Papers by Jajang Gunawijaya

Jurnal Gastronomi Indonesia
The food culture of the Badui people is extremely diverse and still upholds the traditional knowl... more The food culture of the Badui people is extremely diverse and still upholds the traditional knowledge that has been passed down through the generations. The goal of this study was to learn about the Badui community's food customs, namely how to procure, prepare, serve, eat, and preserve food so that it might be developed as a vehicle for importation. This kind of research uses a naturalistic/ethnographic paradigm and is qualitative. Observation, a review of the literature, in-depth interviews, and researchers themselves as the main tool were used as data gathering techniques. Interviews with informants Jaro Saija (village chief/Jaro Pamarentah), Mr. Sukma (a resident of outer Badui), and Mr. Sudirman serve as the primary sources of data (PHRI Banten). The existence of leuit as a rice barn and the custom of huma and ngaseuk rice each time they plant rice or secondary crops demonstrate that the Outer Badui community still upholds its food culture. Food ingredients can sometimes be...

Populis : Jurnal Sosial dan Humaniora
Traditional games activities are fun activities carried out by children, adolescents and adults, ... more Traditional games activities are fun activities carried out by children, adolescents and adults, which are important for the development of abilities, character, morals and emotions in their efforts to form a strong personality needed during the period of growth to adulthood. This traditional game is also part of the cultural representation of the Baduy tribe, Banten. The aspect of sustainability is the main problem that must be faced because it is dealing directly with globalization, which can result in reduced existence in the future, which one day can make this culture only found in game museums or only in books because it is no longer played or separated from culture and the Baduy people. The author assumes that the original culture that exists in the Baduy tribe can maintain the existence of traditional folk games, so that they continue to grow and be played from generation to generation. This research method uses a qualitative approach, by carrying out the data collection and ...
This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative... more This article is an open access article distributed under the terms and conditions of the Creative Commons Attribution (CC BY

International Journal of Social Science
Indonesia is very rich in cultural diversity. An example is a traditional food. The existence of ... more Indonesia is very rich in cultural diversity. An example is a traditional food. The existence of conventional food has begun to shift with the entry of ethnic cuisine into Indonesia, especially the millennial generation who are more interested in modern food. This study aims to find out how the millennial generation in Jakarta views the traditional food of Bugis cake from a cultural point of view. The research methodology is quantitative descriptive research, and the data collection technique used is a questionnaire and literature study. Sampling was done by non-probability sampling and purposive sampling techniques. The sample of this research is 100 millennial generations in Jakarta who have ever consumed Bugis cake. The data analysis method uses single table analysis using frequency and percentage tables. The results showed that most of the perceptions of the millennial generation were in a positive category, 77%, while the negative was 4%, and the remaining 19% were neutral or a...

Jurnal Vokasi Indonesia
This paper reveals a strategic management case of rural tourism development based on tourism plan... more This paper reveals a strategic management case of rural tourism development based on tourism plan in Wanayasa, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat. Research was conducted in August 2015 with qualitative approaches i.e. interview and focus group discussion. In addition, some of data also produced from secondary sources such as government regulation and official website. Findings show that the only strength Wanayasa possessed is their ability in capturing projections of external factors, including identification of potential investors for their tourism. Apart from that quality, it is obvious that their rural tourism development is lack of clear vision & mission, indefinite internal analysis, and chaotic strategy formulation as a result of disorganized planning processes. With those conditions, it will be tough for them to formulate the true competitive advantage as a basic foundation of their tourism development. Besides, the community and local elites are now tend to expect more in investor funds instead of systematic strategic management by their own. Abstrak Makalah ini mengungkapkan kasus manajemen strategis pengembangan pariwisata pedesaan berdasarkan rencana pariwisata di Wanayasa, Purwakarta, Jawa Barat. Penelitian dilakukan pada bulan Agustus tahun 2015 dengan pendekatan kualitatif yaitu wawancara dan diskusi kelompok terfokus. Selain itu, beberapa data juga dihasilkan dari sumber sekunder seperti peraturan pemerintah dan situs resmi. Temuan menunjukkan bahwa satu-satunya kekuatan Wanayasa dimiliki adalah kemampuan mereka dalam menangkap proyeksi faktor eksternal, termasuk identifikasi calon investor untuk pariwisata mereka. Terlepas dari kualitas itu, jelas bahwa pengembangan pariwisata pedesaan mereka adalah kurangnya visi yang jelas dan misi, analisis internal yang tak terbatas, dan perumusan strategi kacau sebagai akibat dari proses perencanaan tidak teratur. Dengan kondisi tersebut, akan sulit bagi mereka untuk merumuskan keunggulan kompetitif yang benar sebagai landasan dasar pengembangan pariwisata mereka. Selain itu, masyarakat dan elit lokal sekarang cenderung mengharapkan lebih dana investor bukannya manajemen strategis sistematis oleh mereka sendiri. Kata Kunci: Manajemen Strategis, Pengembangan Pariwisata Pedesaan, Wanayasa
Wedatama Widya Sastra, 2018
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019

Jurnal Manajemen Indonesia, Dec 23, 2021
Air transport is an industry 4.0 sector of priority that continues to evolve as the era becomes t... more Air transport is an industry 4.0 sector of priority that continues to evolve as the era becomes the backbone of a country's economy. The opening of the economic market in all regions of the world has increased the complexity of air transportation, including in Indonesia. In this decade as the development of technology and the 4.0 industry, the air plane remains the choice of people to explore the world and also the movement of people from one place to another is rapidly secured funds. The strategy to compete with the airline is to improve flight image in Indonesia by improving the performance of aviation operations. This research aims to analyse and evaluate the performance of aviation operations in Indonesia from the company's perspective. The survey method was conducted through the dissemination of questionnaires to respondents with purposive sampling techniques netted 200 aviation employees in Indonesia. The data collected is processed using the Structural Equation Model-Partial Least Square. The results showed; Strategy direction proved to affect process management, process management proved no effect on operation performance, strategy direction has no effect on Operation performance, strategy direction proved to affect human resources management, human resource management proved to be no impact on Operation performance, Process management proved unable to fully mediation the relationship between strategy direction with operating performance, HR management proved not to fully mediation the relationship between strategy direction to operating performance. So it can be said the strategy direction of the company directly affects the flight operation performance.

Makara Human Behavior Studies in Asia, 2011
Penelitian ini mengenai kearifan lokal masyarakat Baduy dalam pencegahan bencana. Penelitian ini ... more Penelitian ini mengenai kearifan lokal masyarakat Baduy dalam pencegahan bencana. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif. Data dikumpulkan melalui metode observasi dan wawancara mendalam, dan data diolah secara deskriptif-analitik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengetahuan dan pandangan tradisional masyarakat Baduy yang diturunkan dari generasi ke generasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa: (1) masyarakat Baduy yang selalu melakukan tebang-bakar hutan untuk membuat ladang (huma), tidak terjadi bencana kebakaran hutan atau tanah longsor di wilayah Baduy; (2) di wilayah Baduy banyak permukiman penduduk berdekatan dengan sungai, tidak terjadi bencana banjir; (3) walaupun rumah dan bangunan masyarakat Baduy terbuat dari bahan yang mudah terbakar (kayu, bambu, rumbia, dan ijuk), jarang terjadi bencana kebakaran hebat; dan (4) wilayah Baduy yang termasuk dalam daerah rawan gempa Jawa bagian Barat, tidak terjadi kerusakan bangunan akibat bencana gempa. Kearifan lokal dalam mitigasi bencana yang dimiliki masyarakat Baduy sejatinya didasari oleh pikukuh (ketentuan adat) yang menjadi petunjuk dan arahan dalam berpikir dan bertindak. Pikukuh merupakan dasar dari pengetahuan tradisional yang arif dan bijaksana, termasuk juga dalam mencegah bencana.
World Leisure Journal, 2000
... This point is underscored by a recent analysis of the effectiveness of commu-nity roundtables... more ... This point is underscored by a recent analysis of the effectiveness of commu-nity roundtables as mechanisms for ... that all interested parties will be deemed to have a legitimate voice on is-suesaffecting them and ... "Sustainable Rural Communities in Canada: Issues and Prospects ...

Jurnal Hospitality dan Pariwisata
The tourist experience is one of the critical success factors in the tourism industry. Every dest... more The tourist experience is one of the critical success factors in the tourism industry. Every destination, tourist attraction, and other tourism product must be able to provide a memorable tourist experience. Banyuresmi tourism village, Pandeglang, Banten has the potential to attract cultural heritage tourism, including gastronomic tourism. However, the potential has not been developed as a tourist attraction that can provide a memorable experience for tourists. This descriptive qualitative research aims to identify and analyze the potential of cultural and gastronomic tourism that is memorable for tourists. Primary data collection was obtained from field observations and in-depth interviews with key informants. Data analysis through a reduction process to determine the components that provide a memorable experience for travelers. The results of the study indicate that cultural and gastronomic tourism experiences that are memorable for tourists when visiting Banyuresmi tourism villa...
Fakultas Ilmu Keperawatan Universitas Indonesia, 2019

Pemberdayaan masyarakat dan kreativitas sesungguhnya bukan fenomena yang sama, tetapi keduanya da... more Pemberdayaan masyarakat dan kreativitas sesungguhnya bukan fenomena yang sama, tetapi keduanya dapat saling melengkapi. Kedua hal tersebut dapat bersinergi dengan baik melalui penciptaan lingkungan yang kondusif. Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU) merupakan lingkungan kondusif yang sengaja dibuat oleh Udjo (pendiri) untuk mendukung aktivitas pemberdayaan dan pengembangan kreativitas seni tradisi. Artikel ini merupakan hasil penelitian kualitatif yang membahas tentang strategi pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui pengembangan kreativitas seni tradisi di Saung Angklung Udjo (SAU). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kekuatan Udjo sebagai pendiri SAU dan aktivitas pemberdayaan masyarakat merupakan kunci utama keberhasilan. Strategi Udjo dalam melakukan aktivitas pemberdayaan masyarakat didasarkan pada unsurunsur budaya lokal dan nilai-nilai tradisi Sunda. Filosofi Sunda terkait dengan nilai silih asah, silih asih, silih asuh merupakan dasar yang digunakan dalam memberdayakan masyarakat dan mengembangkan SAU. Sedangkan proses pemberdayaan masyarakat mengacu pada konsepsi nilai budaya masyarakat Sunda yaitu kudu akur sareng batur sakasur (istri), sadapur (keluarga), sasumur (tetangga), dan salembur (masyarakat luas). Berbagai strategi dan proses pemberdayaan masyarakat tersebut telah berhasil mewujudkan cita-cita Udjo untuk berkontribusi dalam menciptakan kesejahteraan masyarakat melalui pengembangan kreativitas seni angklung.

Introduction Food safety in its process involving management of food preparation from its source ... more Introduction Food safety in its process involving management of food preparation from its source until it is readily served to students. This study investigated the effectivity of cultural-based empowerment of school community through teachers, students and familiy collaboration to improve food safety behaviors in urban elementary school student. Method This study using quasi experiment pre-post test with control group. The population in this study are all elementary school age children in Depok city. The number of samples in this research are 76 samples students and families for invervention group. The variables are knowledge, attitudes, and skills of food security on school-age children, as well as adequate nutrition and nutritional status. Result s The results showed that the most consumed food content by elementary school students Sawangan 03 during breakfast, lunch, and dinner are carbohydrates and protein. The result of research indicate that there are significant differences ...

e-review of tourism research, 2018
Over the last few years, rural tourism has been increasingly viewed as a panacea for improving th... more Over the last few years, rural tourism has been increasingly viewed as a panacea for improving the economic benefits of rural communities in Indonesia. One of the main focuses in developing rural tourism is to encourage participation of local communities. While many scholars are concerned with a number of roles local communities could take in tourism development, few have reported how local communities themselves perceive and are aware of their role(s) in tourism development. Therefore, this paper examines local communities’ perceived awareness of their role in rural tourism development and assesses their knowledge of sustainable tourism principles. Differences in awareness and knowledge within resident groups based on their occupation are also examined. The findings reveal that local communities recognize and acknowledge the need to be involved in tourism development. Almost all of the respondents were not only aware of their important role in tourism development but also had high ...
Papers by Jajang Gunawijaya