Papers by Jelisaveta Šafranj

Abstract. Communicative competence is the ability to send messages which promote attainment of go... more Abstract. Communicative competence is the ability to send messages which promote attainment of goals while maintaining social acceptability. Competent communicators attempt to align themselves with each others goals and methods to produce a smooth, productive and often enjoyable dialogue. The aim of this research was to investigate self-perceived communicative competence (SPCC) of students of Engineering Management in General English and English for Specific Purposes (ESP). A longitudinal study was carried out starting with the first year students at the Faculty of Technical Sciences in Novi Sad and was repeated with the same sample of students during their second and third year of study. Participation was voluntary and took place during regular class time. The measure of communicative competence employed was the Self-perceived Communication Competence Scale. The results of the study indicated that differences in SPCC between the years do exist. The SPCC gradually improved between t...

Cope, 1986) Sırpça çevirisinin geçerliliği ve psikometrik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Ölçek 296 mü... more Cope, 1986) Sırpça çevirisinin geçerliliği ve psikometrik özellikleri incelenmiştir. Ölçek 296 mühendislik lisans öğrencisine uygulanmıştır. Çalışmanın amacı, FLCAS'nin (Yabancı Dil Sınıf İçi Kaygı Ölçeği) faktör yapısıyla ilişkili çok sayıda rakip modeli karşılaştırmaktır. Aşağıdaki modeller test edilmiştir: (1) dört faktörlü model, (2) dört spesifik faktörü bulunan iki faktörlü model, (3) üç faktörlü model, (4) üç spesifik faktörü bulunan iki faktörlü model, (5) iki faktörlü model ve (6) iki spesifik faktörü iki faktörlü model. İki faktörlü modelin, kullanılan bütün uyum indekslerine göre en iyi çözüm olduğu görülmüştür. Bu çalışma, FLCAS'nin Sırpça versiyonuna odaklanan ve genel anlamda FLCA konusunda kavramsal sorunları ele almak için kullanılan karmaşık istatistiksel prosedürlere (ör. IRT, iki faktörlü modellerin test edilmesi) odaklanan ilk çalışmadır. Bu çalışmanın sonuçları ölçeğin faktör yapısına ve her bir maddenin işlevine dair IRT perspektifinden bilgiler vermekte ve ileriki araştırmalar için yeni soruların önünü açmaktadır. Yabancı Dil Sınıf İçi Kaygı Ölçeği (FLCAS) Yabancı Dil Sınıf İçi Kaygı (FLCA) İki faktörlü model Madde yanıt teorisi (IRT)

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Teaching listening comprehension is one of the most vital and difficult tasks for any foreign lan... more Teaching listening comprehension is one of the most vital and difficult tasks for any foreign language teacher because there are no rules as in grammar teaching. This study explored to what extent students enhance listening comprehension through movies with and without subtitles and what their attitudes are towards this teaching tool. A total of 38 students taught in English language private school in Novi Sad in 2013 were tested in their listening abilities through pretest and posttest. The five-point Likert scale was employed in rating. Best students' attitudes and the worst students' attitudes toward this technique have been selected for interview after they completed the questionnaire. Finally interviews were used to elicit student's positive and negative opinions towards the technique. All these were conducted over one academic year, and the study showed that the students needed more time to learn and more advice. Clearly, using movies proved to be an effective way for students to improve their listening ability. A majority of them enhanced listening skills and gained more than vocabulary, understood more foreign culture, felt relaxed and had fun while learning in class.

University Writing in Central and Eastern Europe: Tradition, Transition, and Innovation, 2018
This paper deals with functional variation of language in the scientific context. The research wa... more This paper deals with functional variation of language in the scientific context. The research was performed using a corpus of abstracts across various disciplines from the Digital library of the University of Novi Sad. The lengths, kinds, frequencies, and positions of moves applied in the selected abstracts were examined. Differences and similarities of moves between different scientific areas were identified and discussed. The employed methodology consisted of Hyland's (Disciplinary discourses: Social interactions in academic writing. Longman, London, 2000) five-move model, including the move recognition criteria. Findings showed optional structures, which indicated differences among various disciplines. There were also some similarities, such as cycled patterns, that were influenced by Serbian cultural conventions. Examining the linguistic properties of dissertation abstracts can help teachers to improve their learning methods in English for specific purposes by extending the range of their pedagogical material in the domain of contemporary academic writing.

The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of gender and personality traits on foreign lan... more The aim of this paper is to determine the effects of gender and personality traits on foreign language anxiety, and the effects of gender-personality traits interaction on the foreign language anxiety. The research conceived in this way has the potential to further clarify the existing inconsistent results of the studies when it comes to investigating gender differences in foreign language anxiety. The study was conducted on the sample of 296 engineering students who attended the English language course. The data were collected using the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (Horwitz et al. 1986) and the International Personality Item Pool (IPIP). The results show that females experience higher level of foreign language anxiety than males. Emotional Stability and Intellect as personality traits are predictors of foreign language anxiety, and the effect of Emotional stability on language anxiety is more evident in men in comparison with women, while the effect of Intellect is more...

The purpose of the following paper is to investigate the attitudes of foreign language teachers i... more The purpose of the following paper is to investigate the attitudes of foreign language teachers in secondary schools in Novi Sad towards professional advancement. The study was conducted by means of a survey, which included three main parts. The total number of 28 language teachers, with varying levels of education, years of experience, and gender took part in the research and according to the findings the most attended activities are workshops, seminars and teaching portfolios; whereas the least attended consist of team teaching, analysis of critical incidents, and case analysis. Furthermore, the findings suggest that the highest rated importance as well as efficiency strategies also contained workshops and seminar. Concerning low rated importance and efficiency strategies, they are self-monitoring, and analyzing critical incidents. Finally, the survey asked the participants for their suggestions for the professional development, which are discussed further in the paper.

The paper deals with multiple intelligences in adjusting teaching materials and students’ individ... more The paper deals with multiple intelligences in adjusting teaching materials and students’ individual potentials. The research study was designed as a quantitative study which involved applying descriptive methodology to both a sample of 100 students of engineering management and their coursebook. The intelligence profile of the coursebook, Market Leader (Intermediate) was determined by the Checklist of Activities for Each Intelligence (Safranj & Zivlak, 2018), which is categorized into seven modalities of intelligences. Then, the Multiple Intelligence Test (Chislett & Chapman, 2006) based on Gardner’s Multiple Intelligences (MI) model was used to identify students’ intelligence profiles. The results of the study revealed a ratio between the students and coursebook’s MI profiles. Since the coursebook, as one of the main components of English foreign language curriculum, should meet the specific needs of learners in a given situation, the results obtained may help in the future design...

International Journal of Cognitive Research in Science Engineering and Education, 2021
Theoretical basis of this paper is the heuristic L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS). The researc... more Theoretical basis of this paper is the heuristic L2 Motivational Self System (L2MSS). The research aims to determine the degree to which the ideal L2 self can be regarded as a significant factor with regards to its power to make a difference in students’ actual motivated behaviour in L2 communication. The research sample consists of 396 students. The ideal L2 self is a predictor variable. Willingness to communicate and the obtained grades are criterion variables. Gender, period of time spent learning English / German, and whether students are residing in the country where the target language is spoken are all moderator variables. Systematic non-experimental observation method based on Dörnyei and Taguchi´s survey was used in this study. Cronbach’s alpha indicated high reliability in the presented sample (.92). Willingness to communicate was investigated using McCroskey´s questionnaire. The findings indicate a rather complex picture of the observed L2 MSS constructs and the importanc...
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
The main objective of this research was to investigate students' strategies in language learning ... more The main objective of this research was to investigate students' strategies in language learning and measure them in relation to five research questions. The adopted measurement instrument developed by Oxford (1990) was applied to the sample of students learning English as a foreign language at the Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. It was found that students' gender and proficiency in English affect their strategy use. Moreover, students' field of study also showed an effect on the result. The influence of self-perceptions of motivation and the effects of course status (required vs. elective) and years of study were examined as well.

Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2013
This research aims to compare blended learning approach to the traditional teaching English for M... more This research aims to compare blended learning approach to the traditional teaching English for Mechanical Engineering for students at Faculty of Technical Sciences, University of Novi Sad. Data was collected from two groups of students over two semesters and analyzed to determine whether the students who were exposed to the blended environment displayed increased participation in a non-compulsory learning task and higher marks in both in-session and final examinations. The research methodology comprised the t-test and the Levene's test for equality of variances. Results indicated significant improvements in every area of language teaching, supplying valuable evidence that the adoption of a blended approach in learning English for Specific Purposes in higher education can appreciably enhance students' results and experience by providing a more studentcentered learning environment.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2016
Classification is the rhetorical device closely related to formal definition. The first step in d... more Classification is the rhetorical device closely related to formal definition. The first step in definition is to classify the term being defined. The term is placed in a group whose members have at least one outstanding characteristic in common. This member is differentiated from all other members of the class. In classification, however, the groups rather than individual members are differentiated. The reader is given the important information about the name of the class, the members of the class important for the discussion and basis for classification, often called criterion of difference. The basis of classification always reflects the particular purpose of the writer making the classification, and the basis relevant to one person may well be irrelevant to another.

Proceedings of 9th International Symposium on Graphic Engineering and Design, 2018
The paper deals with the notion of definition as one of the rhetorical functions used by writers ... more The paper deals with the notion of definition as one of the rhetorical functions used by writers of scientific and technical English to provide information about a given concept or object. Specifically, definition is an explanation of a concept or objects that distinguishes this concept or object from all others. It is one of the most important and frequently employed rhetorical functions in English for Science and Technology discourse. At the instructional level it is found frequently in association with physical concepts, e.g. physical objects. When dealing with objects, definition is the process of stating what a given object is, either by describing its physical structure, its use or purpose, the way in which it functions, or a combination of two or all of them. It is an essential part of organized thinking and, thus, it is basic to scientific and technical discourse. A definition locates its subject in a class and then proceeds to point out the characteristics that make it differ from other items in that class and that, therefore, allow it to be assigned to a subclass. This process is a special variant of the process of classification. A definition simply sets its subject in a limited scheme of classification. The process of definition is a natural way the mind works. The language of definition should be as logically precise as possible. The purpose of a definition is to limit the meaning of a word which stands for an object in an acceptable way. For this purpose metaphorical language is not used in scientific and technical discourse, because the essence of metaphor is not to limit meaning but to extend meaning by developing new and complex ranges implicit in the literal base. Definitions are expressed either explicitly or implicitly in scientific and technical discourse. Explicit definition is that type of definition which makes clear through phrasing that a particular concept is being defined. Implicit definition presents information also, but it does not present it in defining terms. The paper investigates how definitions are made in lectures with a view to the development of a more appropriate pedagogy for teaching the comprehension of this important language function.

TEME, 2019
The paper deals with the relationship between social networks and digital media engagement and st... more The paper deals with the relationship between social networks and digital media engagement and students' motivation to learn English. The research included 353 engineering students at XXX, who answered the questionnaire which was divided into two parts considering social networks and digital media engagement, and motivation to learn English. An exploratory factor analysis has yielded three distinct factors of social networks and digital media engagement and one factor of motivation to learn English. The research provided empirical confirmation of the existence of the mentioned factors. This four-factor solution was found to be statistically reliable, and it has been shown that factors are positively associated. Moreover, the research findings proved that students' motivation to learn English is more fostered with the need to read, learn and chat than to craft, produce and develop digital and social media content. Students have integral motivation for learning English through...

Research in Pedagogy, 2018
The paper deals with the impact of teaching activities that cater for spatial-visual intelligence... more The paper deals with the impact of teaching activities that cater for spatial-visual intelligence on students´ achievements in English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The objective of this research was to determine whether the application of a variety of language activities that encourage spatial-visual intelligence result in the improvement in learning English. The research was carried out on two groups of students (58) attending an ESP course. The first group was taught on teaching activities based on visual presentation, creating charts and bulletin boards, mind-mapping, imagination and visualization tasks. The second group was taught according to conventional language teaching practice. Students' language knowledge was tested at the beginning and the end of the course which lasted over the period of one semester. The data analysis was carried out through quantitative analysis which included descriptive analysis and using a series of repeated measures analyses of variance (ANOVA) in Statistica statistical software. Post-hoc Scheffe tests were also employed to see if there was any significant difference among the variables. The results show better achievements at the end of semester for the group which was exposed to teaching activities suited to learners with strong spatial-visual intelligence. When students are aware of their strong and weak intelligences, this knowledge may be utilized in their future learning. Teachers may design a syllabus taking advantage of a variety of teaching activities and use different tools and materials intended to cater for certain intelligences. It also helps strengthen creativity in teaching activity, and advances interaction with students.
Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje, 2019
The paper deals with the effects of Big Five Personality Traits and Fear of Negative Evaluation o... more The paper deals with the effects of Big Five Personality Traits and Fear of Negative Evaluation on Foreign Language Anxiety. The research problem relates to the way in which foreign language anxiety (FLA) is conditioned by certain personality traits when applying the Big Five Model, based on statistically controlled variables such as self-assessment of language mastery, fluency, frequency of reading texts in English, and length of language learning. This problem has been rather neglected in research so far.

Drustvena istrazivanja, 2019
The paper aims to investigate the relationships between foreign language learning strategies (FLL... more The paper aims to investigate the relationships between foreign language learning strategies (FLLS) and personality traits among students of education and engineering sciences. Quantitative survey of self-report questionnaire was used to evaluate learning strategies and individual personality traits. Pearson's correlation coefficients were calculated and six linear regressions were conducted to test the predictive role of personality dimensions when language learning strategies were used as a criterion. The findings propose that students with different personality traits have different preferences when it comes to learning strategies. Two out of five personality traits from this study seem to have an important role in the prediction of the FLLS type used. While low Conscientiousness was predictive of more frequent usage of Cognitive and Compensation strategies, high Intellect was predictive of more frequent usage of Cognitive and Metacognitive strategies. The study points out the significance of managing students by meeting their personal differences in choosing learning strategies, and not by relying on the personality stereotypes that are predominant. The obtained results can help teachers to select appropriate learning strategies that match students' different personality types.

Nastava i vaspitanje, 2018
This study of meta-cognitive abilities and their impact on the development of foreign language sk... more This study of meta-cognitive abilities and their impact on the development of foreign language skills makes a significant contribution to research into foreign language teaching and learning in general. The study presented in this paper was carried out on a large sample of university students in Serbia, illustrating its relevance to this educational setting. The study looks at the use of metacognitive strategies examined through the Strategy Inventory for Language Learning (SILL) questionnaire (Oxford, 1990) as well as the effects of gender on the development of students' language skills, as reported through self-assessment. Five out of nine elements of meta-cognitive strategy were found to be predictive of self-assessment of language skills. This finding supports the assumption that the use of meta-cognitive strategies is important in building language skills. However, the study failed to discover evidence of differences in learning strategy use between genders, since only one out of nine elements was found to be statistically significant. The study found a relationship between gender and students' perception of their own language skills. Men scored higher than women on all four variables, which means they assessed their own language skills better than the women did. The pedagogical implications are to consider didactic instructions that would encourage students to identify a problem in foreign language learning and to realize the ways in which actions are regulated, which would lead to a solution of the problem.

Inovacije u nastavi, 2019
Универзитет у Новом Саду, Факултет техничких наука Оригинални научни рад Мишљење студената о прим... more Универзитет у Новом Саду, Факултет техничких наука Оригинални научни рад Мишљење студената о примени MOODLE платформе за учење страног језика струке Резиме: У раду су приказани резултати примене MOODLE платформе за учење страног језика струке. Циљ рада је да се сагледају ставови студената који користе овај алат како би допунили своје учење. У овом експлоративном истраживању је коришћена метода систематског неексперименталног посматрања, а подаци су прикупљени путем скале процене, тј. петостепеног упитника Ликертовог типа и скале са бинарним форматом одговора, а тестирани су статистичким пакетом SPSS. Питање на које се тражио одговор је − како студенти процењују значај LCMS (енг. Learning Content Management System) алата за учење страног језика струке. Узорак је пригодан и чини га триста четрдесет осам студената Учитељског факултета у Београду и Факултета техничких наука у Новом Саду. Варијабле су нормативне: општа питања (департман, пол, године старости, просечна оцена на студијама и коришћење ИКТ-а) и критеријске: ставови студената, успех у учењу страног језика. Од значајнијих налаза издваја се да је учење побољшано интеграцијом Moodle платформе у учење страних језика. Она промовише учење усмерено на студента и подржава кључне вредности комуникацијског приступа учењу језика, што студенти оцењују као корист овог алата. Подаци показују да овај приступ упућује студенте да преузму наставне материјале изван учионице како би вежбали своје језичке вештине. Осим тога, они су користили могућност учитавања и дељења докумената између себе и са наставником, при чему нису били ограничени временом и местом.
Papers by Jelisaveta Šafranj