Papers by Joacillo Luz Dantas

Renewable energy & power quality journal, Apr 1, 2012
This paper proposes a study about a partial islanding system composed by a wind turbine based on ... more This paper proposes a study about a partial islanding system composed by a wind turbine based on doublyfed induction generator (DFIG), a wind turbine based on permanent magnet synchronous generator (PMSG), an active filter, capacitor banks, non-linear load, and the grid power. Mathematical model of systems are performed by both fieldoriented control (FOC) and virtual grid flux oriented control (VOC). The objective is to analyze the voltage and frequency of point of common coupling (PCC) due to the islanding of gridconnected electrical power systems and then the insertion of the non-linear load on the system. In order to compare methods to improve the power quality in PCC the use of capacitor banks and active filter are considered in this work. The whole simulation model is developed in PSCAD/EMTDC environment. The simulation results are presented and discussed.
Renewable energy & power quality journal, Apr 1, 2012
This paper proposes a new control strategy to the grid side converter (GSC) of a DFIG-based wind ... more This paper proposes a new control strategy to the grid side converter (GSC) of a DFIG-based wind turbine enabling the DFIG's FACTS features. This control strategy is based on the pq Theory which take advantage of this converter to improve the energy quality at the point of common coupling (PCC) acting as an active filter in the specific case adopted in this article. The control strategy of the rotor side converter (RSC) adopted was the classical field-oriented control which determines the active and reactive power that will be injected in the electrical system. Simulation results in PSCAD/EMTDC and some discussions are also shown throughout the paper.

Dahe, por suas relevantes e preciosas contribuições para engrandecimento do meu trabalho. Ao amig... more Dahe, por suas relevantes e preciosas contribuições para engrandecimento do meu trabalho. Ao amigo irmão João Almeida Diniz Júnior por sempre está ansioso em ajudar, e pela confecção das placas do circuito de proteção. Ao amigo irmão José Roberto por ser um grande companheiro de jornada com quem sempre pude contar, e pelas enúmeras ajudas com o LATEX. Aos companheiros do laboratório LAPIS, por torcerem pelo meu sucesso, em especial ao Paulo Henrique (Paulo Lapis) por ter me ajudado muito nas aquisições dos resultados experimentais. Ao profesor Josep Guerrero, da Universidade de Aalborg, por ter me recebido tão bem, e por ter disponibilizado o laboratório de Microgrid para realização dos experimentos referentes ao detector de afundamentos de tensão Ao Professor Luiz Ribeiro e família, por compartilharem comigo momentos tão agradáveis em Aaalborg. As bibliotecárias do Centro de Tecnologia da UFC, em especial a Marlene Rocha, por todo suporte na adequação deste trabalho nos padrões desta universidade. Ao Departamento de Telemática do IFCE pela liberação parcial das atividades acadêmicas. Ao presidente Lula, por criar o programa Ciências Sem Fronteiras, que permitiu o pesquisadores brasileiros visitassem outro centros de produção científica. A parcela do povo trabalhador brasileiro, que pagando impostos, financia uma educação da qual não teve direito.
International Society of Internet Addiction, Jun 1, 2018
2015 IEEE 13th Brazilian Power Electronics Conference and 1st Southern Power Electronics Conference (COBEP/SPEC), 2015
In this paper, a fast and robust voltage sag detection algorithm, named VPS 2 D, is introduced. U... more In this paper, a fast and robust voltage sag detection algorithm, named VPS 2 D, is introduced. Us ing the DSOGI, the algorithm creates a virtual positive sequence voltage and monitories the fundamental voltage component of each phase. After calculating the aggre gate value in the o:;3-reference frame, the algorithm can rapidly identify the starting and the ending of symmetric and asymmetric voltage sags, even if there are harmonics on the grid. Simulation and experimental results are given to validate the proposed algorithm.
International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems
Eletrônica de Potência, 2016
Resumo-Afundamento de tensão é um problema recorrente em sistemas elétricos, sendo o mesmo consid... more Resumo-Afundamento de tensão é um problema recorrente em sistemas elétricos, sendo o mesmo considerado um dos mais relevantes fatores que contribuem para a deterioração da qualidade de energia elétrica. Neste artigo, um novo e abrangente algoritmo de detecção de afundamentos de tensão, batizado de ADAMF, é apresentado. O mesmo tem a capacidade de detectar, rapidamente, afundamentos de tensões simétricos e assimétricos devido à sua habilidade de monitorar, independentemente, a componente fundamental de tensão em cada fase. O valor agregado das tensões, no referencial αβ , é comparado com 0,9 com o intuito de detectar ocorrência deste tipo de contingência. Simulações e resultados experimentais são apresentados para validação do algoritmo proposto.

Eletrônica de Potência
Wind turbines are widespread around the globe, and the number of wind farms connected to the grid... more Wind turbines are widespread around the globe, and the number of wind farms connected to the grid is continually increasing. The Doubly-Fed Induction Generator (DFIG) plays an important role, since it is one of the most used configurations for wind power generation. DFIG-based wind plants, however, are very sensitive to grid disturbances, specially to voltage sags, as these machines have their stator circuit directly connected to the grid. Voltage sags can result in oscillations in active power, torque and DC link voltage, as well as damage the machine and the back-to-back converter due to high currents that arise in such type of contingency. This work proposes a control strategy applied to the rotor-side converter (RSC) of the DFIG, in order to protect the machine and the back-to-back converter during voltage sags. The aim of the control strategy is to reduce the machine currents and also to remove the oscillating active power caused by unbalanced voltage sags.

2013 Brazilian Power Electronics Conference, 2013
This article presents a comparative analysis between two hybrid active power filters, a single tu... more This article presents a comparative analysis between two hybrid active power filters, a single tuned hybrid active power filter (STHF) and a double tuned hybrid active power filter (DTHF). This comparative study focused to analyze the power filters performance under the following characteristics: the total harmonic distortion, power factor correction and the power processed by the converter. The instantaneous power theory was used to implement the control of the active power filters. It was also used the Multiple Second Order Generalized Integrator-Frequency Locked Loop (MSOGI-FLL) circuit in order to improve the selectivity algorithm of the filter active. The STHF and DTHF topology will be discussed as well as the implemented control strategy. The simulation results were obtained using the PSCAD/EMTDC software that was used to build the simulation models.
IECON 2013 - 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2013
This paper proposes a new topology for wind turbine system based on doubly-fed induction generato... more This paper proposes a new topology for wind turbine system based on doubly-fed induction generator (DFIG). The DFIG grid-side converter in that application will operate together with a double-tuned passive filter. The combination of the classical grid-side converter plus the double-tuned passive filter will result in the double-tuned hybrid filter. The passive filter will be tuned to eliminate two harmonic frequencies, 3th and 5th-order harmonics. While the active filter will compensate the rest of harmonics present in the load current. A detailed mathematical model about both systems: doubly-fed induction generator and the double-tuned passive filter is shown in that work, and simulation results are presented in order to prove the proposal presented.
This paper shows architecture for an energy recycler circuit used for dc-source burn-in test. The... more This paper shows architecture for an energy recycler circuit used for dc-source burn-in test. The circuit, composed of power electronics devices, accomplishes the burn-in test in a dc power supply with rated voltage equal 54.5 V and current equal 50 A. It uses a PIC16F870 microcontroller to control a current inverter and a passive non-dissipative snubber to help the commutation

IECON 2012 - 38th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, 2012
Improving the Fault Ride Through capability (FRT) of Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) in wi... more Improving the Fault Ride Through capability (FRT) of Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) in wind power applications is a very important challenge for wind power industry. The mathematical models of such generators allow to analyze their response under generic conditions. However, their mathematical complexity does not contribute to simplify the analysis of the system under transient conditions, and hence do not help to find straigh-forward solutions to enhance their FRT. This paper discusses an important point that is still absent in the Brazilian grid code. This point is the reactive power injection by the wind turbine during a voltage sag, in order to realize the voltage regulation at the point of common coupling (peC). The advantages of such requirement to the system will be widely discussed in this work. Furthermore, the simulations and experimental results will also be shown in order to demonstrate the proposed ideas.
Aos meus irmãos Corina, Beto, Adriana, Ronaldo, Danielly e Herly. ix Ao meu sogro Walter Gurgel B... more Aos meus irmãos Corina, Beto, Adriana, Ronaldo, Danielly e Herly. ix Ao meu sogro Walter Gurgel Barreto † por ter me recebido como um filho e por se orgulhar dessa conquista. x AGRADECIMENTOS Meus sinceros agradecimentos ao professor Fernando Antunes, por sua valiosa orientação, disponibilidade, amizade e pela confiança depositada em minha pessoa para realização deste trabalho.

Improving the Fault Ride Through capability (FRT) of Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) in wi... more Improving the Fault Ride Through capability (FRT) of Doubly Fed Induction Generators (DFIG) in wind power applications is a very important challenge for wind power industry. The mathematical models of such generators allow to analyze their response under generic conditions. However, their mathematical complexity does not contribute to simplify the analysis of the system under transient conditions, and hence do not help to find straigh-forward solutions to enhance their FRT. This paper discusses an important point that is still absent in the Brazilian grid code. This point is the reactive power injection by the wind turbine during a voltage sag, in order to realize the voltage regulation at the point of common coupling (peC). The advantages of such requirement to the system will be widely discussed in this work. Furthermore, the simulations and experimental results will also be shown in order to demonstrate the proposed ideas.
This paper shows architecture for an energy recycler circuit used for dc-source burn-in test. The... more This paper shows architecture for an energy recycler circuit used for dc-source burn-in test. The circuit, composed of power electronics devices, accomplishes the burn-in test in a dc power supply with rated voltage equal 54.5 V and current equal 50 A. It uses a PIC16F870 microcontroller to control a current inverter and a passive non-dissipative snubber to help the commutation
Papers by Joacillo Luz Dantas