Papers by James Kelhoffer
The Risen Lord : The Jesus of History as the Christ of Faith
Currents in Theology and Mission, 1998
Review of The Risen Lord: The Jesus of History as the Christ of Faith. By Margaret Barker. (Edin... more Review of The Risen Lord: The Jesus of History as the Christ of Faith. By Margaret Barker. (Edinburgh: T. & T. Clark, 1996/Valley Forge, PA: Trinity Press International, 1997). In Currents in ...
Introduction: Early Christian Liturgical Traditions
BRILL eBooks, Nov 8, 2022

De Gruyter eBooks, Oct 22, 2018
This studyconcurs with Andrew Gregory,PaulF oster,and other scholars on the unlikelihood thatapos... more This studyconcurs with Andrew Gregory,PaulF oster,and other scholars on the unlikelihood thatapositive casef or ad irect literaryr elationship between Ephesians and Second Clement can be made.Itisalsoaffirmedthat John Muddimanmakes avaluable methodological suggestion that,when weighingthe relative probability of aliterary relationship, similarities between twowritingsin addition to exact verbalagreementcan, and arguablyshould,betaken into consideration. Concerning the preexistent churchi n2Clement1 4, there are numerous reasons to inferthateither Ephesians or avery similar apostolicallyascribed writing informed Clement'se cclesiology. In interpreting Ephesians, Second Clement mayalsobecorrecting its soteriology:instead of positing apredestined elect who have alreadybeen raised and seated with Christ (Eph 1:3-5; 2:6), Clement warns about the dangers of corruptingt he flesh (14:3-5), hoping that his flock will be prepared for the final judgment (cf. 17:3-7). Accordingt oClement, onlythosewho keep the flesh pure will have hope of belonging to "the first,spiritual church" (14:1) and, as part of that church, of being reunited with Christ, with whom the church existed in the beginning (14:2).
John the Baptist as an Abstainer from Table Fellowship and Jesus as a "Glutton" : (Non-)Participation in Meals as a Means for Gaining Social Capital That Can Confirm or Jeopardize a Person’s Standing in Society (Luke 7:31–35||Matt 11:16–19)
The accusation that John the Baptist was asocial since he did not eat with others and the accusat... more The accusation that John the Baptist was asocial since he did not eat with others and the accusation that Jesus ate with the wrong people would have had deleterious effects on their social capital: ...
2 Clement : Introduction, Text, and Commentary
Expository Times, Aug 1, 2015
James A. Kelhoffer : Miracle and Mission. The Authentication of Missionaries and Their Message in the Longer Ending of Mark (WUNT Reihe 2, 112). Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck 2000, 530 S., 64,00 Euro, ISBN 3-16-147243-8
ZNT – Zeitschrift für Neues Testament, 2005
Faith and Righteousness in Second Clement : Probing the Purported Influence of "Late Judaism" and the Beginnings of "Early Catholicism
This essay calls into question the helpfulness of the categories “Late Judaism” (H. Windisch) and... more This essay calls into question the helpfulness of the categories “Late Judaism” (H. Windisch) and “Early Catholicism” (H. Koester) for analyzing words for faith and faithfulness, righteous and righ ...
A Diverse Academy Recognizes No Boundaries for Critical Injury and Debate
Svensk exegetisk årsbok, Aug 5, 2023
Populism and Biblical Studies, Part 2: Political Action, Democratic Principles, and Academic Pluralism
Svensk exegetisk årsbok, Sep 1, 2022
In Memoriam Lars Hartman (1930–2019)
Svensk Exegetisk Årsbok
Simplistic Presentations of Biblical Authority and Christian Origins in the Service of Anti-Catholic Dogma : A Response to Anders Gerdmar
Svensk exegetisk årsbok, 2017
Svensk exegetisk årsbok, 2009
SEÅ beställs hos Svenska Exegetiska Sällskapet via hemsidan eller postadress ovan, eller hos Bokr... more SEÅ beställs hos Svenska Exegetiska Sällskapet via hemsidan eller postadress ovan, eller hos Bokrondellen ( Anvisningar för medverkande återfinns på hemsidan eller erhålls från redaktionssekreteraren. Manusstopp är 1 mars. Utgiven med bidrag från Vetenskapsrådet. Tidskriften är indexerad i Libris databas (
Response to Jack Dean Kingsbury, ‘The Significance of the Earthly Jesus in the Gospel of Matthew’
I argue that Kingsbury equivocates between the Matthean Jesus and the historical Jesus. In additi... more I argue that Kingsbury equivocates between the Matthean Jesus and the historical Jesus. In addition, Kingsbury posits a false dichotomy between literary and traditio-historical methods of studying Matthew. Kingsbury’s study reveals much about the Matthean Jesus but, unfortunately, rather little about the historical Jesus or assessing the latter’s relevance for contemporary theological discussions.
Der Verfolger als Gottes Widersacher in der Apostelgeschichte
How can the Acts of the Apostles present Jewish persecutors as God’s enemies? This essay examines... more How can the Acts of the Apostles present Jewish persecutors as God’s enemies? This essay examines the killing of Stephen and the presentations of Paul as a former persecutor of the church and as a ...
Svensk exegetisk årsbok, 2017
Spjut, Petter, Polemisk etikett eller saklig beteckning? En studie av svenskspråkiga opinionsbild... more Spjut, Petter, Polemisk etikett eller saklig beteckning? En studie av svenskspråkiga opinionsbildares användning av termen "gnosticism" och dess implikationer för bibelvetenskaplig och kyrkohistorisk forskning .

cloth 129,00 € Published in English. James A. Kelho er examines an often overlooked aspect of New... more cloth 129,00 € Published in English. James A. Kelho er examines an often overlooked aspect of New Testament constructions of legitimacy, namely the »value« of Christians' withstanding persecution as a means of corroborating their religious identity as Christ's followers. The introductory chapter de nes the problem in interaction with sociologist Pierre Bourdieu's concept of »cultural capital.« Chapters 2-10 examine the depictions of persecuted Christians in the Pauline letters, First Peter, Hebrews, Revelation, the NT Gospels, and Acts. These exegetical analyses support the conclusion that assertions of standing, authority, and power claimed on the basis of persecution play a signi cant and heretofore under-appreciated role in much of the NT. It is also argued that depictions of persecution can have both positive implications for the persecuted and negative implications for the depicted persecutors in constructions of legitimation.An epilogue considers later examples of early Christian martyrs and confessors, as well as John Foxe's » Book of Martyrs .« The epilogue also addresses the ethical and hermeneutical problem of asserting the withstanding of persecution as a basis of legitimacy in ancient and modern contexts. This problem stems from the observation that, although the NT authors present their construals of withstanding persecution as a basis of legitimation as if they were selfevident, such assertions are actually the culmination of numerous presuppositions and are therefore open to dissenting viewpoints. Yet the NT authors do not acknowledge the possibility of competing interpretations, or that oppressed Christians could someday become oppressors. Accordingly, this exegetical study calls attention to an ethical and hermeneutical problem that the NT bequeaths to the modern interpreter, a problem inviting input from ethicists and other theologians.
Mark : Images of an Apostolic Interpreter
Review of biblical literature, 2003
Review of Mark: Images of an Apostolic Interpreter. By C. Clifton Black. (Studies on Personalit... more Review of Mark: Images of an Apostolic Interpreter. By C. Clifton Black. (Studies on Personalities of the New Testament; Minneapolis: Fortress, 2001). In the Review of Biblical Literature 5 (200 ...
Svensk exegetisk årsbok, Aug 6, 2023
Sverige: SEK 250 (studenter SEK 150) Övriga världen: SEK 350 SEÅ beställs hos Svenska Exegetiska ... more Sverige: SEK 250 (studenter SEK 150) Övriga världen: SEK 350 SEÅ beställs hos Svenska Exegetiska Sällskapet via hemsidan eller postadress ovan, eller hos Bokrondellen ( Anvisningar för medverkande återfinns på hemsidan eller erhålls från redaktionssekreteraren. Manusstopp är 1 mars. Utgiven med bidrag från Vetenskapsrådet. Tidskriften är indexerad i Libris databas (
Das Kreuz Christi bei Irenäus von Lyon
Review of Das Kreuz Christi bei Irenaus von Lyon. By Daniel Wanke. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur ... more Review of Das Kreuz Christi bei Irenaus von Lyon. By Daniel Wanke. (Beihefte zur Zeitschrift fur die Neutestamentliche Wissenschaft und die Kunde der Alteren Kirche 99; Berlin: W. de Gruyter, 2000). In the Journal of Early Christian Studies 13/1 (2005): 125–126.
Papers by James Kelhoffer