Papers by Jean-Marie Gauthier
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2015
ABSTRACT The increasing complexity and heterogeneity of systems require engineers to consider the... more ABSTRACT The increasing complexity and heterogeneity of systems require engineers to consider the verification and validation aspects in the earliest stages of the system development life cycle. To meet these expectations, Model-Based Systems Engineering (MBSE) is identified as a key practice for efficient system development while simulation is still widely used by engineers to evaluate the performance and conformance of complex systems regarding requirements. To bridge the gap between high-level modeling (from requirements) and simulation, we propose a Model-Driven Engineering (MDE) tooled approach to automate the system requirements validation using SysML models and Modelica simulation. The implementation of the toolchain has been officially adopted by the OMG SysML-Modelica working group.
The present study is based on a corpus made of spontaneous oral speech: 136 children aged from 3 ... more The present study is based on a corpus made of spontaneous oral speech: 136 children aged from 3 to 13 have been recorded in three different environments that are favourable to the production of self-narratives. Using linguistic annotations and tried and tested text statistics methods, we have been able to show different aspects of the development of narratives and self-narratives in children speeches, including the impact of age and environment on the construction of narratives. The results we obtained are significant, and we hope we succeeded in demonstrating how relevant text statistics methods are when applied to clinical psychology.
This paper proposes an approach to verify SysML models consistency and to validate the transforma... more This paper proposes an approach to verify SysML models consistency and to validate the transformation of SysML models to VHDL-AMS code. This approach is based on two main solutions: the use of model-to-model transformation to verify SysML models consistency and writing unit tests to validate model transformations. The translation of SysML models into VHDL-AMS simulable code uses MMT (Model to Model Transformation) ATL Atlas Transformation Language and M2T (Model To Text) Acceleo tooling. The test validation of the model transformations is performed using EUNIT framework.
L'Évolution Psychiatrique, 2014
2014 IEEE/ASME International Conference on Advanced Intelligent Mechatronics, 2014
In this paper, we propose a SysML model and a Modelica simulation of an air-jet conveyor for micr... more In this paper, we propose a SysML model and a Modelica simulation of an air-jet conveyor for micro objects. Indeed, modeling and simulation are part of verification & validation activities, which are important tasks during the conception of a complex system. This article focuses mainly on the modeling and simulation of air-jet nozzles and on their influence on a millimeter size object. The obtained results are discussed and analyzed to obtain information on the conveyor system. This work is part of the ANR Smart Blocks project.
2012 Second Workshop on Design, Control and Software Implementation for Distributed MEMS, 2012
In this paper, we propose an approach to translate the SysML language to VHDL-AMS code. This appr... more In this paper, we propose an approach to translate the SysML language to VHDL-AMS code. This approach is first step to the generation of the VHDL-AMS code from the structural diagrams SysML. In this step, we address the block definition diagram and the internal block Diagram. The translation uses Model Driven Engineer (MDE) methods as the transformation of model to another model (M2M) with ATL Atlas Transformation Language and the code generation from models (M2T) using Xpand. We provide the translation rules between the two elements. Implementation and methodology are illustrated on microsystem case study: the Smart surface system.

Infant Behavior and Development, 2014
To describe an immobility reaction (IR) that was not previously reported at or immediately after ... more To describe an immobility reaction (IR) that was not previously reported at or immediately after birth in human newborns. We analyzed 31 videos of normal term vaginal deliveries recorded from Time 0 of birth defined as the as the moment that lies between the birth of the thorax and the pelvis of the infant. We searched for perinatal factors associated with newborn's IR. IR at birth was observed in 8 of the 31 newborns. The main features of their behavior were immobilization, frozen face, shallow breathing and bradycardia. One of the 8 newborns had sudden collapse 2h after birth. We found significant relationships between maternal prenatal stress (PS) and IR (p=.037), and a close to significant one between infants' lividness at Time 0 and IR (p=.053). The first breath of the 31 newborns occurred before and was not associated with the first cry (p<.001). The main features of IR at birth are similar to those of the universal most severe response to severe stress or danger. The relationship with PS suggests that children who had IR at birth might be at risk for similar disorders as those associated with PS. Sudden neonatal collapse of one of the IR newborns needs further research to determine if they are at risk for sudden infant death syndrome. This first report of an IR reaction at birth in human infants could open up new paths for improving early neonatal care. Further research is needed for maternal PS, stress hormones, umbilical cord blood pH measurements in IR newborns. The challenge of education and support for parents of IR newborns is outlined.

Enfance, 2012
L'analyse statistique d'un corpus constitué de 309 discours d'enfants a permis d'observer l'évolu... more L'analyse statistique d'un corpus constitué de 309 discours d'enfants a permis d'observer l'évolution de l'utilisation des pronoms personnels « moi » et « je » et de mettre en évidence certaines variations d'utilisation en fonction de l'âge (entre 3 et 10 ans) et des conditions de production discursive. Trois situations ont ainsi été étudiées : une situation où l'enfant joue avec ses pairs (scénario de groupe), une situation quotidienne familiale (scénario parents) et une situation où l'enfant commente ce qu'il dessine en présence d'un observateur (scénario solitaire). Les résultats montrent que dès l'instant où le « je » apparaît, le moi auparavant utilisé seul en tant que sujet se transforme en complément du sujet-je. En tant que complément du sujet, il permettrait de créer une mise à distance du sujet parlant qui se met en scène. Le sujet pourrait donc se regarder agir, faire où être en tant qu'objet. Cette description suggère que la majorité des « moi » seraient utilisés chez les plus jeunes pour l'objectivation du sujet, que ce soit grâce au couple « moi-je » ou sous forme de rappel en fin de phrase. (par ex. : « Je sais faire ça, moi »). La forme « moi-je » si fréquente pourrait être considérée comme la forme réflexive la plus claire de l'avènement de la conscience de soi se manifestant au niveau du discours narratif autobiographique. Plus tard dans le discours de l'enfant, le « je » se rencontre seul. Notre suggestion est qu'étant davantage conscient d'être l'auteur de ses actions, l'enfant n'aurait plus systématiquement besoin du recours à l'utilisation de « moi » pour attester son existence en tant qu'agent.

The Spanish journal of psychology, 2011
This study explores the relative contribution of the overall quality of attachment to the mother,... more This study explores the relative contribution of the overall quality of attachment to the mother, to the father and to peers (Inventory of Parent and Peer Attachment scales), the style of attachment towards peers (Attachment Questionnaire for Children scale), the social rank variables (submissive behavior and social comparison), and sex and age variables in predicting the depression score (Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale) on a non-psychiatric sample of 13-18 year old adolescents (n = 225). Results of our integrated model (adjusted R-Square of .50) show that attachment variables (overall quality of attachment to the father and to the mother), social rank variables (social comparison and submissive behavior), age and sex are important in predicting depressive symptoms during adolescence. Moreover, the attachment to peers variables (quality of attachment to peers, secure and ambivalent style of attachment) and sex are mediated by the social rank variables (social comparison and submissive behavior).
Neurobiology of Aging, 1994

L'Encéphale, 2014
The aim of this paper is to study and validate the French version of the Center for Epidemiologic... more The aim of this paper is to study and validate the French version of the Center for Epidemiologic Studies Depression Scale developed by Radloff (in 1977) in an adolescent sample. This scale was developed to measure levels of depressive symptomatology, with special emphasis on the affective components and depressed mood. The data used in this study were collected in 11 schools. Our sample was composed of 1496 French-speaking, Belgian secondary school students aged 12 to 16 years. The questionnaire included demographic information such as age, gender, grade and family composition. The position of the CES-D scale has not changed and was placed in the last part of the self-administered questionnaire. After an exploratory factor analysis, we conducted confirmatory factor analysis to test our factor model. We tested the model with four factors proposed by Radloff (in 1977) and also the model proposed by Chabrol (in 2002). Our results indicate a better match with Radloff's model in our sample, showing the relevance of using Radloff's model with four factors in adolescents. Although our analysis shows a clear gender difference with regard to depressive symptoms, the tested factor model remained stable regardless of the gender of the adolescent.
Dans tout le document, nous parlerons de validation et de vérification. Il convient dès à présent... more Dans tout le document, nous parlerons de validation et de vérification. Il convient dès à présent de définir ces deux termes afin d'éviter toute ambigüité:• validation: processus qui permet d'affirmer qu'un système répond correctement aux exigences,• vérification: ...
Journal of Adolescence, 2012
Papers by Jean-Marie Gauthier