Papers by Jerzy Gąsiorowski
Forum Scientiae Oeconomia, 2016

Purpose: The aim of the study is to determine the state of the crime of money laundering in Polan... more Purpose: The aim of the study is to determine the state of the crime of money laundering in Poland, its determinants, and the mechanisms of functioning, in terms of statistics and the forms and methods of committing these offences in order to develop optimal criminal law measures and relevant procedural and investigative actions. Design/Methodology/Approach: The research is based on statistical data and an analysis of comprehensive data containing information on criminal activities of money laundering perpetrators contained in state security reports and related literature. Findings: Statistics on the money laundering crime show that there has been a cyclical increase in money laundering over recent years, with the increased number of preparatory proceedings and investigative operations, although the growth rate of crimes is stable. The data obtained indicate the high effectiveness of cooperation between financial institutions and police formations and special services, both at the level of control and detection activities (judicial and extrajudicial), which allows for the criminal prosecution of perpetrators and the recovery and security of assets against possible penalties and claims. Practical implications: It has been found that Polish financial control institutions and law enforcement authorities dealing with the fight against the money laundering crime play an important role in effectively countering and combating this complex transnational crime. These arrangements contribute to the identification of forms and methods of money laundering that affects the legal and organisational aspects of countering and combating this category of crime. Originality/value: Research results identify the crime of money laundering, which is complex in its multi-format organisational structure, characterised by numerous and diverse forms of conduct, and develop more effective methods of countering and combating money laundering by financial control bodies and police formations and special services.
Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka – Praktyka – Refleksje, 2016
This dissertation presents the issues of police’s functioning in the public safety assurance syst... more This dissertation presents the issues of police’s functioning in the public safety assurance system. Police, as a militarized formation, serves the society and assures its protection, mainly in scope of maintenance of public safety and order, as well as in situation of threat with natural disasters, catastrophes and other events which cause crises. Fulfillment of these tasks in a most professional manner can only be achieved based on safety management process performed according to plan and in an efficient manner by the Police bodies on each level of command, with defined priorities, because only then the assumed goals can be reached.

Autor - dyrektor Departamentu Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyzszego w Ministerstwie Edukacji Narodowej - w... more Autor - dyrektor Departamentu Nauki i Szkolnictwa Wyzszego w Ministerstwie Edukacji Narodowej - wyprowadza przeslanki uzasadniające koncepcje tworzenia sektora wyzszych szkol zawodowych z ogolnie zarysowanej sytuacji szkolnictwa wyzszego w Polsce oraz zalozen programowych Ministerstwa, realizowanych od 1990 r. Poddaje rowniez analizie zasadnośc obaw i obiekcji cześci środowiska akademickiego, niechetnie odnoszącej sie do tej koncepcji. Specyficzna sytuacja demograficzna naszego kraju, ktorą do 2003 r. charakteryzowac bedzie dodatnia wartośc wskaźnika demograficznego, sluzy za podstawe do stwierdzenia, iz osiągniecie zalozonego poziomu i tempa wzrostu wspolczynnika skolaryzacji w efekcie rozwoju jednego sektora szkolnictwa wyzszego - akademickiego - nie jest mozliwe, ze wzgledu na liczebnośc kadry oraz wielkośc i stan zaplecza materialnego istniejących uczelni. Aspekt ekonomiczny problemu określają roczne naklady na jednego studenta; wielkośc dotacji ksztaltuje sie proporcjonal...

SA Orthopaedic Journal, 2017
Background: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetically inherited metabolic bone disorder that ... more Background: Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI) is a genetically inherited metabolic bone disorder that results in multiple fractures and deformities in children. The treatment of OI has undergone tremendous improvement in the last two decades worldwide. Aims: To review the clinical presentation and management of fractures in children with OI. Methods: A retrospective audit of patients treated for OI at Chris Hani Baragwanath Academic Hospital (CHBAH), from January 2000 to December 2011 was performed. Results: Seventy-eight patients with OI were reviewed. The male to female ratio was 1:1.1. The median age at presentation was 20 months. The patients were classified according to the Sillence classification. Thirty-four patients were type III and 22 were type IV. Twenty patients (26%) had a first degree relative with OI. The majority of patients received bisphosphonate (88%) and of these patients, 69 (93%) received intravenous bisphosphonate therapy; the remaining 7% received oral bisphosphonates. The most common long bone fractures were of the femur (93 fractures) and tibia (60 fractures). Sixty-six long bones (49 patients) received intramedullary rodding (IM). The mean age at time of surgery was 7 years. The indication for osteotomy and IM rodding was fracture of the long bones. Fifty-one long bones out of the 66 long bones rodded (77%) underwent revision surgery for complications-49% (25/51) had rod migration, 39% (20/51) had peri-implant fractures and 12% (6/51) had rod breakage. Of 27 patients with type III OI, 14 (52%) were walking at final follow-up-eight were walking with assistive devices and six (22%) were walking independently. Of 19 patients with type IV OI, 16 (84%) were walking at final follow-up-four were walking with an assistive device and 12 (63%) were walking independently. Conclusion: An ongoing multidisciplinary approach to the management of children with OI is of paramount importance. There is an urgent need to improve the level of awareness of this rare condition among health professionals in order to facilitate prompt diagnosis and early referral.
Limits influencing on hieat transfer method's choice, in fusion reactors, have been analysed.... more Limits influencing on hieat transfer method's choice, in fusion reactors, have been analysed. Structure of nucleate boiling of metal was selected, as a effective way of problem solution. Existence of relation between magnetic field and heat transfer intensity in boiling metal was shown. A part of Lorentz's forces in motion balance of valour bubble rising in liquid metal was evaluated. Magnetic field influence on elipsoidal vapour bubble growth time was estimated.

Kultura Bezpieczeństwa. Nauka – Praktyka - Refleksje
Modern terrorism is often associated with Middle East Islamic fundamentalists. This association i... more Modern terrorism is often associated with Middle East Islamic fundamentalists. This association is a result of violent terrorist attacks that have been carried out in the past few years, in various forms and according to diverse methods. As a consequence, terrorism started to be perceived as a serious problem by the public. It is also the case in Poland, where real terrorist threats occur. The paper presents a multi-faceted assessment, with respect to substantive law and statistics, of the level of terrorist threats in Poland in the years 2010–2016, regarding specific threats as well as the response of special services. The results show that the level of terrorist threat in Poland is not high, even though terrorism encompasses a whole range of crimes penalised in many legal statutes. The high efficiency of Polish special services and the Polish police in this field results from them using in an effective way legally allowed measures of counteracting terrorism.

Kultura i Edukacja
The paper presents the essence of the education for safety. There were analyzed both theoretical ... more The paper presents the essence of the education for safety. There were analyzed both theoretical issues and curriculum of the education aimed at matters related to widely understood safety in the system of public education as well as system of education in the Ministry of the Interior and Administration. Analysis of the theoretical aspects as well as of the practice proves that education for safety is successful. The society is educated in the necessary scope and therefore protected from a broad range of threats. Officers of the uniformed services are also educated in the scope sufficient for a professional fulfillment of the statutory duties. Such broad scope of safety knowledge allows the society to feel relatively secure. Such a sense of security is also contributed by the fact that this education continues to evolve and that main determinants of it are history, culture, traditions, geographical location, needs and challenges-so in fact potential threats, which in turn affects the process of education, attitudes, as well as the awareness.
Journal of Power Technologies, 1982
Papers by Jerzy Gąsiorowski