Papers by Jana Pohaničová
Építés- építészettudomány, Apr 9, 2024
SGEM International Multidisciplinary Scientific Conferences on Social Sciences and Arts, Aug 20, 2017
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
Architektúra a urbanizmus, Feb 13, 2023

Architecture Papers of the Faculty of Architecture and Design STU
The town of Partizánske in Slovakia, formerly known as Baťovany and built according to the design... more The town of Partizánske in Slovakia, formerly known as Baťovany and built according to the design of the urban development plan of architect Jiří Voženílek (1909 - 1986) from 1938, represents a unique urban-architectural achievement in the context of not only Czechoslovak functionalist architecture, but also the emergence of modern European cities in the first half of the 20th century. Its original Baťa image, the remarkable idea of a linear industrial town with numerous structural and building innovations in the field of architecture have co-created the town’s identity over the years and its original urban, architectural and historical value remains clearly observable. If we do not protect these values, the town will gradually lose its identity. From this perspective, the key aspect is the re-identification or (re)vision of the historical, architectural-urban, industrial and cultural values of the original industrial town concept and the subsequent confrontation of this model with ...

Kontext tradície a väzby na lokalitu môže byť pre slovenskú architektúru najlepšia cesta, ako sa ... more Kontext tradície a väzby na lokalitu môže byť pre slovenskú architektúru najlepšia cesta, ako sa odtrhnúť z globalizovaného prúdu Európy. V súčasnosti často skloňované pojmy ako udržateľnosť, ekológia či racionalita identifikujeme aj v dielach ľudovej architektúry. Tradičné princípy, lokálnosť a kultúrnu identitu si začínajú osvojovať súčasné špičky slovenskej architektúry. Vieme určiť mieru využiteľnosti tohto fenoménu v modernej architektúre na Slovensku a nadviazať tak na historickú hodnotu a odkaz pre budúce generácie?Employing the context of tradition and links to locality may be the best way for Slovak architecture to move away from the globalized trend of European architecture. Present notions such as sustainability, ecology and rationality can be identified in folk architecture works. Traditional principles, as well as local and cultural identity are being vindicated by leading authorities of Slovak architecture. Are we able to determine the rate of efficiency of this phenom...

Épités - Épitészettudomány, 2015
To this day, 19 th century architecture is one of the least explored areas in Slovak architectura... more To this day, 19 th century architecture is one of the least explored areas in Slovak architectural historiography. Further knowledge about it can be obtained through the gain of a compilation of information on the individual creators of architecture and on the construction history of these often exceptional structures, seen from the perspective of their interconnectedness and the period context of Slovakia, a part of the Habsburg Monarchy (Austria-Hungary) and a part of the Central European geopolitical and socio-cultural area. This view of the context of 19 th century architecture uncovers its specialties, points to its typological and stylistic diversity, technological progress and elements of modernity, documenting the relation between domestic building tradition and foreign impulses as a reflection of current European events. From classicism to the dawn of modernism, this display of the diverse forms of 19 th century architecture in Slovakia is complemented by a number of prominent figures of European format-from

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2019
The St Martin's Cathedral, one of the most significant medieval monuments in Bratislava, is t... more The St Martin's Cathedral, one of the most significant medieval monuments in Bratislava, is the reflection of the intricate historical development of architecture and art. It reflects not only artistic styles characteristic for given period but poses an important testimony of history of local as well as regional architectural scene. From the point of view of broader European context and history of monument preservation in historic Hungary, it is important to mention the era of romantic Historicism and Gothic revival, which granted the opportunity to form opinions on and methodological approaches to monument restoration. Among the most pronounced interventions in the St Martin's Cathedral in Bratislava were its Gothic revival adaptations in the 19th century. The contribution analyses the evolution of opinions on these interventions in the stylistic integrity of the cathedral, which strived to restore its original Gothic appearance. Nevertheless, even then, the Gothic revival ...

A modern szlovak epiteszet alapitoinak soraban helyet foglalo Harminc M. Mihaly szakmai kezdetei ... more A modern szlovak epiteszet alapitoinak soraban helyet foglalo Harminc M. Mihaly szakmai kezdetei Budapesthez kotődnek. Itteni irodaja 1897-től kezdve 1915-ig jelentős tevekenyseget fejtett ki, melynek eredmenyeivel a tortenelmi Magyarorszag csaknem egesz teruleten talalkozhatunk. Onallosulasat kovetően Harminc egyre tobb alkalommal tervez szlovak megrendelők szamara, kiepitve igy a tovabbi palyafutasat lenyegesen befolyasolo kapcsolathalozatot. Mig a fővarosban elsősorban lakoepuletek terveit kesziti, szlovakiai epuleteinek tipuskore sokretűbb: egyhazi epitkezesek, maganlakohazak, bankok, hivatalok es iskolak mellett egy muzeum is szerepel kozottuk. Az adott evekben nemcsak szakmai, de kozeleti-egyleti műkodese is kulon figyelmet erdemel. Aktiv tagja es kesőbb elnoke a budapesti Szlovak Egyletnek, szlovak es szerb diakok bőkezű tamogatoja. Epiteszkent Harminc koranak jellegzetes kepviselője. Nyitott a műszaki es epuletszerkezeti ujdonsagokra, alaprajzi es diszpozicios elrendezesei, ...

8th Annual Conference on Architecture and Urbanism, 2019
Employing the context of tradition and links to locality may be the best way for Slovak architect... more Employing the context of tradition and links to locality may be the best way for Slovak architecture to move away from the globalized trend of European architecture. Present notions such as sustainability, ecology and rationality can be identified in folk architecture works. Traditional principles, as well as local and cultural identity are being vindicated by leading authorities of Slovak architecture. Are we able to determine the rate of efficiency of this phenomenon in modern Slovak architecture and take up the historical value and legacy for future generations? KEYWORDS: folk architecture; inspiration; transformation; principles of folk civil engineering; national identity ABSTRAKT: Kontext tradície a väzby na lokalitu môže byť pre slovenskú architektúru najlepšia cesta, ako sa odtrhnúť z globalizovaného prúdu Európy. V súčasnosti často skloňované pojmy ako udržateľnosť, ekológia či racionalita identifikujeme aj v dielach ľudovej architektúry. Tradičné princípy, lokálnosť a kultúrnu identitu si začínajú osvojovať súčasné špičky slovenskej architektúry. Vieme určiť mieru využiteľnosti tohto fenoménu v modernej architektúre na Slovensku a nadviazať tak na historickú hodnotu a odkaz pre budúce generácie?

Épités - Épitészettudomány, 2015
To this day, 19 th century architecture is one of the least explored areas in Slovak architectura... more To this day, 19 th century architecture is one of the least explored areas in Slovak architectural historiography. Further knowledge about it can be obtained through the gain of a compilation of information on the individual creators of architecture and on the construction history of these often exceptional structures, seen from the perspective of their interconnectedness and the period context of Slovakia, a part of the Habsburg Monarchy (Austria-Hungary) and a part of the Central European geopolitical and socio-cultural area. This view of the context of 19 th century architecture uncovers its specialties, points to its typological and stylistic diversity, technological progress and elements of modernity, documenting the relation between domestic building tradition and foreign impulses as a reflection of current European events. From classicism to the dawn of modernism, this display of the diverse forms of 19 th century architecture in Slovakia is complemented by a number of prominent figures of European format-from

IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering, Sep 18, 2019
The St Martin's Cathedral, one of the most significant medieval monuments in Bratislava, is the r... more The St Martin's Cathedral, one of the most significant medieval monuments in Bratislava, is the reflection of the intricate historical development of architecture and art. It reflects not only artistic styles characteristic for given period but poses an important testimony of history of local as well as regional architectural scene. From the point of view of broader European context and history of monument preservation in historic Hungary, it is important to mention the era of romantic Historicism and Gothic revival, which granted the opportunity to form opinions on and methodological approaches to monument restoration. Among the most pronounced interventions in the St Martin's Cathedral in Bratislava were its Gothic revival adaptations in the 19 th century. The contribution analyses the evolution of opinions on these interventions in the stylistic integrity of the cathedral, which strived to restore its original Gothic appearance. Nevertheless, even then, the Gothic revival restoration did not have a single methodology and already, during the purism approach to the interiors of the cathedral some of the former methodological decisions from the foregone period were re-evaluated. At the beginning of the 20 th century, there were efforts to restore the spire to its former Gothic appearance, before the Gothic revival restoration. These never realised tendencies of Historicism were soon replaced by, likewise never actualized, thoughts of restitution of annihilated Baroque furnishings, above all the high altar by G. R. Donner's workshop. In the second half of the 20 th century, the great restoration of the cathedral, including removal of the most of the Gothic revival interventions, was done, aspiring to restore the cathedral to its authentic Gothic appearance. This approach disrupted the consistent style of the church and destroyed irretrievably the better part of one coherent cultural layer. The restoration continued in the 21 st century, when all the developmental stages were considered of equal importance. The contribution, using the case study of the St Martin's Cathedral in Bratislava, analyses the evolution of opinions on Gothic revival cultural layer on the medieval religious structure since mid-19 th century. At the same time, it introduces personalities involved in the restoration and illustrates further European context. Given time frame belongs to those least explored periods of one of the most significant monuments of Bratislava in terms of the building history of the cathedral and its creators (architects, master builders, building companies, builders and artists).
IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering
Épités - Épitészettudomány, 2015
Papers by Jana Pohaničová