Papers by Jessica Plavicki

The International Journal of Developmental Biology, 2014
The transcription factor SOX9 is a member of the SRY-related high-mobility-group box (SOX) superf... more The transcription factor SOX9 is a member of the SRY-related high-mobility-group box (SOX) superfamily of genes. In mammals, Sox9 plays important roles in many developmental processes including craniofacial, skeletal and heart morphogenesis, retinal and brain development, and gonad differentiation. Human mutations in SOX9 or the SOX9 promoter result in campomelic dysplasia, a severe genetic disorder, which disrupts skeletal, craniofacial, cardiac, neural and reproductive development. Due to the duplication of the teleost fish genome, zebrafish (Danio rerio) have two Sox9 genes: sox9a and sox9b. Loss of sox9b in zebrafish results in loss of function phenotypes that are similar to those observed in humans and mice. In order to generate a transgenic sox9b:EGFP reporter line, we cloned a 2450 bp fragment of the sox9b promoter and fused it to an EGFP reporter. Consistent with reported sox9b expression and function, we observed sox9b:EGFP in the developing heart, skeletal and craniofacial structures, brain, retina, and ovaries. Our resulting transgenic line is a useful tool for identifying and studying sox9b function in development and visualizing a number of zebrafish organs and tissues in which sox9b is normally expressed.

BMC developmental biology, 2014
The outermost layer of the vertebrate heart, the epicardium, forms from a cluster of progenitor c... more The outermost layer of the vertebrate heart, the epicardium, forms from a cluster of progenitor cells termed the proepicardium (PE). PE cells migrate onto the myocardium to give rise to the epicardium. Impaired epicardial development has been associated with defects in valve development, cardiomyocyte proliferation and alignment, cardiac conduction system maturation and adult heart regeneration. Zebrafish are an excellent model for studying cardiac development and regeneration; however, little is known about how the zebrafish epicardium forms. We report that PE migration occurs through multiple mechanisms and that the zebrafish epicardium is composed of a heterogeneous population of cells. Heterogeneity is first observed within the PE and persists through epicardium formation. Using in vivo imaging, histology and confocal microscopy, we show that PE cells migrate through a cellular bridge that forms between the pericardial mesothelium and the heart. We also observed the formation of...

Toxicological sciences : an official journal of the Society of Toxicology, 2014
Exposure of zebrafish embryos to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) activates the zebrafi... more Exposure of zebrafish embryos to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) activates the zebrafish aryl hydrocarbon receptor 2 (AHR) to produce developmental and cardiovascular toxicity. AHR is found in the heart; however, AHR activation by TCDD is not confined to the heart and occurs throughout the organism. In order to understand the cause of cardiotoxicity, we constructed a constitutively active AHR (caAHR) based on the zebrafish AHR2 and expressed it specifically in cardiomyocytes. We show that AHR activation within the cardiomyocytes can account for the heart failure induced by TCDD. Expression of the caAHR within the heart produced cardiac malformations, loss of circulation, and pericardial edema. The heart-specific activation of AHR reproduced several other well-characterized endpoints of TCDD toxicity outside of the cardiovascular system, including defects in swim bladder and craniofacial development. This work identifies a single cellular site of TCDD action, the myocardia...

Journal of Developmental Biology, 2013
Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are an excellent vertebrate model for studying heart development, regener... more Zebrafish (Danio rerio) are an excellent vertebrate model for studying heart development, regeneration and cardiotoxicity. Zebrafish embryos exposed during the temporal window of epicardium development to the aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) agonist 2,3,7,8tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) exhibit severe heart malformations. TCDD exposure prevents both proepicardial organ (PE) and epicardium development. Exposure later in development, after the epicardium has formed, does not produce cardiac toxicity. It is not until the adult zebrafish heart is stimulated to regenerate does TCDD again cause detrimental effects. TCDD exposure prior to ventricular resection prevents cardiac regeneration. It is likely that TCDD-induced inhibition of epicardium development and cardiac regeneration occur via a common mechanism. Here, we describe experiments that focus on the epicardium as a target and sensor of zebrafish heart toxicity.

Toxicological Sciences, 2013
Embryonic exposure to the environmental contaminant and aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist, 2,3,7,... more Embryonic exposure to the environmental contaminant and aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonist, 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD, dioxin), disrupts cardiac development and function in fish, birds, and mammals. In zebrafish, the temporal window of sensitivity to the cardiotoxic effects of TCDD coincides with epicardium formation. We hypothesized that this TCDD-induced heart failure results from disruption of epicardial development. To determine whether embryonic TCDD exposure inhibits epicardium and proepicardium (PE) development in zebrafish, we used histology and fluorescence immunocytochemistry to examine the epicardium formation in fish exposed to TCDD. TCDD exposure prevented epicardium formation. Using live imaging and in situ hybridization, we found that TCDD exposure blocked the formation of the PE cluster. In situ hybridization experiments showed that TCDD exposure also prevented the expression of the PE marker tcf21 at the site where the PE normally forms. TCDD also inhibited expansion of the epicardial layer across the developing heart: Exposure after PE formation was completed prevented further expansion of the epicardium. However, TCDD exposure did not affect epicardial cells already present. Because TCDD blocks epicardium formation, but is not directly toxic to the epicardium once complete, we propose that inhibition of epicardium formation can account for the window of sensitivity to TCDD cardiotoxicity in developing zebrafish. Epicardium development is crucial to heart development. Loss of this layer during development may account for most if not all of the TCDD-induced cardiotoxicity in zebrafish.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 2012

Physiology & Behavior, 2004
We used changes in body color and eyespot formation, two somatic indices of stress controlled mai... more We used changes in body color and eyespot formation, two somatic indices of stress controlled mainly by catecholamine activity, to compare the reactions of dominant and subordinate male green anole lizards (Anolis carolinensis) to a nonsocial stressor, forced movement. Individual males were pretested by subjecting them to 10 min of forced movement induced by chasing them around their home cage with a slender wooden stick. Stress responses were assayed via changes in body color (progressive darkening from green to brown indicating increasing stress) and expression of a black postorbital eyespot (which appears with increasing catecholaminergic stress responses). Lizards were paired and allowed to form stable dominant/subordinate relationships for 2 weeks. After that period of stable social status, dominants and subordinates were separated and subjected to the same forced-movement stress. There was no difference between experimental groups in the pretest. After assuming positions in the dominance hierarchy, however, dominant males showed reduced somatic indicators of stress and were quicker to recover from the stress. The data suggest that animals that assumed the dominant position decreased their stress response relative to the pretest, while animals that assumed the subordinate position increased their stress response relative to the pretest. The results indicate that dominant social status may have advantages beyond the realm of social interactions by enhancing an individual's ability to tolerate other, nonsocial stressful events. D

Molecular Pharmacology, 2013
Activation of the transcription factor aryl hydrocarbon receptor by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-... more Activation of the transcription factor aryl hydrocarbon receptor by 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) prevents the formation of the epicardium and leads to severe heart malformations in developing zebrafish (Danio rerio). The downstream genes that cause heart malformation are not known. Because TCDD causes craniofacial malformations in zebrafish by downregulating the sox9b gene, we hypothesized that cardiotoxicity might also result from sox9b downregulation. We found that sox9b is expressed in the developing zebrafish heart ventricle and that TCDD exposure markedly reduces this expression. Furthermore, we found that manipulation of sox9b expression could phenocopy many but not all of the effects of TCDD at the heart. Loss of sox9b prevented the formation of epicardium progenitors comprising the proepicardium on the pericardial wall, and prevented the formation and migration of the epicardial layer around the heart. Zebrafish lacking sox9b showed pericardial edema, an elongated heart, and reduced blood circulation. Fish lacking sox9b failed to form valve cushions and leaflets. Sox9b is one of two mammalian Sox9 homologs, sox9b and sox9a. Knock down of sox9a expression did not cause cardiac malformations, or defects in epicardium development. We conclude that the decrease in sox9b expression in the heart caused by TCDD plays a role in many of the observed signs of cardiotoxicity. We find that while sox9b is expressed in myocardial cells, it is not normally expressed in the affected epicardial cells or progenitors. We therefore speculate that sox9b is involved in signals between the cardiomyocytes and the nascent epicardial cells.
Hormones and Behavior, 2005
We thank Professor Wingfield for his commentary in this issue and the interesting questions he ra... more We thank Professor Wingfield for his commentary in this issue and the interesting questions he raises about the challenge effect and its functions in the control of aggressive behavior. He suggests several intriguing ideas that are worth pursuing, particularly in relation to the temporal nature of the testosterone (T) changes that occur in response to a competitive encounter. Testosterone changes can be short term, long term and the timing of the change can vary.
Papers by Jessica Plavicki