Papers by Joachim Reinwein
Revue québécoise de linguistique, 1987
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
Québec français, 1983
Reinwein, Joachim TITLE Etude du contexte visuel en lecture a l'aide d'une nouvelle technique d'a... more Reinwein, Joachim TITLE Etude du contexte visuel en lecture a l'aide d'une nouvelle technique d'auto-presentation segmentee (APS). (Study of Reading Context with the Aid of a New Segmented Auto-Presentation Technique [CAPS)). PUB DATE Dec 93 NOTE 32p.
Revue québécoise de linguistique, May 1, 2009
Journal of Psycholinguistic Research
Syntaxe & sémantique, 2002
Dans Syntaxe & Sémantique Syntaxe & Sémantique 2002/1 (N° 3) 2002/1 (N° 3), pages 25 à 38 Édition... more Dans Syntaxe & Sémantique Syntaxe & Sémantique 2002/1 (N° 3) 2002/1 (N° 3), pages 25 à 38 Éditions Presses universitaires de Caen Presses universitaires de Caen
Québec français, 1988
Revue québécoise de linguistique, May 7, 2009
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
Info DaF. Informationen Deutsch als Fremdsprache, May 1, 1978
ED 350 820 FL 020 435 AUTHOR Reinwein, Joachim TITLE L'effet de la mise en page d'un livre sur le... more ED 350 820 FL 020 435 AUTHOR Reinwein, Joachim TITLE L'effet de la mise en page d'un livre sur le pairage du texte et de I'illustration par le jeune lecteur (The Effect of Book Layout on the Linking of Text and Illustrations by the Young Reader). PUB DATE Jan 92 NOTE 29p.
Canadian Journal of Linguistics, Mar 1, 1994
L'objet principal de ce travail est de faire 1'historique de l'illustration dans les ... more L'objet principal de ce travail est de faire 1'historique de l'illustration dans les dictionnaires de langue, les encyclopedies et les dictionnaires encyclopediques, regroupes sous le titre d'ouvrages lexicographiques, et de d ta i re l'usage actuel de celle-ci. C'est un sujet qui n'a fait l'objet que de quelques recherches, bien que les encyclopedies, des le d^but du 18e siecle, et les dictionnaires, de plus en plus des le milieu du 19e siecle, aient eu recours a l'image. (p. 470)
Québec français, 1983
Le rôle du contexte dans les premiers apprentissages en lecture Quelques résultats Le tableau I r... more Le rôle du contexte dans les premiers apprentissages en lecture Quelques résultats Le tableau I résume les résultats des 24 enfants qui ont participé à l'expérimentation.

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, Oct 12, 2011
The modality effect is a central issue in multimedia learning [see Mayer (Cambridge University Pr... more The modality effect is a central issue in multimedia learning [see Mayer (Cambridge University Press, 2005a), for a review]. Sweller's Cognitive Load Theory (CLT), for example, presumes that an illustrated text is better understood when presented visually rather than orally. The predictive power of CLT lies in how it links in to Baddeley's (1986) model of working memory and Penney's (Mem Cognit 17:398-442, 1989) Separate-Streams Hypothesis. Ginns's (Learn Instr 4:313-331, 2005) recent meta-analysis also supports the modality effect (d = 0.72, based on 43 independent effects). This article replicates the meta-analysis of the modality effect based on 86 independent effects (with within-study subgroups as the unit of analysis and with mean of the outcomes as the dependent measure), with results showing a reduction of the overall effect size by almost half (d = 0.38), and even more when Duval and Tweedie's Trim and Fill method is used to correct publication bias (d = 0.20). This article also widens the scope of the analysis of moderator variables (e.g. Pace of presentation, Type of visualization, Research group) as well as their potentially confounded effects. Finally, it is argued that, for theoretical reasons, the so-called modality effect cannot be based on Penney's or Baddeley's theories and must be explained in a different way.

A meta-analysis examined a series of studies by F.M. Dwyer on the effect of illustrations on text... more A meta-analysis examined a series of studies by F.M. Dwyer on the effect of illustrations on text comprehension. Principal component analysis was used to reduce the four posttests used by Dwyer to more fundamental factors of learning, followed by analyses of variance. All nine studies (involving secondary-school and college students) in which Dwyer provides the mean results for each experimental group and its control group for the identification, drawing, comprehension, and terminology tests were used. Results indicated that 2 factors (a vocabulary learning factor and a text-comprehension factor) accounted for most of the variance. Results also indicated a profound dichotomy between the vocabulary learning factor and the text comprehension factor results-the absence and presence of pictures, the degree of pictorial realism, and the absence and presence of color are all significant variables with respect to the vocabulary factor, but nonsignificant with respect to the text-comprehension factor. Findings suggest significant main effects only for the vocabulary factor, thus putting into question Dwyer's central hypothesis that realistic pictures accompanying text are significantly less effective than abstract ones. (Contains 87 references, 13 tables and 1 figure of data. Appendixes provide examples from the four posttests used in Dwyer's studies.) (RS)
Montreal: Éditions Études Vivantes, 64 pages, 1984
Matériel didactique (guides didactiques, livres et livrets de lecture, cahiers d’activités) conçu... more Matériel didactique (guides didactiques, livres et livrets de lecture, cahiers d’activités) conçu pour le programme de français en vigueur depuis mai 1979 au Québec (école primaire, français langue maternelle, 1re - 3e années). [School books (guidebooks, reading books, activity books) designed for the French program in effect since May 1979 in Quebec (primary school, 1st - 3rd years)].
Discussion des notions de type de discours et de type de texte (a travers le modele de Buhler) et... more Discussion des notions de type de discours et de type de texte (a travers le modele de Buhler) et analyse de manuels de francais du Quebec
Éditions Études Vivantes, 1981
Matériel didactique (guides didactiques, livres et livrets de lecture, cahiers d’activités) conçu... more Matériel didactique (guides didactiques, livres et livrets de lecture, cahiers d’activités) conçu pour le programme de français en vigueur depuis mai 1979 au Québec (école primaire, français langue maternelle, 1re - 3e années).
[School books (guidebooks, reading books, activity books) designed for the French program in effect since May 1979 in Quebec (primary school, 1st - 3rd years)].

Journal of Psycholinguistic Research, 2012
The modality effect is a central issue in multimedia learning [see Mayer (Cambridge University Pr... more The modality effect is a central issue in multimedia learning [see Mayer (Cambridge University Press, 2005a), for a review]. Sweller's Cognitive Load Theory (CLT), for example, presumes that an illustrated text is better understood when presented visually rather than orally. The predictive power of CLT lies in how it links into Baddeley's (1986) model of working memory and Penney's (Mem Cognit 17:398-442, 1989) Separate-Streams Hypothesis. Ginns's (Learn Instr 4:313-331, 2005) recent meta-analysis also supports the modality effect (d = 0.72, based on 43 independent effects). This article replicates the meta-analysis of the modality effect based on 86 independent effects (with within-study subgroups as the unit of analysis and with mean of the outcomes as the dependent measure), with results showing a reduction of the overall effect size by almost half (d = 0.38), and even more when Duval and Tweedie's Trim and Fill method is used to correct publication bias (d = 0.20). This article also widens the scope of the analysis of moderator variables (e.g., Pace of presentation, Type of visualization, Research group) as well as their potentially confounded effects. Finally, it is argued that, for theoretical reasons, the so-called modality effect cannot be based on Penney's or Baddeley's theories and must be explained in a different way.
Papers by Joachim Reinwein
[School books (guidebooks, reading books, activity books) designed for the French program in effect since May 1979 in Quebec (primary school, 1st - 3rd years)].
[School books (guidebooks, reading books, activity books) designed for the French program in effect since May 1979 in Quebec (primary school, 1st - 3rd years)].
School books (guidebooks, reading books, activity books) designed for the French program in effect since May 1979 in Quebec (primary school, 1st - 3rd years).
[School books (guidebooks, reading books, activity books) designed for the French program in effect since May 1979 in Quebec (primary school, 1st - 3rd years)].
[School books (guidebooks, reading books, activity books) designed for the French program in effect since May 1979 in Quebec (primary school, 1st - 3rd years)].
[School books (guidebooks, reading books, activity books) designed for the French program in effect since May 1979 in Quebec (primary school, 1st - 3rd years)].
[School books (guidebooks, reading books, activity books) designed for the French program in effect since May 1979 in Quebec (primary school, 1st - 3rd years)].
[School books (guidebooks, reading books, activity books) designed for the French program in effect since May 1979 in Quebec (primary school, 1st - 3rd years)].