As Extension assumes a more prominent role in health promotion efforts at the national and local ... more As Extension assumes a more prominent role in health promotion efforts at the national and local levels, it is increasingly important to build strong, sustainable partnerships with organizations that address health and health disparities across the socio-ecological model. Given the role that the built environment plays in fostering and impeding health and physical activity, we argue that state and local Extension staff should build and maintain strong partnerships with organizations that carry out this work at the national, state, and local levels, such as Parks and Recreation departments. This article presents a case study of how Extension staff in one North Carolina county built strong and sustainable partnerships with Parks and Recreation to create and enhance access to places to be active, particularly in low-income and communities of color. Drawing on this case study, we outline best practices that can facilitate these types of partnerships, based on experience from a two-year ...
ID: EASM-2015-253 (780) All authors: Rob Sayre-McCord, Michael Edwards, Jason Bocarro, Michael Ka... more ID: EASM-2015-253 (780) All authors: Rob Sayre-McCord, Michael Edwards, Jason Bocarro, Michael Kanters, Jonathan Casper Date submitted: 2015-03-25 Date accepted: 2015-04-17 Type: Scientific
Understanding the relationship between leisure and families has been and will continue to be an i... more Understanding the relationship between leisure and families has been and will continue to be an important area of study. The purpose of this study is to review existing family leisure research from four select journals between 1990 and 2012. Articles are examined for sample characteristics, methods, analytical approaches, and thematic trends. Overall, 181 articles regarding family leisure, leisure in context of family life or roles, and individual experiences of family leisure are identified. Findings suggest scholars made strides toward expanding methods, analyses, and sampling diversity, though more diversity in sampling and analytical approaches is needed. Three major research themes are present: promoting family well-being through leisure, the costs and constraints to family leisure, and family leisure in the margins.
Due to the increasing number of children participating in sport, sport clubs and organizations ha... more Due to the increasing number of children participating in sport, sport clubs and organizations have been identified as an important setting to facilitate physical activity and health promotion. The purpose of this study was to examine whether new national policies for sport practice increases physical activity time without compromising skill development time. Two comparative samples of youth sport leagues with contrasting sport practice models were evaluated for one year. Eighty-two recreational league hockey practices (ages 9-10). Of the practices, 43 used the new approach while 39 operated under a traditional structure. Momentary time sampling was used to measure player physical activity levels and the practice context in which they occur. A Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) score was calculated for each practice. Participants spent 44% of practice time engaged in sedentary activities, 33% in moderate physical activity, and 23% in vigorous physical activity. While individual minutes in MVPA and MET scores did not differ significantly between the practice types, new model practices provided overall higher MET hours than traditional practices. New model practices also accommodated approximately 60% more players while having twice as many coaches, a lower player-to-coach ratio, higher percentage of time in vigorous physical activity, and more time dedicated to skill drills/activities. Findings suggest sport practices can be structured to facilitate high levels of physical activity for more children without compromising attention to skill development and instruction. Keywords. children's sport, physical activity, sport practice structure, skill development Resumen. Objetivo: Debido al creciente número de niños que participan en el deporte, los clubes y organizaciones deportivas han sido identificados como un marco importante para facilitar la actividad física y promoción de la salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar si las nuevas políticas nacionales para la práctica del deporte aumentan el tiempo de actividad física sin comprometer el tiempo de desarrollo de habilidades. Se evaluaron durante un año dos muestras comparativas de las ligas deportivas juveniles con modelos contrapuestos de entrenamientos en el deporte. Métodos: Ochenta y dos practicantes a nivel recreativo de la liga de hockey (edades entre 9-10 años). De los entrenamientos, 43 utilizaron el nuevo enfoque mientras que en 39 se trabajó con una estructura tradicional. El muestreo de tiempo momentáneo se utilizó para medir los niveles de actividad física del jugador y el contexto de la práctica en que se producen. Se calculó la puntuación de un equivalente metabólico de tareas (MET) de cada entrenamiento. Resultados: Los participantes dedicaron un 44% del tiempo de la práctica a actividades sedentarias, un 33% en actividad física moderada y el 23% en actividad física vigorosa. Mientras los minutos individuales en AFMV y puntuaciones en MET no difieren significativamente entre los tipos de entrenamiento, los entrenamientos en el nuevo modelo proporcionan valores superiores de MET que los entrenamientos tradicionales. Los entrenamientos del nuevo modelo también acomodan aproximadamente un 60% más de jugadores al tener el doble de entrenadores, un menor ratio de jugador a entrenador, mayor porcentaje de tiempo en actividades físicas vigorosas, y más tiempo dedicado al desarrollo de ejercicios/actividades. Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren que los entrenamientos deportivos pueden ser estructurados para facilitar altos niveles de actividad física para más niños sin comprometer la atención sobre el desarrollo de habilidades y la enseñanza. Palabras claves. deporte en niños, actividad física, estructura práctica deportiva, desarrollo de habilidades.
Rationale/purpose: Most social innovation research within health-oriented SDP initiatives has foc... more Rationale/purpose: Most social innovation research within health-oriented SDP initiatives has focused on improvements to structured program contexts, with less attention to informal sport. The purpose of this study was to analyze leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) across a range of activity settings, and provide informed recommendations for SDP organizations to integrate informal sport into LTPA-promoting initiatives. Methodology: Data was collected through systematic observations of sport facilities at twenty schools in North Carolina. A two-way factorial analysis of variance was utilized to assess variation in physical activity across different activities and levels of organization (i.e. formal vs. informal). Findings: Findings reveal significant variation across different activities, as well as the level of organization (i.e. formal vs. informal). In addition, sport activities were not associated with significantly higher levels of physical activity than other forms of physically active leisure. Practical implications: Sport managers must recognize the contribution of various sport and leisure activities to maximize the role of sport in promoting LTPA. In addition, preconceived notions regarding the inherent health benefits of sport must be altered in order to promote LTPA. Research contribution: SDP organizations incorporate informal sport are key to promoting LTPA, but require program-, process-, and socially transformative social innovation.
Research on race and ethnicity in leisure will take on greater significance in coming years. The ... more Research on race and ethnicity in leisure will take on greater significance in coming years. The purpose of this study was to systematically examine research related to race and ethnicity within five major leisure journals since their inception to discern quantity of research, thematic patterns in topical areas and to document the research methods used. This assessment identified 150 articles related to race and ethnicity. Nineteen thematic categories were identified. Articles with conceptual discussions, activity and participation studies, and outdoor recreation/forest-based recreation occurred most frequently. Similar to other analyses of the literature, survey research was the most frequently used method of data collection. The discussion focuses on implications for future research on race and ethnicity in leisure studies.
Shared use of recreational facilities is a promising strategy for increasing access to places for... more Shared use of recreational facilities is a promising strategy for increasing access to places for physical activity. Little is known about shared use in faith-based settings. This study examined shared use practices and barriers in faith communities in North Carolina. Faith communities in North Carolina (n = 234) completed an online survey (October-December 2013) designed to provide information about the extent and nature of shared use of recreational facilities. We used binary logistic regression to examine differences between congregations that shared use and those that did not share use. Most of the faith communities (82.9%) that completed the survey indicated that they share their facilities with outside individuals and organizations. Formal agreements were more common when faith communities shared indoor spaces such as gymnasiums and classroom meeting spaces than when they shared outdoor spaces such as playgrounds or athletic fields. Faith communities in the wealthiest counties...
Although school-sponsored extracurricular sport remains one of the most popular and effective way... more Although school-sponsored extracurricular sport remains one of the most popular and effective ways to increase adolescents' physical activity levels, it is designed to include a small number of a school's elite athletes. Fewer schools offer intramural sports, and little is known about participation in these activities. The purpose of this study is to compare variations in how students participate in interscholastic and intramural school sport programs. Using a sample of seventh and eighth graders in two southeastern middle schools, results indicated that school sport participation levels were higher in intramurals than interscholastic sports for all studied categories of students except for White girls. In addition, students participating in intramural sports played nearly twice as many sports during the school year as students participating in interscholastic sports. Gender and race differences in school sport participation both confirm and contradict previous research and ...
Background:Organized sport is viewed as a viable medium for promoting more physical activity amon... more Background:Organized sport is viewed as a viable medium for promoting more physical activity among youth. However, participation in youth sport declines significantly among both boys and girls during their middle school years. This study examined middle school students’ perceived constraints to sport participation.Methods:Middle school students from 4 schools (6th−8th grade, N = 2465) completed a web based survey (97.3% response rate). Descriptive analysis, t tests, and ANOVA were used to assess extent of perceived constraints and differences among demographic and sport participation level subgroups.Results:The most salient constraint perceived by respondents was time, while knowledge was perceived as the lowest among the overall sample. Significant (P < .01) differences in perceived constraints were found among all comparisons groups. Girls, Latinos, lower SES students, and students who did not play sports reported more constraints than respective comparisons groups.Discussion:T...
The purpose of this study was to examine the determinants for adolescent participation in sports ... more The purpose of this study was to examine the determinants for adolescent participation in sports and to determine the impact of an alternate model of sport delivery (i.e., school intramural sports). More specifically, this study used the theory of planned behavior to highlight factors that might contribute to young people's decisions to play sports and to determine what impact an alternate model of sport delivery would have on intention to participate in sport. Three hundred and three students in grades seven and eight completed measures of their participation in intramural and extramural sports and items related to the theory of planned behavior. In addition to results that showed a relatively large number of students participating in school intramural sports, notable differences in the relative contributions of the predictor variables of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control were found across different sport-participation subgroups. Suggestions for futur...
Background:This study’s purpose was to assess the opportunities for North Carolina adolescents to... more Background:This study’s purpose was to assess the opportunities for North Carolina adolescents to be physically active in extracurricular middle school environments and to compare opportunities across community types.Methods:Data were analyzed based on the results of an electronic questionnaire distributed to a sample of 431 schools with a response rate of 75.4% (N = 325).Results:Nearly all schools offered interscholastic sports while fewer than half offered intramurals or noncompetitive activities to students. “Open gym” was offered at only 35% of schools, while 24% of schools offered extracurricular activities to students with disabilities. Overall, 43.4% of schools offered special transportation to students who participated in some extracurricular physical activities. Schools in rural areas generally offered fewer programs and had fewer supports than schools located in more urbanized areas. Over two-thirds of rural schools offered no extracurricular programs other than interschol...
The purpose of this article is to examine the role of school-based extracurricular initiatives in... more The purpose of this article is to examine the role of school-based extracurricular initiatives in facilitating immediate and long-term positive impact on physical activity, healthy behavior, and obesity in children. A critique of the role of various sports-related initiatives that have been developed to address the obesity epidemic currently facing children within the United States is provided, with a specific emphasis on intramural sports as a preferred mechanism to encourage long-term involvement in sport and physically active pursuits. The article presents support for the notion that a physical education curriculum that includes intramurals before, during, and after school can help children learn the skills to enjoy participation in a variety of sports designed to facilitate lifelong active living.
Although increasing community access to public schools through shared use agreements (SUAs) has b... more Although increasing community access to public schools through shared use agreements (SUAs) has been a recommended strategy for promoting physical activity (PA) among national, state and local organizations, empirical evidence examining the efficacy of SUAs is limited. This study examined the degree of usage and production of PA among schools with shared use, and how variation in PA output is related to characteristics of the school, type of activity, facility type, and when activity occurs. Data were collected in 20 schools across North Carolina using System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC) and Structured Physical Activity Surveys (SPAS) to assess PA in school athletic facilities during out of school time. Findings indicated that although schools had a policy of shared or open use, most facilities were empty during non-school hours. Hierarchal linear regression models also showed that formal programming was positively associated with both use and PA levels....
Abstract Sport is frequently regarded as an effectual mechanism for promoting positive youth deve... more Abstract Sport is frequently regarded as an effectual mechanism for promoting positive youth development (PYD). However, this connection is not inherent, and depends upon a variety of programmatic and contextual factors. To help elucidate these linkages, scholars have called for more process-based approaches to programme evaluation and research. This paper contributes to that agenda by presenting the results of a systematic integrative review of the empirical sport-based PYD literature. Using a theory of change to guide coding and analysis, these findings demonstrate how various aspects of the change process (i.e. resources/inputs, outcomes, impacts) have been integrated into empirical research. In addition to identifying trends and gaps in the literature, the authors use this information to provide informed recommendations for future research in the area of sport-based PYD.
Relationsmarknadsföringen betonar vikten av att vårda kundrelationer på lång sikt för att skapa i... more Relationsmarknadsföringen betonar vikten av att vårda kundrelationer på lång sikt för att skapa intäkter och lönsamhet. Problemet som undersöks är hur ett företag inom biluthyrningsbranschen använder de relationsskapande medel som återges i teorin för att skapa intäkter. Syftet med studien är att få ökad förståelse för hur relationsbyggande fungerar i praktiken i ett biluthyrningsföretag. Jag vill undersöka betydelsen av att vårda kundrelationer genom relationsmarknadsföring, samt hur intäkterna påverkas genom kundvärden och lojalitet. För att kunna besvara de frågor som satts upp i problemformuleringen har jag gjort en djupstudie av Hertz biluthyrning. Det har gjorts genom dels en kvalitativ intervju och dels en enkätintervju med personal på företaget. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats i relation till aktuell teori. Jag kan konstatera att det finns relationsskapande metoder som enligt teorier leder till ökade intäkter som inte förefaller stämma i ett biluthyrningsföretag. Vidare har jag funnit att fallföretaget skapar intäkter med kunder som enligt teorin inte bör ses som lönsamma. Det har visat sig att kunder som deltar i något lojalitetsprogram oftast är nöjda med kvaliteten hos företaget, men ingen generell slutsats kan dras om att dessa nödvändigtvis är lojala.
Parks provide opportunities for physical activity for children. This study examined sex differenc... more Parks provide opportunities for physical activity for children. This study examined sex differences in correlates of park-based physical activity because differences may indicate that a standard environmental intervention to increase activity among children may not equally benefit boys and girls. The System for Observation Play and Recreation in Communities was used to measure physical activity among 2,712 children and adolescents in 20 neighborhood parks in Durham, North Carolina, in 2007. Sedentary activity, walking, vigorous park activity, and energy expenditure were the primary outcome variables. Hierarchical logit regression models of physical activity were estimated separately for boys and girls. Type of activity area and presence of other active children were positively associated with boys' and girls' physical activity, and presence of a parent was negatively associated. A significant interaction involving number of recreation facilities…
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2012
ABSTRACT Different models of school sport delivery, such as intramurals (IM), may attract student... more ABSTRACT Different models of school sport delivery, such as intramurals (IM), may attract students who are less skilled or less interested in traditional varsity sports (VS). The purpose of this study was to examine whether school sport delivery models (IM or VS) differentially influence middle school students&amp;#39; motivations to participate in school sports. Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as a conceptual framework, participants in school sponsored sport programs (n = 2,021) from four middle schools (2 IM; 2 VS) completed a school sport participation questionnaire at the beginning and end of a school year. Results suggest that intentions to participate in sport either increase or are maintained through participation in school sports, and the intentions of non-participants decrease over time. A singular model of school sport that only includes highly competitive varsity sports may limit opportunities for children to play sport and diminish their intentions for enduring sport participation.
As Extension assumes a more prominent role in health promotion efforts at the national and local ... more As Extension assumes a more prominent role in health promotion efforts at the national and local levels, it is increasingly important to build strong, sustainable partnerships with organizations that address health and health disparities across the socio-ecological model. Given the role that the built environment plays in fostering and impeding health and physical activity, we argue that state and local Extension staff should build and maintain strong partnerships with organizations that carry out this work at the national, state, and local levels, such as Parks and Recreation departments. This article presents a case study of how Extension staff in one North Carolina county built strong and sustainable partnerships with Parks and Recreation to create and enhance access to places to be active, particularly in low-income and communities of color. Drawing on this case study, we outline best practices that can facilitate these types of partnerships, based on experience from a two-year ...
ID: EASM-2015-253 (780) All authors: Rob Sayre-McCord, Michael Edwards, Jason Bocarro, Michael Ka... more ID: EASM-2015-253 (780) All authors: Rob Sayre-McCord, Michael Edwards, Jason Bocarro, Michael Kanters, Jonathan Casper Date submitted: 2015-03-25 Date accepted: 2015-04-17 Type: Scientific
Understanding the relationship between leisure and families has been and will continue to be an i... more Understanding the relationship between leisure and families has been and will continue to be an important area of study. The purpose of this study is to review existing family leisure research from four select journals between 1990 and 2012. Articles are examined for sample characteristics, methods, analytical approaches, and thematic trends. Overall, 181 articles regarding family leisure, leisure in context of family life or roles, and individual experiences of family leisure are identified. Findings suggest scholars made strides toward expanding methods, analyses, and sampling diversity, though more diversity in sampling and analytical approaches is needed. Three major research themes are present: promoting family well-being through leisure, the costs and constraints to family leisure, and family leisure in the margins.
Due to the increasing number of children participating in sport, sport clubs and organizations ha... more Due to the increasing number of children participating in sport, sport clubs and organizations have been identified as an important setting to facilitate physical activity and health promotion. The purpose of this study was to examine whether new national policies for sport practice increases physical activity time without compromising skill development time. Two comparative samples of youth sport leagues with contrasting sport practice models were evaluated for one year. Eighty-two recreational league hockey practices (ages 9-10). Of the practices, 43 used the new approach while 39 operated under a traditional structure. Momentary time sampling was used to measure player physical activity levels and the practice context in which they occur. A Metabolic Equivalent of Task (MET) score was calculated for each practice. Participants spent 44% of practice time engaged in sedentary activities, 33% in moderate physical activity, and 23% in vigorous physical activity. While individual minutes in MVPA and MET scores did not differ significantly between the practice types, new model practices provided overall higher MET hours than traditional practices. New model practices also accommodated approximately 60% more players while having twice as many coaches, a lower player-to-coach ratio, higher percentage of time in vigorous physical activity, and more time dedicated to skill drills/activities. Findings suggest sport practices can be structured to facilitate high levels of physical activity for more children without compromising attention to skill development and instruction. Keywords. children's sport, physical activity, sport practice structure, skill development Resumen. Objetivo: Debido al creciente número de niños que participan en el deporte, los clubes y organizaciones deportivas han sido identificados como un marco importante para facilitar la actividad física y promoción de la salud. El objetivo de este estudio fue examinar si las nuevas políticas nacionales para la práctica del deporte aumentan el tiempo de actividad física sin comprometer el tiempo de desarrollo de habilidades. Se evaluaron durante un año dos muestras comparativas de las ligas deportivas juveniles con modelos contrapuestos de entrenamientos en el deporte. Métodos: Ochenta y dos practicantes a nivel recreativo de la liga de hockey (edades entre 9-10 años). De los entrenamientos, 43 utilizaron el nuevo enfoque mientras que en 39 se trabajó con una estructura tradicional. El muestreo de tiempo momentáneo se utilizó para medir los niveles de actividad física del jugador y el contexto de la práctica en que se producen. Se calculó la puntuación de un equivalente metabólico de tareas (MET) de cada entrenamiento. Resultados: Los participantes dedicaron un 44% del tiempo de la práctica a actividades sedentarias, un 33% en actividad física moderada y el 23% en actividad física vigorosa. Mientras los minutos individuales en AFMV y puntuaciones en MET no difieren significativamente entre los tipos de entrenamiento, los entrenamientos en el nuevo modelo proporcionan valores superiores de MET que los entrenamientos tradicionales. Los entrenamientos del nuevo modelo también acomodan aproximadamente un 60% más de jugadores al tener el doble de entrenadores, un menor ratio de jugador a entrenador, mayor porcentaje de tiempo en actividades físicas vigorosas, y más tiempo dedicado al desarrollo de ejercicios/actividades. Conclusiones: Los resultados sugieren que los entrenamientos deportivos pueden ser estructurados para facilitar altos niveles de actividad física para más niños sin comprometer la atención sobre el desarrollo de habilidades y la enseñanza. Palabras claves. deporte en niños, actividad física, estructura práctica deportiva, desarrollo de habilidades.
Rationale/purpose: Most social innovation research within health-oriented SDP initiatives has foc... more Rationale/purpose: Most social innovation research within health-oriented SDP initiatives has focused on improvements to structured program contexts, with less attention to informal sport. The purpose of this study was to analyze leisure-time physical activity (LTPA) across a range of activity settings, and provide informed recommendations for SDP organizations to integrate informal sport into LTPA-promoting initiatives. Methodology: Data was collected through systematic observations of sport facilities at twenty schools in North Carolina. A two-way factorial analysis of variance was utilized to assess variation in physical activity across different activities and levels of organization (i.e. formal vs. informal). Findings: Findings reveal significant variation across different activities, as well as the level of organization (i.e. formal vs. informal). In addition, sport activities were not associated with significantly higher levels of physical activity than other forms of physically active leisure. Practical implications: Sport managers must recognize the contribution of various sport and leisure activities to maximize the role of sport in promoting LTPA. In addition, preconceived notions regarding the inherent health benefits of sport must be altered in order to promote LTPA. Research contribution: SDP organizations incorporate informal sport are key to promoting LTPA, but require program-, process-, and socially transformative social innovation.
Research on race and ethnicity in leisure will take on greater significance in coming years. The ... more Research on race and ethnicity in leisure will take on greater significance in coming years. The purpose of this study was to systematically examine research related to race and ethnicity within five major leisure journals since their inception to discern quantity of research, thematic patterns in topical areas and to document the research methods used. This assessment identified 150 articles related to race and ethnicity. Nineteen thematic categories were identified. Articles with conceptual discussions, activity and participation studies, and outdoor recreation/forest-based recreation occurred most frequently. Similar to other analyses of the literature, survey research was the most frequently used method of data collection. The discussion focuses on implications for future research on race and ethnicity in leisure studies.
Shared use of recreational facilities is a promising strategy for increasing access to places for... more Shared use of recreational facilities is a promising strategy for increasing access to places for physical activity. Little is known about shared use in faith-based settings. This study examined shared use practices and barriers in faith communities in North Carolina. Faith communities in North Carolina (n = 234) completed an online survey (October-December 2013) designed to provide information about the extent and nature of shared use of recreational facilities. We used binary logistic regression to examine differences between congregations that shared use and those that did not share use. Most of the faith communities (82.9%) that completed the survey indicated that they share their facilities with outside individuals and organizations. Formal agreements were more common when faith communities shared indoor spaces such as gymnasiums and classroom meeting spaces than when they shared outdoor spaces such as playgrounds or athletic fields. Faith communities in the wealthiest counties...
Although school-sponsored extracurricular sport remains one of the most popular and effective way... more Although school-sponsored extracurricular sport remains one of the most popular and effective ways to increase adolescents' physical activity levels, it is designed to include a small number of a school's elite athletes. Fewer schools offer intramural sports, and little is known about participation in these activities. The purpose of this study is to compare variations in how students participate in interscholastic and intramural school sport programs. Using a sample of seventh and eighth graders in two southeastern middle schools, results indicated that school sport participation levels were higher in intramurals than interscholastic sports for all studied categories of students except for White girls. In addition, students participating in intramural sports played nearly twice as many sports during the school year as students participating in interscholastic sports. Gender and race differences in school sport participation both confirm and contradict previous research and ...
Background:Organized sport is viewed as a viable medium for promoting more physical activity amon... more Background:Organized sport is viewed as a viable medium for promoting more physical activity among youth. However, participation in youth sport declines significantly among both boys and girls during their middle school years. This study examined middle school students’ perceived constraints to sport participation.Methods:Middle school students from 4 schools (6th−8th grade, N = 2465) completed a web based survey (97.3% response rate). Descriptive analysis, t tests, and ANOVA were used to assess extent of perceived constraints and differences among demographic and sport participation level subgroups.Results:The most salient constraint perceived by respondents was time, while knowledge was perceived as the lowest among the overall sample. Significant (P < .01) differences in perceived constraints were found among all comparisons groups. Girls, Latinos, lower SES students, and students who did not play sports reported more constraints than respective comparisons groups.Discussion:T...
The purpose of this study was to examine the determinants for adolescent participation in sports ... more The purpose of this study was to examine the determinants for adolescent participation in sports and to determine the impact of an alternate model of sport delivery (i.e., school intramural sports). More specifically, this study used the theory of planned behavior to highlight factors that might contribute to young people's decisions to play sports and to determine what impact an alternate model of sport delivery would have on intention to participate in sport. Three hundred and three students in grades seven and eight completed measures of their participation in intramural and extramural sports and items related to the theory of planned behavior. In addition to results that showed a relatively large number of students participating in school intramural sports, notable differences in the relative contributions of the predictor variables of attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control were found across different sport-participation subgroups. Suggestions for futur...
Background:This study’s purpose was to assess the opportunities for North Carolina adolescents to... more Background:This study’s purpose was to assess the opportunities for North Carolina adolescents to be physically active in extracurricular middle school environments and to compare opportunities across community types.Methods:Data were analyzed based on the results of an electronic questionnaire distributed to a sample of 431 schools with a response rate of 75.4% (N = 325).Results:Nearly all schools offered interscholastic sports while fewer than half offered intramurals or noncompetitive activities to students. “Open gym” was offered at only 35% of schools, while 24% of schools offered extracurricular activities to students with disabilities. Overall, 43.4% of schools offered special transportation to students who participated in some extracurricular physical activities. Schools in rural areas generally offered fewer programs and had fewer supports than schools located in more urbanized areas. Over two-thirds of rural schools offered no extracurricular programs other than interschol...
The purpose of this article is to examine the role of school-based extracurricular initiatives in... more The purpose of this article is to examine the role of school-based extracurricular initiatives in facilitating immediate and long-term positive impact on physical activity, healthy behavior, and obesity in children. A critique of the role of various sports-related initiatives that have been developed to address the obesity epidemic currently facing children within the United States is provided, with a specific emphasis on intramural sports as a preferred mechanism to encourage long-term involvement in sport and physically active pursuits. The article presents support for the notion that a physical education curriculum that includes intramurals before, during, and after school can help children learn the skills to enjoy participation in a variety of sports designed to facilitate lifelong active living.
Although increasing community access to public schools through shared use agreements (SUAs) has b... more Although increasing community access to public schools through shared use agreements (SUAs) has been a recommended strategy for promoting physical activity (PA) among national, state and local organizations, empirical evidence examining the efficacy of SUAs is limited. This study examined the degree of usage and production of PA among schools with shared use, and how variation in PA output is related to characteristics of the school, type of activity, facility type, and when activity occurs. Data were collected in 20 schools across North Carolina using System for Observing Play and Recreation in Communities (SOPARC) and Structured Physical Activity Surveys (SPAS) to assess PA in school athletic facilities during out of school time. Findings indicated that although schools had a policy of shared or open use, most facilities were empty during non-school hours. Hierarchal linear regression models also showed that formal programming was positively associated with both use and PA levels....
Abstract Sport is frequently regarded as an effectual mechanism for promoting positive youth deve... more Abstract Sport is frequently regarded as an effectual mechanism for promoting positive youth development (PYD). However, this connection is not inherent, and depends upon a variety of programmatic and contextual factors. To help elucidate these linkages, scholars have called for more process-based approaches to programme evaluation and research. This paper contributes to that agenda by presenting the results of a systematic integrative review of the empirical sport-based PYD literature. Using a theory of change to guide coding and analysis, these findings demonstrate how various aspects of the change process (i.e. resources/inputs, outcomes, impacts) have been integrated into empirical research. In addition to identifying trends and gaps in the literature, the authors use this information to provide informed recommendations for future research in the area of sport-based PYD.
Relationsmarknadsföringen betonar vikten av att vårda kundrelationer på lång sikt för att skapa i... more Relationsmarknadsföringen betonar vikten av att vårda kundrelationer på lång sikt för att skapa intäkter och lönsamhet. Problemet som undersöks är hur ett företag inom biluthyrningsbranschen använder de relationsskapande medel som återges i teorin för att skapa intäkter. Syftet med studien är att få ökad förståelse för hur relationsbyggande fungerar i praktiken i ett biluthyrningsföretag. Jag vill undersöka betydelsen av att vårda kundrelationer genom relationsmarknadsföring, samt hur intäkterna påverkas genom kundvärden och lojalitet. För att kunna besvara de frågor som satts upp i problemformuleringen har jag gjort en djupstudie av Hertz biluthyrning. Det har gjorts genom dels en kvalitativ intervju och dels en enkätintervju med personal på företaget. Det empiriska materialet har analyserats i relation till aktuell teori. Jag kan konstatera att det finns relationsskapande metoder som enligt teorier leder till ökade intäkter som inte förefaller stämma i ett biluthyrningsföretag. Vidare har jag funnit att fallföretaget skapar intäkter med kunder som enligt teorin inte bör ses som lönsamma. Det har visat sig att kunder som deltar i något lojalitetsprogram oftast är nöjda med kvaliteten hos företaget, men ingen generell slutsats kan dras om att dessa nödvändigtvis är lojala.
Parks provide opportunities for physical activity for children. This study examined sex differenc... more Parks provide opportunities for physical activity for children. This study examined sex differences in correlates of park-based physical activity because differences may indicate that a standard environmental intervention to increase activity among children may not equally benefit boys and girls. The System for Observation Play and Recreation in Communities was used to measure physical activity among 2,712 children and adolescents in 20 neighborhood parks in Durham, North Carolina, in 2007. Sedentary activity, walking, vigorous park activity, and energy expenditure were the primary outcome variables. Hierarchical logit regression models of physical activity were estimated separately for boys and girls. Type of activity area and presence of other active children were positively associated with boys' and girls' physical activity, and presence of a parent was negatively associated. A significant interaction involving number of recreation facilities…
International Journal of Sport Management and Marketing, 2012
ABSTRACT Different models of school sport delivery, such as intramurals (IM), may attract student... more ABSTRACT Different models of school sport delivery, such as intramurals (IM), may attract students who are less skilled or less interested in traditional varsity sports (VS). The purpose of this study was to examine whether school sport delivery models (IM or VS) differentially influence middle school students&amp;#39; motivations to participate in school sports. Using the theory of planned behaviour (TPB) as a conceptual framework, participants in school sponsored sport programs (n = 2,021) from four middle schools (2 IM; 2 VS) completed a school sport participation questionnaire at the beginning and end of a school year. Results suggest that intentions to participate in sport either increase or are maintained through participation in school sports, and the intentions of non-participants decrease over time. A singular model of school sport that only includes highly competitive varsity sports may limit opportunities for children to play sport and diminish their intentions for enduring sport participation.
Papers by Jason Bocarro