texto versa sobre um estudo de caso, de natureza institucional (Stake, 2006), realizado num Agrupamento de Escolas de Território Educativo de Intervenção Prioritária (TEIP), da região norte de Portugal, com o objetivo de problematizar a AE, numa lógica de desenvolvimento, melhoria e aprendizagem (Schreens, 2003; Nevo, 2007; Pacheco, 2010), mediante a participação dos atores educativos, mais concretamente de uma equipa de AE, formada com o objetivo de responder à exigência institucional da AEE. Adota-se uma metodologia de pesquisa centrada na investigação-ação-formação, no sentido de uma grounded theory (Charmaz, 2009; Amado, 2013), dado que os dados recolhidos e analisados surgiram em resposta às necessidades dos atores educativos, ...

Education is a place where evaluation is a priority in all levels. Schools as an organization, ar... more Education is a place where evaluation is a priority in all levels. Schools as an organization, are not disengaged of reality. Schools´ External Evaluation (SEE), framed by national and international educational policies that promote the legitimacy of evaluation placing accountability, quality, improvement, results and success as main objectives, represents the answer of Portugal to this need. According to the Law no. 31/2002, it was created a lasting and systematic culture of quality and improvement through levels of efficiency and efficacy to achieve credibility and success in the educational system. Since 2005/06 it has being implemented by the General Inspection of Education and Science (IGEC). The paper focuses on Portuguese school’s department coordinators experiences, and their perceptions of SEE. To understand it two focus group with department coordinators (n=17) were realized and the results were analyzed with content analysis based on Nevo’s (2007) evaluation perspective. ...
CIEd - Centro de Investigacao em Educacao, projetos UID/CED/1661/2013 e UID/CED/1661/2016, Instit... more CIEd - Centro de Investigacao em Educacao, projetos UID/CED/1661/2013 e UID/CED/1661/2016, Instituto de Educacao, Universidade do Minho, atraves de fundos nacionais da FCT/MCTES-PT.

Intelligence, Creativity and Fantasy, 2019
This paper presents a work in progress, aiming to develop and test a new chromatic planning metho... more This paper presents a work in progress, aiming to develop and test a new chromatic planning methodology for urban furniture, allowing the determination of colour plans, with a higher scientific approach, as a strategy for the enlargement of urban chromatic plans perspective. The case studies include two Municipalities around Lisbon, Loures and Oeiras, where several settlements with different dimensional, anthropological and topographic specifications were chosen. Samples areas have been selected to apply the new methodology to all furniture elements, in order to increase their potentiality as relevant issues for city colour planning. The chapter focuses on a particular case study – Laje – which is a settlement from Oeiras municipality, characterised for having three different neighbourhoods: social lodgings, with buildings all alike, belonging to the municipality, and to whom the inhabitants pay rent; buildings belonging to the inhabitants, to whom the municipality sold the land and...
Elo, 2016
In this paper the authors write about the Portuguese Education System Basic Law regarding from a ... more In this paper the authors write about the Portuguese Education System Basic Law regarding from a curricular perspective that conjugate the past, back to the beginnings of the 70's, and a future review in this public law, bringing to the discussion the some present perspectives. In spite of past revisions, most of them superficial, excepting the Bologna Process, the Portuguese Education System Basic Law needs a major change, since in that thirty years in the education field represent deep changes that are not in any stance reflected in the current law. We refer two central aspects for a review: the curricular structure from 0 to 18 years old and the personal and social development.

International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 2020
Since the 1990s Conservation Agriculture (CA) has been presented to smallholders in Laikipia (Ken... more Since the 1990s Conservation Agriculture (CA) has been presented to smallholders in Laikipia (Kenya) as a strategy to improve both soil fertility and productivity. In this paper, we provide a historical and social analysis of categories used to define soil management practices and farmers by agricultural programmes in colonial and post-colonial Kenya. For this purpose, we have conducted archive research, recorded the social memory of agricultural policies and farming techniques, and examined contemporary conceptual frameworks and institutional networks around CA in Ethi and Umande in Laikipia County, Central Kenya. We identified evidence of historical continuity in the strategies and methods of agricultural promotional practices. CA networks have broadly advertised the advantages of CA as a means to revert soil degradation and improve livelihoods. However, farmer categorizations based on engagement with CA, promotional strategies, and unclear operational definitions have all prevented CA from being understood by farmers as a technological farming proposal. Instead its adoption is linked with social status and occasional free access to agricultural inputs. Additionally, information about the potential risks and limitations of CA should be explicitly made available to farmers in Laikipia in order to promote transparency and informed decision-making.

Revista Educação Especial, 2018
O presente artigo procura descrever a Avaliação Externa das Escolas em Portugal através de um bre... more O presente artigo procura descrever a Avaliação Externa das Escolas em Portugal através de um breve enquadramento nas políticas educativas Europeias, numa lógica de reciprocidade entre os níveis nacional e transnacional, com o objetivo de refletir em torno das seguintes questões: A Avaliação Externa das Escolas promove a qualidade educativa? Que efeitos produz a Avaliação Externa das Escolas nas práticas docentes? Se, por um lado, existem vários estudos que destacam o facto de a Avaliação Externa das Escolas promover uma abordagem transformadora e formativa nas práticas escolares, através de consequências mais ou menos diretas, por outro, há estudos que clarificam que esses efeitos se refletem com pouca profundidade na realidade pedagógica. É neste contexto ambíguo que se pretende aprofundar a reflexão sobre a Avaliação Externa das Escolas e respetivos efeitos nas práticas escolares, nomeadamente, nas dimensões curricular e pedagógica, recorrendo às conclusões de vários estudos naci...

Praxis Educativa, 2020
Resumo: A educação confronta-se hoje com uma série de desafios, resultantes da crise provocada pe... more Resumo: A educação confronta-se hoje com uma série de desafios, resultantes da crise provocada pela pandemia COVID-19. A mudança da forma de trabalho dos professores é um bom exemplo, já que, por causa do confinamento social que essa crise gerou, e no contexto de medidas de emergência, o ensino presencial deu lugar ao ensino online, uma modalidade que é acelerada de modo intenso em transição para a sociedade digital ou para o predomínio da subjetividade digital. É, pois, sobre essa mudança de paradigma, bem como sobre o papel das tecnologias digitais na realização das atividades pedagógicas a distância e seus reflexos em termos curriculares que refletimos neste texto. Nessa reflexão, não descuramos a influência que a digitalização das relações e o zoomismo assumem nesse novo modo de pensar a escola, que é um "novo normal", embora o digital não venha a substituir a relação pedagógica, como se tem pretendido com os sucessivos recursos introduzidos na escola. Palavras-chave: Mudanças sociais. Transformações educativas. Zoomismo. Isolamento Curricular.
haser, 2013
Resumen: Este artigo estuda as bases da Filosofia Aplicada dentro das empresas e organizações. As... more Resumen: Este artigo estuda as bases da Filosofia Aplicada dentro das empresas e organizações. Assim, aprofunda nas necessidades filosóficas dos trabalhadores que trabalham nessas instituições e propõe uma metodologia de trabalho para o consultor filosófico baseado nas suas descobertas.
Papers by Joana Beatriz Oliveira Sousa