El planteamiento de este articulo implica la identificacion de la travesia como elemento individu... more El planteamiento de este articulo implica la identificacion de la travesia como elemento individualizable dentro de la red de carreteras y, al mismo tiempo, una hipotesis de partida: suponer que toda travesia es o puede llegar a ser un punto conflictivo en la red de carreteras.

revista PH, 2005
La red ferroviaria andaluza es heredera en gran medida de un conjunto de actuaciones sin coordina... more La red ferroviaria andaluza es heredera en gran medida de un conjunto de actuaciones sin coordinación, desarrolladas durante el XIX, que responden a necesidades de transporte hacia y desde los centros industriales más importantes de Europa. Su carácter fragmentario se agudizó durante el pasado siglo en el que además se produjeron importantes cierres de líneas. En el marco del Estado de las Autonomías se plantea la concepción de una red ferroviaria en perspectiva regional, que resuelva satisfactoriamente las conexiones con el resto peninsular y oferte un transporte de calidad entre los principales centros urbanos de Andalucía, dando cobertura, asimismo, a la franja litoral. En este sentido hay que resaltar el nuevo acceso ferroviario a Andalucía por Brazatortas, la línea también de alta velocidad Córdoba-Málaga en construcción y otras importantes actuaciones efectuadas y programadas que configurarán esa red.

Genetics Selection Evolution, 2015
Background: The development of next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS) has made the use of ... more Background: The development of next-generation sequencing technologies (NGS) has made the use of wholegenome sequence data for routine genetic evaluations possible, which has triggered a considerable interest in animal and plant breeding fields. Here, we investigated whether complete or partial sequence data can improve upon existing SNP (single nucleotide polymorphism) array-based selection strategies by simulation using a mixed coalescence-gene-dropping approach. Results: We simulated 20 or 100 causal mutations (quantitative trait nucleotides, QTN) within 65 predefined 'gene' regions, each 10 kb long, within a genome composed of ten 3-Mb chromosomes. We compared prediction accuracy by cross-validation using a medium-density chip (7.5 k SNPs), a high-density (HD, 17 k) and sequence data (335 k). Genetic evaluation was based on a GBLUP method. The simulations showed: (1) a law of diminishing returns with increasing number of SNPs; (2) a modest effect of SNP ascertainment bias in arrays; (3) a small advantage of using whole-genome sequence data vs. HD arrays i.e.~4%; (4) a minor effect of NGS errors except when imputation error rates are high (≥20%); and (5) if QTN were known, prediction accuracy approached 1. Since this is obviously unrealistic, we explored milder assumptions. We showed that, if all SNPs within causal genes were included in the prediction model, accuracy could also dramatically increase by~40%. However, this criterion was highly sensitive to either misspecification (including wrong genes) or to the use of an incomplete gene list; in these cases, accuracy fell rapidly towards that reached when all SNPs from sequence data were blindly included in the model. Conclusions: Our study shows that, unless an accurate prior estimate on the functionality of SNPs can be included in the predictor, there is a law of diminishing returns with increasing SNP density. As a result, use of whole-genome sequence data may not result in a highly increased selection response over high-density genotyping.
![Research paper thumbnail of [Congenital heart disease, heterotaxia and laterality]](
Revista española de cardiología, 2002
Congenital heart disease occurs in about 0,8% of all newborns. Many cardiac malformations occur a... more Congenital heart disease occurs in about 0,8% of all newborns. Many cardiac malformations occur among relatives and have a polymorphic presentation. The origin of most congenital heart disease is thought to be multifactorial, implying both anomalous expression of genes and the influence of epigenetic factors. However, in a small number of cases, the origin of congenital heart disease has been directly related to chromosomal anomalies or to defects in a single gene. Curiously, defects in a single gene can explain a polymorphic presentation if the anomalous gene controls a basic embryonic process that affects different organs in time and space. Some of these genes appear to control the establishment of laterality. The establishment of the left-right asymmetry starts at the Hensen node. Here, the initial embryonic symmetry is broken by cascades of gene activation that confer specific properties on the left and right sides of the embryo. Although there are variations between species, so...
Reactividad de anticuerpos policlonales anti-glicomacropéptido de suero de quesería bovino frente... more Reactividad de anticuerpos policlonales anti-glicomacropéptido de suero de quesería bovino frente al glicomacropéptido de suero de quesería de oveja Reactivity of polyclonal antibodies toward glycomacropeptide of bovine cheese whey in front of the glycomacropeptide of cheese whey from sheep
Oral Surgery, Oral Medicine, Oral Pathology, Oral Radiology, and Endodontology, 2011

Drug Testing and Analysis, 2013
New bioanalytical assays were developed, validated, and applied in a clinical study for quantitat... more New bioanalytical assays were developed, validated, and applied in a clinical study for quantitative measurement of acetaminophen concentrations in blood and plasma samples. Furthermore, after validation, the bioanalytical assays were used for determination of pharmacokinetics within a group of six healthy male human volunteers after admission of a single oral dose of 500 mg of acetaminophen. Quantitative analyses were done by means of liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry and blood samples were collected at various sampling time points using different peripheral blood microsampling techniques. Post-dose peripheral collected blood samples were applied for the preparation of dry blood spots, dried matrix on paper discs, and peripheral plasma. Pharmacokinetic parameters determined were clearance (Cl), area under the curve (AUC), volume of distribution (Vd ), peak concentration (Cmax ), time of occurrence of peak concentration (Tmax ) and half-life time (T½ ). Observed pharmacokinetic values were not statistically (ANOVA) different compared to in literature reported values based on venous blood collection. The present pilot study demonstrated the feasibility of peripheral blood microsampling techniques in combination with quantitative liquid chromatography-high resolution mass spectrometry analysis for the determination of pharmacokinetics in clinical studies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.