Papers by Jan-erik Vahlne
Journal of International Business Studies
Economists and researchers of decision-making and business behavior increasingly rely on findings... more Economists and researchers of decision-making and business behavior increasingly rely on findings from the field of economic psychology. We argue that, by following a similar route, knowledge of firms’ internationalization is considerably enriched. The aim of this commentary is to point to the potential of including insights from research on human cognition and judgment in explaining internationalization behavior. We offer some examples relying upon commitments and knowledge development as outlined in the Uppsala model and thereby propose a conceptualization linking the nano- and micro-levels within the model.
Journal of international business …, 2009
The Uppsala internationalization process model is revisited in the light of changes in business p... more The Uppsala internationalization process model is revisited in the light of changes in business practices and theoretical advances that have been made since 1977. Now the business environment is viewed as a web of relationships, a network, rather than as a neoclassical market with many independent suppliers and customers. Outsidership, in relation to the relevant network, more than psychic distance, is the root of uncertainty. The change mechanisms in the revised model are essentially the same as those in the original version, although we add trust-building and knowledge creation, the latter to recognize the fact that new knowledge is developed in relationships.
Journal of International Entrepreneurship, 2010
When firms cross-borders it is, by definition, internationalization. We believe that often intern... more When firms cross-borders it is, by definition, internationalization. We believe that often internationalization should be seen as either a by-product of a firm’s efforts to improve its position within its network or networks, or as the result of an entrepreneurial action. We consider three theoretical approaches as a starting point and breathe life into them with a rich case study.
Research in Global Strategic Management, 2014
Scandinavian International Business Review, 1992

This paper is based on a case study of an international venture and on the observations reported ... more This paper is based on a case study of an international venture and on the observations reported by a number of researchers that the received models of the internationalization process of the firm do not capture some important phenomena in the modern international business world. As several researchers argue that networks play an important role in the early internationalization the paper outlines a network model of the internationalization process of the firm. It combines the experiential learning±commitment interplay as the driving mechanism from the old internationalization process model with a similar experiential learning±commitment mechanism focusing on business network relationships. In the resulting model we can see firms learning in relationships, which enables them to enter new country markets in which they can develop new relationships which give them a platform for entering other country markets.
Perspectives on Strategic Change, 1993
To view internationalization as a process has been fruitful. The propositions suggested within th... more To view internationalization as a process has been fruitful. The propositions suggested within the stream of research based on this notion have received wide empirical support (Johanson and Vahlne, 1977, Johanson and Vahlne, 1990, Bilkey, 1978; Cavusgil, 1980, Cavusgil,1984; Dichtl et al., 1984; Denis and Depelteau, 1985; Kogut and Singh, 1986). Less effort has been spent on managerial issues of
Scandinavian International Business Review, 1992
Management International Review, 2006
... The absorptive capacity is strongly related to the exis-tence of related prior knowledge (C... more ... The absorptive capacity is strongly related to the exis-tence of related prior knowledge (Cohen and Levinthal 1990). ... There are reasons to believe that the processes of developing social capital and knowledge (intellectual capital) evolve in a parallel fashion thereby ...
Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2011
Based on empirical studies of firm exchange activities in business markets, this paper outlines a... more Based on empirical studies of firm exchange activities in business markets, this paper outlines a business network view of the firm-market relationship, which differs fundamentally from the view assumed by neo-classical economic theory. We define business networks as sets of connected business relationships. Thus business relationships and connections between relationships are the critical elements in the business network view. It
Journal of International Business Studies, 1977
On the basis of empirical research, a model of the internationalization process of the firm is de... more On the basis of empirical research, a model of the internationalization process of the firm is developed. The model focuses on the gradual acquisition, integration and use of knowledge about foreign markets and operations, and on the incrementally increasing commitments to foreign markets. In particular, attention is concentrated on the increasing involvement in the individual foreign country.
International Marketing Review, 1990
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Papers by Jan-erik Vahlne