Papers by Jarosław Wasilewski
Kardiochirurgia i Torakochirurgia Polska/Polish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Mar 31, 2010
Częściowy nieprawidłowy spływ żył płucnych (PAPVC) jest rzadką wrodzoną wadą u dorosłych. Wielowa... more Częściowy nieprawidłowy spływ żył płucnych (PAPVC) jest rzadką wrodzoną wadą u dorosłych. Wielowarstwowa tomografia komputerowa jest metodą z wyboru w diagnostyce różnicowej zmian w klatce piersiowej wskazujących na ich pochodzenie naczyniowe. Na podstawie dwóch przypadków PAPVC u dorosłych zostanie omówiona rola tomografii komputerowej w procesie diagnostycznym tej wady serca. Słowa kluczowe: wrodzona wada serca, częściowy nieprawidłowy spływ żył płucnych, tomografia komputerowa.
Kardiochirurgia i Torakochirurgia Polska/Polish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Jan 3, 2011
The paper discusses the topography of atherosclerotic lesions in coronary arteries. Knowing the l... more The paper discusses the topography of atherosclerotic lesions in coronary arteries. Knowing the location is important in the evaluation of angio CT of the coronary arteries by making it easier to distinguish soft plaques from artifacts.
Kardiochirurgia i Torakochirurgia Polska/Polish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Dec 28, 2011
Zwapnienia tętnic wieńcowych pojawiają się wyłącznie w przebiegu miażdżycowego uszkodzenia tętnic... more Zwapnienia tętnic wieńcowych pojawiają się wyłącznie w przebiegu miażdżycowego uszkodzenia tętnic i są nieobecne w naczyniach niedotkniętych chorobą. Pomimo że istnieje dodatnia korelacja pomiędzy nasileniem zwapnień a zaawansowaniem zmian, to korelacja ze stopniem, w jakim blaszka zawęża światło tetnicy, nie jest liniowa. W pracy omówiono znaczenie prognostyczne stopnia uwapnienia tętnic wieńcowych oraz jego korelację z zaawansowaniem procesu miażdżycowego. Słowa kluczowe: tomografia komputerowa, wskaźnik uwapnienia tętnic wieńcowych, miażdżyca, stwardnienie tętnic.
Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is a complex multifactorial process of vascular wall injury. It i... more Pathogenesis of atherosclerosis is a complex multifactorial process of vascular wall injury. It is widely accepted that the local hemodynamic factors, in particular, disturbed flow and low/ oscillatory shear stress leads to the plaque development. We present a consistent concept of atherosclerosis aetiology, taking into consideration the four main components contributing in the atheroma formation: geometric, hemodynamic, hemorheological, and mechanical risk factors. Exemplary illustrative flow simulation results for formulated concept have been presented. It assumes the pulsatile non-Newtonian fluid flow and uses realistic coronary artery geometry based on medical imaging and segmentation.

Advances in Interventional Cardiology, 2021
Introduction: There are numerous studies concerning iatrogenic cardiac tamponade. Those studies a... more Introduction: There are numerous studies concerning iatrogenic cardiac tamponade. Those studies are predominantly focused on one cardiac procedure and the follow-up is not always presented. Aim: To estimate the rate of cardiac tamponade following 66,812 percutaneous invasive cardiac interventions depending on the procedure. For each group the baseline characteristics and hospital management, as well as in-hospital, 30-day and 1-year mortality, were evaluated. Material and methods: The study was a single-center retrospective analysis performed in a tertiary clinical hospital, which encompasses two cardiology departments, assessing a large sample of patients who underwent percutaneous invasive cardiac procedures complicated with cardiac tamponade between January 2006 and December 2018. For this purpose, medical records and hospital databases were analyzed. Long-term follow-up was obtained in cooperation with the Silesian Cardiovascular Base. Results: The rate of iatrogenic cardiac tamponade during the 13-year period was 0.176%. The incidence among selected invasive cardiac procedures ranged between 0.09% and 1.42%. The majority of cases (104/118) were treated by pericardiocentesis, 16 had pericardiotomy and 4 patients had both therapies. Inotropes were used in 25-45%, blood transfusion in 45% of patients. The highest in-hospital mortality was observed in patients with cardiac tamponade after transcatheter aortic valve implantation. The highest 30-day and 1-year mortality rates were seen in the group with temporary electrode pacing. Conclusions: The low incidence of cardiac tamponade with the high number of patients requiring intensive care supply and high in-hospital mortality tend to confirm that cardiac tamponade is a rare but life-threatening complication.

Academic Radiology, Oct 1, 2020
RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES An application of artificial intelligence to screen for obstructive coro... more RATIONALE AND OBJECTIVES An application of artificial intelligence to screen for obstructive coronary artery disease (CAD) after coronary artery calcium scoring (CACS) test. MATERIALS AND METHODS As an initial step we analyzed a group of 435 patients (23% male, mean age 61 ± 10) with low to moderate probability of CAD, who underwent clinically indicated CACS and coronary computed tomography angiography. Based on those data we elaborated a gradient boosting machine (GBM) model for prediction of obstructive CAD. Later the model was evaluated on a control group of 126 consecutive patients (31% male, mean age 59 ± 10). RESULTS Stratified 10-fold cross-validation performed on the group of 435 patients demonstrated the GBM model's sensitivity at 100 ± 0% and specificity at 69.8 ± 3.6%, while the outcomes (confusion matrix) of a clinical application on the group of 126 patients were: 73 true negative, 0 false negative, 20 true positive, and 33 false positive. CONCLUSION The GBM algorithm showcased a considerably high discriminatory power for excluding the presence of obstructive CAD, with negative predictive value and positive predictive value of 100% and 38%, respectively.
Procedia Computer Science, 2017
We model the perfusion process based on the generation of an artificial arterial tree using a fra... more We model the perfusion process based on the generation of an artificial arterial tree using a fractal approach. The model can be incorporated into a multiscale framework by providing the initial points from a specific geometry of a real patient. Additionally, we supplement the small scale by diffusion processes which are captured by the GPU-accelerated stochastic dynamics. The preliminary results of such modeling and its possible application to real case scenarios are discussed.
Folia Cardiologica, Jul 15, 2018
Pectus excavatum is the most common type of congenital chest wall abnormality (90%), occurs in an... more Pectus excavatum is the most common type of congenital chest wall abnormality (90%), occurs in an estimated 1 in 300-400 births, with male predominance (male-to-female ratio of 3:1). The exact mechanism involved in this abnormal bone and cartilage overgrowth is not known, and, to date, no known genetic defect is directly responsible for the development of pectus excavatum. Despite the lack of an identifiable genetic marker, the familial occurrence of pectus deformity is reported in 35% of cases. The main aim of the thesis was to present an ill patient, who was surgically treated because of pectum excavatum.
Polish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, 2018
The first part of the review describes the basic aspects of interpreting myocardial perfusion def... more The first part of the review describes the basic aspects of interpreting myocardial perfusion defects in single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) scintigraphy. It also presents indications for invasive diagnostics based on stress perfusion defects. This article provides basic information concerning the interpretation of gated SPECT imaging, including such parameters as left ventricular wall motion and thickening as well as left ventricular wall systolic and diastolic function. Gated examination combined with the assessment of myocardial perfusion reduces the rate of false positives results of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in perfusion tests, additionally providing data on left ventricular systolic and diastolic function.
PubMed, 2011
WSTĘP Pomiedzy krwią a ścianą naczynia zachodzi nieprzerwana interakcja, zalezna od ciśnienia tet... more WSTĘP Pomiedzy krwią a ścianą naczynia zachodzi nieprzerwana interakcja, zalezna od ciśnienia tetniczego i zmiennej predkości przeplywu związanej z cyklicznością pracy serca. Z przeplywem wiązą sie naprezenia ścinające dzialające na komorki środblonka. Odpowiedzią naczynia na nieprawidlowe naprezenia ścinające jest zmiana architektury środblonka i zaburzenia jego czynności. Za pośrednictwem mechanoreceptorow i ukladow przekaźnikowych sygnaly mechaniczne zostają przetworzone w sygnaly biologiczne, ktorych efektem jest ekspresja lub zahamowanie pewnych genow i produkcja lub zahamowanie wytwarzania określonych bialek. W niniejszym artykule omowiono wplyw naprezen ścinających na funkcje środblonka naczyniowego i udzial zjawiska mechanotransdukcji w procesie miazdzycowym.

Advances in Interventional Cardiology, 2022
The clinical manifestation of coronary artery atherosclerosis is coronary artery disease (CAD) wi... more The clinical manifestation of coronary artery atherosclerosis is coronary artery disease (CAD) with symptoms ranging from exertional chest pain due to reduction of coronary flow reserve to acute coronary syndrome due to rupture of usually a nonobstructive plaque with abrupt coronary blood flow reduction. CAD is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Therefore, identifying asymptomatic people at risk of CAD is pivotal to guide decision-making for primary prevention. Coronary artery calcium (CAC) is a hallmark of coronary artery atherosclerosis. It can be detected using cardiac computed tomography and quantified by the Agatston method. CAC examination is a cheap, fast and low radiation dose test, without injecting a contrast agent. It provides prognostic information over other traditional cardiovascular risk markers and established scoring systems, especially for low-risk subgroups such as women and younger adults, and indicates the appropriate moment to implement primary prevention, including acetylsalicylic acid and statins. In this review, we discuss the methods of CAC evaluation, the meaning of a zero CAC score (CACS), its conversion to CACS > 0 and the impact of this fact on cardiovascular risk, the effect of statins and proprotein convertase subtilisin/ kexin type 9 inhibitor on CAC progression, interpretation of CACS results, and CACS prognostic value in both asymptomatic and symptomatic patients.

Polish Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 2021
Introduction: Studies on the etiology of cardiac tamponade (CT) are scarce or lacking follow-up, ... more Introduction: Studies on the etiology of cardiac tamponade (CT) are scarce or lacking follow-up, and usually include small or highly selected groups of patients. Aim: To evaluate the various etiologies and outcomes of CT in a cohort of patients treated in a tertiary care hospital encompassing cardiology, cardiac surgery and intensive care units. Material and methods: We retrospectively analyzed all adult patients hospitalized in the Silesian Centre for Heart Diseases in Zabrze (Poland) between January 2008 and December 2018, who required therapeutic pericardiocentesis or pericardiotomy due to CT. All various etiologies of CT were presented and assigned to the main etiology groups. For each group basic characteristics, in-hospital management, in-hospital and up to 2-year mortality were analyzed. Result: Among 340 patients with CT, 56% were men. The leading etiology groups included patients after invasive cardiac procedures, patients following postpericardiotomy (PCT) syndrome and the patients with neoplasm. Patients with end stage renal failure, PCT and iatrogenic CTs were the most disease burdened groups. The highest need for advanced therapy and in-hospital mortality were observed for the acute myocardial infarction group, in contrast to PCT. Conclusions: Within our cohort of patients, the invasive cardiac procedures overtake neoplastic causation of cardiac tamponade. The worst in-hospital prognosis was noted for CT following acute myocardial infarction and both iatrogenic invasive cardiac and cardiac surgery procedures. The highest long-term mortality was recorded for patients with end stage renal failure and the neoplastic group.
W pracy przedstawiono zależność lepkości krwi od temperatury oraz kliniczne znaczenie tego zjawis... more W pracy przedstawiono zależność lepkości krwi od temperatury oraz kliniczne znaczenie tego zjawiska podczas wykonywania operacji kardiochirurgicznych w hipotermii oraz schładzania krwi w zawale serca leczonym za pomocą przezskórnej interwencji wieńcowej.
Zwapnienia tętnic wieńcowych pojawiają się wyłącznie w przebiegu miażdżycowego uszkodzenia tętnic... more Zwapnienia tętnic wieńcowych pojawiają się wyłącznie w przebiegu miażdżycowego uszkodzenia tętnic i są nieobecne w naczyniach niedotkniętych chorobą. Pomimo że istnieje dodatnia korelacja pomiędzy nasileniem zwapnień a zaawansowaniem zmian, to korelacja ze stopniem, w jakim blaszka zawęża światło tetnicy, nie jest liniowa. W pracy omówiono znaczenie prognostyczne stopnia uwapnienia tętnic wieńcowych oraz jego korelację z zaawansowaniem procesu miażdżycowego. Słowa kluczowe: tomografia komputerowa, wskaźnik uwapnienia tętnic wieńcowych, miażdżyca, stwardnienie tętnic.
Wspó³istnienie koarktacji aorty z anomaliami têtnic ³uku aorty na podstawie badañ naczyniowych w ... more Wspó³istnienie koarktacji aorty z anomaliami têtnic ³uku aorty na podstawie badañ naczyniowych w 64-warstwowej tomografii komputerowej Coexistence of coarctation of aorta and anomalies of aortic arch arteries on the basis of vascular examinations in 64-slice computed tomography J Ja an n G Gł ło ow wa ac ck ki i 1 1 , , P Pa at tr ry yc cj ja a M Ma aś śl la an nk ka a 2 2 , , K Ka ar ro ol l M Mi is sz za al ls sk ki i-J Ja am mk ka a 1 1 , , M Ma ał łg go or rz za at ta a S Sz zk ku ut tn ni ik k 3 3 , , J Ja ar ro os sł ła aw w W Wa as si il le ew ws sk ki i 1 1 , , P Pi io ot tr r J Ja ar rs sk ki i 1 1 , , J Ja ac ce ek k B Bi ia ał łk ko ow ws sk ki i 3 3
Polish Journal of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, 2017
This article discusses the protocol for myocardial perfusion scintigraphy performed with single-p... more This article discusses the protocol for myocardial perfusion scintigraphy performed with single-photon emission computed tomography (SPECT). Indications for SPECT are listed with consideration given to the results of the increasingly more common angio-CT examinations of the coronary arteries (multislice computed tomography). The paper also presents basic information about interpreting the results, including the scores of left ventricle myocardial perfusion using the 17-segment polar map, and explains the concept of total perfusion deficit.

European Heart Journal, 2013
group I and in 5.8% patients of group II (p<0.001). Frequency of Target Lesion Revascularization ... more group I and in 5.8% patients of group II (p<0.001). Frequency of Target Lesion Revascularization (TLR) was 2.9% in group II and 13.8% in group I (p<0.05). Definite late stent thrombosis occurred in 2.7% patients of group I and in 2.9% patients of group II (p>0.05). Patients of group II showed a significant increase in global myocardial contractility, compared to patients undergone "one stent" strategy stenting (59.1±4.44% and 57.34±4.91% resp., p<0.05). Conclusion: In patients with true LMCA bifurcation stenosis the strategy of "two stents" might be considered as preferable due to significant lower prevalence of in-stent restenosis and TLR, as well as to significant increase in global myocardial contractility. P4824 | BEDSIDE ACEF score in the risk stratification of patients undergoing percutaneous coronary interventions of chronic coronary total occlusion
Inżynieria i Aparatura Chemiczna, 2014
Papers by Jarosław Wasilewski