Papers by Suma Jayachandran

The Malaysia-Japan Model on Technology Partnership, 2014
The definition for sustainable development is still complex and multifaceted and varies to certai... more The definition for sustainable development is still complex and multifaceted and varies to certain degrees in plural societies such as in the Asian regions. Issues such as lack of basic necessities such as nutrition, rise of poverty and problems related to carbon emissions have doubled, and these issues, although reflected in the curriculum, do not provide exercises or experiential learning for students as it remains theoretical. There are more alarming reports predicted for the future, but such important issues are not discussed in the curriculum in secondary schools. These existing issues will not be solved unless there is a policy change specifically to eradicate social issues. Students need more direct, experiential lessons and problem-solving examples to understand more about sustainability issues occurring in society. However, these experiences do not become a reality because the curriculum does not integrate much opportunities for this kind of learning to occur.

2020 IEEE Conference on Open Systems (ICOS), 2020
For the Sustainable Development Goal measure of Quality Education, the 2019 Global Education Moni... more For the Sustainable Development Goal measure of Quality Education, the 2019 Global Education Monitoring Report by UNESCO highlighted that there are a limited set of measures to monitor digital literacy skills as compared to financial literacy skills. Furthermore, the United Nation’s International Telecommunication Union report shows that across countries, digital skills such as programming skills remains unpopular. Understanding this challenge, the researchers from MIMOS Berhad, Malaysia propose that Independent Verification & Validation (IV&V) Software Testing skill be measured by UNESCO as it is a natural progression in terms of skills enhancements towards programming skills. In partnership with the Ministry of Entrepreneur Development, MIMOS Berhad designed a practical oriented fundamental IV&V Software Testing syllabus for Malaysian working in Small and Medium Enterprise and conducted a training. As a measure of digital literacy skills, a statistically significant improvement fr...

International Journal of Advanced Corporate Learning (iJAC), 2016
The purpose of this review is to focus on the opportunities available for Corporates, Policy make... more The purpose of this review is to focus on the opportunities available for Corporates, Policy makers and Universities to strengthen ties which are mutually beneficial to all and to the economic growth of the Country. One of the main objectives is to explain how learning communities can be achieved by linking all the three sectors mentioned above so that they become the resource for the nation and has long term sustainable solutions as well as gaining grounds of goodwill from the public sectors. The blended learning programs existing in Universities can be expanded to join ventures with corporate companies to accommodate large learning platforms through peer to peer teaching and learning. This study introduces a model after a detailed review that links educational policies, Higher Institutions through Learning Communities and Corporates for sustainable human resource development. Past research conducted by the research team on e-platforms, revealed findings that there is a wide scope ...

The TFTR is a tdcbmrk. which is amagnetic cafimmat fusion using bydmgcn isotopes, i.c., deutaium ... more The TFTR is a tdcbmrk. which is amagnetic cafimmat fusion using bydmgcn isotopes, i.c., deutaium and tritium, to produce a net a#gyrelesse. ?1pI1R *r the US DOES Propam. TFTFtbmtreencan@wtdradisopaatIagat the James Fomffal Campu ofprincetaP Univdty and is opcratcd by the Plmma Physics Inbontory (PPPL) of Princeton University fix the US DOE toroidal shaped devioc for pmhcing amtrolled nuclear major expchmd rcacrorin thcMB@e!lc Fusioa Ewrgy C~mpletion of D-T VW IS SCheQIed for Septaha. 1995 A two year Shutdown paiod Will commence el that time. DiDismmtling of the t o k d systems Md packaging and shipping operations will follow shutdown, iastmg apiwaxuMttly 1 5 d. % M h P t O f t h e D-T v t) O m q is suchthot all tbcradiosctivc wastc gawxatcd as a result wili be low level radioactive waste (LLRW). The S&R activities 4 1 COIOChdC the final phase of the TFTR Project The primuy objective of the TFTR S&R Rqscr is to render the facility suitable fix the start d construction of the next DOE e3cpaimtntal Won reactor, TPX, by March, 1998. Tonrhthisolptive it will beneaoury (oremovc aLtiMtsamdwiti\lmcfwmhwi machine CmpmenL.. Thc t d m i d objcCtivcsfbr the satRProject m suniler to the objectives Enr dismantling of a nuckar powa famlity Decommrissioaing t e c h m l w &om thc nuclew k. 1 0 0 hdusby will be utilized wherrves possible to safely dimantk activated end contamimtd systems, Dw to the activarion and canfamination Itvcls, it may bc ncccssq to use mnotcly operable equipment to dummtle some componcats. Disassamblod canpancnts will be packaged in oompli(illce with DOE, Department of Transponaton (DOT), end waste receiver requiremarts and then transported to a DOE r p p v c d waste repository for URW dispd. Ibc TFTR S&R Prodifkrs from a typical project in that the fecility will not hz returned to "gmnfield" OoILditjoD MK will It be nlcased for. . .
A Human Values Pathway for Teachers, 2021
Open Praxis, vol. 5 issue 4, October–December 2013, pp. 275–288 (ISSN 2304-070X)
In today’s world, with moral decline, breakdowns in family structures, inappropriate use of money... more In today’s world, with moral decline, breakdowns in family structures, inappropriate use of money and natural resources, misuse and abuse of drugs, lack of individual peace and loss of culture, individuals are suffering increasingly from physical, mental, social, and emotional disease. There is an urgent need to address these deficiencies. Governments worldwide are calling for schools to institute holistic education that encourages not only intellectual but also physical, social, mental, emotional, moral, and spiritual well-being (Lovat et al. 2011).

In the past, the objective for education was to produce a knowledgeable and skilled community. To... more In the past, the objective for education was to produce a knowledgeable and skilled community. Today, the goals of education are integrated with technology and associated skills. This integration extends from schooling, university and then continues at the workplace. Institutions are expected to add in more budget to enhance more support for various kinds of facilities for learners when in fact increasing budget allocation is not an easy task. Policymakers have to integrate a more collaborative approach to scientific learning and research. Today, use of technology has enhanced learners’ ability to communicate on social media within a social circle of peers and academicians. However, research findings for distance learning state that there are a number of challenges faced for collaborative projects and learners. Instead of learners learning individually, learning communities can help serve as platforms for discussion, network for academic learning, reflective practices and become com...

A Human Values Pathway for Teachers, 2021
Due to the rapid expansion of urbanization in many parts of the world, especially in developing c... more Due to the rapid expansion of urbanization in many parts of the world, especially in developing countries, many students are losing their connectedness with the environment at a time when this interconnectedness is crucial. This chapter provides some examples of silent sitting and visualization as an integral part of classroom teaching to create a sense of connection between students and the environment. These ideas have been drawn primarily from successful water education programs in Asia, including selected parts of India and China, and in Africa. Cornell’s Flow Learning concept has been adapted as a framework for these techniques. Some examples are provided with lessons learned from the implementation of silent sitting and visualization using elements from the environment. The chapter also refers to a model developed by Jumsai to explain why silent sitting can be helpful in bringing about environmental awareness.

Universal Journal of Educational Research
Learners in higher education are self-driven to attain goals and objectives of what is required b... more Learners in higher education are self-driven to attain goals and objectives of what is required by the Universities for career prospects in the fields of Sciences and Technology. This paper analyses theories of experiential learning which will contribute to implementation of Ethical behaviors in science and technology towards citizenship learning. This paper will focus on the theoretical aspects of the conceptions of learning, cultural implications of learning, how different types of knowledge contributes to learning and analyses why such knowledge and learning is insufficient to meet long term sustenance in life. Educational aims for sustenance of life through theories and practice have been discussed in ancient texts and education requires the reintegration of Ethics in all disciplines, particularly in Science and Technology. Education for higher order thinking emphasizes on creating discriminative skills, critical thinking, implementing knowledge as reflective practitioners and for the progress of society. The review and analysis of Experiential Learning theories [1, 2, 3, 4] and its contribution to practical ethics is discussed in this paper. The emphasis on knowledge and skills are explained by theorists and this paper discusses how the theories can be implemented in critical pedagogy for practical ethics related to the fields of Science and Technology at the tertiary level.

Open Praxis, 2013
Student-centred learning approaches like collaborative learning are needed to facilitate meaningf... more Student-centred learning approaches like collaborative learning are needed to facilitate meaningful learning among self-motivated lifelong learners within educational institutions through interorganizational Open and Distant Learning (ODL) approaches. The purpose of this study is to develop blended learning platforms to promote sustainable living, building on an e-hub with sub-portals in SEARCH to facilitate activities such as "Education for Sustainable Development" (ESD), webinars, authentic learning, and the role of m-/e-learning. Survey questionnaires and mixed-research approach with mixed-mode of data analysis were used including some survey findings of in-service teachers' understanding and attitudes towards ESD and three essential skills for sustainable living. Case studies were reported in telecollaborative project on "Disaster Risk Reduction Education" (DR RED) in Malaysia, Germany and Philippines. These activities were organized internationally to facilitate communication through e-platforms among participants across national borders using digital tools to build relationships, promote students' Higher Order Thinking (HOT) skills and innate ability to learn independently.
Papers by Suma Jayachandran