Conference Presentations by James M. Adovasio
Investigations at the Gault Clovis Site in central Texas have revealed more than 100 stones with ... more Investigations at the Gault Clovis Site in central Texas have revealed more than 100 stones with incised lines. These artifacts have been recovered from both well-provenienced excavation as well as
surface and back dirt localities. Chronologically the artifacts range from Clovis to Early Archaic contexts, though many of the unprovenienced artifacts came from the mixed overburden and probably also represent Middle Archaic to Late Prehistoric contexts.
Papers by James M. Adovasio
Journal of Anthropological Research, 2004
Early Native Americans, 1980
Sourcebook of Paleolithic Transitions, 2009
... 6) Cummins; (7) Debert; (8) Flint Run Complex [Thunderbird & Fifty sites]; (9) Hidden... more ... 6) Cummins; (7) Debert; (8) Flint Run Complex [Thunderbird & Fifty sites]; (9) Hidden Creek; (10) Higgins ... Shades of Gray: The PaleoindianEarly Archaic ''Transition'' in the Northeast ... Although the climate of 10,000 BP was warmer in comparison to Late Glacial times, the early ...
Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, 2014
Encyclopedia of Global Archaeology, 2014

North American Archaeologist, 2010
Meadowcroft Rockshelter (36WH297) currently manifests the longest, if explicitly episodic, occupa... more Meadowcroft Rockshelter (36WH297) currently manifests the longest, if explicitly episodic, occupational sequence in the Americas. Interestingly, despite the long persistence of an essentially stable seasonal visitation pattern which is centered upon latest summer through mid- to late-fall site use, the intensity of rockshelter utilization (measured in length of visitation interval and/or persons per visit) is highly variable. Prior to and after Late Archaic/Transitional and Early Woodland times (ca. 4000–100 B.C. uncalibrated), the pattern of site visitation by any index is rather light. During the Late Archaic/Transitional and Early Woodland intervals, site utilization is much heavier based on all available lines of evidence. The spatial and temporal patterns of site use at Meadowcroft during the Holocene are detailed and related to broader patterns of Cross Creek Drainage-wide prehistoric visitation. Several potential explanations are offered for the heavier pattern of site use do...
Geoarchaeology, 1986
Excavations in 1980–1981 at sites (32MZ319 and 32MZ380) along Cinnamon Creek Ridge in the Little ... more Excavations in 1980–1981 at sites (32MZ319 and 32MZ380) along Cinnamon Creek Ridge in the Little Missouri River Badlands of McKenzie County, North Dakota, unexpectedly revealed at each locality the presence of one or more deeply buried paleosols with associated cultural materials. At both sites, 32MZ319 and 32MZ380, multiple paleosols are present, each of which is terminated by an episode of aeolian deposition. Fifteen radiocarbon dates on these paleosols establish an incipient chronology for paleosol development in the study area and permit correlation with other High Plains archaeological complexes. Geological and archaeological data for the two multiple paleosol sites are summarized.
Conference Presentations by James M. Adovasio
surface and back dirt localities. Chronologically the artifacts range from Clovis to Early Archaic contexts, though many of the unprovenienced artifacts came from the mixed overburden and probably also represent Middle Archaic to Late Prehistoric contexts.
Papers by James M. Adovasio
surface and back dirt localities. Chronologically the artifacts range from Clovis to Early Archaic contexts, though many of the unprovenienced artifacts came from the mixed overburden and probably also represent Middle Archaic to Late Prehistoric contexts.