Papers by Jean-luc Koning
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2002
Successful development of agent interaction protocols re- quires modeling methods and tools that ... more Successful development of agent interaction protocols re- quires modeling methods and tools that support a relatively complete development lifecycle.Agent-based systems are inherently complexbut exhibit many similarities to object-oriented systems.For these reasons not only current modeling languages need to be extended,but also re-lated tools should be provided for agent interaction protocol design to be supported.In this paper,we focus on the design
International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems, 2001
Cognitive Systems Research, 2003
Firstly insight on the essence of cognitive distributed systems is presented, which relies upon a... more Firstly insight on the essence of cognitive distributed systems is presented, which relies upon agent interaction. Then, a brief overview is given upon the papers that are included in the special issue.
IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, 1995
The goal of the paper is to define and show the relevance for a constrained communication between... more The goal of the paper is to define and show the relevance for a constrained communication between the various autonomous agents genuinely embedded in a distributed natural language processing (NLP) system. NLP raises the problem of ambiguities and therefore the multiple solutions derived. Architectures based on sequential levels, in which each module corresponds to a linguistic level (preprocessing, morphology, syntax,

European-Japanese Conference on Information Modelling and Knowledge Bases, 2000
ABSTRACT The main formalisms used for designing interaction protocols in multiagent systems do no... more ABSTRACT The main formalisms used for designing interaction protocols in multiagent systems do not allow for an easy definition of reusable protocols. In this paper, we propose a protocols description language based on the combination of components called micro-protocols corresponding to sets of performatives which represent pieces of an interaction. We formally introduce these components and present the communication protocol description language we have defined in order to combine these microprotocols into whole interaction protocols. We then demonstrate the ease of use of our approach on the well-known contract net protocol example, and compare our model to similar approaches drawn from the fields of distributed systems and multiagent systems. Prior to concluding on the limits and possible extensions of this approach, we detail a software tool which supports the design and implementation of interaction protocols according to our formalism.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
Several methodologies are supplied to multiagent system designers to help them defining their age... more Several methodologies are supplied to multiagent system designers to help them defining their agents and their multiagent systems. These methodologies focus mainly on agents and on multiagent systems and barely consider how to design interaction protocols. A problem could emerge of this lack since interaction protocols are more and more complex. The aim of this article is to present our
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2003
Designing agent interaction protocols need first to consider what the requirements are. This is d... more Designing agent interaction protocols need first to consider what the requirements are. This is done in the requirement analysis phase. The output of this phase is an informal document written in natural language. To our best knowledge, this phase is barely considered in the literature neither in communication protocol engineering nor in interaction protocol engineering. As a consequence, it is difficult for designers to do it easily. Experience seems to be the key. In order to help designers, we propose to structure the requirement analysis document into fields. These fields gather protocol's features. This paper presents such document and applies the structuration to the electronic commerce protocol NetBill.
Intelligent Knowledge-Based Systems, 2005
Multiagent systems are becoming increasingly popular as a new programming paradigm that provides ... more Multiagent systems are becoming increasingly popular as a new programming paradigm that provides the right abstraction level and the right model to build a lot of distributed applications. Its basic components are agents which are encapsulated computer systems that are situated in some environment and that are capable of flexible, autonomous action in that environment in order to meet their
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2008
The achievement of common objectives in multi-agent systems is only possible through interaction ... more The achievement of common objectives in multi-agent systems is only possible through interaction and coordination; in order to implement both aspects in a effective manner, rules to direct the behavior of a group of agents are necessary, however, existing rules are usually static, inflexible, and inappropriate for large systems, where dynamic interaction takes place. We propose modeling agent behavior by means of obligations, utilized as social norms, delineating agents' roles as independent components, which can be grouped into organizational structures. Moreover, such organizations can be deployed on a service oriented platform, where the composition of organizations leads to the creation of new services.
2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 2009
We deal with composition of semantic web services to which access is controlled by agents. We pro... more We deal with composition of semantic web services to which access is controlled by agents. We propose a conversation-based web service composition method. We conceive web services as actions with preconditions and effects, expressed in terms of social norms, particularly obligations. We argue that the inclusion of obligation-based agents' conversations aide to lead the composition of services. In order to achieve this, we introduce an agent communication language that defines how messages affect agents' state, and thus, the access to their services. We also propose a method to automatically create a generic composer agent that is able to manage and compose web services, by means of inducing obligations to their participants.
2009 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Joint Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology, 2009
Given the dynamic interaction presented in multiagent systems, the occurrence of exceptions in in... more Given the dynamic interaction presented in multiagent systems, the occurrence of exceptions in interaction protocols is frequent, and therefore a critical issue. However, current approaches for designing interaction protocols lack semantics to direct the exchange of messages, when exceptions are raised. Here, we propose modeling exception handlers by means of obligations, which are social norms that provide a semantic layer that helps to select, compose and evaluate exception handlers.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2000
Straightforward approaches to team coordination with the expressive power of finite state automat... more Straightforward approaches to team coordination with the expressive power of finite state automata are doomed to fail under a wide range of heterogeneity due to the combinatorial explosion of states. In this paper we propose a coordination scheme based on operational semantics, which allows an extremely compact and modular way of specifying soccer-robot team behaviors. The capabilities of our approach
Decision Support Systems, 1994
Constraint propagation is a matter of logical deduction, but this is not usually sufficient to re... more Constraint propagation is a matter of logical deduction, but this is not usually sufficient to reach a solution to a problem. Heuristic knowledge is usually needed to go on with the solution search when logical deduction becomes inefficient. The way this second type of knowledge is handled has more to do with decision rather than deduction. In this paper we suggest a mechanism to handle heuristic knowledge based on social choice theory. An analogy is proposed between the cooperation problem among heuristics expressed as decision rules and the voting problem. This analogy allows to define and justify aggregation modes for results provided by each decision rule, with a view to providing a global decision ranking. An application to job-shop scheduling has been carried out.
Artificial Intelligence and Law, 2007
Numerous countries are heading toward digital infrastructures. In particular this new technology ... more Numerous countries are heading toward digital infrastructures. In particular this new technology promises to help support methods for elections. However, one should be careful that such an infrastructure does not hinder the voting and representation issues. On the contrary, it should support those issues and help citizens have a clearer picture of the underlying mechanisms. This paper deals with the limits of voting procedures as they are described in classical collective choice theory and reflects on ways to aggregate electronic votes stemming from various individuals that would be at the same time democratic, decisive and rational which is not feasible when candidate rankings alone are taken into account. This paper shows how electronic voting procedures could improve the situation by introducing preference-based votes.
Applied Intelligence, 2006
As seen earlier POS is a general agent conversation protocol engineering formalism that has prove... more As seen earlier POS is a general agent conversation protocol engineering formalism that has proved efficient when used in communities of software information agents. The aim of this paper is to show how much POS is simple, easy to use, and very appropriate for implementing interaction protocols in a collaborative agent setting. In order to exemplify our approach we focus
Au sein de la communaut'e IAD, il est habituellement acquis que la coop&... more Au sein de la communaut'e IAD, il est habituellement acquis que la coop'eration entre desagents intelligents requiert une communication explicite, et que le terme de `communication'signifie davantage que ce qu'il repr'esente dans les syst`emes distribu'es traditionnels. Dans cetarticle, nous proposons un "langage d'interaction", inspir'e de la th'eorie des actes du langage etpr'econisons son utilisation dans le cadre de la supervision de r'eseaux de t'el'ecommunications.Un tel langage peut ...
1st International Conference on Distributed Intelligent and Multi-Agent Systems, Nov 1, 1995
This paper presents the approach developed in our team1 for mediation support through the network... more This paper presents the approach developed in our team1 for mediation support through the network on geographical and environmental issues. After reviewing the context of mediation support we discuss the appropriate computer framework for multi-actor decision support system and list the various functions it ought to take into consideration. We introduce a multi-agent approach for mediation support by precisely de ning the kind of organization needed for a whole group of participants involved in a same negotiation process. Such group of negotiators is thus ...
Papers by Jean-luc Koning