Papers by J. Reichenbacher
European Physical Journal C, Mar 31, 2022
Liquid argon time projection chamber detector technology provides high spatial and calorimetric r... more Liquid argon time projection chamber detector technology provides high spatial and calorimetric resolutions on the charged particles traversing liquid argon. As a result, the technology has been used in a number of recent neutrino experiments, and is the technology of choice for the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE). In order to perform high precision measurements of neutrinos in the detector, final state particles need to be effectively identified, and their energy accurately reconstructed. This article proposes an algorithm based on a convolutional neural network to perform the classification of energy deposits and reconstructed particles as track-like

Journal of Instrumentation, 2022
The ProtoDUNE-SP detector is a single-phase liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) that wa... more The ProtoDUNE-SP detector is a single-phase liquid argon time projection chamber (LArTPC) that was constructed and operated in the CERN North Area at the end of the H4 beamline. This detector is a prototype for the first far detector module of the Deep Underground Neutrino Experiment (DUNE), which will be constructed at the Sandford Underground Research Facility (SURF) in Lead, South Dakota, U.S.A. The ProtoDUNE-SP detector incorporates full-size components as designed for DUNE and has an active volume of 7 × 6 × 7.2 m3. The H4 beam delivers incident particles with well-measured momenta and high-purity particle identification. ProtoDUNE-SP's successful operation between 2018 and 2020 demonstrates the effectiveness of the single-phase far detector design. This paper describes the design, construction, assembly and operation of the detector components.

LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is a dark matter detector expected to obtain world-leading sensitivity to weakly ... more LUX-ZEPLIN (LZ) is a dark matter detector expected to obtain world-leading sensitivity to weakly interacting massive particles (WIMPs) interacting via nuclear recoils with a ~7-tonne xenon target mass. This manuscript presents sensitivity projections to several low-energy signals of the complementary electron recoil signal type: 1) an effective neutrino magnetic moment and 2) an effective neutrino millicharge, both for pp-chain solar neutrinos, 3) an axion flux generated by the Sun, 4) axion-like particles forming the galactic dark matter, 5) hidden photons, 6) mirror dark matter, and 7) leptophilic dark matter. World-leading sensitivities are expected in each case, a result of the large 5.6t 1000d exposure and low expected rate of electron recoil backgrounds in the $<$100keV energy regime. A consistent signal generation, background model and profile-likelihood analysis framework is used throughout.

Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research Section A: Accelerators, Spectrometers, Detectors and Associated Equipment, 2014
We describe a muon track reconstruction algorithm for the reactor anti-neutrino experiment Double... more We describe a muon track reconstruction algorithm for the reactor anti-neutrino experiment Double Chooz. The Double Chooz detector consists of two optically isolated volumes of liquid scintillator viewed by PMTs, and an Outer Veto above these made of crossed scintillator strips. Muons are reconstructed by their Outer Veto hit positions along with timing information from the other two detector volumes. All muons are fit under the hypothesis that they are through-going and ultrarelativistic. If the energy depositions suggest that the muon may have stopped, the reconstruction fits also for this hypothesis and chooses between the two via the relative goodness-of-fit. In the ideal case of a through-going muon intersecting the center of the detector, the resolution is ∼40 mm in each transverse dimension. High quality muon reconstruction is an important tool for reducing the impact of the cosmogenic isotope background in Double Chooz.
The Double Chooz Reactor Neutrino Experiment in France plans to quickly measure the neutrino mixi... more The Double Chooz Reactor Neutrino Experiment in France plans to quickly measure the neutrino mixing angle theta-13, or limit it to sin^2 2-theta_13 less than 0.025. The physics reach, experimental site, detector structures, scintillator, photodetection, electronics, calibration and ...

The European Physical Journal C
This article describes the setup and performance of the near and far detectors in the Double Choo... more This article describes the setup and performance of the near and far detectors in the Double Chooz experiment. The electron antineutrinos of the Chooz nuclear power plant were measured in two identically designed detectors with different average baselines of about 400 m and 1050 m from the two reactor cores. Over many years of data taking the neutrino signals were extracted from interactions in the detectors with the goal of measuring a fundamental parameter in the context of neutrino oscillation, the mixing angle $$\theta _{13}$$ θ 13 . The central part of the Double Chooz detectors was a main detector comprising four cylindrical volumes filled with organic liquids. From the inside towards the outside there were volumes containing gadolinium-loaded scintillator, gadolinium-free scintillator, a buffer oil and, optically separated, another liquid scintillator acting as veto system. Above this main detector an additional outer veto system using plastic scintillator strips was installe...

Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 1998
ABSTRACT The KARMEN experiment at the ISIS spallation source has enhanced its sensitivity for osc... more ABSTRACT The KARMEN experiment at the ISIS spallation source has enhanced its sensitivity for oscillations in 1996 by the installation of an additional large area veto counter system. Consisting of 136 highly transparent plastic scintillator modules, the new veto is completely embedded inside the experiment&#39;s 7000 tonne steel blockhouse. It allows to eliminate the main background component in the search for appearance originating from high energy neutrons induced by deep inelastic scattering of cosmic ray muons in the massive shielding. First measurements after the detector upgrade show a substantial reduction of this background meeting the expected factor of 40. If no oscillation signal is seen after 3 years of measuring (1997–1999) KARMEN will be able to exclude mixing amplitudes of sin22Θ≃1x10-3. The ongoing KARMEN2 measurements will thus allow a decisive and reliable test of the entire parameter space favoured by the positive result of LSND.An even higher oscillation sensitivity can be achieved by experiments at future high intensity short spill proton accelerators such as the planned European Spallation Source ESS.
Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics, 1998
The neutrino experiment KARMEN is situated at the beam stop neutrino source ISIS. It provides num... more The neutrino experiment KARMEN is situated at the beam stop neutrino source ISIS. It provides numu&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s, nue&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s and nu¯mu&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s in equal intensities from the pi+ - mu+ decay at rest (DAR). The oscillation channels numu --&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; nue and nu¯mu --&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;gt; nu¯e are investigated in the appearance mode with a 56 t liquid scintillation calorimeter at a mean distance of 17.7

Physics Letters B, 2014
The oscillation results published by the Double Chooz collaboration in 2011 and 2012 rely on back... more The oscillation results published by the Double Chooz collaboration in 2011 and 2012 rely on background models substantiated by reactor-on data. In this analysis, we present a backgroundmodel-independent measurement of the mixing angle θ13 by including 7.53 days of reactor-off data. A global fit of the observed antineurino rates for different reactor power conditions is performed, yielding a measurement of both θ13 and the total background rate. The results on the mixing angle are improved significantly by including the reactor-off data in the fit, as it provides a direct measurement of the total background rate. This reactor rate modulation analysis considers antineutrino candidates with neutron captures on both Gd and H, whose combination yields sin 2 (2θ13) = 0.102 ± 0.028(stat.) ± 0.033(syst.). The results presented in this study are fully consistent with the ones already published by Double Chooz, achieving a competitive precision. They provide, for the first time, a determination of θ13 that does not depend on a background model.
Physical Review Letters, 2006
Physical Review Letters, 2008
Physical Review Letters, 2008
A search for a sidereal modulation in the MINOS near detector neutrino data was performed. If pre... more A search for a sidereal modulation in the MINOS near detector neutrino data was performed. If present, this signature could be a consequence of Lorentz and CPT violation as predicted by a class of extensions to the Standard Model. No evidence for a sidereal signal in the data set was found,
Physical Review Letters, 2008
Physical Review Letters, 2003
We investigated µ + decays at rest produced at the ISIS beam stop target. Lepton flavor (LF) cons... more We investigated µ + decays at rest produced at the ISIS beam stop target. Lepton flavor (LF) conservation has been tested by searching forν e via the detection reaction p (ν e , e + ) n . Noν e signal from LF violating µ + decays was identified. We extract upper limits of the branching ratio for the LF violating decay µ + → e + +ν e + (ν) compared to the Standard Model (SM) µ + → e + + ν e +ν µ decay: BR < 0.9(1.7)·10 −3 (90% C.L.) depending on the spectral distribution ofν e characterized by the Michel parameterρ = 0.75(0.0) . These results improve earlier limits by one order of magnitude and restrict extensions of the SM in whichν e emission from µ + decay is allowed with considerable strength. The decay µ + → e + +ν e + ν µ as source for theν e signal observed in the LSND experiment can be excluded.
![Research paper thumbnail of Indication of Reactor ν[over ¯]_{e} Disappearance in the Double Chooz Experiment](
Physical Review Letters, 2012
The Double Chooz experiment presents an indication of reactor electron antineutrino disappearance... more The Double Chooz experiment presents an indication of reactor electron antineutrino disappearance consistent with neutrino oscillations. An observed-to-predicted ratio of events of 0.944±0.016(stat)±0.040(syst) was obtained in 101 days of running at the Chooz nuclear power plant in France, with two 4.25 GW(th) reactors. The results were obtained from a single 10 m(3) fiducial volume detector located 1050 m from the two reactor cores. The reactor antineutrino flux prediction used the Bugey4 flux measurement after correction for differences in core composition. The deficit can be interpreted as an indication of a nonzero value of the still unmeasured neutrino mixing parameter sin(2)2θ(13). Analyzing both the rate of the prompt positrons and their energy spectrum, we find sin(2)2θ(13)=0.086±0.041(stat)±0.030(syst), or, at 90% C.L., 0.017&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;sin(2)2θ(13)&amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;amp;lt;0.16.
Papers by J. Reichenbacher