Papers by Jean Marc Guesné

Field Actions Science Reports the Journal of Field Actions, Feb 27, 2012
For centuries, the local communities of yaks' transhumant cattle farmers of the Tibetan High plat... more For centuries, the local communities of yaks' transhumant cattle farmers of the Tibetan High plateau have lived on their yak breeding activity, providing them with all they need: milk, a source of butter and cheese, and hair, which they weave into the heavy black tents that characterize the nomadic population. In the last decade, however, changes occurred that have destabilized this activity. The changes are threefold: (1) increasing economic dificulty to live from this activity 1 , and its two corollaries: (2) rural desertiication 2 and (3) increasing herds' sizes, threatening the environment. Norlha, meaning "wealth of the Gods", proposes an alternative to remedy these problems. By improving the value added cattle that farmers derive from the yaks, Norlha's social business model suggests that selling extremely high range products to luxury houses can be a way out of poverty and rural desertiication for these communities.

Field Actions Science Reports the Journal of Field Actions, Nov 6, 2014
Street vendors and street food play a signiicant role in the informal sector in emerging markets.... more Street vendors and street food play a signiicant role in the informal sector in emerging markets. Street vendors stand as a primary source of supply in terms of food purchase for low-income consumers. However, their work is threatened by the rapid modernization of economies in developing and emerging countries and the evolution of the food retail industry. Furthermore, harassment, thugs, corruption, and economic insecurities hamper the street vendor's daily life. It is therefore essential to support street vendors in gaining resilience and adapting to the modernization of the economy of their countries. This article analyses how a corporate-led initiative-Sharing Cities designed by the Bel Group-can at the same time empower street vendors and provide business opportunities for the Group. Its aim is to study the interface between a formal company and the informal sector.
Papers by Jean Marc Guesné