Books by Jean-Jacques Walter

Parts of Christian theology Certain conceptions in politics. These various, seemingly independent... more Parts of Christian theology Certain conceptions in politics. These various, seemingly independent domains all depend on the structures of the human mind, and are profoundly modified by a new paradigm. Understanding the history The human lineage unfolds its history over a long period of time, some 200,000 years since the origin of homo sapiens sapiens, 2 our species. Understanding means identifying the markers that mark this history, and discovering the forces that act on these markers. The red thread, an analytical expression, designates the guiding idea that makes it possible to understand a complex whole. History through events Historians most often approach history in this way. One example shows why the event-based approach does not shed light on the factors that drive history. At the beginning of the sixteenth century, four nations-Portugal, Spain, France and England-together occupied 1% of the world's surface. Three centuries later, these populations had populated the two Americas and Australia, 50 million squares kilometers. The Russians of Europe, 3% of the planet's surface, had populated Siberia, 13 million squares kilometers. In all, counting Central and Southern Europe, Europeans inhabited 72 million square kilometers of the 134 million squares kilometers of the entire planet, more than half. A century and a half later, European colonialism controlled 29 million square kilometers out of 30 in Africa, 8 in South Asia 3 , and 5 in Central Asia 4 , 115 million square kilometers out of 2 Homo sapiens is a species that appeared 400 millennia ago, is now extinct and is different from present-day humans. Within this species, a sub-species appeared 200 millennia ago, homo sapiens sapiens, to which we belong.

But that doesn't matter at this stage of our story. One thing remains certain, and this is recogn... more But that doesn't matter at this stage of our story. One thing remains certain, and this is recognized by Caliphal history: the vast majority of Muslim information on Muhammad does not come from documents written during Muhammad's lifetime, or close to his time. There is no complete Qur'an among the few surviving pages that Muslim scholars date from the first two centuries of Islam. Most Western scholars consider these few pages to be much later. Muhammad's deeds and sayings were written 250 years after his death for the earliest, and much later for the others. The Sîra, the "official biography" of the Prophet, was written two centuries after his death... Almost all the testimonies on which Caliphal history is based are therefore based exclusively on oral tradition, derived from isnads (chains of witnesses): Ahmed heard it from Brahim, who got it from Abdallah, etc., etc., etc. Testimonies that are all the more questionable because they have been carefully sorted, then "validated", under the permanent control of the caliphal power... Let's imagine that the USSR had survived, and that all documents on Stalin had disappeared from his death in 1953 until two and a half centuries later, around the year 2200. And that in the year 2200, the head of the Soviet Communist Party ordered the President of the Moscow Academy to write Stalin's life story using only oral testimonies, and without the slightest documentary basis-all under the party's tight control... Who could believe it? All the Muslim documents on which the accounts of Muhammad written so far are based are exactly of this kind 1 : Any biography of the Prophet of Islam is only as good as a hopefully historical novel, summed up the great professor and historian of the Arab-Islamic world Alfred-Louis de Prémare (1930-2006). But be warned: these modern methods of historical investigation are outlawed by the Ulemas (the doctors of Islam): there's no question of cross-referencing the sacred texts of Islam with secular texts, nor of using science in the field of religion! In the land of Islam, these methods are considered blasphemous, threatening imprisonment or even life for those who apply them. The official theology and history of Islam are in fact self-referential: to understand or interpret a passage of the Koran, or to know the history of Mohammed and Islam, it is only permitted to use another passage of the Koran, other hadiths, or other texts "validated" by Muslim theology. Not only did this dogma block all rational work on the history of Islam and the life of Muhammad in Muslim countries, it was also the case in Europe. Although they were not subjected to physical pressure as in Islamic countries, almost all European Islamologists respected these prohibitions for a long time. Fortunately, this attitude is changing: throughout the non-Muslim world, more and more exegetes trained in modern methods are applying them to the Koran and other texts of Islamic tradition-and I've also referred to their work extensively. These recent works cast doubt on many aspects of Caliphal history. It reveals, for example, that the Koran contains almost direct quotations from the Torah, Jewish legends, fragments of apocryphal Christian texts, Christian antiphons, as well as a multitude of borrowings from various religious currents, notably Docetism and Manichaeism. The sacred book of Islam still bears traces, identifiable by modern researchers, of numerous late reworkings. Far from fabricated myths, a new vision of Islam and its birth is taking shape. And, naturally, the question arises: why were the makers of Islam so careful to hide the first two centuries?

Jean-Jacques Walter wurde 2013 an der Universität von Toulouse promoviert mit der Arbeit " Le Cor... more Jean-Jacques Walter wurde 2013 an der Universität von Toulouse promoviert mit der Arbeit " Le Coran révélé par la Théorie des Codes ". In ihr untersucht er den Koran mit einer Methode, die unter der Bezeichnung " Analysis of Text Data (ATD) " bekannt geworden ist, und die auch zur Analyse von Texten durch z.B. Geheimdienste angewendet wird. Für die mathematischen Details dieser Methode wird auf seine publizierte Dissertation hingewiesen. Im Folgenden publizieren wir seinen Beitrag, obwohl gegen eine Reihe seiner Thesen sowohl von Inârah-Mitgliedern als auch von anderen Teilnehmern der Tagung in Otzenhausen starke Bedenken geäußert worden sind – sie müssten in weiterführenden Gesprächen diskutiert werden. Diese betrafen allerdings in erster Linie einzelne philologische sowie historische Interpretationen der von der Methode gelieferten Daten (z.B. die im Appendix zu findenden Überlegungen), weniger das Prinzip der Untersuchung. Weil aber durch diese Arbeit eine neue methodische Herangehensweise für die Koranforschung vorgelegt wird, die auch bei anderen klassischen Texten wertvolle Ergebnisse geliefert hat, und die prinzipiell für die Analyse von Schichten der Textgenese geeignet erscheint, waren die Herausgeber trotz des bisher nur vorläufigen Standes der Debatte der Meinung, sie sollte einer größeren Leserschaft als Diskussionsgrundlage vorge-stellt werden. Die englische Version stammt vom Autor selbst und wurde nicht übersetzt. PART I
Papers by Jean-Jacques Walter
Catalysis Today, Oct 1, 2015
Abstract The direct catalytic thermo-catalytic transformation of wood in presence of molecular hy... more Abstract The direct catalytic thermo-catalytic transformation of wood in presence of molecular hydrogen has been demonstrated. The resulting organic liquid consists of saturated alkanes and aromatics and was obtained with a yield up to 30 wt.%. Importantly, the oxygen content is about 3 wt.% (
The invention relates to a multifunctional, in particular trifunctional, bimetallic or trimetalli... more The invention relates to a multifunctional, in particular trifunctional, bimetallic or trimetallic catalyst, which consists of a heteropoly acid (HPA), a group IA or IIA element Z, one or two group VIIB or VIIIB metals M', and a group IB or IIB metal M". Said catalyst can be used in converting lignocellulosic material into organic molecules constituting a biofuel.

Cette these vise a decrire le developpement psychique de l’humanite, dans le temps long, en ident... more Cette these vise a decrire le developpement psychique de l’humanite, dans le temps long, en identifiant un certain nombre d’etapes datables et documentables. Une nouvelle methode, fondee sur les mythes, a ete developpee pour etudier le passe de l’humanite et retrouver la structure psychique prevalant il y a 50, 100, 200 millenaires. Neuf procedes de datations sont utilises. Le plus simple utilise des migrations: un mythe present en Amerique centrale et en Siberie date d’avant la migration qui a peuple les Ameriques il y a 15 millenaires. Les divers procedes utilises permettent des datations sur 200 millenaires. Les mythes sont souvent des descriptions metaphoriques de rites, lesquels sont des passages a l’acte symboliques de pulsions reprimees. La demarche globale consiste a retrouver les mythes des 200 derniers millenaires dans leur forme initiale au moyen de comparaisons multiples entre des mythes archaiques, les dater, retrouver les rites et leur sens a partir des mythes, identif...
Nouveaux catalyseurs bimetalliques ou trimetalliques polyfonctionnels, leur procede de preparatio... more Nouveaux catalyseurs bimetalliques ou trimetalliques polyfonctionnels, leur procede de preparation et leur utilisation L'invention concerne un catalyseur bimetallique ou trimetallique, polyfonctionnel, notamment trifonctionnel, constitue d'un heteropolyacide (HPA), d'un element Z du groupe IA ou MA, d'un ou deux metaux M' du groupe VMB ou VMIB et d'un metal M" du groupe IB ou MB. Ce catalyseur peut etre utilise dans la transformation de la matiere lignocellulosique en molecules organiques constituant un biocarburant.
Green Chemistry, 2014
A well dispersed Ru–Cu on the HPA catalyst converts pine wood into biofuel (O = 3.1 wt%) with a y... more A well dispersed Ru–Cu on the HPA catalyst converts pine wood into biofuel (O = 3.1 wt%) with a yield up to 30 wt%.
Population (French Edition), 1969
Books by Jean-Jacques Walter
Papers by Jean-Jacques Walter