The use of CFD for numerical representation of laboratory wave flume and basins, commonly known a... more The use of CFD for numerical representation of laboratory wave flume and basins, commonly known as numerical wave tanks (NWT), has become more popular in recent years with the aim of improving knowledge in the field of wave-structure interaction (WSI), both fixed and floating, due to advances that have been made in numerical modelling, mainly with the reproduction of three dimensional problems. The use of this technique is displacing even traditional approaches based on the use of potential flow equations, due to the versatility provided by the CFD approach, which allows considering nonlinear interactions between structures and waves, and above all, extreme events such as wave breaking. However, implementation of these models as a complementary tool to physical modeling facilities is not yet standardized and requires further development to hybridize these two techniques, numerical and experimental, in order to obtain a better knowledge of physical processes. Implementation still req...
In this work the numerical model IHFOAM is extended to incorporate moving-boundary wave generatio... more In this work the numerical model IHFOAM is extended to incorporate moving-boundary wave generation and absorption capabilities. The goal is to obtain a solver that includes free surface flow through porous media, able to replicate the wave generation procedures of physical wave basins. For this purpose a new boundary condition to mimic the action of multi-paddle piston wavemakers is developed and the dynamic mesh capabilities present in OpenFOAM ® are enhanced. A set of experiments is carried out in the laboratory and is reproduced numerically to validate the correct operation of the new module. Additional numerical experiments are carried out to test the efficiency of active wave absorption. The results indicate a high degree of accordance between the experimental and numerical results and a correct performance of active wave absorption at the moving boundary.
A three dimensional numerical approach based on IHFOAM to study the interaction of tsunami waves ... more A three dimensional numerical approach based on IHFOAM to study the interaction of tsunami waves with mangrove forest is presented. As a first approximation, the problem is modelled by means of solitary waves impinging on emergent rigid cylinders. Two different conceptual approaches are implemented into IHFOAM. Solving the URANS equations provides a direct simulation of the flow field considering the actual geometry of the array of cylinders. A modified version of the volume-average URANS equations by introducing a drag force to model the momentum damping created by the cylinders is used in the second approach. Both the direct and macroscopic simulations are validated against laboratory experiments for wave damping with very high agreement. A large set of numerical experiments to analyse flow parameters and uniform and random cylinder array distributions are analysed and use to compare pros and cons of the different approaches. Large differences are found in the forces exerted on the vegetation for uniform and random distributions. Generalizations obtained from uniform arrangements could lead to underestimation of wave-exerted forces, especially for low dense configurations. Wave forces calculated with the macroscopic approach by means of the drag coefficient yields clear underestimations.
An analysis of the near-field flow at porous low-crested structures under breaking conditions is ... more An analysis of the near-field flow at porous low-crested structures under breaking conditions is conducted, using a VOF-type numerical model based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations and including a k-E model. Results of numerical simulations of small-scale laboratory experiments on rubble-mound submerged breakwaters are presented with emphasis on the influence of the crest width on the flow conditions. Both experimental and numerical wave flumes include a system of flow recirculation aimed to prevent the usual excessive set-up leeward of overtopped structures in 2DV configurations. The numerical model is proven to reproduce with a high degree of agreement the different phenomena of wave interaction with low-crested structures and can be used as a valuable tool for functional and structural design.
This paper describes the capability of a new model, called IH-3VOF to simulate wave-structure int... more This paper describes the capability of a new model, called IH-3VOF to simulate wave-structure interaction problems using a three-dimensional approach. The model is able to deal with physical processes associated with wave interaction with porous structures. The model considers the VARANS equations, a volume-averaged version of the traditional RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) equations. Turbulence is modeled using a k- approach, not only at the clear fluid region (outside the porous media) but also inside the porous media. The model has been validated using laboratory data of free surface time evolution in a fish tank containing a porous dam. Numerical simulations were calibrated by adjusting the porous flow empirical coefficients for two granular material characteristics. Sensitivity analysis of porous parameters has also been performed. The model is proven to reproduce with a high degree of agreement the free surface evolution during the seeping process. Simulations of a thr...
The correct address of wave characteristics in the vicinity of submerged vegetation is crucial to... more The correct address of wave characteristics in the vicinity of submerged vegetation is crucial to perform an ecological analysis. Although several attempts have been done in the past using an analytical approach or depth averaged models, the rigidity of the assumptions used to solve the physics produced limited application to real cases. The use of a NS model called IH-2VOF is used first to minimize the number of predefined assumptions for wave propagation and the non-linear interactions between waves and plants and second to explore the possibility to improve existing turbulence models to consider wave interaction with vegetation. The IH2-VOF model has been validated using large scale experiments developed by Stratigaki et al. (2011). The model has shown a high degree of accordance between the lab data and the numerical predictions in free surface evolution. Numerical predictions of the velocity field have been compared both over and inside the vegetation showing also a high degree...
Over the last years Navier-Stokes numerical models have been developed to accurately simulate wav... more Over the last years Navier-Stokes numerical models have been developed to accurately simulate wave interaction with all kinds of coastal structures, focusing on both functionality and stability of coastal structures. Although several models have been used to simulate wave interaction with coastal structures in two dimensions (2DV) there are a vast number of three-dimensional effects that need to be investigated in order to improve the design. In this paper a new model called IH-FOAM has been applied to study a vertical breakwater at prototype scale. As a first attempt of validation, the model has been used to simulate a regular wave train generated with a relative angle with the breakwater inducing three-dimensional wave patterns not only seaward the structure due to reflection but also generating an overtopping discharge variation along the breakwater trunk. Pressure laws and overtopping discharge at three different cross-sections along the structure have been studied. The pressure...
Using COBRAS-UC, a numerical model based on the Volume-Averaged Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (V... more Using COBRAS-UC, a numerical model based on the Volume-Averaged Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (VARANS) equations, 2-D wave interaction with low-mound breakwaters is analyzed. The model uses a Volume of Fluid (VOF) technique method to capture the free surface which allows the modeling of complicated processes such as breakwater overtopping. Furthermore, thanks to the VARANS equations, the flow in the permeable layers underneath the caisson is quantitatively correct. In order to validate the model's performance, a new set of experimental studies are carried out in a wave flume at a 1:20 scale using regular and irregular waves. Comparisons between numerical and experimental free surface, pressure time histories, and overtopping layer thickness for regular and irregular waves show a good agreement. Further comparisons of numerically predicted overtopping magnitudes with existing semiempirical formulae and experimental data indicate that the model can be used as a complementary tool for the functional design of this kind of structures.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2013
Wave breaking is mainly a three-dimensional flow problem characterized by wave energy dissipation... more Wave breaking is mainly a three-dimensional flow problem characterized by wave energy dissipation due to turbulence. The understanding of the wave breaking mechanism on a beach is essential in studying coastal processes. The complexity of the wave-induced turbulence flow is also increased by the presence of a two-phase flow, which introduces buoyancy effects. In this work a set of numerical experiments is carried out on wave breaking on a gravel slope. The influence of a one-phase and two-phase flow and the permeability effect of the beach are investigated numerically by means of a Navier-Stokes model known as IH-3VOF, which considers the volume-averaged Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (VARANS) equations (del Jesus, 2011 [3]) to characterize the flow within the porous media. The accuracy of the VARANS equations is demonstrated by means of comparisons with laboratory data. The results are found to be within a 2% error in terms of wave height prior to the broken wave, and up to a 10% error after then, and in the order of 0.20 s in the time domain for the worst case. A further analysis of wave evolution on a permeable beach with alongshore variation of porosity is studied. Three-dimensional wave breaking and post-breaking wave transformations alongshore are analysed according to porosity values.
Tsunami wave interaction with coastal regions is responsible for very important human and economi... more Tsunami wave interaction with coastal regions is responsible for very important human and economic losses. In order to properly design coastal defenses against these natural catastrophes, new numerical models need to be developed that complement existing laboratory measurements and field data. The use of numerical models based on the Navier-Stokes equations appears as a reasonable approach due to their ability to evaluate complex flow patterns around coastal structures without the inherent limitations of the classical depth-averaged models. In the present study, a Navier-Stokes-based model, IH-3VOF, is applied to study the interaction of tsunami waves with porous and impermeable structures. IH-3VOF is able to simulate wave flow within the porous structures by means of the volume-averaged Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (VARANS) equations. The equations solved by the model and their numerical implementation are presented here. A numerical analysis of the interaction of a tsunami wave...
This paper presents laboratory and numerical simulations of run-up induced by irregular waves bre... more This paper presents laboratory and numerical simulations of run-up induced by irregular waves breaking on a gentle-sloping planar beach. The experimental data are well reproduced by a numerical model based on the nonlinear shallow water equations. By extending the incoming wave conditions considered in the laboratory experiments, the model is applied to study the run-up variability under highly energetic incoming conditions. The numerical results support the idea that, for cases characterized by the same incident peak frequency, infragravity run-up increases almost linearly with the offshore significant wave height. Moreover, the most energetic conditions lead to an upper limit of the the swash similarity parameter of about 1.8.
This work presents a new model for wave and submerged vegetation which couples the flow motion wi... more This work presents a new model for wave and submerged vegetation which couples the flow motion with the plant deformation. The IH-2VOF model is extended to solve the Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes equations including the presence of a vegetation field by means of a drag force. Turbulence is modeled using a k-ε equation which takes into account the effect of vegetation by an approximation of dispersive fluxes using the drag force produce by the plant. The plant motion is solved accounting for inertia, damping, restoring, gravitational, Froude-Krylov and hydrodynamic mass forces. The resulting model is validated with small and large-scale experiments with a high degree of accuracy for both no swaying and swaying plants. Two new formulations of the drag coefficient are provided extending the range of applicability of existing formulae to lower Reynolds number.
... Cited By in Scopus (2). Permissions & Reprints. Numerical ana... more ... Cited By in Scopus (2). Permissions & Reprints. Numerical analysis of wave loads for coastal structure stability. Raul Guanche a , Inigo J. Losada Corresponding Author Contact Information , a , E-mail The Corresponding Author and Javier L. Lara a. ...
This paper describes the capability of a numerical model named COrnell BReaking waves And Structu... more This paper describes the capability of a numerical model named COrnell BReaking waves And Structures (COBRAS) [Lin, P., Liu, P.L.-F., 1998. A numerical study of breaking waves in the surf zone. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 359, 239–264; Liu, P.L.-F., Lin, P., Chang, K.A., Sakakiyama, T., 1999. Numerical modeling of wave interaction with porous structures. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and
The paper describes the results of a two-dimensional (2-D) numerical modelling investigation of t... more The paper describes the results of a two-dimensional (2-D) numerical modelling investigation of the functionality of rubble mound breakwaters with special attention focused on wave overtopping processes. The model, COBRAS-UC, is a new version of the COBRAS (Cornell Breaking Waves and Structures) based on the Volume Averaged Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (VARANS) equations and uses a Volume of Fluid Technique (VOF) method to capture the free surface. The nature of the model equations and solving technique provides a means to simulate wave reflection, run-up, wave breaking on the slope, transmission through rubble mounds, overtopping and agitation at the protected side due to the combined effect of wave transmission and overtopping. Also, two-dimensional experimental studies are carried out to investigate the performance of the model. The computations of the free surface and pressure time series and spectra under regular and irregular waves, are compared with the experimental data reaching a very good agreement. The model is also used to reproduce instantaneous and average wave overtopping discharge. Comparisons with existing semi-empirical formulae and experimental data show a very good performance. The present model is expected to become in the near future an excellent tool for practical applications.
... Javier L. Lara low asterisk , a , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Inigo J. Losada a , Maria... more ... Javier L. Lara low asterisk , a , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Inigo J. Losada a , Maria Maza a and Raul Guanche a. ... Keywords: Solitary wave evolution; Tsunami wave; Solitary wave fission; Porous media flow; Navier–Stokes models; Wave breaking. Article Outline. ...
The present paper and its companion (Higuera et al., 2012) introduce OpenFOAM® as a tool to consi... more The present paper and its companion (Higuera et al., 2012) introduce OpenFOAM® as a tool to consider for coastal engineering applications as it solves 3D domains and considers two-phase flow. In this first paper, OpenFOAM® utilities are presented and the free surface flow solvers are analysed. The lack of specific boundary conditions for realistic wave generation is overcome with their implementation combined with active wave absorption. Wave generation includes all the widely used theories plus specific piston-type wavemaker replication. Also standalone active wave absorption implementation is explained for several formulations, all of which are applicable to 3D cases. Active wave absorption is found to enhance stability by decreasing the energy of the system and to correct the increasing water level on long simulations. Furthermore, it is advantageous with respect to dissipation zones such as sponge layers, as it does not increase the computational domain. The results vary depending on the theory (2D, Quasi-3D and 3D) but overall performance of the implemented methods is very good. The simulations and results of the present paper are purely theoretical. Comparisons with laboratory data are presented in the second paper (Higuera et al., 2012).
The use of CFD for numerical representation of laboratory wave flume and basins, commonly known a... more The use of CFD for numerical representation of laboratory wave flume and basins, commonly known as numerical wave tanks (NWT), has become more popular in recent years with the aim of improving knowledge in the field of wave-structure interaction (WSI), both fixed and floating, due to advances that have been made in numerical modelling, mainly with the reproduction of three dimensional problems. The use of this technique is displacing even traditional approaches based on the use of potential flow equations, due to the versatility provided by the CFD approach, which allows considering nonlinear interactions between structures and waves, and above all, extreme events such as wave breaking. However, implementation of these models as a complementary tool to physical modeling facilities is not yet standardized and requires further development to hybridize these two techniques, numerical and experimental, in order to obtain a better knowledge of physical processes. Implementation still req...
In this work the numerical model IHFOAM is extended to incorporate moving-boundary wave generatio... more In this work the numerical model IHFOAM is extended to incorporate moving-boundary wave generation and absorption capabilities. The goal is to obtain a solver that includes free surface flow through porous media, able to replicate the wave generation procedures of physical wave basins. For this purpose a new boundary condition to mimic the action of multi-paddle piston wavemakers is developed and the dynamic mesh capabilities present in OpenFOAM ® are enhanced. A set of experiments is carried out in the laboratory and is reproduced numerically to validate the correct operation of the new module. Additional numerical experiments are carried out to test the efficiency of active wave absorption. The results indicate a high degree of accordance between the experimental and numerical results and a correct performance of active wave absorption at the moving boundary.
A three dimensional numerical approach based on IHFOAM to study the interaction of tsunami waves ... more A three dimensional numerical approach based on IHFOAM to study the interaction of tsunami waves with mangrove forest is presented. As a first approximation, the problem is modelled by means of solitary waves impinging on emergent rigid cylinders. Two different conceptual approaches are implemented into IHFOAM. Solving the URANS equations provides a direct simulation of the flow field considering the actual geometry of the array of cylinders. A modified version of the volume-average URANS equations by introducing a drag force to model the momentum damping created by the cylinders is used in the second approach. Both the direct and macroscopic simulations are validated against laboratory experiments for wave damping with very high agreement. A large set of numerical experiments to analyse flow parameters and uniform and random cylinder array distributions are analysed and use to compare pros and cons of the different approaches. Large differences are found in the forces exerted on the vegetation for uniform and random distributions. Generalizations obtained from uniform arrangements could lead to underestimation of wave-exerted forces, especially for low dense configurations. Wave forces calculated with the macroscopic approach by means of the drag coefficient yields clear underestimations.
An analysis of the near-field flow at porous low-crested structures under breaking conditions is ... more An analysis of the near-field flow at porous low-crested structures under breaking conditions is conducted, using a VOF-type numerical model based on the Reynolds-Averaged Navier Stokes (RANS) equations and including a k-E model. Results of numerical simulations of small-scale laboratory experiments on rubble-mound submerged breakwaters are presented with emphasis on the influence of the crest width on the flow conditions. Both experimental and numerical wave flumes include a system of flow recirculation aimed to prevent the usual excessive set-up leeward of overtopped structures in 2DV configurations. The numerical model is proven to reproduce with a high degree of agreement the different phenomena of wave interaction with low-crested structures and can be used as a valuable tool for functional and structural design.
This paper describes the capability of a new model, called IH-3VOF to simulate wave-structure int... more This paper describes the capability of a new model, called IH-3VOF to simulate wave-structure interaction problems using a three-dimensional approach. The model is able to deal with physical processes associated with wave interaction with porous structures. The model considers the VARANS equations, a volume-averaged version of the traditional RANS (Reynolds Averaged Navier-Stokes) equations. Turbulence is modeled using a k- approach, not only at the clear fluid region (outside the porous media) but also inside the porous media. The model has been validated using laboratory data of free surface time evolution in a fish tank containing a porous dam. Numerical simulations were calibrated by adjusting the porous flow empirical coefficients for two granular material characteristics. Sensitivity analysis of porous parameters has also been performed. The model is proven to reproduce with a high degree of agreement the free surface evolution during the seeping process. Simulations of a thr...
The correct address of wave characteristics in the vicinity of submerged vegetation is crucial to... more The correct address of wave characteristics in the vicinity of submerged vegetation is crucial to perform an ecological analysis. Although several attempts have been done in the past using an analytical approach or depth averaged models, the rigidity of the assumptions used to solve the physics produced limited application to real cases. The use of a NS model called IH-2VOF is used first to minimize the number of predefined assumptions for wave propagation and the non-linear interactions between waves and plants and second to explore the possibility to improve existing turbulence models to consider wave interaction with vegetation. The IH2-VOF model has been validated using large scale experiments developed by Stratigaki et al. (2011). The model has shown a high degree of accordance between the lab data and the numerical predictions in free surface evolution. Numerical predictions of the velocity field have been compared both over and inside the vegetation showing also a high degree...
Over the last years Navier-Stokes numerical models have been developed to accurately simulate wav... more Over the last years Navier-Stokes numerical models have been developed to accurately simulate wave interaction with all kinds of coastal structures, focusing on both functionality and stability of coastal structures. Although several models have been used to simulate wave interaction with coastal structures in two dimensions (2DV) there are a vast number of three-dimensional effects that need to be investigated in order to improve the design. In this paper a new model called IH-FOAM has been applied to study a vertical breakwater at prototype scale. As a first attempt of validation, the model has been used to simulate a regular wave train generated with a relative angle with the breakwater inducing three-dimensional wave patterns not only seaward the structure due to reflection but also generating an overtopping discharge variation along the breakwater trunk. Pressure laws and overtopping discharge at three different cross-sections along the structure have been studied. The pressure...
Using COBRAS-UC, a numerical model based on the Volume-Averaged Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (V... more Using COBRAS-UC, a numerical model based on the Volume-Averaged Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (VARANS) equations, 2-D wave interaction with low-mound breakwaters is analyzed. The model uses a Volume of Fluid (VOF) technique method to capture the free surface which allows the modeling of complicated processes such as breakwater overtopping. Furthermore, thanks to the VARANS equations, the flow in the permeable layers underneath the caisson is quantitatively correct. In order to validate the model's performance, a new set of experimental studies are carried out in a wave flume at a 1:20 scale using regular and irregular waves. Comparisons between numerical and experimental free surface, pressure time histories, and overtopping layer thickness for regular and irregular waves show a good agreement. Further comparisons of numerically predicted overtopping magnitudes with existing semiempirical formulae and experimental data indicate that the model can be used as a complementary tool for the functional design of this kind of structures.
Journal of Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2013
Wave breaking is mainly a three-dimensional flow problem characterized by wave energy dissipation... more Wave breaking is mainly a three-dimensional flow problem characterized by wave energy dissipation due to turbulence. The understanding of the wave breaking mechanism on a beach is essential in studying coastal processes. The complexity of the wave-induced turbulence flow is also increased by the presence of a two-phase flow, which introduces buoyancy effects. In this work a set of numerical experiments is carried out on wave breaking on a gravel slope. The influence of a one-phase and two-phase flow and the permeability effect of the beach are investigated numerically by means of a Navier-Stokes model known as IH-3VOF, which considers the volume-averaged Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (VARANS) equations (del Jesus, 2011 [3]) to characterize the flow within the porous media. The accuracy of the VARANS equations is demonstrated by means of comparisons with laboratory data. The results are found to be within a 2% error in terms of wave height prior to the broken wave, and up to a 10% error after then, and in the order of 0.20 s in the time domain for the worst case. A further analysis of wave evolution on a permeable beach with alongshore variation of porosity is studied. Three-dimensional wave breaking and post-breaking wave transformations alongshore are analysed according to porosity values.
Tsunami wave interaction with coastal regions is responsible for very important human and economi... more Tsunami wave interaction with coastal regions is responsible for very important human and economic losses. In order to properly design coastal defenses against these natural catastrophes, new numerical models need to be developed that complement existing laboratory measurements and field data. The use of numerical models based on the Navier-Stokes equations appears as a reasonable approach due to their ability to evaluate complex flow patterns around coastal structures without the inherent limitations of the classical depth-averaged models. In the present study, a Navier-Stokes-based model, IH-3VOF, is applied to study the interaction of tsunami waves with porous and impermeable structures. IH-3VOF is able to simulate wave flow within the porous structures by means of the volume-averaged Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes (VARANS) equations. The equations solved by the model and their numerical implementation are presented here. A numerical analysis of the interaction of a tsunami wave...
This paper presents laboratory and numerical simulations of run-up induced by irregular waves bre... more This paper presents laboratory and numerical simulations of run-up induced by irregular waves breaking on a gentle-sloping planar beach. The experimental data are well reproduced by a numerical model based on the nonlinear shallow water equations. By extending the incoming wave conditions considered in the laboratory experiments, the model is applied to study the run-up variability under highly energetic incoming conditions. The numerical results support the idea that, for cases characterized by the same incident peak frequency, infragravity run-up increases almost linearly with the offshore significant wave height. Moreover, the most energetic conditions lead to an upper limit of the the swash similarity parameter of about 1.8.
This work presents a new model for wave and submerged vegetation which couples the flow motion wi... more This work presents a new model for wave and submerged vegetation which couples the flow motion with the plant deformation. The IH-2VOF model is extended to solve the Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes equations including the presence of a vegetation field by means of a drag force. Turbulence is modeled using a k-ε equation which takes into account the effect of vegetation by an approximation of dispersive fluxes using the drag force produce by the plant. The plant motion is solved accounting for inertia, damping, restoring, gravitational, Froude-Krylov and hydrodynamic mass forces. The resulting model is validated with small and large-scale experiments with a high degree of accuracy for both no swaying and swaying plants. Two new formulations of the drag coefficient are provided extending the range of applicability of existing formulae to lower Reynolds number.
... Cited By in Scopus (2). Permissions & Reprints. Numerical ana... more ... Cited By in Scopus (2). Permissions & Reprints. Numerical analysis of wave loads for coastal structure stability. Raul Guanche a , Inigo J. Losada Corresponding Author Contact Information , a , E-mail The Corresponding Author and Javier L. Lara a. ...
This paper describes the capability of a numerical model named COrnell BReaking waves And Structu... more This paper describes the capability of a numerical model named COrnell BReaking waves And Structures (COBRAS) [Lin, P., Liu, P.L.-F., 1998. A numerical study of breaking waves in the surf zone. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 359, 239–264; Liu, P.L.-F., Lin, P., Chang, K.A., Sakakiyama, T., 1999. Numerical modeling of wave interaction with porous structures. Journal of Waterway, Port, Coastal and
The paper describes the results of a two-dimensional (2-D) numerical modelling investigation of t... more The paper describes the results of a two-dimensional (2-D) numerical modelling investigation of the functionality of rubble mound breakwaters with special attention focused on wave overtopping processes. The model, COBRAS-UC, is a new version of the COBRAS (Cornell Breaking Waves and Structures) based on the Volume Averaged Reynolds Average Navier-Stokes (VARANS) equations and uses a Volume of Fluid Technique (VOF) method to capture the free surface. The nature of the model equations and solving technique provides a means to simulate wave reflection, run-up, wave breaking on the slope, transmission through rubble mounds, overtopping and agitation at the protected side due to the combined effect of wave transmission and overtopping. Also, two-dimensional experimental studies are carried out to investigate the performance of the model. The computations of the free surface and pressure time series and spectra under regular and irregular waves, are compared with the experimental data reaching a very good agreement. The model is also used to reproduce instantaneous and average wave overtopping discharge. Comparisons with existing semi-empirical formulae and experimental data show a very good performance. The present model is expected to become in the near future an excellent tool for practical applications.
... Javier L. Lara low asterisk , a , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Inigo J. Losada a , Maria... more ... Javier L. Lara low asterisk , a , E-mail The Corresponding Author , Inigo J. Losada a , Maria Maza a and Raul Guanche a. ... Keywords: Solitary wave evolution; Tsunami wave; Solitary wave fission; Porous media flow; Navier–Stokes models; Wave breaking. Article Outline. ...
The present paper and its companion (Higuera et al., 2012) introduce OpenFOAM® as a tool to consi... more The present paper and its companion (Higuera et al., 2012) introduce OpenFOAM® as a tool to consider for coastal engineering applications as it solves 3D domains and considers two-phase flow. In this first paper, OpenFOAM® utilities are presented and the free surface flow solvers are analysed. The lack of specific boundary conditions for realistic wave generation is overcome with their implementation combined with active wave absorption. Wave generation includes all the widely used theories plus specific piston-type wavemaker replication. Also standalone active wave absorption implementation is explained for several formulations, all of which are applicable to 3D cases. Active wave absorption is found to enhance stability by decreasing the energy of the system and to correct the increasing water level on long simulations. Furthermore, it is advantageous with respect to dissipation zones such as sponge layers, as it does not increase the computational domain. The results vary depending on the theory (2D, Quasi-3D and 3D) but overall performance of the implemented methods is very good. The simulations and results of the present paper are purely theoretical. Comparisons with laboratory data are presented in the second paper (Higuera et al., 2012).
Papers by Javier Lara