Papers by Jenny Rodriguez
Carreiras globais e narratives de identidade: O caso dos migrantes qualificados no Qatar
Interrogating privilege in life and work experiences of women expatriates in the Middle East
Intersectional reflexivity: Fieldwork experiences of ethnic minority women researchers
Gender, Work and Organization, Feb 27, 2023
What’s wrong with manels and what can we do about it
Inequalities and employment relations
Women managers and leaders in the Dominican Republic

Gender in Management: An International Journal, Sep 22, 2022
This paper introduces intersectional situatedness to develop inclusive analyses of leadership. In... more This paper introduces intersectional situatedness to develop inclusive analyses of leadership. Intersectional situatedness recognises the contextual and situated nature of experiences and their interaction with social categories of difference. Methodology The paper draws on memory work by three feminist academics who situate their understandings and experiences of leadership as part of socio-historical contexts. Findings Understandings and experiences of leadership are multifaceted and benefit from being examined in their intersectional situatedness. This way, the simultaneity of visible and invisible disadvantage and privilege, which accumulate, shift and get reconfigured across the life course and based on particular intersectional identity invocations can be integrated in narratives about leadership. Research implications Interrogating gender-in-leadership embedding intersectional situatedness helps to advance the field by embedding the recognition, problematization and theorisation of situated difference as critical to understand leadership, its meaning and its practice in management and organisations. Practical implications In embedding intersectional situatedness in the analysis of leadership, more inclusive understandings of leadership are qualified that recognise differences positively and can help change the narrative around the meaning of "leader" and "good leadership". Social implications Intersectional situatedness helps to identify tangible ways to see how inequalities impact women's career progression to leadership and enable more nuanced conversations about privilege and disadvantage to advance feminist social justice agendas. Originality The paper reveals the narrow and restricted understandings of leadership, and how this influences who is regarded as a legitimate leader. In addition, it adopts a methodology that is not commonly used in gender-in-leadership research. Feminist futures in gender-in-leadership research: Self-reflexive approximations to intersectional situatedness "As your leader, I encourage you-from time to time and always in a respectful manner-to question my logic. If you're unconvinced a particular plan of action I've decided is the wisest, tell me so. But allow me to convince you; and I will promise you, right here and now, no subject will be taboo. Except, of course, the subject that was just under discussion. The price you pay for bringing up either my Chinese or American heritage as a negative is, I collect your fuckin' head, just like this fucker here. Now if any of you sons of bitches got anything else to say, now's the fuckin' time. I didn't think so"
How to start decolonising your business

The paper discusses how anxieties and insecurities resulting from an assumed imperative of authen... more The paper discusses how anxieties and insecurities resulting from an assumed imperative of authenticity affect the process of reflexivity in feminist research. Drawing on the feminist poststructuralist inspired nature of her research; the author centres her analysis on her experience as a woman doing research focusing on women within a geospatial context of emotional and cultural familiarity. The paper is organised in six sections; after a general introduction, the first section discusses how reflexivity is used by feminist researchers as an authenticity tool with the aim of 'being truthful' to the commitment of exploring people's lives, particularly women's realities. The second section provides a brief description of the nature and objectives of her research. In sections three, four and five, the author reflects on the authenticity/genuineness concerns generated by her geographical positionality, her theoretical positionality and her locus of d(enunciation) and how these affected her thought and production process. This is followed by a closing reflection in the last section, where the author assesses the how reflexivity helped her accomplish authenticity in her own research.
Evaluación del desempeño: reflexión desde una perspectiva de género
Ciencia y sociedad, 2003
Resulta fundamental abordar la funcionalidad del mecanismo de evaluacion del desempeno en el marc... more Resulta fundamental abordar la funcionalidad del mecanismo de evaluacion del desempeno en el marco del problema de genero en las organizaciones, especificamente en lo relativo a las diferencias que operan y se generan entre personas en cuanto a salario, jerarquia y oportunidades de desarrollo profesional. Esto es relevante en tanto algunos de los propositos de esta evaluacion, segun lo planteado por algunos autores (Milkovich & Boudreau, 1994; Pfeffer, 1998), se relacionan con otorgar retroalimentacion y consejo, asignar salarios y brindar oportunidades de desarrollo a las personas en las organizaciones.
Management Styles, Gender Theories
Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, Nov 27, 2013
Management, Women in
Encyclopedia of Women in Today's World, Nov 27, 2013
Special issue ofInternational Journal of Human Resource Management: Regulation of work and employment: advancing theory and research in international and comparative human resource management
International Journal of Human Resource Management, Apr 1, 2015
Encyclopedia of Business in Today's World, Oct 11, 2012
Employee Relations Emerald Article: Problematising the interplay between employment relations, migration and mobility
Gender, Work and Organization, Dec 1, 2019
Cuadernos de administración, Sep 3, 2019

International Journal of Human Resource Management, Nov 30, 2017
Changes to dynamics work and employment have resulted in calls for more sustainable management, p... more Changes to dynamics work and employment have resulted in calls for more sustainable management, procedural control, institutional governance, and political accountability. Against this background, there is renewed attention to regulation, its terms, nature and quality, and its role to shape the employment relationship. An important concern for international and comparative human resource management (I/CHRM) is understanding the role of regulation in interacting with these changes and how this varies across within and between countries. Regulation sits at the centre of competing economic and social demands, which are seen as both complementary and irreconcilable, and its complexity needs to be theorized and empirically mapped. The article discusses key themes related to changes to dynamics, processes and structures, and tensions that concern the fields of I/CHRM and its relationship with the regulation of work and employment. The article calls for more comprehensive insight into the theoretical links between regulation and I/CHRM, and more empirical evidence of their interplay across contexts. It suggests that engaging with the paradoxes and ambiguities of different competing agendas of regulation of work and employment, and exploring these in relation to different social actors within and across geographies is a significant step in advancing research in this area.
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Feb 23, 2023
Job security
Edward Elgar Publishing eBooks, Feb 23, 2023
Papers by Jenny Rodriguez