Papers by James Cutsinger
The form of transformed vision: Coleridge and the knowledge of God
... If the book is now a better one, it is because of Crossett's advice. ... and &qu... more ... If the book is now a better one, it is because of Crossett's advice. ... and "Inside without Outside: Coleridge, the Form of the One, and God," The Interpretation of Belief: Coleridge, Schleier-macher, and Romanticism, ed. David Jasper (London and New York: The Mac-millan Press ...
Toward a method of knowing spirit
Studies in Religion/Sciences Religieuses, 1985
The form of transformed vision : Coleridge and the knowledge of God
... If the book is now a better one, it is because of Crossett's advice. ... and &qu... more ... If the book is now a better one, it is because of Crossett's advice. ... and "Inside without Outside: Coleridge, the Form of the One, and God," The Interpretation of Belief: Coleridge, Schleier-macher, and Romanticism, ed. David Jasper (London and New York: The Mac-millan Press ...
A Knowledge That Wounds Our Nature: The Message of Frithjof Schuon
Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 1992
Book Review:Coleridge's Religious Imagination Stephen Happel
The Journal of Religion, 1987
A Knowledge That Wounds Our Nature
Journal of the American Academy of Religion, 1992

Harvard Theological Review, 1983
This essay concerns two closely related subjects: the religious philosophy of Samuel Taylor Coler... more This essay concerns two closely related subjects: the religious philosophy of Samuel Taylor Coleridge and the need for a new vision in Christian theology today. Though it is the second, more ambitious and adventurous topic that deserves the more sensitive treatment, it is rather to Coleridge himself that I have given the greater part of my attention. The reasoning behind this procedure is based upon a fairly simple fact: Coleridge's religious thought is still largely unknown to most people in the philosophical and theological communities. During the past twenty years or so, as many of Coleridge's hitherto unpublished notebooks and other manuscripts have been brought to light, a number of scholars of English literature have begun to study his thought, including his theology, with greater care. 1 But it is still rare to find a researcher outside literature per se who knows much of Coleridgean philosophy, beyond (perhaps) a few phrases from his theory of the imagination in the Biographia Literaria. 1 I have thought it !j Robert Barth, S J , and Thomas McFarland may be mentioned especially in this connection See, respectively, Coleridge and Christian Doctrine (Cambridge Harvard University, 1969) and Coleridge and the Pantheist Tradition (Oxford Clarendon, 1969) 2 The best known of Coleridge's observations on the imagination can be found in the thirteenth chapter of the Biographia The IMAGINATION then, I consider either as primary, or secondary The primary IMAGINATION I hold to be the living Power and prime Agent of all human Perception, and as a repetition in the finite mind of the eternal act of creation m the infinite I AM The secondary Imagination I consider as an echo of the former, co-existing with the conscious will, yet still as identical with the primary in the kind of its agency, and differing only in degree, and in the mode of its operation It dissolves, diffuses, dissipates, in order to recreate, or where this process is rendered impossible, yet still at all events it struggles to idealize and to unify It is essentially \itaU even as all objects (as objects) are essentially fixed and dead (Biographia Literaria, J Shawcross, ed [Oxford Oxford University, 1907] 1 202) One finds this passage quoted frequently in recent works dealing with the theological ima-gination. As but one among numerous examples, see Ray L. Hart, Unfinished Man and the Imagination: Toward an Ontology and a Rhetoric of Revelation (New York: Herder and Herder, 1968) 200 As I hope to show, the imagination is only the tip of a Coleridgean iceberg.
Disagreeing to Agree: A Christian Response to “A Common Word”
Muslim and Christian Understanding, 2010
Inside without Outside: Coleridge, the Form of the One, and God
The Interpretation of Belief, 1986
Sufism : veil and quintessence : a new translation with selected letters
European View, 2007
Whereas Huntington and other like-minded scholars argue that a clash of civilisations is inevitab... more Whereas Huntington and other like-minded scholars argue that a clash of civilisations is inevitable, this essay presents the opposite view that religion itself is not at the root of conflicts. The authors describe the theological foundations for the Christian understanding of Christ and the Muslim understanding of jiha¯d, and examine how both these traditions have been misunderstood and misinterpreted in order to justify violence.
Papers by James Cutsinger