A continuación se presenta el diseño, implementación y resultados de un sistema de control numéri... more A continuación se presenta el diseño, implementación y resultados de un sistema de control numérico diseñado en nuestro medio, se describe el sistema mecánico y se explica los sistemas electrónicos. Se explica, con mayor nivel de detalle, el Software implementados para fabricar piezas de ajedrez, a partir de dibujo realizado en cualquier Software de diseño gráfico. Igualmente se describen los algoritmos básicos y conceptos de conversión a unidades de desplazamiento de los actuadores del sistema, además de la interfaz gráfica que facilita la interrelación del usuario (diseñador) con el sistema CAD.
Proyecto de grado presentado como requisito parcial para optar al título de Ingeniero Electricist... more Proyecto de grado presentado como requisito parcial para optar al título de Ingeniero Electricista Director Ing. CIRO JURADO JEREZ Codirector Ing. JOSÉ ALEJANDRO AMAYA PALACIO UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER FACULTAD DE INGENIERIAS FISICOMECÁNICAS ESCUELA DE INGENÍERA ELÉCTRICA, ELECTRÓNICA Y TELECOMUNICACIONES BUCARAMANGA 2012 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Thermal expansion represents a vital indicator of the processing history and dimensional stabilit... more Thermal expansion represents a vital indicator of the processing history and dimensional stability of materials. Solvent-sensitive, thin, and compliant samples are particularly challenging to test. Here we describe how textures highlighted by contrast enhanced optical microscopy modes (i.e., polarized light (PL), phase contrast (PC)) and bright field (BF) can be used to determine the thermal expansion of polymer films in a contact-free way using digital image correlation (DIC). Three different films were explored: polyetherimide (PEI), polyimide (PI), and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN). Image textural features (e.g., intensity, size, speckle pattern characteristics) obtained by BF, PC, and PL were analyzed by two-dimensional Fourier transform and autocorrelations. The measured in-plane CTEs of PEI, PI, and PEN films, 51.8, 20.5, and 10.2 ppm/K, respectively, closely approached those previously reported using DIC with artificially applied speckle patterns.
We achieved a multiscale description of the thermal conductivity of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs)... more We achieved a multiscale description of the thermal conductivity of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) from single CNCs (∼0.72−5.7 W m −1 K −1 ) to their organized nanostructured films (∼0.22−0.53 W m −1 K −1 ) using experimental evidence and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The ratio of the approximate phonon mean free path (∼1.7−5.3 nm) to the lateral dimension of a single CNC (∼5−20 nm) suggested a contribution of crystal−crystal interfaces to polydisperse CNC film's heat transport. Based on this, we modeled the thermal conductivity of CNC films using MD-predicted single crystal and interface properties along with the degree of CNC alignment in the bulk films using Hermans order parameter. Film thermal conductivities were strongly correlated to the degree of CNC alignment and the direction of heat flow relative to the CNC chain axis. The low interfacial barrier to heat transport found for CNCs (∼9.4 to 12.6 m 2 K GW −1 ), and their versatile alignment capabilities offer unique opportunities in thermal conductivity control.
The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) films was characterized... more The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) films was characterized using novel experimental techniques complemented by molecular simulations. The characteristic birefringence exhibited by CNC films was utilized to calculate the in-plane CTE of selforganized and shear-oriented self-standing CNC films from room temperature to 100°C using polarized light image correlation. CNC alignment was estimated via Hermans order parameter (S) from 2D X-ray diffraction measurements. We found that films with no preferential CNC orientation through the thickness (S: ∼ 0.0) exhibited an isotropic CTE (∼25 ppm/ K). In contrast, films with aligned CNC orientations (S: ∼0.4 to 0.8) had an anisotropic CTE response: For the highest CNC alignment (S: 0.8), the CTE parallel to CNC alignment was ∼9 ppm/K, while that perpendicular to CNC alignment was ∼158 ppm/K. CNC film thermal expansion was proposed to be due primarily to single crystal expansion and CNC−CNC interfacial motion. The relative contributions of inter-and intracrystal responses to heating were explored using molecular dynamics simulations.
Thermal expansion represents a vital indicator of the processing history and dimensional stabilit... more Thermal expansion represents a vital indicator of the processing history and dimensional stability of materials. Solvent-sensitive, thin, and compliant samples are particularly challenging to test. Here we describe how textures highlighted by contrast enhanced optical microscopy modes (i.e., polarized light (PL), phase contrast (PC)) and bright field (BF) can be used to determine the thermal expansion of polymer films in a contact-free way using digital image correlation (DIC). Three different films were explored: polyetherimide (PEI), polyimide (PI), and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN). Image textural features (e.g., intensity, size, speckle pattern characteristics) obtained by BF, PC, and PL were analyzed by two-dimensional Fourier transform and autocorrelations. The measured in-plane CTEs of PEI, PI, and PEN films, 51.8, 20.5, and 10.2 ppm/K, respectively, closely approached those previously reported using DIC with artificially applied speckle patterns.
This paper develops a quantitative analysis of operative risk. We model the volatilities of major... more This paper develops a quantitative analysis of operative risk. We model the volatilities of major financial indices Chemicals Industry for the period 2000-2009. The model uses an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multicriterio technique, to identifying the weight of major financial indices: profitability, indebtedness, liquidity, efficiency and viability. Next, we set up an operative risk measure capturing the whole Industry indices. It becomes the risk measurement benchmark to settle level business risk by a membership function which qualitatively sorts as severe, moderate or low. The model uses time series analysis to predict industry ratios. We use a linear programming model and choose the method that produces the minimum forecast error. Last, we project ratios and their volatility. We use business information issued by the Annual Manufacturing Survey 2010, and information of the 5000 Money Magazine companies. JEL: C61, C32, D81
This paper develops a quantitative analysis of operative risk. We model the volatilities of major... more This paper develops a quantitative analysis of operative risk. We model the volatilities of major financial indices Chemicals Industry for the period 2000-2009. The model uses an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multicriterio technique, to identifying the weight of major financial indices: profitability, indebtedness, liquidity, efficiency and viability. Next, we set up an operative risk measure capturing the whole Industry indices. It becomes the risk measurement benchmark to settle level business risk by a membership function which qualitatively sorts as severe, moderate or low. The model uses time series analysis to predict industry ratios. We use a linear programming model and choose the method that produces the minimum forecast error. Last, we project ratios and their volatility. We use business information issued by the Annual Manufacturing Survey 2010, and information of the 5000 Money Magazine companies. JEL: C61, C32, D81
Emergent biological responses develop via unknown processes dependent on physical collision. In h... more Emergent biological responses develop via unknown processes dependent on physical collision. In hypoxia, when the tissue architecture collapses but the geometric core is stable, actin cytoskeleton filament components emerge, revealing a hidden internal order that identifies how each molecule is reassembled into the original mold, using one common connection, i.e., a fractal self-similarity that guides the system from the beginning in reverse metamorphosis, with spontaneous self-assembly of past forms that mimics an embryoid phenotype. We captured this hidden collective filamentous assemblage in progress: Hypoxic deformed cells enter into intercellular collisions, generate migratory ejected filaments, and produce self-assembly of triangular chiral hexagon complexes; this dynamic geometry guides the microenvironment scaffold in which this biological process is incubated, recapitulating embryonic morphogenesis. In all injured tissues, especially in damaged skeletal (striated) muscle ce...
In biology, cancer is the most beautiful natural model of a chaotic system, which under uncontrol... more In biology, cancer is the most beautiful natural model of a chaotic system, which under uncontrolled proliferations, generates extreme disorder that finally causes intercellular collisions. The authors have described and documented fractal self-assembly of geometric triangular chiral hexagonal crystal-like complex organizations (GTCHC) and interface comet tail effect patterns in cancer processes. According to this novel observation cancer incorporates a real visualization world with a great surprising finding in biology, physics, and geology. This visualization platform literally allows us to see what would otherwise remain completely invisible. From theory to practice this irreducible geometric matrix allowed us to identify in geology, real measurable green infrared-electromagnetic stripe line in interface with hexagonal geomorphic pattern, triangular chiral pyramidal rock structures, geology well defined mirror images, template platform to bio signature characterization of ancestral primitive polar head-tail organization, embryoid and human-like shape pattern embedded as giant fossils in rocks that have never been seen before. Electromagnetic field released in collisionimpact events generate in the matrix interphase fractal scalable invariant order of geometric triangular chiral hexagonal structures. The laws of biology and geology can finally be redirected to the laws of physics; specifically magnetic fields create a new kind of classification based on these fractal structural similarities of the relationship. Further interdisciplinary collaboration must be carried out to study these geometric self-assembly geological structures, ancient sediments and rocks that could provide insights into antecedents of life.
The present study describes and documents self-assembly of geometric triangular chiral hexagon cr... more The present study describes and documents self-assembly of geometric triangular chiral hexagon crystal like complex organizations (GTCHC) in human pathological tissues.The authors have found this architectural geometric expression at macroscopic and microscopic levels mainly in cancer processes. This study is based essentially on macroscopic and histopathologic analyses of 3000 surgical specimens: 2600 inflammatory lesions and 400 malignant tumours. Geometric complexes identified photographically at macroscopic level were located in the gross surgical specimen, and these areas were carefully dissected. Samples were taken to carry out histologic analysis. Based on the hypothesis of a collision genesis mechanism and because it is difficult to carry out an appropriate methodological observation in biological systems, the authors designed a model base on other dynamic systems to obtain indirect information in which a strong white flash wave light discharge, generated by an electronic device, hits over the lines of electrical conductance structured in helicoidal pattern. In their experimental model, the authors were able to reproduce and to predict polarity, chirality, helicoid geometry, triangular and hexagonal clusters through electromagnetic sequential collisions. They determined that similar events among constituents of extracelular matrix which drive and produce piezoelectric activity are responsible for the genesis of GTCHC complexes in pathological tissues. This research suggests that molecular crystals represented by triangular chiral hexagons derived from a collision-attraction event against collagen type I fibrils emerge at microscopic and macroscopic scales presenting a lateral assembly of each side of hypertrophy helicoid fibers, that represent energy flow in cooperative hierarchically chiral electromagnetic interaction in pathological tissues and arises as a geometry of the equilibrium in perturbed biological systems. Further interdisciplinary studies must be carried out to reproduce, manipulate and amplify their activity and probably use them as a base to develop new therapeutic strategies in cancer.
In a previous research, we have described and documented self-assembly of geometric triangular ch... more In a previous research, we have described and documented self-assembly of geometric triangular chiral hexagon crystal-like complex organizations (GTCHC) in human pathological tissues. This article documents and gathers insights into the magnetic field in cancer tissues and also how it generates an invariant functional geometric attractor constituted for collider partners in their entangled environment. The need to identify this hierarquic attractor was born out of the concern to understand how the vascular net of these complexes are organized, and to determine if the spiral vascular subpatterns observed adjacent to GTCHC complexes and their assembly are interrelational. The study focuses on cancer tissues and all the macroscopic and microscopic material in which GTCHC complexes are identified, which have been overlooked so far, and are rigorously revised. This revision follows the same parameters that were established in the initial phase of the investigation, but with a new item: the visualization and documentation of external dorsal serous vascular bed areas in spatial correlation with the localization of GTCHC complexes inside the tumors. Following the standard of the electro-optical collision model, we were able to reproduce and replicate collider patterns, that is, pairs of left and right hand spin-spiraled subpatterns, associated with the orientation of the spinning process that can be an expansion or contraction disposition of light particles. Agreement between this model and tumor data is surprisingly close; electromagnetic spiral patterns generated were identical at the spiral vascular arrangement in connection with GTCHC complexes in malignant tumors. These findings suggest that the framework of collagen type 1 - vasoactive vessels that structure geometric attractors in cancer tissues with invariant morphology sets generate collider partners in their magnetic domain with opposite biological behavior. If these principles are incorporated into nanomaterial, biomedical devices, and engineered tissues, new therapeutic strategies could be developed for cancer treatment.
Cancer is, by definition, the uncontrolled growth of autonomous cells that eventually destroy adj... more Cancer is, by definition, the uncontrolled growth of autonomous cells that eventually destroy adjacent tissues and generate architectural disorder. However, this concept cannot be totally true. In three well documented studies, we have demonstrated that cancer tissues produce order zones that evolve over time and generate embryoid body structures in a space-time interval. The authors decided to revise the macroscopic and microscopic material in well-developed malignant tumors in which embryoid bodies were identified to determine the phenotype characterization that serves as a guideline for easy recognition. The factors responsible for this morphogenesis are physical, bioelectric, and magnetic susceptibilities produced by crystals that act as molecular designers for the topographic gradients that guide the surrounding silhouette and establish tissue head-tail positional identities. The structures are located in amniotic-like cavities and show characteristic somite-like embryologic segmentation. Immunophenotypic study has demonstrated exclusion factor positional identity in relation to enolase-immunopositive expression of embryoid body and human chorionic gonadotropin immunopositivity exclusion factor expression in the surrounding tissues. The significance of these observations is that they can also be predicted by experimental image data collected by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in which two-beam subatomic collision particles in the resulting debris show hyperorder domains similar to those identified by us in intercellular cancer collisions. Our findings suggest that we are dealing with true reverse biologic system information in an activated collective cancer stem cell memory, in which physics participates in the elaboration of geometric complexes and chiral biomolecules that serve to build bodies with embryoid print as it develops during gestation. Reversal mechanisms in biology are intimately linked with DNA repair. Further genotype studies must be carried out to determine whether the subproducts of these structures can be used in novel strategies to treat cancer.
We have documented self-assembled geometric triangular chiral crystal complexes (GTCHC) and a fra... more We have documented self-assembled geometric triangular chiral crystal complexes (GTCHC) and a framework of collagen vascular invariant geometric attractors in cancer tissues. This article shows how this system evolves in time. These structures are incorporated together and evolve in different ways. When the geometric core is stable, and the tissue architecture collapses, fragmented components emerge, which reveal a hidden interior identifying how each molecule is reassembled into the original mold, using one common connection, ie, a fractal self-similarity that guided the system from the beginning. GTCHC complexes generate ejected crystal comet tail effects and produce strange helicity states that arise in the form of spin domain interactions. As the crystal growth vibration stage progresses, biofractal echo images converge in a master-built construction of embryoid bodies with enolase-selective immunopositivity in relation to clusters of triangular chiral cell organization. In our electro-optic collision model, we were able to predict and replicate all the characteristics of this complex geometry that connects a physical phenomenon with the signal patterns that generate biologic chaos. Intrinsically, fractal geometry makes spatial correction errors embrace the chaotic system in a way that permits new structures to emerge, and as a result, an ordered self-assembly of embryoid bodies with neural differentiation at the final stage of cancer development is a predictable process. We hope that further investigation of these structures will lead not only to a new way of thinking about physics and biology, but also to a rewarding area in cancer research.
A continuación se presenta el diseño, implementación y resultados de un sistema de control numéri... more A continuación se presenta el diseño, implementación y resultados de un sistema de control numérico diseñado en nuestro medio, se describe el sistema mecánico y se explica los sistemas electrónicos. Se explica, con mayor nivel de detalle, el Software implementados para fabricar piezas de ajedrez, a partir de dibujo realizado en cualquier Software de diseño gráfico. Igualmente se describen los algoritmos básicos y conceptos de conversión a unidades de desplazamiento de los actuadores del sistema, además de la interfaz gráfica que facilita la interrelación del usuario (diseñador) con el sistema CAD.
Proyecto de grado presentado como requisito parcial para optar al título de Ingeniero Electricist... more Proyecto de grado presentado como requisito parcial para optar al título de Ingeniero Electricista Director Ing. CIRO JURADO JEREZ Codirector Ing. JOSÉ ALEJANDRO AMAYA PALACIO UNIVERSIDAD INDUSTRIAL DE SANTANDER FACULTAD DE INGENIERIAS FISICOMECÁNICAS ESCUELA DE INGENÍERA ELÉCTRICA, ELECTRÓNICA Y TELECOMUNICACIONES BUCARAMANGA 2012 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Thermal expansion represents a vital indicator of the processing history and dimensional stabilit... more Thermal expansion represents a vital indicator of the processing history and dimensional stability of materials. Solvent-sensitive, thin, and compliant samples are particularly challenging to test. Here we describe how textures highlighted by contrast enhanced optical microscopy modes (i.e., polarized light (PL), phase contrast (PC)) and bright field (BF) can be used to determine the thermal expansion of polymer films in a contact-free way using digital image correlation (DIC). Three different films were explored: polyetherimide (PEI), polyimide (PI), and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN). Image textural features (e.g., intensity, size, speckle pattern characteristics) obtained by BF, PC, and PL were analyzed by two-dimensional Fourier transform and autocorrelations. The measured in-plane CTEs of PEI, PI, and PEN films, 51.8, 20.5, and 10.2 ppm/K, respectively, closely approached those previously reported using DIC with artificially applied speckle patterns.
We achieved a multiscale description of the thermal conductivity of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs)... more We achieved a multiscale description of the thermal conductivity of cellulose nanocrystals (CNCs) from single CNCs (∼0.72−5.7 W m −1 K −1 ) to their organized nanostructured films (∼0.22−0.53 W m −1 K −1 ) using experimental evidence and molecular dynamics (MD) simulation. The ratio of the approximate phonon mean free path (∼1.7−5.3 nm) to the lateral dimension of a single CNC (∼5−20 nm) suggested a contribution of crystal−crystal interfaces to polydisperse CNC film's heat transport. Based on this, we modeled the thermal conductivity of CNC films using MD-predicted single crystal and interface properties along with the degree of CNC alignment in the bulk films using Hermans order parameter. Film thermal conductivities were strongly correlated to the degree of CNC alignment and the direction of heat flow relative to the CNC chain axis. The low interfacial barrier to heat transport found for CNCs (∼9.4 to 12.6 m 2 K GW −1 ), and their versatile alignment capabilities offer unique opportunities in thermal conductivity control.
The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) films was characterized... more The coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) of cellulose nanocrystal (CNC) films was characterized using novel experimental techniques complemented by molecular simulations. The characteristic birefringence exhibited by CNC films was utilized to calculate the in-plane CTE of selforganized and shear-oriented self-standing CNC films from room temperature to 100°C using polarized light image correlation. CNC alignment was estimated via Hermans order parameter (S) from 2D X-ray diffraction measurements. We found that films with no preferential CNC orientation through the thickness (S: ∼ 0.0) exhibited an isotropic CTE (∼25 ppm/ K). In contrast, films with aligned CNC orientations (S: ∼0.4 to 0.8) had an anisotropic CTE response: For the highest CNC alignment (S: 0.8), the CTE parallel to CNC alignment was ∼9 ppm/K, while that perpendicular to CNC alignment was ∼158 ppm/K. CNC film thermal expansion was proposed to be due primarily to single crystal expansion and CNC−CNC interfacial motion. The relative contributions of inter-and intracrystal responses to heating were explored using molecular dynamics simulations.
Thermal expansion represents a vital indicator of the processing history and dimensional stabilit... more Thermal expansion represents a vital indicator of the processing history and dimensional stability of materials. Solvent-sensitive, thin, and compliant samples are particularly challenging to test. Here we describe how textures highlighted by contrast enhanced optical microscopy modes (i.e., polarized light (PL), phase contrast (PC)) and bright field (BF) can be used to determine the thermal expansion of polymer films in a contact-free way using digital image correlation (DIC). Three different films were explored: polyetherimide (PEI), polyimide (PI), and polyethylene naphthalate (PEN). Image textural features (e.g., intensity, size, speckle pattern characteristics) obtained by BF, PC, and PL were analyzed by two-dimensional Fourier transform and autocorrelations. The measured in-plane CTEs of PEI, PI, and PEN films, 51.8, 20.5, and 10.2 ppm/K, respectively, closely approached those previously reported using DIC with artificially applied speckle patterns.
This paper develops a quantitative analysis of operative risk. We model the volatilities of major... more This paper develops a quantitative analysis of operative risk. We model the volatilities of major financial indices Chemicals Industry for the period 2000-2009. The model uses an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multicriterio technique, to identifying the weight of major financial indices: profitability, indebtedness, liquidity, efficiency and viability. Next, we set up an operative risk measure capturing the whole Industry indices. It becomes the risk measurement benchmark to settle level business risk by a membership function which qualitatively sorts as severe, moderate or low. The model uses time series analysis to predict industry ratios. We use a linear programming model and choose the method that produces the minimum forecast error. Last, we project ratios and their volatility. We use business information issued by the Annual Manufacturing Survey 2010, and information of the 5000 Money Magazine companies. JEL: C61, C32, D81
This paper develops a quantitative analysis of operative risk. We model the volatilities of major... more This paper develops a quantitative analysis of operative risk. We model the volatilities of major financial indices Chemicals Industry for the period 2000-2009. The model uses an Analytical Hierarchy Process (AHP), a multicriterio technique, to identifying the weight of major financial indices: profitability, indebtedness, liquidity, efficiency and viability. Next, we set up an operative risk measure capturing the whole Industry indices. It becomes the risk measurement benchmark to settle level business risk by a membership function which qualitatively sorts as severe, moderate or low. The model uses time series analysis to predict industry ratios. We use a linear programming model and choose the method that produces the minimum forecast error. Last, we project ratios and their volatility. We use business information issued by the Annual Manufacturing Survey 2010, and information of the 5000 Money Magazine companies. JEL: C61, C32, D81
Emergent biological responses develop via unknown processes dependent on physical collision. In h... more Emergent biological responses develop via unknown processes dependent on physical collision. In hypoxia, when the tissue architecture collapses but the geometric core is stable, actin cytoskeleton filament components emerge, revealing a hidden internal order that identifies how each molecule is reassembled into the original mold, using one common connection, i.e., a fractal self-similarity that guides the system from the beginning in reverse metamorphosis, with spontaneous self-assembly of past forms that mimics an embryoid phenotype. We captured this hidden collective filamentous assemblage in progress: Hypoxic deformed cells enter into intercellular collisions, generate migratory ejected filaments, and produce self-assembly of triangular chiral hexagon complexes; this dynamic geometry guides the microenvironment scaffold in which this biological process is incubated, recapitulating embryonic morphogenesis. In all injured tissues, especially in damaged skeletal (striated) muscle ce...
In biology, cancer is the most beautiful natural model of a chaotic system, which under uncontrol... more In biology, cancer is the most beautiful natural model of a chaotic system, which under uncontrolled proliferations, generates extreme disorder that finally causes intercellular collisions. The authors have described and documented fractal self-assembly of geometric triangular chiral hexagonal crystal-like complex organizations (GTCHC) and interface comet tail effect patterns in cancer processes. According to this novel observation cancer incorporates a real visualization world with a great surprising finding in biology, physics, and geology. This visualization platform literally allows us to see what would otherwise remain completely invisible. From theory to practice this irreducible geometric matrix allowed us to identify in geology, real measurable green infrared-electromagnetic stripe line in interface with hexagonal geomorphic pattern, triangular chiral pyramidal rock structures, geology well defined mirror images, template platform to bio signature characterization of ancestral primitive polar head-tail organization, embryoid and human-like shape pattern embedded as giant fossils in rocks that have never been seen before. Electromagnetic field released in collisionimpact events generate in the matrix interphase fractal scalable invariant order of geometric triangular chiral hexagonal structures. The laws of biology and geology can finally be redirected to the laws of physics; specifically magnetic fields create a new kind of classification based on these fractal structural similarities of the relationship. Further interdisciplinary collaboration must be carried out to study these geometric self-assembly geological structures, ancient sediments and rocks that could provide insights into antecedents of life.
The present study describes and documents self-assembly of geometric triangular chiral hexagon cr... more The present study describes and documents self-assembly of geometric triangular chiral hexagon crystal like complex organizations (GTCHC) in human pathological tissues.The authors have found this architectural geometric expression at macroscopic and microscopic levels mainly in cancer processes. This study is based essentially on macroscopic and histopathologic analyses of 3000 surgical specimens: 2600 inflammatory lesions and 400 malignant tumours. Geometric complexes identified photographically at macroscopic level were located in the gross surgical specimen, and these areas were carefully dissected. Samples were taken to carry out histologic analysis. Based on the hypothesis of a collision genesis mechanism and because it is difficult to carry out an appropriate methodological observation in biological systems, the authors designed a model base on other dynamic systems to obtain indirect information in which a strong white flash wave light discharge, generated by an electronic device, hits over the lines of electrical conductance structured in helicoidal pattern. In their experimental model, the authors were able to reproduce and to predict polarity, chirality, helicoid geometry, triangular and hexagonal clusters through electromagnetic sequential collisions. They determined that similar events among constituents of extracelular matrix which drive and produce piezoelectric activity are responsible for the genesis of GTCHC complexes in pathological tissues. This research suggests that molecular crystals represented by triangular chiral hexagons derived from a collision-attraction event against collagen type I fibrils emerge at microscopic and macroscopic scales presenting a lateral assembly of each side of hypertrophy helicoid fibers, that represent energy flow in cooperative hierarchically chiral electromagnetic interaction in pathological tissues and arises as a geometry of the equilibrium in perturbed biological systems. Further interdisciplinary studies must be carried out to reproduce, manipulate and amplify their activity and probably use them as a base to develop new therapeutic strategies in cancer.
In a previous research, we have described and documented self-assembly of geometric triangular ch... more In a previous research, we have described and documented self-assembly of geometric triangular chiral hexagon crystal-like complex organizations (GTCHC) in human pathological tissues. This article documents and gathers insights into the magnetic field in cancer tissues and also how it generates an invariant functional geometric attractor constituted for collider partners in their entangled environment. The need to identify this hierarquic attractor was born out of the concern to understand how the vascular net of these complexes are organized, and to determine if the spiral vascular subpatterns observed adjacent to GTCHC complexes and their assembly are interrelational. The study focuses on cancer tissues and all the macroscopic and microscopic material in which GTCHC complexes are identified, which have been overlooked so far, and are rigorously revised. This revision follows the same parameters that were established in the initial phase of the investigation, but with a new item: the visualization and documentation of external dorsal serous vascular bed areas in spatial correlation with the localization of GTCHC complexes inside the tumors. Following the standard of the electro-optical collision model, we were able to reproduce and replicate collider patterns, that is, pairs of left and right hand spin-spiraled subpatterns, associated with the orientation of the spinning process that can be an expansion or contraction disposition of light particles. Agreement between this model and tumor data is surprisingly close; electromagnetic spiral patterns generated were identical at the spiral vascular arrangement in connection with GTCHC complexes in malignant tumors. These findings suggest that the framework of collagen type 1 - vasoactive vessels that structure geometric attractors in cancer tissues with invariant morphology sets generate collider partners in their magnetic domain with opposite biological behavior. If these principles are incorporated into nanomaterial, biomedical devices, and engineered tissues, new therapeutic strategies could be developed for cancer treatment.
Cancer is, by definition, the uncontrolled growth of autonomous cells that eventually destroy adj... more Cancer is, by definition, the uncontrolled growth of autonomous cells that eventually destroy adjacent tissues and generate architectural disorder. However, this concept cannot be totally true. In three well documented studies, we have demonstrated that cancer tissues produce order zones that evolve over time and generate embryoid body structures in a space-time interval. The authors decided to revise the macroscopic and microscopic material in well-developed malignant tumors in which embryoid bodies were identified to determine the phenotype characterization that serves as a guideline for easy recognition. The factors responsible for this morphogenesis are physical, bioelectric, and magnetic susceptibilities produced by crystals that act as molecular designers for the topographic gradients that guide the surrounding silhouette and establish tissue head-tail positional identities. The structures are located in amniotic-like cavities and show characteristic somite-like embryologic segmentation. Immunophenotypic study has demonstrated exclusion factor positional identity in relation to enolase-immunopositive expression of embryoid body and human chorionic gonadotropin immunopositivity exclusion factor expression in the surrounding tissues. The significance of these observations is that they can also be predicted by experimental image data collected by the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) accelerator at the European Organization for Nuclear Research, in which two-beam subatomic collision particles in the resulting debris show hyperorder domains similar to those identified by us in intercellular cancer collisions. Our findings suggest that we are dealing with true reverse biologic system information in an activated collective cancer stem cell memory, in which physics participates in the elaboration of geometric complexes and chiral biomolecules that serve to build bodies with embryoid print as it develops during gestation. Reversal mechanisms in biology are intimately linked with DNA repair. Further genotype studies must be carried out to determine whether the subproducts of these structures can be used in novel strategies to treat cancer.
We have documented self-assembled geometric triangular chiral crystal complexes (GTCHC) and a fra... more We have documented self-assembled geometric triangular chiral crystal complexes (GTCHC) and a framework of collagen vascular invariant geometric attractors in cancer tissues. This article shows how this system evolves in time. These structures are incorporated together and evolve in different ways. When the geometric core is stable, and the tissue architecture collapses, fragmented components emerge, which reveal a hidden interior identifying how each molecule is reassembled into the original mold, using one common connection, ie, a fractal self-similarity that guided the system from the beginning. GTCHC complexes generate ejected crystal comet tail effects and produce strange helicity states that arise in the form of spin domain interactions. As the crystal growth vibration stage progresses, biofractal echo images converge in a master-built construction of embryoid bodies with enolase-selective immunopositivity in relation to clusters of triangular chiral cell organization. In our electro-optic collision model, we were able to predict and replicate all the characteristics of this complex geometry that connects a physical phenomenon with the signal patterns that generate biologic chaos. Intrinsically, fractal geometry makes spatial correction errors embrace the chaotic system in a way that permits new structures to emerge, and as a result, an ordered self-assembly of embryoid bodies with neural differentiation at the final stage of cancer development is a predictable process. We hope that further investigation of these structures will lead not only to a new way of thinking about physics and biology, but also to a rewarding area in cancer research.
Papers by Jairo Diaz