Papers by Jindriska G. Svobodova

INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2018
Recently, there are many educational debates about appropriate educational approaches for improvi... more Recently, there are many educational debates about appropriate educational approaches for improving scientific thinking in school science curriculum. The important basis for learning natural science is students’ understanding of the nature and structure of scientific knowledge and the process by which it is developed. Unfortunately, our university students get taught only little about the theory of science (ToS). The overall aim of this research study was to explore, if the development of course with subject Theory of science is attractive for university students and teachers. The study was based on survey, which investigates university students' reports about their intention in participation or learning theory of science. The scientific method represents a way of critical thinking. Science strengthens the ability to have an opinion founded more in facts than personal feelings. We assume that scientific thinking provides many skills for cognitive development of every person, helps cultivate their reasoning skills and better prepares for the real world. Our research study presents the university students opinions and ideas which could help identify the causes of the problem why students get taught so little about the science as whole?
INTED proceedings, Mar 1, 2023
Our research study uses open-ended questions and interviews to ascertain what students know regar... more Our research study uses open-ended questions and interviews to ascertain what students know regarding modern cosmological ideas, what common misunderstandings and misconceptions they entertain, and what sorts of materials can most effectively overcome difficulties in learning this material.
Referat o vytvořeni noveho modularniho kurzu Jak pracuje věda a o rozsahu a zaměřeni studijni opo... more Referat o vytvořeni noveho modularniho kurzu Jak pracuje věda a o rozsahu a zaměřeni studijni opory k tomuto kurzu.
Physics based on experimental observations, and learning how to perform and design experiments ef... more Physics based on experimental observations, and learning how to perform and design experiments effective is an essential part of physics education. Environmental physics is an ideal interdisciplinary theme for lifelo learning about the scientific process and the ways in which humans affect and are affected by the Earth's systems.
Although scientific research on global climate change has significantly improved human understand... more Although scientific research on global climate change has significantly improved human understanding of the Earth system, integration of the topic into school education remains a challenge. Climate science deals with enormous amount of data measured by satellites, meteorological stations etc. Some of the data are freely available on-line (global temperature, CO2 concentration, sea ice extend etc.) and can also be used in the classrooms in order to enhance ICT and climate literacy of the students. In this paper we present sample school activities based on data visualization with Gnuplot, which is a command-line driven graphing utility for Linux, MS Windows and many other platforms.

last change: 2014-06-12, published, p. 561-569) Climate change scien... more last change: 2014-06-12, published, p. 561-569) Climate change science is a multidisciplinary field. Many important functions of the climate system are domain of Climate physics. We claim, that physics teachers should have good understanding of basic principles of climate physics, e.g. greenhouse effect and causes of sea level rise, in order to transmit the knowledge towards their pupils. Dozens of studies have shown that people (mostly students or pupils) confuse greenhouse effect with ozone hole. To investigate the roots of misconceptions, we interviewed students at Masaryk University, Faculty of Education, who suppose to become physics teachers. We found their understanding of greenhouse effect is poor, ozone holes are out of their scope. Our results are being utilized to design a university course using laboratory and outdoor experiments and measurements, explaining vital concepts thoroughly – some examples are here too.
Ackoliv vědecký výzkum globalni změny klimatu významně pokrocil, integrace tohoto tematu do vzděl... more Ackoliv vědecký výzkum globalni změny klimatu významně pokrocil, integrace tohoto tematu do vzdělavaciho systemu se potýka s mnoha problemy. Věda o klimatu zpracovava enormně velke množstvi dat změřených satelity a meteorologickými stanicemi. Některe z dat jsou volně dotupne na internetu a mohou být využity při výuce pro rozvoj ICT a klimaticke gramotnosti žaků. Vyvinuli jsme sadu vzorových skolnich aktivit s podporou grafickeho programu Gnuplot ovladaneho z přikazoveho řadku. Prace s Gnuplotem může být pro žaky vstupni branou k programovani.

Studia Slavica, Oct 31, 2023
The paper deals with the reflection of the poisoning of the river Bečva on the news servers iDnes... more The paper deals with the reflection of the poisoning of the river Bečva on the news servers and Seznam zprávy. The selection of on-line newspapers was motivated by the person of their owner, the aim of the contribution was to find out how much this circumstance will be reflected in the way the event is presented. In the analysis, the authors used the method of critical reading based on the quantitative processing of the corpus of reports that were published in the period of 13 months after the environmental disaster. They mainly focused on what kind of media image is created for the company DEZA in the news (the prime minister was financially connected to both the newspaper and this company), what space in the news are given to witnesses "from the people" and experts from the academic sphere, and as the then Minister of the Environment Richard Brabec is presented in the news.
Recently, there are many educational debates about appropriate educational approaches for improvi... more Recently, there are many educational debates about appropriate educational approaches for improving scientific thinking in school science curriculum. For most people the science is what scientists are doing in research institutes, where science exists in its concentrated form. But in fact, the science resides in the minds of all educated and uneducated people. The scientific method represents a way of critical thinking. Science strengthens the ability to have an opinion founded more facts than personal feelings. We assume that scientific thinking provides many skills for cognitive development of every person. Those skills can be transferred to other learning in general social contexts. Our research study presents the university students opinions and ideas which could help identify the causes of the problem why students get taught so little about the science as whole?
World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, International Journal of Social, Behavioral, Educational, Economic, Business and Industrial Engineering, Mar 2, 2016
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, May 1, 2015
The aim of this research study was to investigate students' ideas and main difficulties with unde... more The aim of this research study was to investigate students' ideas and main difficulties with understanding modern cosmology science and to design based on results obtained a new cosmology course. We tried to identify factors, which might limit students' skills and knowledge about universe. The participants were students-mostly pre-service teachers at the Science Education program in an Faculty of Education. A combination of qualitative and quantitative research approaches were used in the study. The data were primarily sourced from a standard questionnaire instrument. In addition, the interviews were conducted to determine student's views of discussed course topics.

The paper focuses on how to promote deep understanding by investigating the students to question ... more The paper focuses on how to promote deep understanding by investigating the students to question their conceptual ideas of how the challenge of Universe looks, and on how to correct these views. We present our experiences with new instructional unit developed for science students and our ideas for teacher professional development.The ability to ask and answer questions is central to teaching and learning. We have initiated excercises to stimulate students to ask question about presented Tziolkovsky illustrations. Questions were based on students own observations. We try to explore any relationship among creativity and persons asking questions skill. We used science illustrations for this purpose and standardised creativity test. We recorded their questions and responses about problem presented in the pictures. Our research indicates, that relationship among students creativity and his skill for question asking could be exists.
Metodicke a pracovni listy k textům pro ucitele, ktere ucitele mohou využit ci je dale upravit dl... more Metodicke a pracovni listy k textům pro ucitele, ktere ucitele mohou využit ci je dale upravit dle sve potřeby, a tabulky průřezových temat, ktere mohou napomoci při zařazovani integrovaných temat do výuky.
Zakladni fyzikalně – chemicke vlastnosti fotokatalýzy jsou znamy již od 60. let minuleho stoleti ... more Zakladni fyzikalně – chemicke vlastnosti fotokatalýzy jsou znamy již od 60. let minuleho stoleti a byly studovany zejmena v Japonsku. Jejich využiti přeslo velmi kratce od teorie do oblasti praktickeho využiti a to zejmena v souvislosti s technologii vývoje samocisticich povrchů na bazi TiO2. Protože je fotokatalýza typicky interdisciplinarnim jevem, nabizi se přimo jako namět pro projektovou výuku na střednich skolach a univerzitach.
Studie prezentuje výběr vědeckých a lidských aktivit prominentnich fyziků, kteři - přinejmensim v... more Studie prezentuje výběr vědeckých a lidských aktivit prominentnich fyziků, kteři - přinejmensim v urcite době sveho života - projevili významnou veřejnou angažovanost.

Jedna se o odborný a syntetický text pro ucitele na tema Pocasi a podnebi. Autoři nahliži na atmo... more Jedna se o odborný a syntetický text pro ucitele na tema Pocasi a podnebi. Autoři nahliži na atmosferu jako složitý system. I když je atmosfera tak relativně tenka ve srovnani s velikosti Země, odehravaji se v ni obdivuhodne jevy. Za letnich ran a vecerů dovede být voňava a plna života, v zimě naopak nevlidna a mraziva. Vytvařeji se v ni mraky, ktere přinaseji desť, snih a někdy i krupobiti. Dovede rozbouřit hromy a metat blesky, vznikaji v ni tornada, schopna bořit domy, kacet stromy a potapět lodi. Chrani nas před dopady mensich meteoriotů, zařenim z kosmu a vyzařovanim nadměrneho množstvi tepla. V neposledni řadě nese výrazný vliv na rostliny a živocichy jak po fyziologicke strance, tak i z hlediska jejich rozsiřeni. Text je pojat integrovaně a kreativně s ohledem na rozvoj syntetickeho mysleni ctenaře. Každou podkapitolu uzaviraji otazky k zamysleni a tzv. namětovnik s konkretnimi odkazy na připravene metodicke a pracovni listy. Podporou zavedeni do praxe je i zpracovana tabulka...
Integrovaně zpracovany text věnovaný sirokemu tematu satů obsahujici dilci kapitoly např. vliv př... more Integrovaně zpracovany text věnovaný sirokemu tematu satů obsahujici dilci kapitoly např. vliv přirodnich a kulturnich podminek na oblekani, vývoj textilniho průmyslu a jeho podilu na průmyslovem pokroku i na postaveni textilniho průmyslu dnes, specialni oděvy, ktere dovoluji přežit clověku v podminkach pro něj jinak ohrožujicich, přirodni a synteticke materialy, jejich výrobě, zpracovani i barevne upravě a udržbě latek. Podkapitoly uzaviraji otazky k zamysleni a tzv. namětovnik s konkretnimi odkazy na připravene metodicke a pracovni listy. Text obsahuje tabulku vztahu podkapitol k průřezovým tematům podle RVP.
Papers by Jindriska G. Svobodova