Papers by Jennifer Lockman
College Student Adjustment and Coping
OMEGA - Journal of Death and Dying, 2015
College Student Suicidal Ideation: Perceived Burdensomeness, Thwarted Belongingness, and Meaning Made of Stress
Death Studies, 2015
International and Domestic Students, Perceived Burdensomeness, Belongingness, and Suicidal Ideation
Suicide and Life-Threatening Behavior, 2015
Suicide is the second leading cause of death for traditional-age college students, and the interp... more Suicide is the second leading cause of death for traditional-age college students, and the interpersonal theory of suicide (ITS; Joiner, 2005) provides a cogent framework for predicting which students may be at highest risk. However, little is known about how constructs of ITS operate in cross-cultural contexts. Findings, based on a sample of international and domestic undergraduate students (N = 254), indicated that the ITS construct of perceived burdensomeness was positively associated with suicidal ideation (SI) for both groups. However, campus belongingness emerged as connected with SI for international students, whereas family belongingness emerged as connected with SI for domestic students.
Negative Events Vignettes
PsycTESTS Dataset, 2015
Preliminary Belief Questions
PsycTESTS Dataset, 2000
Clinical Symptoms as a Function of Client Personality in College Students: Incorporating the Five-Factor Model of Personality
Journal of College Counseling, 2013
ABSTRACT In this study, the relationship between personality characteristics and presenting clini... more ABSTRACT In this study, the relationship between personality characteristics and presenting clinical symptoms of individuals at a college counseling center was examined. Analysis of assessments of personality (Costa & McCrae, 1992) and mental health symptoms (Farrell & McCullough, 1989) suggests that the personality characteristics of individuals presenting for assistance at a college counseling center systematically vary from those of a general college population. Furthermore, differing patterns of client personality characteristics were related to various symptom categories.
College Student Adjustment and Coping for Bereaved and Nonbereaved College Students
PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2000

Putting program evaluation to work: a framework for creating actionable knowledge for suicide prevention practice
Translational Behavioral Medicine, 2012
The economic and human cost of suicidal behavior to individuals, families, communities, and socie... more The economic and human cost of suicidal behavior to individuals, families, communities, and society makes suicide a serious public health concern, both in the US and around the world. As research and evaluation continue to identify strategies that have the potential to reduce or ultimately prevent suicidal behavior, the need for translating these findings into practice grows. The development of actionable knowledge is an emerging process for translating important research and evaluation findings into action to benefit practice settings. In an effort to apply evaluation findings to strengthen suicide prevention practice, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) supported the development of three actionable knowledge products that make key findings and lessons learned from youth suicide prevention program evaluations accessible and useable for action. This paper describes the actionable knowledge framework (adapted from the knowledge transfer literature), the three products that resulted, and recommendations for further research into this emerging method for translating research and evaluation findings and bridging the knowledge-action gap.
Belongingness, perceived burdensomeness, and suicidal ideation in domestic and international students
PsycEXTRA Dataset, 2000

2011 IEEE First International Conference on Healthcare Informatics, Imaging and Systems Biology, 2011
The CDOI outcome measurea patient-reported outcome (PRO) instrument utilizing direct client feedb... more The CDOI outcome measurea patient-reported outcome (PRO) instrument utilizing direct client feedbackwas implemented in a large, real-world behavioral healthcare setting in order to evaluate previous findings from smaller controlled studies. PROs provide an alternative window into treatment effectiveness based on client perception and facilitate detection of problems/symptoms for which there is no discernible measure (e.g. pain). The principal focus of the study was to evaluate the utility of the CDOI for predictive modeling of outcomes in a live clinical setting. Implementation factors were also addressed within the framework of the Theory of Planned Behavior by linking adoption rates to implementation practices and clinician perceptions. The results showed that the CDOI does contain significant capacity to predict outcome delta over time based on baseline and early change scores in a large, real-world clinical setting, as suggested in previous research. The implementation analysis revealed a number of critical factors affecting successful implementation and adoption of the CDOI outcome measure, though there was a notable disconnect between clinician intentions and actual behavior.
Psychology of Religion and Spirituality, 2014

The Astrophysical Journal, 2001
New 21 cm H I observations have revealed a giant H I cloud in the Galactic plane that has unusual... more New 21 cm H I observations have revealed a giant H I cloud in the Galactic plane that has unusual properties. It is quite well defined, about 150 pc in diameter at a distance of 5 kpc, and contains as much as 10 5 M ⊙ of atomic hydrogen. The outer parts of the cloud appear in H I emission above the H I background, while the central regions show H I self-absorption. Models which reproduce the observations have a core with a temperature 40 K and an outer envelope as much as an order of magnitude hotter. The cold core is elongated along the Galactic plane, whereas the overall outline of the cloud is approximately spherical. The warm and cold parts of the H I cloud have a similar, and relatively large, line width ∼ 7 km s −1 . The cloud core is a source of weak, anomalouslyexcited 1720 MHz OH emission, also with a relatively large line width, which delineates the region of H I self-absorption but is slightly blue-shifted in velocity. The intensity of the 1720 MHz OH emission is correlated with N H derived from models of the cold core. There is 12 CO emission associated with the cloud core. Most of the cloud mass is in molecules, and the total mass is > 2 × 10 5 M ⊙ . In the cold core the H I mass fraction may be ∼ 10%. The cloud has only a few sites of current star formation. There may be ∼ 100 more objects like this in the inner Galaxy; every line of sight through the Galactic plane within 50 • of the Galactic center probably intersects at least one. We suggest that G28.17+0.05 is a cloud being observed as it enters a spiral arm and that it is in the transition from the atomic to the molecular state.

A Test of the Tripartite Model of Career Indecision of Brown and Krane for African Americans Incorporating Emotional Intelligence and Positive Affect
Journal of Career Assessment, 2010
ABSTRACT Brown and Krane have posited a tripartite model of career indecision, which includes thr... more ABSTRACT Brown and Krane have posited a tripartite model of career indecision, which includes three higher order factors: negative affect, poor vocational identity development, and lack of career information. The purpose of this study was to examine the adequacy of their tripartite model of career indecision for African American students, considering that the samples used in the meta-analysis of Brown and Krane were predominantly Caucasian. With regard to recent research suggesting the importance of emotional intelligence for career development, this study also examined the presence and degree of relationship among positive affect, emotional intelligence, and the three factors in the model of Brown and Krane. A total of 171 participants from a Historically Black University completed a packet of career diagnostic assessments that included a measure of emotional intelligence. Factor analysis suggested that five factors (career self-efficacy, career-related emotional maturity, information needs, vocational identity development, and career decisional status) could be extracted to represent the constructs related to career decision making for African American students. Implications for career counseling are discussed with regard to viewing positive affect and emotional intelligence as an integral factor in the career decision-making process.
Papers by Jennifer Lockman