Papers by Janina Rudowicz-Nawrocka

The objective of this project was to create a ranking method for evaluation of ground water pollu... more The objective of this project was to create a ranking method for evaluation of ground water pollution potential such as LeGrands nomogram, Holmans procedure, Fosters GOD system or especially DRASTIC system. Protective possibilities of soil profile, depth of ground water, density of surface water network and slope of terrain were selected as diagnostic parameters. Each parameter obtained an index value from 1 the worst protective possibilities to 10 the best possibilities and a coefficient of importance for protection of underground water: soil and depth 5 as having the biggest importance, density of surface water 4 and slope of terrain 3. The indexes for the depth of ground water, density of surface water and slope of terrain were assigned according to the range of their occurrence. The index for soil profile was computed in a special way defined in the project. The final classification was made for units of area delimited by variability of soil according to soil-agricu...
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering, 2018

Celem pracy bylo opracowanie bazy danych przestrzennych pozostalości fortyfikacji na polach upraw... more Celem pracy bylo opracowanie bazy danych przestrzennych pozostalości fortyfikacji na polach uprawnych i jej zaimplementowanie z wykorzystaniem jezyka XML oraz technologii LINQ. Przyjeto, ze w ramach pracy zinwentaryzowane i wykorzystane do przetestowania wytworzonej aplikacji zostaną pozostalości fortyfikacji Miedzyrzeckiego Rejonu Umocnionego (MRU). Opracowana baza danych wykorzystuje wektorowy model danych obejmujący cześc geometryczną i opisową obiektow (pozostalości fortyfikacji i dzialek). Aplikacja SyMaP umozliwia: przechowywanie danych o zinwentaryzowanych przeszkodach w bazie danych (w plikach XML), wyświetlanie przeszkod oraz dzialek rolniczych, na ktorych wystepują w postaci wektorowej, wyświetlanie atrybutow przeszkod, wyszukiwanie przeszkod wg atrybutow, przeprowadzanie prostych analiz, dodawanie, modyfikowanie, usuwanie danych o dzialkach, przeszkodach, mapach podkladowych i in. oraz wczytywanie map innych rejonow. W wyniku dzialania aplikacji SyMaP otrzymuje sie ...

Applied Sciences, 2019
Wheat is one of the main grain species as well as one of the most important crops, being the basi... more Wheat is one of the main grain species as well as one of the most important crops, being the basic food ingredient of people and livestock. Due to the importance of wheat production scale, it is advisable to predict its yield before harvesting. However, the current models are built solely on the basis of quantitative data. Therefore, the aim of the work was to create three multicriteria models for the prediction and simulation of winter wheat yield, which were made on the basis of extended quantitative and qualitative variables from field research in the year period 2008–2015. Neural networks with MLP (multi-layer perceptron) topology were used to build the following models, which can predict and simulate the yield on three dates: 15 April, 31 May, and 30 June. For this reason, they were designated as follows: QQWW15_4, QQWW31_5, and QQWW30_6. Each model is based on a different number of independent features, which ranges from 19 to 25. As a result of the conducted analyses, a MAPE ...
Ninth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2017), 2017
In the universal computerization era important aspect is the possibility of man partial replaceme... more In the universal computerization era important aspect is the possibility of man partial replacement in the identification process of the disease cases occurring in the plantations cultivation. This is very important when it comes to the process of early response to the disease and at a later stage for early treatment to help stop the disease or its elimination, which has its economic justification. Presented in this paper system may be the answer to these issues in the production of sugar beet

Sixth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2014), 2014
ABSTRACT Systems type UAV / UAS enable acquisition of huge amounts of data, such as images. For t... more ABSTRACT Systems type UAV / UAS enable acquisition of huge amounts of data, such as images. For their storage and analysis IT systems are necessary. Existing systems do not always allow you to perform such operations as researchers wish to [1]. The purpose of the research is to automate the process of recognizing objects and phenomena occurring on grasslands. The basis for action are numerous collections of images taken from the oktokopter [2]. For the purpose of the collection, management and analysis of image data and character acquired in the course of research, in accordance with the principles of software engineering several computer programs has been produced. The resulting software is different functionality and type. Applications were made using a number of popular technologies. The choice of so many technology was primarily dictated by the possibilities of their use for specific tasks and availability on different platforms and the ability to distribute open source. Applications presented by the authors, designed to assess the status of grassland based on aerial photography, show the complexity of the issues but at the same time tend to further research.
Fourth International Conference on Digital Image Processing (ICDIP 2012), 2012
ABSTRACT Remote sensing is a very useful method for data collection in open spaces, especially in... more ABSTRACT Remote sensing is a very useful method for data collection in open spaces, especially in precision agriculture and has been widely used over centennial. This paper presents the development of methodologies and identification of a surface model grasslands and pastures based on of chosen guidelines and properties. The model will be used to automate the process of monitoring the grasslands based on the analysis of spatial data and computer analysis of aerial photographs obtained automatically.
ABSTRACT An increasingly popular trend to gather large amounts of data, and advanced analysis the... more ABSTRACT An increasingly popular trend to gather large amounts of data, and advanced analysis thereof using trendy technologies, such as data warehousing or BigData type solutions, made the authors look for some interesting data sources for the local agricultural sector, with particular emphasis on the grassland. This paper discusses the use of an octocopter as a tool for data acquisition, and presents new solutions supporting the spatial analyses.

Computational Methods in Science and Technology, 2016
Most IT systems rely on dedicated databases, and most of these databases are relational. The adva... more Most IT systems rely on dedicated databases, and most of these databases are relational. The advantages of such databases are well known and widely reported in literature. Unfortunately, attempts to identify the topology of links in the relational model produced by iterative development or administrative enhancements are often hampered by the large number of tables that make up the database and the lack of comprehensive technical documentation. Analysis of the model by someone other than its designer requires substantial effort. The aim of the presented work is therefore to develop an application for effective presentation of the database structure in the form of a directed graph. The main assumption was that a graph-oriented database environment would be used. This paper presents the RELATIONS-Graph application developed by the authors. This application automatically generates a directed graph which presents links between tables and attributes which constitute a relational database. The RELATIONS-Graph application can also scan the generated graph in order to discover links between selected tables and columns. This solution has been applied to SQL Server 2014 SP1 DBMS using the Microsoft .NET technology and the Neo4j graph database, also by .NET API. The RELATIONS-Graph application was developed in C#, an object-oriented programming language.
W zwi1zku z rosn1cym znaczeniem wód podziemnych i jednoczenie rosn1cym ich zagro¿eniem zanieczys... more W zwi1zku z rosn1cym znaczeniem wód podziemnych i jednoczenie rosn1cym ich zagro¿eniem zanieczyszczeniami pochodz1cymi z obszarów wiejskich w Instytucie In¿ynierii Rolniczej AR w Poznaniu podjêlimy prace maj1ce na celu opracowanie systemu informacji przestrzennej na potrzeby zarz1dzania wodami podziemnymi na obszarach wiejskich. W niniejszym artykule zaprezentowano koncepcjê opracowania takiego systemu. Wskazano istniej1ce algorytmy oceny podatnoci wód podziemnych na zanieczyszczenia i mo¿liwoci ich rozbudowy. Przedstawiono g3ówne problemy zwi1zane z opracowaniem systemu, przede wszystkim z pozyskaniem i integracj1 danych. Omówiono korzyci wynikaj1ce z zastosowania rastrowego modelu danych. Zasygnalizowano brak zintegrowanych systemów informacji przestrzennej wspomagaj1cych szeroko rozumiane zarz1dzanie wodami z uwzglêdnieniem ochrony rodowiska naturalnego.
Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering, 2016
„Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering” 2016, Vol. 61(1) Janina RUDOWI... more „Journal of Research and Applications in Agricultural Engineering” 2016, Vol. 61(1) Janina RUDOWICZ-NAWROCKA, Karolina GÓRNA 21 Michał GRUSZCZYŃSKI, Przemysław IDZIASZEK, Wojciech MUELLER, Jerzy WERES, Janina RUDOWICZ-NAWROCKA, Karolina GÓRNA Uniwersytet Przyrodniczy w Poznaniu, Wydział Rolnictwa i Bioinżynierii, Instytut Inżynierii Biosystemów ul. Wojska Polskiego 27, 60-637 Poznań, Poland e-mail: [email protected]
A complex research project was undertaken by the authors to develop a method for the automatic id... more A complex research project was undertaken by the authors to develop a method for the automatic identification of grasslands using the neural analysis of aerial photographs made from relative low altitude. The development of such method requires the collection of large amount of various data. To control them and also to automate the process of their acquisition, an appropriate information system was developed in this study with the use of a variety of commercial and free technologies. Technologies for processing and storage of data in the form of raster and vector graphics were pivotal in the development of the research tool.

ABSTRACT Systems type UAV / UAS enable acquisition of huge amounts of data, such as images. For t... more ABSTRACT Systems type UAV / UAS enable acquisition of huge amounts of data, such as images. For their storage and analysis IT systems are necessary. Existing systems do not always allow you to perform such operations as researchers wish to [1]. The purpose of the research is to automate the process of recognizing objects and phenomena occurring on grasslands. The basis for action are numerous collections of images taken from the oktokopter [2]. For the purpose of the collection, management and analysis of image data and character acquired in the course of research, in accordance with the principles of software engineering several computer programs has been produced. The resulting software is different functionality and type. Applications were made using a number of popular technologies. The choice of so many technology was primarily dictated by the possibilities of their use for specific tasks and availability on different platforms and the ability to distribute open source. Applications presented by the authors, designed to assess the status of grassland based on aerial photography, show the complexity of the issues but at the same time tend to further research.
Papers by Janina Rudowicz-Nawrocka