Journal of Academic Ethics, 2012
El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las aportaciones que los avances en neuroética tienen en... more El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las aportaciones que los avances en neuroética tienen en la toma de decisiones empresariales. Empezaremos por cuestionar el paradigma dominante de la toma de decisiones empresariales desde el análisis crítico de los presupuestos epistemológicos de la teoría económica liberal, así como desde las perspectivas de las ciencias cognitivas y sus aportaciones al análisis del comportamiento humano. Continuaremos presentando dos grandes modelos de toma de decisiones éticas que se basan en la creación de sentido intuitivo y que tienen sus fundamentos en los avances de las neurociencias. Concluiremos con breves observaciones críticas.

We present a conceptual overview around Wellbeing (WB) and some reflections about the necessity a... more We present a conceptual overview around Wellbeing (WB) and some reflections about the necessity and difficulty of measure it. We start by analyzing the WB concept from the different axis, components, and dimensions (that form part of it. Also, we include and present different theories and conceptions that have been evolving through history, from Hedonism and Eudaimonic to modern psychological WB, Self-Determination Theory, Objective list, or Desires Theories to Authentic Happiness. Based on this revision, we are going to analyzing critically some of the most influential measure indicators of WB proposed during last two decades. Two are the main conclusions of our work: one is that indicators proposed lacks of integration of multiple WB dimensions that can offer a precise idea of the multidimensionality of the concept; second, an accurate, integrate and rigorous WB concept and measurement is an essential condition for effective and fair public policy. Kywords: Quality of life; Health Psychology; Wellbeing; Happiness Resumen Se presenta una revisión conceptual del concepto de Bienestar haciendo énfasis en la necesidad y complejidad de medirse. Tras analizar el concepto desde distintos ejes, componentes y dimensiones que forman parte del mismo. También se incluyen las diferentes teorías y concepciones relacionadas con el Bienestar, desde el Hedonismo y Eudaimonico hasta las teorías más modernas
The aim of this chapter is to propose strategies for improving ethical decision-making in organiz... more The aim of this chapter is to propose strategies for improving ethical decision-making in organizations by taking into consideration the contributions of neuroethics research. Our hypothesis is that results from research in neuroscience and cognitive science offer new insight and perspectives on ethical decision-making in organizations.
Journal of Responsible Innovation, 2020
Journal of Business Ethics, 2016
Business Challenging Business Ethics: New Instruments for Coping with Diversity in International Business, 2000
This article introduces the important issue of communicating with small firms about ethical issue... more This article introduces the important issue of communicating with small firms about ethical issues. Evidence from two research projects from the U.K. and Spain are used to indicate some of the important issues and how small firms may differ from large firms in this area. The importance of informal mechanisms such as the influence of friends, family and employees are highlighted, and the likely ineffectiveness of formal tools such as Codes and Social and Ethical Standards suggested. Further resarch in the area of small firms and ethics is essential.
Journal of Philosophy of Education, 2012

Pensamiento. Revista de Investigación e Información Filosófica, 2017
RESUMEN: El ámbito de la economía y los negocios ha sido tradicionalmente un ámbito dominado por ... more RESUMEN: El ámbito de la economía y los negocios ha sido tradicionalmente un ámbito dominado por una concepción de racionalidad calculadora, estratégica y maximizadora del beneficio individual. Ese modelo de racionalidad tiene importantes limitaciones teóricas y graves consecuencias prácticas. En las últimas décadas los resultados de las investigaciones neuroéticas parecen abrir nuevas vías en la comprensión de la racionalidad práctica. Estas nuevas vías, que suponen una revalorización de la dimensión emocional e intuitiva en la capacidad cognitiva, tienen gran relevancia para la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de los negocios y las organizaciones. El objetivo de este artículo es analizar las implicaciones de un concepto de racionalidad práctica dialógica-cordial para la toma de decisiones en el ámbito de la economía y los negocios. Nuestro trabajo propone una versión de la racionalidad práctica dialógica-cordial que, integrando los avances de la neuroética en la perspectiva de la racionalidad discursiva, supere la racionalidad estratégica calculadora y el intuicionismo emotivista. PALABRAS CLAVE: racionalidad práctica, neuroética, toma de decisiones, ética discursiva, responsabilidad, neuroeconomía. Neuroethics transformation of economic rationality: implications for decision making in business ABSTRACT: The economy and business field has traditionally been dominated by a conception of calculator, strategic and profit-maximizing individual rationality. This model of rationality has important theoretical limitations and practical consequences. In recent decades the results of neuroethics´ research seems open new ways for understanding the practical rationality. These new routes, representing a revaluation of emotional and intuitive dimension in cognitive ability and have great relevance for business and economic decision making. The aim of this paper is to analyse the implications of a rational dialogic-friendly (cor-cordis) concept for economic and business decision-making. Our work proposes a version of the dialogic-friendly practical rationality that integrate advances in neuroethics with the discursive rationality perspective in order to overcome the strategic rationality and emotivist intuitionism.

In the last decade, the term Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has rapidly attracted the ... more In the last decade, the term Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) has rapidly attracted the attention of policy-makers and researchers of Europe, mainly due to its promotion by the European Commission (EC). The concretion of this framework of RRI has been articulated by the EC around six key areas: governance, public engagement, gender equality, science education, open access, and open science and ethics. The indicators to measure these dimensions have been proposed recently. In our opinion the set of indicators available so far has two weaknesses: a lack of context-based indicators and a need for hierarchical ordering. Our aim is to provide tools for policy-and decision-makers that might need to identify the more important indicators in a specific context. In this work, we explored how the multicriteria analysis technique Analytical Hierarchical Process (AHP) can be used to prioritize indicators for RRI by involving experts in the specific context. The AHP method allowed weighting indicators according to experts in the different areas and producing four different options to select indicators. The method of AHP can be an appropriated instrument to select the most suitable indicators for RRI policies and initiatives.

This paper presents a study on the development of the cross-curricular learning outcome (CCLO) &q... more This paper presents a study on the development of the cross-curricular learning outcome (CCLO) "Ethical, environmental and professional responsibility" by the students of different Bache-lor’sDegrees taught at Universitat Politècnica de València. The work and development of this learning outcome entails great complexity, given the double dimension of responsibility that it involves. At the end of their training at the university, students are expected to show ethical, en-vironmental, and professional responsibility towards themselves and others. Interviews have been conducted with lecturers who work and assess this outcome in their subjects, most/all of them related to science and engineering. The objective was to identify the learning approach used at the different subjects to guarantee the acquisition of this CCLO by the students. A focus group has also been carried out with students to determine the importance they give to this learning outcome, and to know their degree...
Líneas de investigación: Responsabilidad Social empresarial, formación para la gestión responsabl... more Líneas de investigación: Responsabilidad Social empresarial, formación para la gestión responsable, y ética del desarrollo. Publicaciones recientes: «¿Qué es la ética de la empresa?» (edit. Proteus, 2011). «Educating responsible managers. The role of University Ethos» (

The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines engineering as: “The profesional art of applying science f... more The Encyclopaedia Britannica defines engineering as: “The profesional art of applying science for the optimum conversion of natural resources for mankind.” If we accept this definition we can see that the enphasis is on scientific knowledge and knowing how to apply it. Engineering is a science, which according to Ortega [23], on the basis of scientific knowledge imposes reforms on nature to adapt it for the well being of humanity. In our opinion this means that following the maxim “knowledge is obligation”, the knowledge and power of the engineer must be matched by their sense of responsibility and because of this a consciousness of ethical responsability is intrinsic to the development of an authentic practising profesional in engineering. The fundamental objective of this presentation is to promote arguments in favour of the development and introduction of ethics in technical studies in universities. We will start with a short presentation of the changes in the social context th...

Ciencia, Técnica y Mainstreaming Social
Vivimos en una sociedad conectada, donde el uso de Internet ha crecido considerablemente en los ú... more Vivimos en una sociedad conectada, donde el uso de Internet ha crecido considerablemente en los últimos años, y se espera siga creciendo aún más a lo largo y ancho del mundo. Como consecuencia, está cambiando el modo en el que las personas nos relacionamos con los demás, pero también con nosotros mismos, e incluso nuestra propia percepción de nuestra propia identidad y bienestar.El presente trabajo pretende analizar la influencia de determinados aspectos sociodemográficos en el uso de internet y su impacto en la percepción del bienestar de las personas.Así, tomando los datos de la European Social Survey se ha analizado la relación entre el uso de internet y la percepción de bienestar- medida a través de autoevaluaciones de nivel de felicidad y satisfacción con la vida de las personas incluidas en la encuesta. Además, factores sociodemográficos tales como edad, género, nivel de ingresos o país también han sido evaluados. Tras aplicar distintos análisis estadísticos los resultados con...

Quaderns de Psicologia
We present a conceptual overview around Wellbeing (WB) and some reflections about the necessity a... more We present a conceptual overview around Wellbeing (WB) and some reflections about the necessity and difficulty of measure it. We start by analyzing the WB concept from the different axis, components, and dimensions (that form part of it. Also, we include and present different theories and conceptions that have been evolving through history, from Hedonism and Eudaimonic to modern psychological WB, Self-Determination Theory, Objective list, or Desires Theories to Authentic Happiness. Based on this revision, we are going to analyzing critically some of the most influential measure indicators of WB proposed during last two decades. Two are the main conclusions of our work: one is that indicators proposed lacks of integration of multiple WB dimensions that can offer a precise idea of the multidimensionality of the concept; second, an accurate, integrate and rigorous WB concept and measurement is an essential condition for effective and fair public policy. Kywords: Quality of life; Health Psychology; Wellbeing; Happiness Resumen Se presenta una revisión conceptual del concepto de Bienestar haciendo énfasis en la necesidad y complejidad de medirse. Tras analizar el concepto desde distintos ejes, componentes y dimensiones que forman parte del mismo. También se incluyen las diferentes teorías y concepciones relacionadas con el Bienestar, desde el Hedonismo y Eudaimonico hasta las teorías más modernas

Res Publica, Aug 1, 2009
Traditionally, liberals have confined religion to the sphere of the 'private' or 'non-political'.... more Traditionally, liberals have confined religion to the sphere of the 'private' or 'non-political'. However, recent debates over the place of religious symbols in public spaces, state financing of faith schools, and tax relief for religious organisations suggest that this distinction is not particularly useful in easing the tension between liberal commitments to equality on the one hand, and freedom of religion on the other. This article deals with one aspect of this debate, which concerns whether members of religious communities should receive exemptions from regulations that place a distinctively heavy burden on them. Drawing on Habermas' understanding of churches as 'communities of interpretation', we explore possible alternatives to both the 'rule-and-exemption' approach and the 'neutralist' approach. Our proposal rests on the idea of mutual learning between secular and religious perspectives. On this interpretation, what is required is (i) the generation and maintenance of public spaces in which there could be discussion and dialogue about particular cases, and (ii) evaluation of whether the basic conditions of moral discourse are present in these spaces. Thus deliberation becomes a touchstone for the building of a shared democratic ethos.

J Bus Ethics, 2002
Multinational enterprises have continued their increase during the last decades. What these compa... more Multinational enterprises have continued their increase during the last decades. What these companies do and how they do, determines not only the economic development of countries, but also their social and cultural development. This enormous power implies responsibility and new challenges. If we also take into account the role of multinational enterprises in what has been called sustainable development, we see that their importance is still more decisive. In order to guide the performances of multinational enterprises that operate in developing countries, several supranational organizations like the ILO, the OECD, the EU and the UN have elaborated some recommendations to unify criteria and to set out some minimum standards to favor an integral development of these countries. In this document we present three of those with the greatest impact and we analyze them from the approach of an ethical sustainable human development.
J Bus Ethics, 2000
We believe that this code could be very important and useful for guiding future trends in compani... more We believe that this code could be very important and useful for guiding future trends in companies' governing bodies, but we think that these weaknesses in its approach represent a lack of ethical sensibility and that it does not match the moral level of a modern society.

At the World Economic Forum meeting in year 2000 in Davos the economic challenges for the next mi... more At the World Economic Forum meeting in year 2000 in Davos the economic challenges for the next millennium were presented and analysed. The role of the Internet and communications in the development of the global economy were the central theme of the meeting and the evident inefficiency of traditional control mechanisms was highlighted. This situation implies greater responsibility for management for two fundamental reasons: first because management are ultimately responsible for the fortunes of their organizations, and second because they have more freedom to act. I believe that the Davos manifesto (1973) of discourse is of incalculable value, but we also believe that it has a series of important weaknesses from the ethical point of view. My proposal is for a transformational review centred on the ethics of discourse and using as a starting point a conviction of the important role of the manager in the development of ethics in organizations. In this article I intend to examine the need, and the opportunity, to develop an ethical code for professional managers based on discourse ethics.