Papers by Jean de Saint Blanquat
Foi&Vie, 2023
What do people feel during Lord's supper (Protestant communion) ? Trying to understand why some c... more What do people feel during Lord's supper (Protestant communion) ? Trying to understand why some communities did online communion during Covid pandemic and some didn't, we first look at the few texts giving insights about it from John Calvin to a mid-20th Century preacher wondering why people flee at that moment of the celebration. We then examine the results of an online questionnaire among Parisian worshippers which show the diversity of feelings and conceptions about a ritual now almost totally consensual.
Foi&Vie, 2021
Analyzing first the peculiarities of Barcelona's religious field (strong immigration since 2 cent... more Analyzing first the peculiarities of Barcelona's religious field (strong immigration since 2 centuries, strong secularization, strong diversification), we base this article on the many studies made by ISOR's researchers to briefly look at 2 strong points : the quick and discrete development of Pentecostalism (mainly from migrant and gipsy backgrounds), the crispations on islam which forced to Catalan authorities to issue the most advanced legislation on religious diversification in all Spain. A diversification being quite close of what Vertovec called 'superdiversity" about new British urban societies in the 2000s..
Foi&Vie, 2021
We are trying to understand the reason why French State and administration is, since May 2020 usi... more We are trying to understand the reason why French State and administration is, since May 2020 using Covid as a feminine (followed by less and less people or media) and most media and a very large majority of people kept the original masculine. Comparing with the situation in Italy, Catalonia and Spain, we can see the crucial role of national and traditional media in this kind of very sensitive language use.
Foi&Vie, 2020
Representative of 20th century in our series of 6 artists famous for their drawing in Protestant ... more Representative of 20th century in our series of 6 artists famous for their drawing in Protestant environments, Tove Jansson is known in many countries for her Moomin series (created from the 40s to the 60s) and now more and more for her adult novels and short stories (from the 60s to the 80s). The influence of Protestantism is not obvious in her works but can be seen in our opinion in her lifestyle, her views on society and most of all in her very personal eschatology of necessary and soothing disasters.
Foi&VIe, 2020
Fourth of our series of six artists in Protestant environments, Rodolphe Töpffer is famous for ha... more Fourth of our series of six artists in Protestant environments, Rodolphe Töpffer is famous for having created the first comics but managed in only two decades to write deep thinking about his (new) art, graphic novels, novels and short stories. Working as a private school director, his art and writing was strongly influenced by his modern teaching methods and the whole thing by his Protestant faith, he wrote about in letters to Alexandre VInet.
Foi&Vie, 2020
The third character of our series about "Protestant drawing" (or better : "drawing in a Protestan... more The third character of our series about "Protestant drawing" (or better : "drawing in a Protestant environment") is the famous German (of Polish and French descent) etcher Daniel Chodowiecki (1726-1801). We focus on his "Trip to Dantzig" (1773), his practice of drawing and literary connections to examine his Christian faith which is not doubtful and though deeply rooted in Calvinism, is very critical of the established Protestantism of his time and attracted by the more radical ways as Mennonism or Pietism.
Foi&Vie, 2020
She's a frequent character on her brother Gerard's paintings and her three albums of drawings in ... more She's a frequent character on her brother Gerard's paintings and her three albums of drawings in the Rijksmuseum are a unique testimony of how a woman of that time could be active in art and see the world around. A world where Petrarquism and Calvinism mixed together, as in Gerard's sceneries, into a "complex and contradictory" interaction between men and women.
Foi&Vie, 2020
First artist of our selection about "Protestant drawing ?", Hans Baldung Grien is here, after a s... more First artist of our selection about "Protestant drawing ?", Hans Baldung Grien is here, after a short biography, examined in his drawing (and particularly his obsession for death and sexuality) and his controversial protestantism. Successful before Reformation in Catholic art, the Strasbourg artist is also successful afterwards with other kinds of art but keeps his very peculiar and disturbing way to look at the world.
Foi&Vie, 2020
As an introduction to our selection of artists from Protestant background famous for their drawin... more As an introduction to our selection of artists from Protestant background famous for their drawings (one for each century from 16th to 21st), we are considering more or less obvious links between Protestantism and Drawing, the two main ones in our opinion being both's easiness (cheapness) and connection to reality.
Foi&Vie, 2020
The religious side of the Catalan crisis since 2010 is either polemical (the Independentism being... more The religious side of the Catalan crisis since 2010 is either polemical (the Independentism being accused of sectarism by Spanish nationalists) or put aside (the Independentism officially supporting ideological pluralism). Our view is to search into the Catholic and anti-Catholic roots of the movement to see if the rise of Catalanist ideas since the end of 19th Century is not a way to pacify - about religions too - the historically strongly antagonistic landscape of Catalonia.
Foi&Vie, 2020
An old Swiss lady describing week after week how her "granddaughter" is growing, what she says, h... more An old Swiss lady describing week after week how her "granddaughter" is growing, what she says, how she behaves. We are in the 1860's in the Garonne valley among rich Protestant landowners, rival churches, peasants and German teachers. These extracts of letters by Louise Tremblay (niece of famous Genevan naturalist Abraham Tremblay) are a precious look at how families of the Protestant high society were bringing their daughters (and sons) up.
Foi&Vie, 2020
In this second paper about Hungarian Jews, we first analize the results of a sociological study f... more In this second paper about Hungarian Jews, we first analize the results of a sociological study from 2017 about this peculiar community, showing still decreasing numbers but the beginning of a religious revival going with some distanciation from hungarian identity. We examine afterwards Jewish reactions to last autumn's antisemitic declarations from important people of the Orbán regime and to its alliance with Netanyahu, showing the typical double discourse of the authorities.
Foi&Vie, 2020
Looking first at the academic research about the possible connections between Protestantism and E... more Looking first at the academic research about the possible connections between Protestantism and Euroscepticism, we examine afterwards country by country what are the specifically Protestant political expressions and what are their many attitudes towards EU.
Foi&Vie (Cahier d'études juives), 2019
In this first paper (of two) about Hungarian Jews, we try to discern the main features of their v... more In this first paper (of two) about Hungarian Jews, we try to discern the main features of their very peculiar experience during the 20th century till the regime change in 1989. "Hungarian success" (till the first World War) or Hungarian failure (afterwards) ? : from one of the most important, successful and assimilated European Jewish communities at the end of Austro-Hungarian monarchy to a small group of mute survivors and their reluctant descendants during the communist regime, Hungarian Jews are all along a decisive part of the internal Hungarian national debate.
We shortly summarize in the end this long history in 5 periods : Origins, Golden age, Descent into hell, Silence, Revival ?
Foi&Vie, 2019
The way Spanish judiciary system is constantly in the news and not for the best is somehow extrao... more The way Spanish judiciary system is constantly in the news and not for the best is somehow extraordinary in Europe. Examining a few of the recent topics (from feminism to real estate taxes and rap), we focus on the Catalan crisis where Spanish authorities chose to let the Justice handle the very complex and crucial case of the Autumn 2017 events. A choice which broadened the fame of the "judiciarization" concept.
Foi&Vie (Cahier d'études juives), 2017
Israel « through the pupil » : origins and beginnings of the Hebrew State through Amos Oz literat... more Israel « through the pupil » : origins and beginnings of the Hebrew State through Amos Oz literature.
Nearly all his characters are Jewish, almost all of his fiction takes place in Palestine then Israel from the thirties till today but what truly Amos Oz books are about is not the Hebrew State. Amos Oz literature is first about people talking and fighting, people who happen to be Israeli citizens because, following his dear Sherwood Anderson, Oz can only write about where he lives. They can still tell us much about Israeli society and past.
Son of a hungarian methodist preacher, Gábor Iványi had to fight for the independence and the mer... more Son of a hungarian methodist preacher, Gábor Iványi had to fight for the independence and the mere existence of his church during Socialist regime. Which made of him one of the leading figures of the small dissident scene and a specialist of social and Roma questions. After having been one ally of young Viktor Orbán when a liberal, he is now again a kind of dissident against the populist regime Orbán is building since 2010. Published in Foi&Vie 2013/2.
The history and activities of the Hungarian Faith Church (Hit Gyülekezete), one of the most succe... more The history and activities of the Hungarian Faith Church (Hit Gyülekezete), one of the most successful new-Pentecostal churches in Central Europe. The importance of its political choices and media skills from her clandestine beginnings in Kadarian Communism to the current Orbán System. Published in a special copy of Foi&Vie (2011/2) about "Protestantism' new faces".
A short presentation of the Autobiography of Kata Bethlen (the author is translating into French)... more A short presentation of the Autobiography of Kata Bethlen (the author is translating into French), Calvinist Countess in the 18th century's Transylvania. The importance for the making of her work of her two marriages and of the consecutive fights she had against the Catholic authorities. Published in special copy of Foi&Vie (2010/2) about "Calvin and the Women".
Books by Jean de Saint Blanquat
Religion et Covid, Discours et pratiques, 2022
Online communion was a global reaction in Protestant communities to the interdiction of physical ... more Online communion was a global reaction in Protestant communities to the interdiction of physical gatherings during lockdown in 2020. But in each one of these many Churches, some communities did it and some others didn't. To understand the reasons of these opposite choices, we first examine the history of this ritual from from the theological battlefield (16th Century) to the sign of Protestant unity (end of 20th Century), then the few theological debates about online Communion in 2020. Four Parisian preachers finally tell us how online communion imposed itself in their communities during this troubled year.
Papers by Jean de Saint Blanquat
We shortly summarize in the end this long history in 5 periods : Origins, Golden age, Descent into hell, Silence, Revival ?
Nearly all his characters are Jewish, almost all of his fiction takes place in Palestine then Israel from the thirties till today but what truly Amos Oz books are about is not the Hebrew State. Amos Oz literature is first about people talking and fighting, people who happen to be Israeli citizens because, following his dear Sherwood Anderson, Oz can only write about where he lives. They can still tell us much about Israeli society and past.
Books by Jean de Saint Blanquat
We shortly summarize in the end this long history in 5 periods : Origins, Golden age, Descent into hell, Silence, Revival ?
Nearly all his characters are Jewish, almost all of his fiction takes place in Palestine then Israel from the thirties till today but what truly Amos Oz books are about is not the Hebrew State. Amos Oz literature is first about people talking and fighting, people who happen to be Israeli citizens because, following his dear Sherwood Anderson, Oz can only write about where he lives. They can still tell us much about Israeli society and past.