Papers by Jesus Alonso

Technische Mechanik Issn 0232 3869 2012 Vol 32 N 2 5, 2012
The Agent-Based Modelling and simulation (ABM) is a rather new approach for studying complex syst... more The Agent-Based Modelling and simulation (ABM) is a rather new approach for studying complex systems with interacting autonomous agents that has lately undergone great growth in various fields such as biology, physics, social science, economics and business. Efforts to model and simulate the highly complex cement hydration process have been made over the past 40 years, with the aim of predicting the performance of concrete and designing innovative and enhanced cementitious materials. The ABM presented here-based on previous workfocuses on the early stages of cement hydration by modelling the physical-chemical processes at the particle level. The model considers the cement hydration process as a time and 3D space system, involving multiple diffusing and reacting species of spherical particles. Chemical reactions are simulated by adaptively selecting discrete stochastic simulation for the appropriate reaction, whenever that is necessary. Interactions between particles are also considered. The model has been inspired by reported cellular automata's approach which provides detailed predictions of cement microstructure at the expense of significant computational difficulty. The ABM approach herein seeks to bring about an optimal balance between accuracy and computational efficiency.

The Agent-Based Modelling and simulation (ABM) is a rather new approach for studying complex syst... more The Agent-Based Modelling and simulation (ABM) is a rather new approach for studying complex systems withinteracting autonomous agents that has lately undergone great growth in various fields such as biology, physics, social science, economics and business. Efforts to model and simulate the highly complex cement hydration process have been made over the past 40 years, with the aim of predicting the performance of concrete and designing innovative and enhanced cementitious materials. The ABM presented here - based on previous work - focuses on the early stages of cement hydration by modelling the physical-chemical processes at the particle level. The model considers the cement hydration process as a time and 3D space system, involving multiple diffusing and reacting species of spherical particles. Chemical reactions are simulated by adaptively selecting discrete stochastic simulation for the appropriate reaction, whenever that is necessary. Interactions between particles are also con...
Conference Presentations by Jesus Alonso

El XIII Congreso Internacional de Caminería Hispánica se celebró durante los días 22, 23 y 24 de ... more El XIII Congreso Internacional de Caminería Hispánica se celebró durante los días 22, 23 y 24 de noviembre de 2017. La sede del Congreso fue la Escuela de Ingenieros de Caminos, Canales y Puertos de Madrid. Calle Profesor Aranguren s/n. Ciudad Universitaria. 28040 Madrid. La Asociación Internacional de Caminería fue creada en al año 1996 bajo el impulso y liderazgo de D. Manuel Criado de Val. La Asociación, que nació a la luz de los Congresos Internacionales de Caminería que se iniciaron en 1992, hasta ahora ha organizado XIII ediciones y se ha convertido en el más importante punto de encuentro de esta disciplina que une a investigadores y profesionales de ramas tan distintas como la Historia, la Filología, la Geografía o la Ingeniería. El CONICAM XIII fue un foro ideal para las relaciones internacionales y nacionales. El mejor lugar para presentar investigaciones y proyectos sobre Caminería. Se trata de un acontecimiento internacional: más de 100 ponentes han participado en cada Congreso en los últimos 25 años. Desde 1992 hasta 2017 se ha continuado una titánica labor de organización, promoción y difusión de la Caminería en sus diferentes ramas. Se ha logrado crear un corpus científico de primer orden que proponemos difundir y abrir a más investigadores, profesores, profesionales y estudiosos de estas materias.
Papers by Jesus Alonso
Conference Presentations by Jesus Alonso