Books by Jerry Grover

Anyone that has read the entire Book of Mormon, whether believer or not, will note that the book ... more Anyone that has read the entire Book of Mormon, whether believer or not, will note that the book is heavy in chronological structure, from the various prophecies fulfilled after a specific number of years, to the continuous mention of nearly every year in certain periods. While the calendars within the Book of Mormon are internally consistent, it has not been apparent as to how these calendars correlate to events in Israel and in Mesoamerica. The book provides proof of exact correlation of Book of Mormon calendars with the siege of Jerusalem, the break in the siege of Jerusalem, and the final destruction of Jerusalem. It also provides exact dates and correlation for the birth and death of Christ, consistent with known Biblical scholarship in Israel. It also shows a direct correlation to a known date in Mesoamerica. It also provides an internally consistent Jaredite calendar that also conforms to known scientific and archeological data found in the core Olmec area. Also identified is a new Jubilee Calendar.

Mormon’s Chronological Summary of the Period from the 19th Regnal Year of the Reign of MosiahI to... more Mormon’s Chronological Summary of the Period from the 19th Regnal Year of the Reign of MosiahI to the Coming of the Limhites and Mormon’s Synopsis of the Book of Mormon Prophetic Calendar
A small scrap of paper entitled “Caractors” (also known as the Anthon Transcript) that contained reformed Egyptian characters copied from the plates from which the Book of Mormon has remained an enigma for more than a hundred years. The characters were successfully translated in 2015. This initial translation has been recently revised and updated, with additional supporting documentation. The number system found there is extensively analyzed and shows to preferentially use the Hebrew and Mesoamerican sacred numbers. Additional work shows that the time frame of the Egyptian hieratic identified there correlate to the correct time frame as the Book of Mormon. The author’s approach is meticulous and scientific. This book is a landmark event in Book of Mormon studies and is a book that must be read by every serious student of the Book of Mormon and of Mesoamerican studies.

Ever since the publication of the Book of Mormon, attempts have been made to place it in its geog... more Ever since the publication of the Book of Mormon, attempts have been made to place it in its geographical setting. Various geographical models are being debated. In a book that is the first of its kind, Jerry Grover, a professional civil engineer and geologist, utilizes geologic and geophysical analysis with clues in the Book of Mormon itself to provide an eye-opening placement of the Book of Mormon in its geologic setting. The book includes extensive details and a professional academic technical analysis of volcanoes, fault systems, meteorology, and unlike many approaches that cherry pick conveniently to fit preconceived ideas, the author takes on and explains and documents all Book of Mormon references to geology and meteorology. The authors approach is meticulous and scientific. This book is a landmark event in Book of Mormon studies and is a book that must be read by every serious student of the Book of Mormon. The author is dedicating all proceeds from the book to additional scientific geologic and engineering studies to cast further light on the ancient setting of the Book of Mormon.
The Swords of Shule, Jaredite Land Northward Chronology, Geography, and Culture in Mesoamerica
The Olmec civilization has long been considered to be the Jaredite civilization. New evidence is ... more The Olmec civilization has long been considered to be the Jaredite civilization. New evidence is presented here that provides a reliable correlation of chronology between Mesoamerican archaeology and the Jaredite timeline. New etymological and scientific evidence now provides a method of establishing a more detailed geography of the “land northward” referred to throughout the Book of Mormon, the Old World point of departure of the Jaredites, and Olmec cultural elements reflected in the Book of Mormon text.
An analysis of the etymology of the unknown word "ziff" in the Book of Mormon and an analysis of ... more An analysis of the etymology of the unknown word "ziff" in the Book of Mormon and an analysis of the usage in a Mesoamerican context. Also included is a metallurgical analysis of the Book of Mormon plates as to dimensions and alloy content.
The prophecies of Abinadi in the Book of Mormon, his sacrificial death, and the death of his murd... more The prophecies of Abinadi in the Book of Mormon, his sacrificial death, and the death of his murderers all correlate with Maya rituals and ceremonies. The later order of Nehor, having common elements with the king Noah syncretic religion, also correlates with known Mesoamerican religious practices, one being the Principal Bird Deity and its manifestations. Two other religious traditions, the "Great Spirit" and Amalekites, are derivatives of the Nephite religion.
This book shows the meaning in Sumerian compound words of all of the unknown words and glossed wo... more This book shows the meaning in Sumerian compound words of all of the unknown words and glossed words in the Book of Mormon, as well as looking at all other Book of Mormon names. Discussion is made of the target source languages of the Book of Mormon translation, and an analysis of interpreted names and their significance on determining the language of the plate stack.

Mormon’s Chronological Summary of the Period from the 19th Regnal Year of the Reign of MosiahI to... more Mormon’s Chronological Summary of the Period from the 19th Regnal Year of the Reign of MosiahI to the Coming of the Limhites and Mormon’s Synopsis of the Book of Mormon Prophetic Calendar
A small scrap of paper entitled “Caractors” (also known as the Anthon Transcript) that contained Reformed Egyptian characters copied from the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated has remained an enigma for more than a hundred years. Finally, the characters have been successfully translated. In a book that is the first of its kind, Jerry Grover, a professional civil engineer, geologist, and translator, has been able to crack the code of the “reformed Egyptian.” The author’s approach is meticulous and scientific. This book is a landmark event in Book of Mormon studies and is a book that must be read by every serious student of the Book of Mormon and of Mesoamerican studies. The author is dedicating all proceeds from the book to additional scientific studies to cast further light on the ancient setting of the Book of Mormon.
Published by Grover Publishing
This book is full of technical details designed for a trained lin... more Published by Grover Publishing
This book is full of technical details designed for a trained linguist. Brian Stubbs has toiled for decades as one of the foremost Uto-Aztecan linguists. His highly-acclaimed 2011 Uto-Aztecan: A Comparative Vocabulary is followed by this work. For many years he has been patiently gathering massive data that shows profound Semitic and Egyptian influences in the language family spoken by Utes and Shoshoni on the north, Nahuatl on the south, and Hopi in between. This is a revolutionary, paradigm-changing book. I highly recommend this book for serious students of native American cultures.
Book Reviews by Jerry Grover
A response by Brian Stubbs to a Book Review
Drafts by Jerry Grover
Hebrew etymology for the name in relation to king Aaron of the Book of Mormon

Length of Stay at Bountiful, 2022
Indirect evidence of a February departure can be surmised from the indication that there were app... more Indirect evidence of a February departure can be surmised from the indication that there were apparently no crops planted in Bountiful. The Book of Mormon text indicates that once the Lehites left the land of Jerusalem they considered themselves to be in the "wilderness" (1 Nephi 2:4). Thus, given a departure date of February 11, 588, after 8 lunar years they would have arrived in Bountiful at the earliest on November 16, 581. While arriving at exactly 8 years it does indicate they were in the wilderness a minimum of 8 years. It does appear that they arrived too late in the fall for a winter planting, and obviously much too early for a spring planting. It would seem that they knew that they were not planning on remaining in Bountiful long, so if they retained any seeds that required more than a year to be productive (fruit trees) they would have been unlikely to plant those, especially given the fact that Bountiful was indicated to have much fruit. One question that would need to be asked with a November arrival is whether there would be fruit available for consumption. The description of the route through the Arabian Peninsula indicates that Bountiful is located along the coast of Oman. In Oman, using information on currently grown crops, pomegranate is the most significant crop in this region, however, walnut, peach, apricot, fig, almond, cashews, plums, grapes, oranges, tangerines, limes, lemons, wild berries, strawberries, banana, mangoes, melons, apples and pears, also contribute significant income to the local inhabitants. Other crops of economic importance include roses and cold-climate vegetables. Several wild plants produce fruit that are typically consumed fresh or in various preparations including boot, nimt, wild olive or utom, sidr, and sawqam. (Al-Yahyai et al 2014). Pomegranite harvests can run as late as November into December depending on the climate and other conditions. There are currently over 250 types of dates harvested in Oman, with harvests running as late as November. Fruits are available during all months of the year in Oman, fruits available in each month are:
Even the most casual reader of the Book of Mormon will run across the story of the wicked King No... more Even the most casual reader of the Book of Mormon will run across the story of the wicked King Noah. Most readers would pose in their mind as to why one of the most wicked characters in the Book of Mormon would have the same name as the righteous Old Testament prophet Noah. There is an answer.
A cylinder seal discovered in 1957 in the archeological excavation of Chiapa de Corzo, Mexico was... more A cylinder seal discovered in 1957 in the archeological excavation of Chiapa de Corzo, Mexico was noticed at that time to have some Egyptian glyphs. Utilizing hieratic Egyptian, the cylinder seal can be translated to read "The royal person B'ah gives one offering to the ancestor King."
JWHA Journal, 2021
Examples of various translations of the Caractors Document

While the Book of Mormon recounts a variety of miracles, two miraculous events have special signi... more While the Book of Mormon recounts a variety of miracles, two miraculous events have special significance, the illuminated night and associated signs and wonders and the appearance of a new star in Mesoamerica previous to the birth of Christ, and the darkness and destruction which occurred upon his death. In a previous work, The Geology of the Book of Mormon, I elucidated a scientific explanation of the destruction, here I will provide the most likely scientific explanation for the illuminated night and signs and wonders. Also established is the correlation of the day of Christ’s birth with a solar eclipse, seen both in Mesoamerica and Mesopotamia, and the Old World astrological calculation used by the Magi of the day of Christ’s birth, together with a planetary Bethlehem Star and a separate Mesoamerican new star as a comet. Exact dates are then determined for Christ’s birth and death based on this astronomical information and information from the Book of Mormon and associated information.
Determination of the Chronology of the sermon and epistles of Mormon inserted by Moroni into the ... more Determination of the Chronology of the sermon and epistles of Mormon inserted by Moroni into the Book of Mormon and an analysis of the corresponding Mesoamerican background cultural setting.
There is evidence that the small plates included in the plate stack created by Mormon and Moroni ... more There is evidence that the small plates included in the plate stack created by Mormon and Moroni and found by Joseph Smith were not the original small plates, but rather were a version that had been translated/interpreted into reformed Egyptian. This evidence includes the reported appearance of the plate stack by modern-day witnesses, the fact that Mormon and Moroni did not seem to prefer using reformed Egyptian, Book of Mormon figures' apparent lack of knowledge of prophecies recorded in the small plates, the presence of an interpreted term in the small plates section, the presence of a narrative voice, the textual consistency of the Book of Mormon, a general absence of reference to the small plates in the Book of Mormon, and the evidence that knowledge of Egyptian was lost at some point, which would have resulted in the necessity of using reformed Egyptian.
Description: Mesoamerican insight on the phrase "Cavity of the Rock" in the Book of Mormon
Books by Jerry Grover
A small scrap of paper entitled “Caractors” (also known as the Anthon Transcript) that contained reformed Egyptian characters copied from the plates from which the Book of Mormon has remained an enigma for more than a hundred years. The characters were successfully translated in 2015. This initial translation has been recently revised and updated, with additional supporting documentation. The number system found there is extensively analyzed and shows to preferentially use the Hebrew and Mesoamerican sacred numbers. Additional work shows that the time frame of the Egyptian hieratic identified there correlate to the correct time frame as the Book of Mormon. The author’s approach is meticulous and scientific. This book is a landmark event in Book of Mormon studies and is a book that must be read by every serious student of the Book of Mormon and of Mesoamerican studies.
A small scrap of paper entitled “Caractors” (also known as the Anthon Transcript) that contained Reformed Egyptian characters copied from the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated has remained an enigma for more than a hundred years. Finally, the characters have been successfully translated. In a book that is the first of its kind, Jerry Grover, a professional civil engineer, geologist, and translator, has been able to crack the code of the “reformed Egyptian.” The author’s approach is meticulous and scientific. This book is a landmark event in Book of Mormon studies and is a book that must be read by every serious student of the Book of Mormon and of Mesoamerican studies. The author is dedicating all proceeds from the book to additional scientific studies to cast further light on the ancient setting of the Book of Mormon.
This book is full of technical details designed for a trained linguist. Brian Stubbs has toiled for decades as one of the foremost Uto-Aztecan linguists. His highly-acclaimed 2011 Uto-Aztecan: A Comparative Vocabulary is followed by this work. For many years he has been patiently gathering massive data that shows profound Semitic and Egyptian influences in the language family spoken by Utes and Shoshoni on the north, Nahuatl on the south, and Hopi in between. This is a revolutionary, paradigm-changing book. I highly recommend this book for serious students of native American cultures.
Book Reviews by Jerry Grover
Drafts by Jerry Grover
A small scrap of paper entitled “Caractors” (also known as the Anthon Transcript) that contained reformed Egyptian characters copied from the plates from which the Book of Mormon has remained an enigma for more than a hundred years. The characters were successfully translated in 2015. This initial translation has been recently revised and updated, with additional supporting documentation. The number system found there is extensively analyzed and shows to preferentially use the Hebrew and Mesoamerican sacred numbers. Additional work shows that the time frame of the Egyptian hieratic identified there correlate to the correct time frame as the Book of Mormon. The author’s approach is meticulous and scientific. This book is a landmark event in Book of Mormon studies and is a book that must be read by every serious student of the Book of Mormon and of Mesoamerican studies.
A small scrap of paper entitled “Caractors” (also known as the Anthon Transcript) that contained Reformed Egyptian characters copied from the plates from which the Book of Mormon was translated has remained an enigma for more than a hundred years. Finally, the characters have been successfully translated. In a book that is the first of its kind, Jerry Grover, a professional civil engineer, geologist, and translator, has been able to crack the code of the “reformed Egyptian.” The author’s approach is meticulous and scientific. This book is a landmark event in Book of Mormon studies and is a book that must be read by every serious student of the Book of Mormon and of Mesoamerican studies. The author is dedicating all proceeds from the book to additional scientific studies to cast further light on the ancient setting of the Book of Mormon.
This book is full of technical details designed for a trained linguist. Brian Stubbs has toiled for decades as one of the foremost Uto-Aztecan linguists. His highly-acclaimed 2011 Uto-Aztecan: A Comparative Vocabulary is followed by this work. For many years he has been patiently gathering massive data that shows profound Semitic and Egyptian influences in the language family spoken by Utes and Shoshoni on the north, Nahuatl on the south, and Hopi in between. This is a revolutionary, paradigm-changing book. I highly recommend this book for serious students of native American cultures.