Conference Presentations by João Frederico da Costa Azevedo Meyer

XII Congreso Español de Sociologia, 2016
Resumo: O trabalho em tela busca relatar e avaliar a implementação do Projeto Corredor Cultural S... more Resumo: O trabalho em tela busca relatar e avaliar a implementação do Projeto Corredor Cultural Sudeste Sudeste a partir da percepção dos gestores e instituições envolvidas na ação piloto. Organizado 1 pelo Fórum de Pró-Reitores de Extensão das Instituições de Ensino Superior Públicas (IES) Brasileiras e com financiamento do Ministério da Cultura, trata-se de um programa de alto impacto para prática do campo no país, tendo em vista que engloba uma série de ações para a circulação dos fazeres artístico-culturais produzidos nas universidades dos estados do Espírito Santo, Minas Gerais, Rio de Janeiro e São Paulo. A partir de um mapeamento e diagnóstico das demandas locais, o calendário de atividades foi organizado em formato anual e dividido em quatro diferentes eixos temáticos (Mostras e Exposições; Cursos e Oficinas; Música e Artes da Cena). O projeto teve sua fase piloto entre janeiro e dezembro de 2015 e envolveu 17 diferentes IES públicas Brasileiras, visando o Incentivo à formação artística e cultural de estudantes e grupos ligados à comunidade acadêmica, por meio de apresentações e intercâmbio de artistas com as comunidades do entorno. A equipe de trabalho contou com gestores e produtores culturais que protagonizaram toda a fase de implementação das ações. No intuito de compartilhar as experiências adquiridas com o projeto e avaliar as implicações do mesmo para o desenvolvimento do campo artístico-cultural nas universidades do sudeste brasileiro, o presente artigo apresenta o modelo piloto fase a fase (delineamento geral, pré-produção, produção e resultados), e sua avaliação a partir do olhares da equipe envolvida em torno das ações realizadas. A complexidade administrativa exigida pelo caráter interinstitucional do projeto, a maior oferta de ações culturais no âmbito universitário e o potencial de ação da comissão executora são três dos pontos mais significativos citados no andamento do Corredor Cultural Sudeste Sudeste. Todos eles apontam para os princípios da extensão universitária praticada no Brasil, que tem por premissa a indissociabilidade com o ensino e a pesquisa, envolvidos em um processo interdisciplinar, educativo, cultural, científico e político que promove a interação transformadora da Universidade com os outros setores da sociedade. Palavras Chave: Cultura, Extensão Universitária, atividades culturais Resumen El presente trabajo evalúa la ejecución del Proyecto Corredor Cultural Sudeste Sudeste, a partir de la percepción de los gestores e instituciones participantes en la ación piloto. Organizado por el Fórum de Pró-Reitores de Extensão das Instituições Públicas de Ensino Superior (IES) Brasileiras y Devido ao sucesso da experiência piloto realizada em 2015, o Projeto Corredor Cultural Sudeste Sudeste foi 1 financiado pelo Ministério da Cultura para ser implementado na Região Sudeste em 2016. Registramos aqui nossos agradecimentos ao Governo Federal pela concessão dos recursos.
Papers by João Frederico da Costa Azevedo Meyer
Thermal Diffusion and Environmental Impact: A Case Study
Proceeding of Proceedings of CHT-15. 6th International Symposium on ADVANCES IN COMPUTATIONAL HEAT TRANSFER , May 25-29, 2015, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA, 2015
In this paper we will locate our present research results for efforts in Brazil in the realm of o... more In this paper we will locate our present research results for efforts in Brazil in the realm of oil spill modelling and simulation. In the beginning of the nineties, a project was presented in our University for optimizing resources of clean-up activities following an oil spill. In this global project the mathematical models for numerical simulation should include several phenomena not previously considered in those models then in use by government agencies. The Biomathematics Research Group, of the Applied Mathematics Department then began to work in this direction, using successive variations of some classical models. Besides the theoretical layout, this paper presents some case studies for a specific coastal region in southern Brazil.

A utilização do computador no processo de ensinar-aprender Cálculo: a constituição de grupos de ensino com pesquisa no interior da universidadeUse of computer in the process of teaching-learning Calculus: a constitution of teaching groups with research within the universityp.113-148
Este trabalho, além de relacionar um breve histórico de trabalhos e análises de experiências, sob... more Este trabalho, além de relacionar um breve histórico de trabalhos e análises de experiências, sobretudo brasileiras, relacionadas com ensino e aprendizagem de cálculo com o uso de computadores em diversos ambientes, exibe o que se verificou ser um diferencial marcante na obtenção de resultados positivos: as negociações necessárias dentro do grupo de professores, auxiliares e monitores em termos da definição de estratégias didáticas, de posturas pedagógicas e de ênfases docentes. Abstract In this paper, besides presenting a brief list of historically relevant analyses of previous experiences, specially in Brazil, with teaching and learning calculus with the aid of computers in several technological environments, the authors highlight what was verified to be an important factor in obtaining positive results: the necessary agreements the had to be reached by teachers, teaching assistants and tutors in terms of defining teaching strategies, pedagogical decisions and classroom emphases

ZDM – Mathematics Education
The purpose of the work described in this paper is to emphasize the importance of using mathemati... more The purpose of the work described in this paper is to emphasize the importance of using mathematical models and mathematical modelling in order to be able to understand and to learn possible behaviours in epidemic situations such as that of the COVID-19 pandemic, besides suggesting modelling techniques with which to evaluate certain sanitary decisions and policies which do, in fact, affect society as a whole. The mathematical tools that are used derive from nonlinear systems of difference equations (possibly viable at a high school level, using spreadsheets or adequate software) as well as nonlinear systems of ordinary differential equations (therefore using mathematical tools and software well within the reach of undergraduate students of many courses). This purpose is accomplished by motivating students and learners to study existing SIR-type models and modifying them in order to have a fully understandable translation of dynamics for infectious diseases such as COVID-19 in several different realistic scenarios, that is to say, situations that consider social distancing policies, widespread vaccination programmes, as well as possible and even probable results when in the presence of negationist postures and attitudes. Several modelling choices referring to real-life situations are shown and explored. These models are analysed and discussed, implicitly proposing similar attitudes and evaluations in learning environments. Conclusions are drawn, stimulating further work using the described mathematical tools and resources.

In this paper mathematical analysis of the HIV/AIDS deterministic model exposed in [Espitia, C. e... more In this paper mathematical analysis of the HIV/AIDS deterministic model exposed in [Espitia, C. et. al. Mathematical Model of HIV/AIDS Considering Sexual Preferences Under Antiretroviral Therapy, a Case Study in San Juan de Pasto, Colombia, Journal of Computational Biology 29 (2022) 483–493] is made. The objective is to gain insight into the qualitative dynamics of the model determining the conditions for the persistence or effective control of the disease in the community through the study of basic properties such as positiveness and boundedness, calculus of basic reproduction number, stationary points such as disease free equilibrium (DFE), boundary equilibrium (BE) and endemic equilibrium (EE) are calculated, local stability (LAS) of disease free equilibrium. It research allow to conclude that the best way to reduce contagion and consequently to reach a DFE is thought to be the reduction of homosexual partners rate as they are the most affected population by the virus, and are th...
A utilização do computador no processo de ensinar-aprender Cálculo: a constituição de grupos de ensino com pesquisa no interior da universidade Use of computer in the process of teaching-learning Calculus: a constitution of teaching groups with research within the university p.113-148
Zetetiké: Revista de Educação Matemática, Feb 26, 2009

Numerical Simulations Of An Oil Spill Accident InGuanabara Bay, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
In this work we present a classical evolution equation for the movement of oil slicks in marine w... more In this work we present a classical evolution equation for the movement of oil slicks in marine water in its second phase (Fay, 1969), and, setting it in its variational formulation, discretize it with a view towards the use of the Finite Element Method (using first degree approximations for oil concentration). For simulating marine currents special upwinding techniques are adopted so as to eliminate main oscillations caused by numerical options. These currents are given by the solution of Stokes' equation using second order finite elements, and boundary conditions are obtained from data furnished by the Brazilian National Hydrographic Directory. Resulting currents were then used for a qualitative simulation so as to verify the model comparing it to information obtained after the accident and during clean-up operations. The model is also used to show the presence of oil in an environmentally protected area (called Guapimirim), an area of mangroves, essential for marine life in t...
Dispersal of Leaf-Cutting Ants: Fuzzy Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Approximation and Simulations
Page 1. Dispersal of Leaf-Cutting Ants: Fuzzy Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Approximation and ... more Page 1. Dispersal of Leaf-Cutting Ants: Fuzzy Mathematical Modeling, Numerical Approximation and Simulations Rosana M. Jafelice, César G. Almeida 1 JFCA Meyer 2 Heraldo L. Vasconcelos 3 1.Faculty of Mathematics, Federal ...
Mathematical model and numerical simulation of the population dynamics of capybaras: an epizootic... more Mathematical model and numerical simulation of the population dynamics of capybaras: an epizootic model with dispersal, migration and periodically varying contagion

Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2021
This work addresses the COVID-19 pandemic on two fronts: proposing a system of ordinary different... more This work addresses the COVID-19 pandemic on two fronts: proposing a system of ordinary differential equations to model it and fitting this model to Brazilian and Portuguese data. It presents estimations to important parameters for the infection dynamics, such as the percentage of asymptomatic individuals, and it stresses out that non-biological human aspects, for example, cultural, social, and economic, are not only impacted by the pandemic but also impact the pandemic dynamics itself. We state that, despite significant variations in the parameters, due to those human elements present in the contemporary pandemic, and despite the strong nonlinearities of the problem, wise human intervention is possible and able to minimize human losses. We show that the mortality rate does not behave as one would expect for a biological problem, independent of cultural aspects, and we also point to possible dates for the peaks of infection in both countries depending on the control of the transmiss...
Second order finite elements are applied to a Diffusion-Advection Equation to model and simulate ... more Second order finite elements are applied to a Diffusion-Advection Equation to model and simulate the presence of air pollutants produced by local sources. Simplifications in the domain are presented and permit visualization of this presence. Some of these numerical results are presented.

Modeling and Stability Analysis of Salmon Mortality due to Microalgae Bloom using Linear Parameter-Varying Structure
2019 IEEE CHILEAN Conference on Electrical, Electronics Engineering, Information and Communication Technologies (CHILECON), 2019
This paper investigates a non-autonomous system that describes a biomathematical model in a salmo... more This paper investigates a non-autonomous system that describes a biomathematical model in a salmon farming context. More precisely, we consider two coupled nonlinear differential equations that model the dynamic behavior among aquatic pollution, salmon and microalgae populations. In this maritime habitat, we represent a harmful algal bloom (HAB) due to the climate event called El Niño. This phenomenon produces an ecological problem increasing the water temperature that starts a HAB, increasing the salmon mortality due to microalgae toxins and, consequently, incorporating additional aquatic pollution. In this work, we provide some stability and error analysis techniques based on a linear parameter-varying system modeling. Finally, we present numerical results and computational simulations in order to illustrate the applicability for our approach to model real ecological problems.
Changes of habitat of fish populations: a mathematical model
International Journal of Mathematical Education in Science and Technology, 1997
In this paper we present a theoretical mathematical model for the study of sudden changes in the ... more In this paper we present a theoretical mathematical model for the study of sudden changes in the habitat of certain species and consequent migration processes. A specific situation is mentioned. The necessary weak formulation for the resulting partial differential equation is presented and, besides an existence and uniqueness result, a numerical method is suggested. Since reliable data are not presently
IOs desafios teóricos e metodológicos para o estudo das migrações internas e internacionais têm p... more IOs desafios teóricos e metodológicos para o estudo das migrações internas e internacionais têm pautado os estudos da comunidade científica nas últimas décadas. Na reconstrução histórica do fenômeno migratório pode-se encontrar elementos que permitem acompanhar o deslanchar de processos posteriores. Nas condições sociais contemporâneas, a complexidade, a importância, as novas rotas e direções coexistem com processos migratórios antigos (internos e internacionais), que se redefinem na ...

Brazilian Journal of Biology, 2001
Diapausing eggs of the neotropical pasture pest, Deois flavopicta (Stal) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae),... more Diapausing eggs of the neotropical pasture pest, Deois flavopicta (Stal) (Hemiptera: Cercopidae), were exposed to low overnight temperatures that simulated field conditions during the dry season (23/12, 23/15 and 23/18ºC day/night), for different periods (0-60 days). After treatment, eggs were kept at 28ºC and contact water (100% humidity) until hatching. A group of diapausing eggs were kept all the time under this last condition as a control treatment. Time for hatching (in degree-days) was reduced with decrease in low overnight temperature and increase of exposure time to these cold shocks, although there was no interaction between the factors. Regression of exposure time to cold shock influencing the expected mean hatching time produced independent equations for temperatures below 18ºC and 15ºC. We constructed a model that simulates the expected proportion of the population hatching after the beginning of rainy season based on regression equations to mean hatching time and associ...
Trends in Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2021
In this paper some innovative aspects of the mathematical modelling of classic epidemiology probl... more In this paper some innovative aspects of the mathematical modelling of classic epidemiology problems for the study of models related to the COVID-19 pandemic dynamics are presented. In addition, they are compared to real-world data using numerical methods in order to approximate the solutions. One of these models includes a non-transmitting compartment and another one, a delay-differential equation in the SIR-type method. Finally, a comparative discussion of the results is also presented.

Proceeding Series of the Brazilian Society of Computational and Applied Mathematics
Resumo. Como sabemos, um dos maiores problemas do século 21é a poluição. Neste trabalho apresenta... more Resumo. Como sabemos, um dos maiores problemas do século 21é a poluição. Neste trabalho apresentamos uma investigação sobre o processo de dispersão da poluição na Lagoa Rodrigo de Freitas e suas conseqüências. Para analisar o processo de poluição, uma proposta de modelagem numérica através da equação difusão-advecção-reação foi considerada. Simulações numéricas são mostradas considerando o Método dos Elementos Finitos para as discretizações espaciais (usando elementos triangulares lineares) combinadas ao método de Crank-Nicolson para que a discretização de tempo seja mostrada. As simulações computacionais foram realizadas monitorando o processo de dispersão de poluição ao longo de 3 dias em 3 cenários diferentes, e além disso, foi realizada uma análise da concentração de poluição em nós específicos ao longo do tempo. Palavras-chave. Problema de transporte, Concentração de poluentes, Método de Elementos Finitos, Método Crank-Nicolson.
Conference Presentations by João Frederico da Costa Azevedo Meyer
Papers by João Frederico da Costa Azevedo Meyer