Papers by James R Brayshaw

In the evocative book of Revelation. John shares a vision with his 7 scattered churches in Asia. ... more In the evocative book of Revelation. John shares a vision with his 7 scattered churches in Asia. And we have the privilege of listening in on what he saw ads what he told those who received his letters. Eventually he tells of a time near the "end" when Satan is let loose for thousand year period. Is this a case where God loses his mind and throws good judgement to the wind to let his old boy Satan go fly around and have fun before some interminable final destruction? Or is this still a vision where John uses commonly understood imagery to speak about a day of resurrection where the wicked are resurrected. A day when they think they are god with God and then find out they are not....Then what happens? If the wicked are seen as the satanas, as a Hebrew listener and speaker would have thought, is it possible John is telling of a day when they and the wickedness they represent will cease to exist? Email me for an eBook copy of the entire volume This is It Satan.... Is Finished! 613 pages of putting all the references to Satan back into their historical, cultural, and literary context.
[email protected]

In this paper we explore what it means to be a God, what it means for the God of Scripture to cla... more In this paper we explore what it means to be a God, what it means for the God of Scripture to claim to be the only God, and what it means to believe in an entity that can do many things a lot like the supernatural God of the Scriptures. When and why has the monotheism of Christianity become dualistic, henotheistic, or polytheistic?
When considering the list below of things God can do and the list of things Satan can supposedly do, how can one justify that Satan is not a second God if he were real?
***Things God Can Do***
-Gives thoughts to people
-Appear in various forms
-Fill a person’s spirit
-Control the weather
-Place diseases on man
-Remove diseases from man
-Dispatch angel’s
-Test man
-Hear our prayers
-Raise up leaders
-He brings evil
-Moves between two worlds
***Things Satan Can Do***
-Implant evil thoughts
-Appear as a serpent
-Fill a person’s spirit
-Control the weather
-Place diseases on man
-Remove diseases from man
-Dispatch angels (demons)
-Tempt man
-Hear our prayers
-Raise up leaders
-Does evil
-Moves between two worlds
###excerpted from Satan Christianity's Other God###
volume 1 in the 4 Volume Imagine No Satan Series

Just wanted to drop you a line to introduce myself and my books.
I am Jim Bray... more Greetings,
Just wanted to drop you a line to introduce myself and my books.
I am Jim Brayshaw, a husband, father, and Firefighter here in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I began and amazing journey to freedom about 12 years ago. Many church friends have long ago abandoned me and some have all but assigned me a place in Hell. Even worse is that few have taken the time to truly consider the possibilities I present. The release of my latest book “This Is It…Satan Is Finished” completes the monstrous 4 Volume work that dismantles Satan and Hell. All the while maintaining the dignity, authenticity, and authority of the Scriptures .
More and more our culture is being exposed to and subject to what is often seen as evil or demonic activity. From intense films and productions that elaborate on satanic power, to media hype around a merciless killer who is a vessel of evil. And it seems there might be less to those stories than we have been told. The past dozen years have had me answering questions about Satan and Hell that many have stopped asking. Some of these are; What if there is no Devil? Is it possible there is no Satan and no demons to possess a soul? What if there is only ONE supernatural cosmic entity? How would things change? Why did the God of the Bible say He makes peace and creates evil?
Many have stopped asking questions such as these and you may ask, “Why have they stopped asking?” Excellent question! I believe many have stopped asking because of the fatigue from not getting sensible answers. When we take Satan off the pages of the Bible and assess all the varied ideas about who he is and what he does, well frankly, Satan just doesn’t make sense in so many ways. Truth is, it is just less of a challenge to adhere to a lifelong belief that has been traditionally taught for centuries than to explore this belief with critical thought.
For centuries, theologians have propounded the same answers but now there is another option. Is it possible, I asked, that Satan is not real?
The Surprising Value of Dismantling Satan
In my books, I put forth a compelling examination of Satanic thought, theology, and theory. Without recapping all four volumes in a brief letter, I find there is no better way to introduce my work than to simply say, I think you will be surprised at how it can be shown Satan is not real. Moreover, many are even more surprised at how this is evidenced by the Bible.
The surprises continue for most when they realize that in proving Satan is not real, we actually strengthen the argument for the value of the Bible. This work has delighted even traditional believers as they find it supports the efficacy, historicity, and accuracy of the Bible as I mentioned above. While showing the devil to be absent from reality; the work of the Messiah and the fact there is only One God in the entire universe, is completely affirmed. For the typical seeker, the epiphany comes in realizing that yet again, the Bible is true and accurate/ There is no fault with the Scriptures, rather, it is the common interpretation of the biblical idea of Satan that has been mistaken in many ways. It has been man’s ideas of a second cosmic entity of evil that have propelled man to fill many terms and words of the Bible with mystic meaning. Meaning that was not intended by the original author.
So, as challenging as it is to enter a theological and historical dialogue on who and what Satan is, I respectfully ask you to consider doing so, with me or with others who have tapped into the truth about Satan. I assure you, a discussion on this most polarizing topic will leave your listeners demanding to hear more. The evidence against Satan is mountainous and if you decide to examine even the fringes of this ideology, the liberation that begins in the oft-indoctrinated mind, is only one of the amazing benefits that begin to manifest. Of the many emails I get thanking me for my efforts, I find those from ministers of the Gospel to be enlightening at a different level. I quote a recent one from a missionary in the Philippines below.
Hello James,
I literally just discovered your work about 2 hours ago on the Tentmaker facebook page. Once I clicked on one video, it just led me to the next one and so on. I just want to say that I really appreciate what you're doing.
My wife and I are both missionaries and have been questioning the reality of "Satan"/devil for quite some time now but have been wanting to learn how to understand it better. Even these past couple of weeks we've been having this discussion with friends and family...not necessarily having the answers...but simply challenging people with questions.
I'd love to get a hold of your book somehow. PDF or Kindle. I actually live here in the Philippines doing missionary work.
Thank you for your work. Like you, I have been told that I'll be going to hell and will be leading others there with me because of my message of grace and love. You're not alone.
Thanks for what you do.
Joshua Tongol
Sept 4,2012
I look forward to hearing from you.
Today we have a chance to step into something that just may be a revolution in human freedom. You don’t want to miss this.

More and more our culture is being exposed to and subject to what is often seen... more Greetings,
More and more our culture is being exposed to and subject to what is often seen as evil or demonic activity. From intense films and productions that elaborate on satanic power, to media hype around a merciless killer who is a vessel of evil. And it seems there might be less to those stories than we have been told. The past dozen years have had me answering questions about Satan and Hell that many have stopped asking. Some of these are; What if there is no Devil? Is it possible there is no Satan and no demons to possess a soul? What if there is only ONE supernatural cosmic entity? How would things change? Why did the God of the Bible say He makes peace and creates evil?
Many have stopped asking questions such as these and you may ask, “Why have they stopped asking?” Excellent question! I believe many have stopped asking because of the fatigue from not getting sensible answers. When we take Satan off the pages of the Bible and assess all the varied ideas about who he is and what he does, well frankly, Satan just doesn’t make sense in so many ways. Truth is, it is just less of a challenge to adhere to a lifelong belief that has been traditionally taught for centuries than to explore this belief with critical thought.
For centuries, theologians have propounded the same answers but now there is another option. Is it possible, I asked, that Satan is not real?
The Surprising Value of Dismantling Satan
In my books, I put forth a compelling examination of Satanic thought, theology, and theory. Without recapping all four volumes in a brief letter, I find there is no better way to introduce my work than to simply say, I think you will be surprised at how it can be shown Satan is not real. Moreover, many are even more surprised at how this is evidenced by the Bible.
The surprises continue for most when they realize that in proving Satan is not real, we actually strengthen the argument for the value of the Bible. This work has delighted even traditional believers as they find it supports the efficacy, historicity, and accuracy of the Bible as I mentioned above. While showing the devil to be absent from reality; the work of the Messiah and the fact there is only One God in the entire universe, is completely affirmed. For the typical seeker, the epiphany comes in realizing that yet again, the Bible is true and accurate/ There is no fault with the Scriptures, rather, it is the common interpretation of the biblical idea of Satan that has been mistaken in many ways. It has been man’s ideas of a second cosmic entity of evil that have propelled man to fill many terms and words of the Bible with mystic meaning. Meaning that was not intended by the original author.
So, as challenging as it is to enter a theological and historical dialogue on who and what Satan is, I respectfully ask you to consider doing so, with me or with others who have tapped into the truth about Satan. I assure you, a discussion on this most polarizing topic will leave your listeners demanding to hear more. The evidence against Satan is mountainous and if you decide to examine even the fringes of this ideology, the liberation that begins in the oft-indoctrinated mind, is only one of the amazing benefits that begin to manifest. Of the many emails I get thanking me for my efforts, I find those from ministers of the Gospel to be enlightening at a different level. I quote a recent one from a missionary in the Philippines below.
Hello James,
I literally just discovered your work about 2 hours ago on the Tentmaker facebook page. Once I clicked on one video, it just led me to the next one and so on. I just want to say that I really appreciate what you're doing.
My wife and I are both missionaries and have been questioning the reality of "Satan"/devil for quite some time now but have been wanting to learn how to understand it better. Even these past couple of weeks we've been having this discussion with friends and family...not necessarily having the answers...but simply challenging people with questions.
I'd love to get a hold of your book somehow. PDF or Kindle. I actually live here in the Philippines doing missionary work.
Thank you for your work. Like you, I have been told that I'll be going to hell and will be leading others there with me because of my message of grace and love. You're not alone.
Thanks for what you do.
Joshua Tongol
Sept 4,2012
I look forward to hearing from you.
Today we have a chance to step into something that just may be a revolution in human freedom. You don’t want to miss this.
Talks by James R Brayshaw

Is Satan real? Where does that idea come from? When you boil down any one of the stories in relig... more Is Satan real? Where does that idea come from? When you boil down any one of the stories in religion about Satan, you will find they all come from the story that Lucifer is a fallen angel. But maybe Lucifer is not the famous fallen angel of ill repute when we look carefully at that story. You can find the whole story here.
Tons of free reading from all four of my books are at the web site. Don't miss this link to "Lucifer's Fall In Isaiah"
Find all the answers about Satan, devils, demons, hell and even the Beast and the Dragon in just released Volume 4 of the Imagine No Satan Series. - "This Is It...Satan Is Finished!"
Well you deserve to know the facts. Is Lucifer an Angel? Did God kick his favorite creation out of Heaven only to let him try to take over the world? Do you believe in Satan? If you do then you are you believing in more than one God.

There is no single book in the Bible that invokes greater imagery than the book of Revelation.
... more There is no single book in the Bible that invokes greater imagery than the book of Revelation.
Millions of people throughout history look to this book to explain to them what is going to happen in the end and what is happening right now. The idea that Satan is actively working to destroy manipulate and control this creation is often said to be displayed in the book of Revelation. This is the book that contains details of a dragon.
What is this Dragon?
Is it a firebreathing lizard-like entity who has the power of flight that enables it to hurl itself through the air engaging in battles with supernatural angels?
Why would we be given a book that talks about a dragon and connects it to some entity known as Satan?
Is Satan the Dragon or is the Dragon some other satanically spawned creature of horror and destruction?
Tune in to find out why Revelation talks about the Dragon, what the Dragon is, why John wrote the way he did, and why taking the elements of his vision literally will send us into a downward spiral. Landing us in a pile of interpretations that just might never be sorted through and made sense of.
The text, history, language, and using Scripture to define Scripture, are sound factors we can examine to bring us to a conclusion that stops the confusion.
Join Jim and Angellah for this broadcast and be sure to send an email on over to get your copy of volume one in The Imagine No Satan Series.
[email protected]

You are going to love this show!
What is so hard about this. All we have to do is examine th... more You are going to love this show!
What is so hard about this. All we have to do is examine the texts in a way that shows us what the writer meant. We read News Papers like this and we read letters from family and friends like this. It is automatic that we just take the context of a current letter, news article, or report into consideration when we read them. So, if we want to understand what the writer’s of the Bible knew and meant about the Satan that is despised across the world, let’s just explore the context a little.
Seeing Satan to be real is simple if we look at the writings the way 21 Century thinking sees them. If we saw the tooth fairy, unicorns, and aliens the same way, without examining the context, we would have to believe they are a real as the nose on our face too.
If you have a whole bunch of questions that need answering, then this is the show to listen to. Join Jim and Angellah as they give you the panoramic tour of finding there is no satan in the Bible.
On today’s show we race through the entire Bible to touch on a pile of the major points that show us there is no Devil. You will want to tune in, call in, and chime in to be part of a whirlwind of freedom from Satan.
Why pray to get rid of Satan when all you need is the truth about man’s most feared adversary. If there has ever been a case when the truth shall set you free then this it. Freedom from Satan comes by being freed from a mistaken belief that he is real.
Books by James R Brayshaw

The Imagine No Satan Series by James R. Brayshaw
This extraordinary and compelling four volume... more The Imagine No Satan Series by James R. Brayshaw
This extraordinary and compelling four volume book series examines the origin of an idea many would rather not explore. Not for the faint of heart, The Imagine No Satan Series brings us out of the traditional funk that advocates a literal Satan and Hell. Readers are refreshed as this work lifts up the human condition to a place of understanding. In The Imagine No Satan Series we come to truly understand who or what Satan is.
If you have ever wondered if Satan and Hell are real; ever wondered if there are souls in Hell being tortured for eternity; ever wondered how God could create and co-exist with an ultra-evil supernatural being, then you need to read this series. Readers across the globe are examining the bold claims Brayshaw makes in this series. And readers home and abroad are declaring their gratefulness for a work that finally ends Satan forever.
Who's the Devil Jesus Knew? is the third volume in this series and it dismantles and reassembles the real Satan of the Gospels.
Beyond that Brayshaw doesn't leave the reader to a litany of unanswered questions from the rest of the New Testament, don't miss volume 4. “This Is It...Satan Is Finished!” the fourth and final volume, seals the deal on this controversial examination of religion’s most potent tool to control the masses. The biblical record is explored in its cultural, historical, linguistic, and social context. Get ready because you're gonna be thrilled at how it plays out.
If you’re ready to have your questions answered then dive into The Imagine No Satan Series. The recently released Volume 4, “This Is It...Satan Is Finished!” is the final book in the series. Completing a work that has handily dismantled the Satan of religion and freed the faithful from the clutches of the Evil One forever.
James R. Brayshaw has unraveled one of religion’s most daunting subjects. As the author of this thorough and well-reasoned examination of religion’s Satan, Brayshaw’s intensity and commitment to Biblical clarity goes a long way to dismantling Hell’s evil Over Lord. Exploring the depths of Hell has resulted in Brayshaw building a ladder for inquirers to climb free of a long misunderstood idea of Satan. Readers are enthralled to see the pieces of the age-old doctrine of Satan and Hell rightly reassembled. The entirety of Satan in the Scriptures finally takes a form that Christ, the Apostles, and the earliest believers would have advocated.
Often called the series that ends Satan forever, The Imagine No Satan Series helps readers to understand God afresh, others better, and themselves in a way that the belief in a supernatural Satan has kept them from until now.
The Imagine No Satan Series titles are;
Volume 1 – Satan Christianity’s Other God – Legend, Myth, Lore, or Lie
Volume 2 – Imagine There’s No Satan – How Satan Got Into The New Testament
Volume 3 – Who’s The Devil Jesus Knew – Explaining Satan In The Gospels
Volume 4 – This Is It…Satan Is Finished! –With Satan Gone We Are left With Only God.
James R. Brayshaw
[email protected]
Papers by James R Brayshaw
[email protected]
When considering the list below of things God can do and the list of things Satan can supposedly do, how can one justify that Satan is not a second God if he were real?
***Things God Can Do***
-Gives thoughts to people
-Appear in various forms
-Fill a person’s spirit
-Control the weather
-Place diseases on man
-Remove diseases from man
-Dispatch angel’s
-Test man
-Hear our prayers
-Raise up leaders
-He brings evil
-Moves between two worlds
***Things Satan Can Do***
-Implant evil thoughts
-Appear as a serpent
-Fill a person’s spirit
-Control the weather
-Place diseases on man
-Remove diseases from man
-Dispatch angels (demons)
-Tempt man
-Hear our prayers
-Raise up leaders
-Does evil
-Moves between two worlds
###excerpted from Satan Christianity's Other God###
volume 1 in the 4 Volume Imagine No Satan Series
Just wanted to drop you a line to introduce myself and my books.
I am Jim Brayshaw, a husband, father, and Firefighter here in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I began and amazing journey to freedom about 12 years ago. Many church friends have long ago abandoned me and some have all but assigned me a place in Hell. Even worse is that few have taken the time to truly consider the possibilities I present. The release of my latest book “This Is It…Satan Is Finished” completes the monstrous 4 Volume work that dismantles Satan and Hell. All the while maintaining the dignity, authenticity, and authority of the Scriptures .
More and more our culture is being exposed to and subject to what is often seen as evil or demonic activity. From intense films and productions that elaborate on satanic power, to media hype around a merciless killer who is a vessel of evil. And it seems there might be less to those stories than we have been told. The past dozen years have had me answering questions about Satan and Hell that many have stopped asking. Some of these are; What if there is no Devil? Is it possible there is no Satan and no demons to possess a soul? What if there is only ONE supernatural cosmic entity? How would things change? Why did the God of the Bible say He makes peace and creates evil?
Many have stopped asking questions such as these and you may ask, “Why have they stopped asking?” Excellent question! I believe many have stopped asking because of the fatigue from not getting sensible answers. When we take Satan off the pages of the Bible and assess all the varied ideas about who he is and what he does, well frankly, Satan just doesn’t make sense in so many ways. Truth is, it is just less of a challenge to adhere to a lifelong belief that has been traditionally taught for centuries than to explore this belief with critical thought.
For centuries, theologians have propounded the same answers but now there is another option. Is it possible, I asked, that Satan is not real?
The Surprising Value of Dismantling Satan
In my books, I put forth a compelling examination of Satanic thought, theology, and theory. Without recapping all four volumes in a brief letter, I find there is no better way to introduce my work than to simply say, I think you will be surprised at how it can be shown Satan is not real. Moreover, many are even more surprised at how this is evidenced by the Bible.
The surprises continue for most when they realize that in proving Satan is not real, we actually strengthen the argument for the value of the Bible. This work has delighted even traditional believers as they find it supports the efficacy, historicity, and accuracy of the Bible as I mentioned above. While showing the devil to be absent from reality; the work of the Messiah and the fact there is only One God in the entire universe, is completely affirmed. For the typical seeker, the epiphany comes in realizing that yet again, the Bible is true and accurate/ There is no fault with the Scriptures, rather, it is the common interpretation of the biblical idea of Satan that has been mistaken in many ways. It has been man’s ideas of a second cosmic entity of evil that have propelled man to fill many terms and words of the Bible with mystic meaning. Meaning that was not intended by the original author.
So, as challenging as it is to enter a theological and historical dialogue on who and what Satan is, I respectfully ask you to consider doing so, with me or with others who have tapped into the truth about Satan. I assure you, a discussion on this most polarizing topic will leave your listeners demanding to hear more. The evidence against Satan is mountainous and if you decide to examine even the fringes of this ideology, the liberation that begins in the oft-indoctrinated mind, is only one of the amazing benefits that begin to manifest. Of the many emails I get thanking me for my efforts, I find those from ministers of the Gospel to be enlightening at a different level. I quote a recent one from a missionary in the Philippines below.
Hello James,
I literally just discovered your work about 2 hours ago on the Tentmaker facebook page. Once I clicked on one video, it just led me to the next one and so on. I just want to say that I really appreciate what you're doing.
My wife and I are both missionaries and have been questioning the reality of "Satan"/devil for quite some time now but have been wanting to learn how to understand it better. Even these past couple of weeks we've been having this discussion with friends and family...not necessarily having the answers...but simply challenging people with questions.
I'd love to get a hold of your book somehow. PDF or Kindle. I actually live here in the Philippines doing missionary work.
Thank you for your work. Like you, I have been told that I'll be going to hell and will be leading others there with me because of my message of grace and love. You're not alone.
Thanks for what you do.
Joshua Tongol
Sept 4,2012
I look forward to hearing from you.
Today we have a chance to step into something that just may be a revolution in human freedom. You don’t want to miss this.
More and more our culture is being exposed to and subject to what is often seen as evil or demonic activity. From intense films and productions that elaborate on satanic power, to media hype around a merciless killer who is a vessel of evil. And it seems there might be less to those stories than we have been told. The past dozen years have had me answering questions about Satan and Hell that many have stopped asking. Some of these are; What if there is no Devil? Is it possible there is no Satan and no demons to possess a soul? What if there is only ONE supernatural cosmic entity? How would things change? Why did the God of the Bible say He makes peace and creates evil?
Many have stopped asking questions such as these and you may ask, “Why have they stopped asking?” Excellent question! I believe many have stopped asking because of the fatigue from not getting sensible answers. When we take Satan off the pages of the Bible and assess all the varied ideas about who he is and what he does, well frankly, Satan just doesn’t make sense in so many ways. Truth is, it is just less of a challenge to adhere to a lifelong belief that has been traditionally taught for centuries than to explore this belief with critical thought.
For centuries, theologians have propounded the same answers but now there is another option. Is it possible, I asked, that Satan is not real?
The Surprising Value of Dismantling Satan
In my books, I put forth a compelling examination of Satanic thought, theology, and theory. Without recapping all four volumes in a brief letter, I find there is no better way to introduce my work than to simply say, I think you will be surprised at how it can be shown Satan is not real. Moreover, many are even more surprised at how this is evidenced by the Bible.
The surprises continue for most when they realize that in proving Satan is not real, we actually strengthen the argument for the value of the Bible. This work has delighted even traditional believers as they find it supports the efficacy, historicity, and accuracy of the Bible as I mentioned above. While showing the devil to be absent from reality; the work of the Messiah and the fact there is only One God in the entire universe, is completely affirmed. For the typical seeker, the epiphany comes in realizing that yet again, the Bible is true and accurate/ There is no fault with the Scriptures, rather, it is the common interpretation of the biblical idea of Satan that has been mistaken in many ways. It has been man’s ideas of a second cosmic entity of evil that have propelled man to fill many terms and words of the Bible with mystic meaning. Meaning that was not intended by the original author.
So, as challenging as it is to enter a theological and historical dialogue on who and what Satan is, I respectfully ask you to consider doing so, with me or with others who have tapped into the truth about Satan. I assure you, a discussion on this most polarizing topic will leave your listeners demanding to hear more. The evidence against Satan is mountainous and if you decide to examine even the fringes of this ideology, the liberation that begins in the oft-indoctrinated mind, is only one of the amazing benefits that begin to manifest. Of the many emails I get thanking me for my efforts, I find those from ministers of the Gospel to be enlightening at a different level. I quote a recent one from a missionary in the Philippines below.
Hello James,
I literally just discovered your work about 2 hours ago on the Tentmaker facebook page. Once I clicked on one video, it just led me to the next one and so on. I just want to say that I really appreciate what you're doing.
My wife and I are both missionaries and have been questioning the reality of "Satan"/devil for quite some time now but have been wanting to learn how to understand it better. Even these past couple of weeks we've been having this discussion with friends and family...not necessarily having the answers...but simply challenging people with questions.
I'd love to get a hold of your book somehow. PDF or Kindle. I actually live here in the Philippines doing missionary work.
Thank you for your work. Like you, I have been told that I'll be going to hell and will be leading others there with me because of my message of grace and love. You're not alone.
Thanks for what you do.
Joshua Tongol
Sept 4,2012
I look forward to hearing from you.
Today we have a chance to step into something that just may be a revolution in human freedom. You don’t want to miss this.
Talks by James R Brayshaw
Tons of free reading from all four of my books are at the web site. Don't miss this link to "Lucifer's Fall In Isaiah"
Find all the answers about Satan, devils, demons, hell and even the Beast and the Dragon in just released Volume 4 of the Imagine No Satan Series. - "This Is It...Satan Is Finished!"
Well you deserve to know the facts. Is Lucifer an Angel? Did God kick his favorite creation out of Heaven only to let him try to take over the world? Do you believe in Satan? If you do then you are you believing in more than one God.
Millions of people throughout history look to this book to explain to them what is going to happen in the end and what is happening right now. The idea that Satan is actively working to destroy manipulate and control this creation is often said to be displayed in the book of Revelation. This is the book that contains details of a dragon.
What is this Dragon?
Is it a firebreathing lizard-like entity who has the power of flight that enables it to hurl itself through the air engaging in battles with supernatural angels?
Why would we be given a book that talks about a dragon and connects it to some entity known as Satan?
Is Satan the Dragon or is the Dragon some other satanically spawned creature of horror and destruction?
Tune in to find out why Revelation talks about the Dragon, what the Dragon is, why John wrote the way he did, and why taking the elements of his vision literally will send us into a downward spiral. Landing us in a pile of interpretations that just might never be sorted through and made sense of.
The text, history, language, and using Scripture to define Scripture, are sound factors we can examine to bring us to a conclusion that stops the confusion.
Join Jim and Angellah for this broadcast and be sure to send an email on over to get your copy of volume one in The Imagine No Satan Series.
[email protected]
What is so hard about this. All we have to do is examine the texts in a way that shows us what the writer meant. We read News Papers like this and we read letters from family and friends like this. It is automatic that we just take the context of a current letter, news article, or report into consideration when we read them. So, if we want to understand what the writer’s of the Bible knew and meant about the Satan that is despised across the world, let’s just explore the context a little.
Seeing Satan to be real is simple if we look at the writings the way 21 Century thinking sees them. If we saw the tooth fairy, unicorns, and aliens the same way, without examining the context, we would have to believe they are a real as the nose on our face too.
If you have a whole bunch of questions that need answering, then this is the show to listen to. Join Jim and Angellah as they give you the panoramic tour of finding there is no satan in the Bible.
On today’s show we race through the entire Bible to touch on a pile of the major points that show us there is no Devil. You will want to tune in, call in, and chime in to be part of a whirlwind of freedom from Satan.
Why pray to get rid of Satan when all you need is the truth about man’s most feared adversary. If there has ever been a case when the truth shall set you free then this it. Freedom from Satan comes by being freed from a mistaken belief that he is real.
Books by James R Brayshaw
This extraordinary and compelling four volume book series examines the origin of an idea many would rather not explore. Not for the faint of heart, The Imagine No Satan Series brings us out of the traditional funk that advocates a literal Satan and Hell. Readers are refreshed as this work lifts up the human condition to a place of understanding. In The Imagine No Satan Series we come to truly understand who or what Satan is.
If you have ever wondered if Satan and Hell are real; ever wondered if there are souls in Hell being tortured for eternity; ever wondered how God could create and co-exist with an ultra-evil supernatural being, then you need to read this series. Readers across the globe are examining the bold claims Brayshaw makes in this series. And readers home and abroad are declaring their gratefulness for a work that finally ends Satan forever.
Who's the Devil Jesus Knew? is the third volume in this series and it dismantles and reassembles the real Satan of the Gospels.
Beyond that Brayshaw doesn't leave the reader to a litany of unanswered questions from the rest of the New Testament, don't miss volume 4. “This Is It...Satan Is Finished!” the fourth and final volume, seals the deal on this controversial examination of religion’s most potent tool to control the masses. The biblical record is explored in its cultural, historical, linguistic, and social context. Get ready because you're gonna be thrilled at how it plays out.
If you’re ready to have your questions answered then dive into The Imagine No Satan Series. The recently released Volume 4, “This Is It...Satan Is Finished!” is the final book in the series. Completing a work that has handily dismantled the Satan of religion and freed the faithful from the clutches of the Evil One forever.
James R. Brayshaw has unraveled one of religion’s most daunting subjects. As the author of this thorough and well-reasoned examination of religion’s Satan, Brayshaw’s intensity and commitment to Biblical clarity goes a long way to dismantling Hell’s evil Over Lord. Exploring the depths of Hell has resulted in Brayshaw building a ladder for inquirers to climb free of a long misunderstood idea of Satan. Readers are enthralled to see the pieces of the age-old doctrine of Satan and Hell rightly reassembled. The entirety of Satan in the Scriptures finally takes a form that Christ, the Apostles, and the earliest believers would have advocated.
Often called the series that ends Satan forever, The Imagine No Satan Series helps readers to understand God afresh, others better, and themselves in a way that the belief in a supernatural Satan has kept them from until now.
The Imagine No Satan Series titles are;
Volume 1 – Satan Christianity’s Other God – Legend, Myth, Lore, or Lie
Volume 2 – Imagine There’s No Satan – How Satan Got Into The New Testament
Volume 3 – Who’s The Devil Jesus Knew – Explaining Satan In The Gospels
Volume 4 – This Is It…Satan Is Finished! –With Satan Gone We Are left With Only God.
James R. Brayshaw
[email protected]
[email protected]
When considering the list below of things God can do and the list of things Satan can supposedly do, how can one justify that Satan is not a second God if he were real?
***Things God Can Do***
-Gives thoughts to people
-Appear in various forms
-Fill a person’s spirit
-Control the weather
-Place diseases on man
-Remove diseases from man
-Dispatch angel’s
-Test man
-Hear our prayers
-Raise up leaders
-He brings evil
-Moves between two worlds
***Things Satan Can Do***
-Implant evil thoughts
-Appear as a serpent
-Fill a person’s spirit
-Control the weather
-Place diseases on man
-Remove diseases from man
-Dispatch angels (demons)
-Tempt man
-Hear our prayers
-Raise up leaders
-Does evil
-Moves between two worlds
###excerpted from Satan Christianity's Other God###
volume 1 in the 4 Volume Imagine No Satan Series
Just wanted to drop you a line to introduce myself and my books.
I am Jim Brayshaw, a husband, father, and Firefighter here in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. I began and amazing journey to freedom about 12 years ago. Many church friends have long ago abandoned me and some have all but assigned me a place in Hell. Even worse is that few have taken the time to truly consider the possibilities I present. The release of my latest book “This Is It…Satan Is Finished” completes the monstrous 4 Volume work that dismantles Satan and Hell. All the while maintaining the dignity, authenticity, and authority of the Scriptures .
More and more our culture is being exposed to and subject to what is often seen as evil or demonic activity. From intense films and productions that elaborate on satanic power, to media hype around a merciless killer who is a vessel of evil. And it seems there might be less to those stories than we have been told. The past dozen years have had me answering questions about Satan and Hell that many have stopped asking. Some of these are; What if there is no Devil? Is it possible there is no Satan and no demons to possess a soul? What if there is only ONE supernatural cosmic entity? How would things change? Why did the God of the Bible say He makes peace and creates evil?
Many have stopped asking questions such as these and you may ask, “Why have they stopped asking?” Excellent question! I believe many have stopped asking because of the fatigue from not getting sensible answers. When we take Satan off the pages of the Bible and assess all the varied ideas about who he is and what he does, well frankly, Satan just doesn’t make sense in so many ways. Truth is, it is just less of a challenge to adhere to a lifelong belief that has been traditionally taught for centuries than to explore this belief with critical thought.
For centuries, theologians have propounded the same answers but now there is another option. Is it possible, I asked, that Satan is not real?
The Surprising Value of Dismantling Satan
In my books, I put forth a compelling examination of Satanic thought, theology, and theory. Without recapping all four volumes in a brief letter, I find there is no better way to introduce my work than to simply say, I think you will be surprised at how it can be shown Satan is not real. Moreover, many are even more surprised at how this is evidenced by the Bible.
The surprises continue for most when they realize that in proving Satan is not real, we actually strengthen the argument for the value of the Bible. This work has delighted even traditional believers as they find it supports the efficacy, historicity, and accuracy of the Bible as I mentioned above. While showing the devil to be absent from reality; the work of the Messiah and the fact there is only One God in the entire universe, is completely affirmed. For the typical seeker, the epiphany comes in realizing that yet again, the Bible is true and accurate/ There is no fault with the Scriptures, rather, it is the common interpretation of the biblical idea of Satan that has been mistaken in many ways. It has been man’s ideas of a second cosmic entity of evil that have propelled man to fill many terms and words of the Bible with mystic meaning. Meaning that was not intended by the original author.
So, as challenging as it is to enter a theological and historical dialogue on who and what Satan is, I respectfully ask you to consider doing so, with me or with others who have tapped into the truth about Satan. I assure you, a discussion on this most polarizing topic will leave your listeners demanding to hear more. The evidence against Satan is mountainous and if you decide to examine even the fringes of this ideology, the liberation that begins in the oft-indoctrinated mind, is only one of the amazing benefits that begin to manifest. Of the many emails I get thanking me for my efforts, I find those from ministers of the Gospel to be enlightening at a different level. I quote a recent one from a missionary in the Philippines below.
Hello James,
I literally just discovered your work about 2 hours ago on the Tentmaker facebook page. Once I clicked on one video, it just led me to the next one and so on. I just want to say that I really appreciate what you're doing.
My wife and I are both missionaries and have been questioning the reality of "Satan"/devil for quite some time now but have been wanting to learn how to understand it better. Even these past couple of weeks we've been having this discussion with friends and family...not necessarily having the answers...but simply challenging people with questions.
I'd love to get a hold of your book somehow. PDF or Kindle. I actually live here in the Philippines doing missionary work.
Thank you for your work. Like you, I have been told that I'll be going to hell and will be leading others there with me because of my message of grace and love. You're not alone.
Thanks for what you do.
Joshua Tongol
Sept 4,2012
I look forward to hearing from you.
Today we have a chance to step into something that just may be a revolution in human freedom. You don’t want to miss this.
More and more our culture is being exposed to and subject to what is often seen as evil or demonic activity. From intense films and productions that elaborate on satanic power, to media hype around a merciless killer who is a vessel of evil. And it seems there might be less to those stories than we have been told. The past dozen years have had me answering questions about Satan and Hell that many have stopped asking. Some of these are; What if there is no Devil? Is it possible there is no Satan and no demons to possess a soul? What if there is only ONE supernatural cosmic entity? How would things change? Why did the God of the Bible say He makes peace and creates evil?
Many have stopped asking questions such as these and you may ask, “Why have they stopped asking?” Excellent question! I believe many have stopped asking because of the fatigue from not getting sensible answers. When we take Satan off the pages of the Bible and assess all the varied ideas about who he is and what he does, well frankly, Satan just doesn’t make sense in so many ways. Truth is, it is just less of a challenge to adhere to a lifelong belief that has been traditionally taught for centuries than to explore this belief with critical thought.
For centuries, theologians have propounded the same answers but now there is another option. Is it possible, I asked, that Satan is not real?
The Surprising Value of Dismantling Satan
In my books, I put forth a compelling examination of Satanic thought, theology, and theory. Without recapping all four volumes in a brief letter, I find there is no better way to introduce my work than to simply say, I think you will be surprised at how it can be shown Satan is not real. Moreover, many are even more surprised at how this is evidenced by the Bible.
The surprises continue for most when they realize that in proving Satan is not real, we actually strengthen the argument for the value of the Bible. This work has delighted even traditional believers as they find it supports the efficacy, historicity, and accuracy of the Bible as I mentioned above. While showing the devil to be absent from reality; the work of the Messiah and the fact there is only One God in the entire universe, is completely affirmed. For the typical seeker, the epiphany comes in realizing that yet again, the Bible is true and accurate/ There is no fault with the Scriptures, rather, it is the common interpretation of the biblical idea of Satan that has been mistaken in many ways. It has been man’s ideas of a second cosmic entity of evil that have propelled man to fill many terms and words of the Bible with mystic meaning. Meaning that was not intended by the original author.
So, as challenging as it is to enter a theological and historical dialogue on who and what Satan is, I respectfully ask you to consider doing so, with me or with others who have tapped into the truth about Satan. I assure you, a discussion on this most polarizing topic will leave your listeners demanding to hear more. The evidence against Satan is mountainous and if you decide to examine even the fringes of this ideology, the liberation that begins in the oft-indoctrinated mind, is only one of the amazing benefits that begin to manifest. Of the many emails I get thanking me for my efforts, I find those from ministers of the Gospel to be enlightening at a different level. I quote a recent one from a missionary in the Philippines below.
Hello James,
I literally just discovered your work about 2 hours ago on the Tentmaker facebook page. Once I clicked on one video, it just led me to the next one and so on. I just want to say that I really appreciate what you're doing.
My wife and I are both missionaries and have been questioning the reality of "Satan"/devil for quite some time now but have been wanting to learn how to understand it better. Even these past couple of weeks we've been having this discussion with friends and family...not necessarily having the answers...but simply challenging people with questions.
I'd love to get a hold of your book somehow. PDF or Kindle. I actually live here in the Philippines doing missionary work.
Thank you for your work. Like you, I have been told that I'll be going to hell and will be leading others there with me because of my message of grace and love. You're not alone.
Thanks for what you do.
Joshua Tongol
Sept 4,2012
I look forward to hearing from you.
Today we have a chance to step into something that just may be a revolution in human freedom. You don’t want to miss this.
Tons of free reading from all four of my books are at the web site. Don't miss this link to "Lucifer's Fall In Isaiah"
Find all the answers about Satan, devils, demons, hell and even the Beast and the Dragon in just released Volume 4 of the Imagine No Satan Series. - "This Is It...Satan Is Finished!"
Well you deserve to know the facts. Is Lucifer an Angel? Did God kick his favorite creation out of Heaven only to let him try to take over the world? Do you believe in Satan? If you do then you are you believing in more than one God.
Millions of people throughout history look to this book to explain to them what is going to happen in the end and what is happening right now. The idea that Satan is actively working to destroy manipulate and control this creation is often said to be displayed in the book of Revelation. This is the book that contains details of a dragon.
What is this Dragon?
Is it a firebreathing lizard-like entity who has the power of flight that enables it to hurl itself through the air engaging in battles with supernatural angels?
Why would we be given a book that talks about a dragon and connects it to some entity known as Satan?
Is Satan the Dragon or is the Dragon some other satanically spawned creature of horror and destruction?
Tune in to find out why Revelation talks about the Dragon, what the Dragon is, why John wrote the way he did, and why taking the elements of his vision literally will send us into a downward spiral. Landing us in a pile of interpretations that just might never be sorted through and made sense of.
The text, history, language, and using Scripture to define Scripture, are sound factors we can examine to bring us to a conclusion that stops the confusion.
Join Jim and Angellah for this broadcast and be sure to send an email on over to get your copy of volume one in The Imagine No Satan Series.
[email protected]
What is so hard about this. All we have to do is examine the texts in a way that shows us what the writer meant. We read News Papers like this and we read letters from family and friends like this. It is automatic that we just take the context of a current letter, news article, or report into consideration when we read them. So, if we want to understand what the writer’s of the Bible knew and meant about the Satan that is despised across the world, let’s just explore the context a little.
Seeing Satan to be real is simple if we look at the writings the way 21 Century thinking sees them. If we saw the tooth fairy, unicorns, and aliens the same way, without examining the context, we would have to believe they are a real as the nose on our face too.
If you have a whole bunch of questions that need answering, then this is the show to listen to. Join Jim and Angellah as they give you the panoramic tour of finding there is no satan in the Bible.
On today’s show we race through the entire Bible to touch on a pile of the major points that show us there is no Devil. You will want to tune in, call in, and chime in to be part of a whirlwind of freedom from Satan.
Why pray to get rid of Satan when all you need is the truth about man’s most feared adversary. If there has ever been a case when the truth shall set you free then this it. Freedom from Satan comes by being freed from a mistaken belief that he is real.
This extraordinary and compelling four volume book series examines the origin of an idea many would rather not explore. Not for the faint of heart, The Imagine No Satan Series brings us out of the traditional funk that advocates a literal Satan and Hell. Readers are refreshed as this work lifts up the human condition to a place of understanding. In The Imagine No Satan Series we come to truly understand who or what Satan is.
If you have ever wondered if Satan and Hell are real; ever wondered if there are souls in Hell being tortured for eternity; ever wondered how God could create and co-exist with an ultra-evil supernatural being, then you need to read this series. Readers across the globe are examining the bold claims Brayshaw makes in this series. And readers home and abroad are declaring their gratefulness for a work that finally ends Satan forever.
Who's the Devil Jesus Knew? is the third volume in this series and it dismantles and reassembles the real Satan of the Gospels.
Beyond that Brayshaw doesn't leave the reader to a litany of unanswered questions from the rest of the New Testament, don't miss volume 4. “This Is It...Satan Is Finished!” the fourth and final volume, seals the deal on this controversial examination of religion’s most potent tool to control the masses. The biblical record is explored in its cultural, historical, linguistic, and social context. Get ready because you're gonna be thrilled at how it plays out.
If you’re ready to have your questions answered then dive into The Imagine No Satan Series. The recently released Volume 4, “This Is It...Satan Is Finished!” is the final book in the series. Completing a work that has handily dismantled the Satan of religion and freed the faithful from the clutches of the Evil One forever.
James R. Brayshaw has unraveled one of religion’s most daunting subjects. As the author of this thorough and well-reasoned examination of religion’s Satan, Brayshaw’s intensity and commitment to Biblical clarity goes a long way to dismantling Hell’s evil Over Lord. Exploring the depths of Hell has resulted in Brayshaw building a ladder for inquirers to climb free of a long misunderstood idea of Satan. Readers are enthralled to see the pieces of the age-old doctrine of Satan and Hell rightly reassembled. The entirety of Satan in the Scriptures finally takes a form that Christ, the Apostles, and the earliest believers would have advocated.
Often called the series that ends Satan forever, The Imagine No Satan Series helps readers to understand God afresh, others better, and themselves in a way that the belief in a supernatural Satan has kept them from until now.
The Imagine No Satan Series titles are;
Volume 1 – Satan Christianity’s Other God – Legend, Myth, Lore, or Lie
Volume 2 – Imagine There’s No Satan – How Satan Got Into The New Testament
Volume 3 – Who’s The Devil Jesus Knew – Explaining Satan In The Gospels
Volume 4 – This Is It…Satan Is Finished! –With Satan Gone We Are left With Only God.
James R. Brayshaw
[email protected]