Papers by Jessica O. Barreto

INFORMÁTICA NA EDUCAÇÃO: teoria & prática, 2017
Jogos digitais estão cada vez mais presentes no mundo, atingindo diferentes faixas etárias e cama... more Jogos digitais estão cada vez mais presentes no mundo, atingindo diferentes faixas etárias e camadas socioeconômicas, impactando a indústria de entretenimento e criando novas formas de diversão, aprendizado e até trabalho. Em face disto, muitos pesquisadores vêm refletindo sobre como empregá-los na educação. Contudo, para isto não basta que funcionem apenas como canais de transmissão de conteúdo, mas que as potencialidades únicas da mídia sejam aplicadas em favor do aprendizado. Neste trabalho, discutimos algumas perspectivas dos jogos no aprendizado, a saber os jogos educativos, jogos sérios, jogos epistêmicos e os jogos persuasivos e sua retórica procedimental. Apresentamos em seguida as características dos jogos que os tornam objetos de aprendizado relevantes, explorados em um contexto de educação. Concluímos que a capacitação para compreender e criar jogos pode ser uma habilidade empoderadora para crescimento do indivíduo e seu desenvolvimento como cidadão, abrindo novos espaços férteis para reflexão sobre a realidade.
Digital games are increasingly present in the world, reaching different age and socioeconomic groups, influencing the entertainment industry and creating new forms of fun, learning and even work. Consequently, researchers have been reflecting on how to employ them in education. However, it is not enough that games work as channels for content transmission, but also the full use of the unique potentialities of the media in favor of learning. In this work, we discuss some perspectives of games in learning, namely educational games, serious games, epistemic games and persuasive games and their procedural rhetoric. Following, we present the characteristics of games that make them relevant learning objects, explored in an education context. We conclude that the skill to understand and create games can be an empowering ability for the growth of the individual and his development as a citizen, opening new fertile spaces for reflection on reality.
Papers by Jessica O. Barreto
Digital games are increasingly present in the world, reaching different age and socioeconomic groups, influencing the entertainment industry and creating new forms of fun, learning and even work. Consequently, researchers have been reflecting on how to employ them in education. However, it is not enough that games work as channels for content transmission, but also the full use of the unique potentialities of the media in favor of learning. In this work, we discuss some perspectives of games in learning, namely educational games, serious games, epistemic games and persuasive games and their procedural rhetoric. Following, we present the characteristics of games that make them relevant learning objects, explored in an education context. We conclude that the skill to understand and create games can be an empowering ability for the growth of the individual and his development as a citizen, opening new fertile spaces for reflection on reality.
Digital games are increasingly present in the world, reaching different age and socioeconomic groups, influencing the entertainment industry and creating new forms of fun, learning and even work. Consequently, researchers have been reflecting on how to employ them in education. However, it is not enough that games work as channels for content transmission, but also the full use of the unique potentialities of the media in favor of learning. In this work, we discuss some perspectives of games in learning, namely educational games, serious games, epistemic games and persuasive games and their procedural rhetoric. Following, we present the characteristics of games that make them relevant learning objects, explored in an education context. We conclude that the skill to understand and create games can be an empowering ability for the growth of the individual and his development as a citizen, opening new fertile spaces for reflection on reality.