Sustainability, 2021
The increasing penetration of renewable electricity generation is complicating the bidding and es... more The increasing penetration of renewable electricity generation is complicating the bidding and estimating processes of electricity prices, partly due to the shift of the overall cost sensitivity from operation (fuel) costs to investment costs. However, cost minimization models for capacity expansion are frequently based on the principle that, for a perfectly adapted system allowing non-served energy, marginal remuneration allows overall operation and investments costs recovery. In addition, these models are usually formulated as finite-horizon problems when they should be theoretically solved for infinite horizons under the assumption of companies’ infinite lifespan, but infinite horizon cannot be dealt with mathematical programming since it requires finite sets. Previous approaches have tried to overcome this drawback with finite horizon models that tend asymptotically to the original infinite ones and, in many cases, the investment costs are annualized based on the plants’ lifespa...

International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2020
This work proposes a mathematical linear programming model that addresses the food provisioning p... more This work proposes a mathematical linear programming model that addresses the food provisioning problem of the food bank of Madrid. It aims to determine the most appropriate weekly decisions to meet the macro-nutritional requirements of the beneficiaries of this social service, by minimizing the total cost considering third-party donations. The model has been applied to a realistic case study considering a sociological structure of beneficiaries categorized by age and gender and representing the first decile of incomes of the Spanish population. The demand of macronutrients is satisfied by means of nine different groups of food, used to provide some level of variability in the consumption patterns of the beneficiaries. The results provide insight on cost-cutting opportunities related to centralizing the decision-making process, indicating a 10% reduction both in provisioning costs and food quantities. This suggests that the proposed model might serve as a tool for designing new stra...
Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias Centro de Investigacion Regional Pacifico Sur Campo Experimenta... more Forestales, Agricolas y Pecuarias Centro de Investigacion Regional Pacifico Sur Campo Experimental “Zacatepec” Desplegable para productores Num. 30 Agosto 2013 Actualizacion del paquete tecnologico para la produccion de maiz en el estado de Morelos CONTROL DE MALAS HIERBAS Para obtener buenos rendimientos de maiz, el cultivo debe mantenerse limpio, durante los siguientes 45 dias despues de la siembra.

Archivos De Medicina, 2014
Infertility affects approximately 15% of reproductive age couples. Advances in technology and kno... more Infertility affects approximately 15% of reproductive age couples. Advances in technology and knowledge in the area of reproductive medicine have solved some of the problems related to infertility, based on a series of medical tests and physical exams what permit to obtain a better prognosis for the resolution of infertility. The andrology has been part of the cornerstone in the diagnosis and treatment of the infertile couple, also the integration of new techniques to observe the change in the measurement of semen and sperm DNA fragmentation (DNAf) are of utmost importance. Objective: To determine alterations in semen and relate their presence with DNA fragmentation in patients with infertility. Methodology: semen samples were analyzed based on the guidelines established by the World Health Organization (WHO) and sperm DNA integrity was analyzed for each sample.

Simposio Didactica De Lenguas Y Culturas 1993 Isbn 84 88301 76 6 Pags 113 120, 1993
Según afirman las más recientes disciplinas pragmalingüísticas "hablar es actuar sobre la realida... more Según afirman las más recientes disciplinas pragmalingüísticas "hablar es actuar sobre la realidad". Se deduce de esta afirmación que la palabra modela o puede modelar, en cierto modo, el contexto social en que es utilizada. Ello es posible porque contiene importantes claves del sistema cultural que define tal realidad. La palabra es, en este sentido, depositaria de la cosmovisión universal del individuo, efecto y causa de su comportamiento, clave definitiva y definitoria de su modelo cultural, su forma de entender la realidad, situarse y comunicarse con su contexto, conocerse. El dominio de la palabra, su didáctica, ofrece así en primer lugar la posibilidad instrumental de operar sobre la sociedad, actuar sobre ella y constantemente definirla. Pero la palabra se convierte, al mismo tiempo, en campo de acción sobre el que, a su vez, trabajan ideologías y modelos de pensamiento con el fin, naturalmente, de crear nuevos esquemas culturales.

Ciência & Saúde Coletiva, 2013
El Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) español, creado en 1986, tiene como uno de sus pilares la aten... more El Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) español, creado en 1986, tiene como uno de sus pilares la atención primaria de salud (APS). Desde su nacimiento, el modelo español de APS ha sido objeto de elogios y de críticas. El actual momento de crisis de financiación de las políticas públicas, entre ellas la de salud, está resucitando viejos debates y planteando otros nuevos. El presente artículo examina los datos que se conocen sobre el grado de aceptación del modelo de APS por parte de los ciudadanos españoles, así como datos del debate de administraciones, pacientes y profesionales durante los últimos cinco años. Al final, los autores tratan de extraer algunas conclusiones que los decisores políticos deberían tener en cuenta para, partiendo de las fortalezas y debilidades comúnmente admitidas del modelo de APS, hacer frente a la difícil situación actual evitando errores derivados de decisiones improvisadas a causa de las urgencias del momento.
Retórica y texto:[III Encuentro Interdisciplinar …, 1998
... Autores: Alberto Manuel Ruiz Campos; Localización: Retórica y texto : [III Encuentro Interdis... more ... Autores: Alberto Manuel Ruiz Campos; Localización: Retórica y texto : [III Encuentro Interdisciplinar sobre Retórica, Texto y Comunicaciones] / coord. por Antonio Ruiz Castellanos, Antonia Víñez Sánchez, Juan Sáez Durán, 1998, ISBN 84-7786-29-5 , págs. 489-492; Recoge ...

Electric Power Systems Research, 2014
The continuous penetration of intermittent technologies is gradually reinforcing the technical an... more The continuous penetration of intermittent technologies is gradually reinforcing the technical and economic importance of electricity ancillary services, which are responsible for guaranteeing the reliability and security of the power systems. Generation companies', regulating entities, system operators and other institutions (such as researchers on these fields) are more and more concerned on using market models to forecast most relevant outcomes for particular markets (such as energy and reserves cleared quantities and prices), under different simulation scenarios (such as costs or demand) and under different markets structures (such as more competitive or more oligopolistic). This paper reviews most energy and reserve markets implementations (mainly focusing on reserve types and dispatching methods), and discusses different approaches to model them. A theoretical equilibrium model for energy and reserve markets is also proposed.

The Auk, 2010
Resumen.-Antilophia bokermanni (Passeriformes: Pipridae) es la especie de paseriforme más amenaza... more Resumen.-Antilophia bokermanni (Passeriformes: Pipridae) es la especie de paseriforme más amenazada y está clasificada como en peligro crítico. Con una población estimada de sólo 800 individuos, esta especie es endémica de un área pequeña (∼30 km 2) de bosque en las faldas de la meseta de Araripe en el noreste de Brasil. La necesidad de implementar de forma urgente un programa de conservación efectivo para A. bokermanni ha estimulado intensas investigaciones sobre varios aspectos de su biología. Secuenciamos un segmento del ADNmt ubicado entre los genes ND6 y 12S ADNr, el cual incluye una falsa región de control. Esta región fue analizada en 30 especímenes de A. bokermanni con el objeto de medir la diversidad genética intraespecífica y la estructura poblacional. Aunque la posición del segmento es la misma que ha sido descrita en otras especies de aves, A. bokermanni difiere en algunos aspectos, como su longitud de 200 pares de bases y la ausencia de inserciones o deleciones y de repeticiones en tándem. Nuestros análisis no brindan evidencia de subestructura poblacional ni de una historia de expansión poblacional. La variabilidad genética de la especie es ligeramente reducida en comparación con su especie hermana A. galeata, pero su similitud indica un proceso de separación relativamente reciente.
Perinatol. reprod. …, 1997
Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 214305 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [ref... more Base de dados : LILACS. Pesquisa : 214305 [Identificador único]. Referências encontradas : 1 [refinar]. Mostrando: 1 .. 1 no formato [Detalhado]. página 1 de 1, 1 / 1, LILACS, seleciona. para imprimir. Fotocópia. experimental, Documentos relacionados. Id: 214305. ...

The Lesser Black-backed Gull, Larus fuscus Linnaeus, 1758, has been expanding its worldwide distr... more The Lesser Black-backed Gull, Larus fuscus Linnaeus, 1758, has been expanding its worldwide distribution from the original range in Europe, and was recorded for the first time in the Americas in 1850 (Boetmann 1994). The closest record to the Brazilian territory was made in French Guyana (Devillers 1979). According to Grant (1986), two subspecies are recognized: L. f. intermedius Schioler, 1922 and L. f. graellsii Brehm, 1857, the latter colonizing predominantly the western hemisphere (Post and Lewis 1995a). Other authors (e.g., Cramp and Simmons 1983, Glutz von Blotzheim and Bauer 1982) consider the existence of two other Eurasian forms, which Grant (1986) identifies as subspecies of the Herring Gull, Larus argentatus Pontoppidan, 1763. In November 15, 2005, A.C.M. and C.P.N.S. photographed (Figure 1) a solitary gull in the eastern coast of the state of Ceara (at 4o28’04”S, 37o44’31”W), near the mouth of the Jaguaribe River. The bird corresponded to the description of Larus fuscus provided by Harrison (1985), Post and Lewis (1995a,b), and Olsen and Larsson (1994). Other possibilities considered were the Great Black-backed Gull, Larus marinus Linnaeus, 1758 and the Kelp Gull, L. dominicanus Lichtenstein, 1823. The former has never been recorded in Brazil, while the latter is a common species in the southern Brazilian coast that only eventually reaches waters further north to the coasts of Espirito Santo or southern Bahia. Nonetheless, neither of them has such a slender, grayish bill with a black tip at any age, and the Kelp Gull also lacks the white tail feathers with a subterminal black band visible in the pictures (Figure 1). The individual photographed presumably had three years of age, apparently lacking only one molt to attain mature plumage (B. M. Whitney in litt. 2005). Color versions of the photographs will be published in the site of the Brazilian Ornithological Records Committee ( as supplementary documentation for the record. Small numbers of L. fuscus have been observed wintering throughout the Caribbean in November–April (Olsen and Larsson 1994), coinciding with the period when the species was observed in Ceara. This record reinforces the possibility of an expansion of the wintering range of the species. We suggest the use of the name “gaivota-de-asa-escura” in Brazil, indicating its dark wings, for the species already has a Portuguese name (in Portugal): “gaivota-d’asa-escura” (Costa et al. 2000).
Documented records of five terns (Charadriiformes: Sternidae) new for the State of Ceará, north-e... more Documented records of five terns (Charadriiformes: Sternidae) new for the State of Ceará, north-east Brazil. We present new records, based on museum specimens and/or photographs, of five species of Sternidade for the State of Ceará in north- east Brazil, namely, Black Noddy Anous minutus (apparently the first from Brazilian mainland), Least Tern Sternula antillarum, Black Tern Chlidonias niger, Arctic Tern