Papers by Janusz Bromboszcz
Kardiochirurgia i Torakochirurgia Polska/Polish Journal of Thoracic and Cardiovascular Surgery, Aug 31, 2006
an nu us sz z B Br ro om mb bo os sz zc cz z 3 3 , , S Sł ła aw wo om mi ir ra a B Bo or ro ow wi... more an nu us sz z B Br ro om mb bo os sz zc cz z 3 3 , , S Sł ła aw wo om mi ir ra a B Bo or ro ow wi ic cz z-B Bi ie eń ńk ko ow ws sk ka a 2 2, ,1 1 , , M Ma ał łg go or rz za at ta a W Wi il lk k 1 1

Clinical Hemorheology and Microcirculation, Jan 4, 2016
INTRODUCTION: The aim of cardiovascular disease treatment is to reduce the risk of thrombogenesis... more INTRODUCTION: The aim of cardiovascular disease treatment is to reduce the risk of thrombogenesis and improve tissue perfusion, depending inter alia on the rheological properties of the blood. The reduction in blood viscosity and erythrocyte aggregation, as well as increase of erythrocyte deformability was observed under the influence of physical training. AIM: To compare the blood count and rheological properties of blood samples before and after outpatient cardiac rehabilitation programme. MATERIAL AND METHODS: 35 men (average age: 57.2 ± 5.42), who after suffering myocardial infarction treated with percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI), took part in 24 physical training sessions of moderate intensity (40-60% of heart rate reserve). The standard ergometer submaximal (up to 85% of predicted HRmax) exercise test and echocardiography was performed before and after training. Blood count, fibrinogen concentration as well as aggregation and elongation properties of erythrocytes were analyzed too. RESULTS: Patients significantly increased exercise capacity (p < 0.00001) and ejection fraction (p < 0.00001) after completion of the training cycle. There was noted a reduction in aggregation index AI (p < 0.01), an increase in the number of erythrocytes RBC (p < 0.05), while reducing their volume MCV (p < 0.05) and a decrease in hemoglobin content MCH (p < 0.05). The number of leukocytes WBC (p < 0.01) was decreased too. CONCLUSIONS: Beneficial changes in blood rheology and blood count have been found in patients after myocardial infarction who took part in the physical training sessions of moderate intensity.

Adres do korespondencji: dr n. med. Izabela Przywarska, 60-480 Poznań, ul. Uzdrowiskowa 2, tel. +... more Adres do korespondencji: dr n. med. Izabela Przywarska, 60-480 Poznań, ul. Uzdrowiskowa 2, tel. +48 61 846 8230, faks +48 61 846 83 00, e-mail: [email protected] Stosowanie ćwiczeń fizycznych po zabiegach kardiochirurgicznych jest powszechnie akceptowane jako podstawowy element postępowania rehabilitacyjnego. Kierowani na leczenie kardiochirurgiczne chorzy należą najczęściej do grupy wysokiego ryzyka, ponieważ są to zazwyczaj ludzie starsi, z chorobą wielonaczyniową i chorobami współistniejącymi [1–4]. Dlatego też, realizując program rehabilitacyjny, w celu zmniejszenia prawdopodobieństwa wystąpienia powikłań należy kierować się zasadą, że im wyższy stopień ryzyka, tym bardziej powinien być rozbudowany nadzór nad pacjentem. Fizjoterapeuta rozpoczynający postępowanie usprawniające zobowiązany jest do przeprowadzenia krótkiego badania podmiotowego i przedmiotowego oraz do zapoznania się z wynikami badań dodatkowych (tab. I) [5]. Pozwoli to na ustalenie odpowiedniej formy ćwicz...

Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Impaired perfu... more Atherosclerosis is the most common cause of peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Impaired perfusion to pheripheral tissues is a fairly common clinical event occurring with peripheral arterial occlusive disease. Intermittend claudication, resulting from ischemia, impairs walking ability and functional status. Therapy consists of the conservative approach based on elimination risk factors, pharmacotherapy and physical exercise and invasive percutaneous and surgical treatment. Numerous types of exercise programs improving walking performance in patients with intermittent claudication have been introduced. This article describes the most important risk factors of peripheral arterial occlusive disease. It analyzes pathophysiology, including clinical and functional consequences of this disease. It also reviews diagnostic methods and presents different ways of treatment and rehabilitation. The major issue discussed is an impact of peripheral arteriosclerosis on patient’s mobility and gen...

The testing of physical performance is not a common practice in the treatment of patients with CO... more The testing of physical performance is not a common practice in the treatment of patients with COPD. Only a 6-minute walking test (6MWT) is more often used in the diagnosis and evaluation of the results of rehabilitation conducted in specialist pulmonary clinics. The use of other tests either directly or indirectly assessing physical performance is generally limited to research units. The state of knowledge about the conditioning and consequences of COPD point to the necessity of evaluating physical performance, while in the case of conducting pulmonary rehabilitation it should constitute a routine procedure. Without doubt the 6MWT and other tests presented in the paper should be widely used, though there exists the need to find other activity tests easier to conduct amongst patients with an advanced form of COPD, who have difficulty with effectively carrying out the 6MWT. An interesting proposition appears to be in this case Expanded Timed 'Get Up and Go Test' (ETGUG) which...

Rehabilitacja Medyczna
Abstract Background: The Expanded Get-Up-and-Go-Test (ETGUG) allows for the measurement of the ba... more Abstract Background: The Expanded Get-Up-and-Go-Test (ETGUG) allows for the measurement of the basic movement functions of daily life. This test has not been universally applied to date and no sufficient surveys as to its reliability have so far been conducted. Aim: To examine the intra-rater and inter-rater reliability of measurements done using ETGUG in patients admitted for surgery treatment as a result of lung cancer. Research project: Assessment of the diagnostic test. Method: 22 men aged from 24 to 85 years (mean 64.45 ±11.38) were examined before a planned lobectomy due to lung cancer. The test was performed three times during one hour; examinations 1 and 3 were conducted by the same examiner. The total test time and times of the test stages were registered: from the initiation of rising from a chair up to reaching the 2-nd meter (0-2), march from the 2-nd to the 8-th meter (2-8), 180° turn (8-12), march from the 12-th to the 18-th meter (12-18) march stopping, 180° turn – ch...
Papers by Janusz Bromboszcz