Papers by Jeremiasz Jeszka

Journal of Molecular Modeling, 2017
The static properties of two-dimensional athermal polymer solutions were studied by performing Mo... more The static properties of two-dimensional athermal polymer solutions were studied by performing Monte Carlo lattice simulations using the cooperative motion algorithm (CMA) and taking into account the presence of explicit solvent molecules. The simulations were performed for a wide range of polymer chain lengths N (16-1024) and concentrations φ (0.0156-1). The results obtained for short chains (N < 256) were in good agreement with those given by previous simulations. For the longest chains (512 or 1024 beads), some unexpected behavior was observed in the dilute and semidilute regimes. A pronounced change in the concentration dependence of chain size and shape was observed below a certain critical concentration (0.6 for the longest chains under consideration, consisting of 1024 beads). Longer chains became more extended below this concentration. The behavior of the single-chain structure factor confirmed these changes in the fractal dimension of the chain as a function of the concentration. The observed phenomena are related to the excluded volume of solvent molecules, which causes the chain statistics to be modified in the vicinity of other chains; this effect is important in strictly 2D systems.
Synthetic Metals, 1999
X-ray diffractograms of conducting polycrystalline layers of P-ET& obtained within a surface laye... more X-ray diffractograms of conducting polycrystalline layers of P-ET& obtained within a surface layer of polycarbonate films show only (NJ) reflexes thus the comparison with single crystal data is reduced to one parameter-the spacing between the conducting layers. It is shown that P-ETIIj, formed at room temperature, with larger interlayer spacing can be transformed by annealing into tlgform of smaller interlayer spacing. The difference in interlayer spacing between the two states of p phase is ca OLVA.
Synthetic Metals, 2000
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics, 1986
The stoichiometry of the charge transfer (CT) complex which crystallised in a polymer solution du... more The stoichiometry of the charge transfer (CT) complex which crystallised in a polymer solution during film casting has been studied by a spectrophotometric method. It was found that the donor-to-acceptor molar ratio changes from 1:2 to 1:1 and even more, depending on the film casting conditions. The composition of the CT complex crystals is also related to the morphology of
Materials Science Forum, 1993
Fibres and Textiles in Eastern Europe, 2016
A method for the preparation of oriented, anisot ropic layers of soluble molecular materials on s... more A method for the preparation of oriented, anisot ropic layers of soluble molecular materials on substrates that were not pre-oriented (so-called zone casting) is presented. The method consists in casting a suitable solution, continuously supplied by a nozzle, onto a moving substrate. Solvent evaporation takes place from the surface of the meniscus formed between a special flat nozzle and the
Synthetic Metals
... 2 M.Kryszewski, JKJeszka, J.Ula~ski and A.Tracz, Pure Appl.Chem.~ 56 (1984) 355. 3 M.Kryszews... more ... 2 M.Kryszewski, JKJeszka, J.Ula~ski and A.Tracz, Pure Appl.Chem.~ 56 (1984) 355. 3 M.Kryszewski, Europ. Patent 0134026 A1, (1986). 4 OKKim, in T.Davidson (ed.), Polymers in Electronics, ACS Symp.Ser.,242 , ACS, Washington, 1984 p. 203. 5 J.Hocker, F,Jonas and H.- ...
Synthetic Metals
The preparation and properties of conductive PVDF films obtained by a reticulate doping technique... more The preparation and properties of conductive PVDF films obtained by a reticulate doping technique using TTF-TCNQ as the additive are described. It is shown that PVDF can be made conductive by reticulate doping with CT complexes and that such additives can have an important influence also on its crystalline structure. In the presence of dendrites of the CT complex, crystallization of PVDF in the (fl + 7) phase is favored, especially at high temperatures, and spherulite-like structures are observed. Films showing exceptionally high conductivity as compared with other reticulate doped systems (1 S/cm at the additive content 2 wt.% only) were obtained.
Synthetic Metals
The morphology, structure and optical properties of thin layers of crystalline his(ethylenedithio... more The morphology, structure and optical properties of thin layers of crystalline his(ethylenedithio) tetrathiafulvalene (BEDT-TTF or ET) polyiodides formed within the surface layer of polycarhonate film were investigated. The samples were obtained by exposing the polymer films containing 2 wt.% of molecularly * Corresponding
Journal of Applied Polymer Science
Preparation and properties of surface-conductive polymer composites based on a recently synthesiz... more Preparation and properties of surface-conductive polymer composites based on a recently synthesized electron-donor, methylenedithio-tetraselenefulvalene (MDT-TSF) are described. Polycarbonate and biodegradable polyester polylactide are used as polymer matrices. The obtained surface-conductive materials with MDT-TSF polyiodides show high, metal-like conductivities, indicating that MDT-TSF is one of the best donors for conductive composites.
Polymer-Plastics Technology and Engineering, 1981
... terephthalic and 4,6-dinitroisophthalic acids, with electron donor polymers based on arylimin... more ... terephthalic and 4,6-dinitroisophthalic acids, with electron donor polymers based on aryliminodiethanols ... groups are not attached close to the polymer backbone but through flexible (eg ... In many polymeric materials transient current dominates the current for a long time, many ...
Materials Science Forum, 1995
Papers by Jeremiasz Jeszka